#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; # v1.1.0 20161022 RWR # use library sysinfoconf.pm for loading, editing and displaying config # # v1.2.0 20190108 RWR # added UUID # # v1.3.0 20191107 RWR # changed the screen to allow the user to see most of the values and decide what to edit # then write the results. # also, parameters are passed that allow the import of a file in old conf format # # v1.3.1 20191112 RWR # Fixed showEntry() to set value to empty string if it is null use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; our $VERSION = '1.3.1'; # find our location and use it for searching for libraries BEGIN { use FindBin; use File::Spec; use lib File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin); } use Cwd qw(abs_path); use sysinfoconf; # a library of shared routines with install.pl our %displayOrder; $binDir = abs_path(File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin) ); my $config; sub findSendEmail { my $currentLocation = shift; my @possibles = ( '/usr/local/opt/sendEmail/sendEmail', '/usr/local/opt/sendEmail/sendEmail.pl', '/opt/sendEmail/sendEmail', '/opt/sendEmail/sendEmail.pl' ); return $currentLocation if ( $currentLocation && -x $currentLocation ); # well, we didn't find it, so look around some more # Look through the possibles foreach my $current ( @possibles ) { return $current if -x $current; } if ( &yesno( "You are asking for sendEmail, but I don't see it on the system\nWould you like me to automatically download and install" ) ) { my $path = `perl getSendEmail.pl`; chomp $path; return $path; } return ''; } sub userConfirmation { my $config = shift; } sub setUpTransport { my ($priority, $transport, $fields, $type ) = @_; $priority = getAnswer( 'Priority', $priority ); $$transport{'sendScript'} = $$fields{'sendScript'} unless $$transport{'sendScript'}; $$transport{'name'} = $type unless $$transport{'name'}; my $allKeys = $$fields{'keys'}; foreach my $key ( @$allKeys ) { if ( $key eq 'sendEmailScriptLocation' && ! -e $$transport{$key} ) { my $temp = &findSendEmail( $$transport{$key} ); $$transport{$key} = $temp if $temp; } $$transport{$key} = &getAnswer( "$key ", $$transport{$key} ? $$transport{$key} : '' ); } return ( $priority, $transport ); } sub showAllTransports { foreach my $priority ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$transports ) { print '='x40 . "\n"; &showTransports( $priority, $$transports{ $priority } ); print '='x40 . "\n"; } } sub showTransports { my ( $priority,$thisOne ) = @_; print $$thisOne{'name'} . " has priority $priority\n"; foreach my $key ( sort keys %$thisOne ) { next if $key =~ m/^-.*-$/; print "$key = $$thisOne{$key}\n"; } } sub doTransports { my ( $transports ) = @_; foreach my $priority ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$transports ) { if ( &yesno( $$transports{$priority}{'name'} . " has a priority of $priority, edit it?") ) { #print Dumper( $sendTypes{$$transports{$priority}{'name'}} ); #die; my ( $newpriority,$temp ) = &setUpTransport( $priority, $$transports{$priority}, $sendTypes{$$transports{$priority}{'name'}} ); if ( $newpriority != $priority ) { delete $$transports{$priority}; $priority = $newpriority; } $$transports{$priority} = $temp; } # if } foreach my $priority ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$transports ) { print '='x40 . "\n"; &showTransports( $priority, $$transports{ $priority } ); print '='x40 . "\n"; } while ( &yesno( "Would you like to add any other transport mechanisms?" ) ) { my $newType = &getAnswer( 'Type of Transport? ', keys %sendTypes ); my ( $priority,$temp ) = &setUpTransport( 99, {}, $sendTypes{$newType}, $newType ); $$transports{$priority} = $temp; } foreach my $priority ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$transports ) { print '='x40 . "\n"; &showTransports( $priority, $$transports{ $priority } ); print '='x40 . "\n"; } } sub showEntry { my ( $lineno, $prompt, $value ) = @_; $value = '' unless $value; my $valueType = ref( $value ); if ( $valueType eq 'ARRAY' ) { $value = join( ', ', @$value ); } elsif ( $valueType eq 'HASH' ) { $value = ( scalar keys %$value ) . " Entries"; } return "$lineno. $prompt: $value\n"; } sub displayEditScreen { my $config = shift; # print "\033[2J"; #clear the screen # print "\033[0;0H"; #jump to 0,0 foreach my $entry ( sort keys %displayOrder ) { print &showEntry( $entry, $displayOrder{$entry}{'display'}, $config->{$displayOrder{$entry}{'fieldname'}} ); } print "\nSelect Option to Edit, or 'Done' if finished [Done]: "; my $selection = <>; chomp $selection; $selection = 'd' unless $selection; return lc substr( $selection, 0, 1 ); } sub getValue { my ( $prompt, $value ) = @_; $value = '' unless $value; print "$prompt [$value]: "; my $t = <>; chomp $t; return $t ? $t : $value; } sub editSelection { my $entry = shift; my $type = ref( $config->{$displayOrder{$entry}{'fieldname'}} ); print "Type is $type\n"; if ( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) { print "Don't know how to edit arrays yet\n"; } elsif ( $type eq 'HASH' ) { print "Don't know how to edit transports yet\n"; } else { # it is a scalar $config->{$displayOrder{$entry}{'fieldname'}} = &getValue( $displayOrder{$entry}{'display'}, $config->{$displayOrder{$entry}{'fieldname'}} ); } } # will validate the config, adding modules, scripts and transports if necessary sub testConfig { my $config = shift; my @return; push @return, 'No client name given' unless $config->{'clientName'}; push @return, 'No host name given' unless $config->{'hostname'}; $config->{'serialNumber'} = $config->{'UUID'} if $config->{'serialNumber'} eq 'NotSpecified'; push @return, 'No serial number given' unless $config->{'serialNumber'}; push @return, 'No UUID given' unless $config->{'UUID'}; # if scriptDirs not defined, use installdir/scripts $config->{'scriptDirs'} = [ $binDir . '/scripts' ] unless @{$config->{'scriptDirs'}}; # if moduleDirs not defined, use installdir/modules $config->{'moduleDirs'} = [ $binDir . '/modules' ] unless defined $config->{'moduleDirs'}; # ensure we have the default SaveLocal transport defined unless ( defined $config->{'transports'}{'99'} ) { $config->{'transports'}{'99'} = { 'name'=> 'SaveLocal', 'output directory' => '/tmp', 'sendScript' => 'save_local' }; } return @return ? join ( "\n", @return ) . "\n" : 'Ok'; } sub help { print "$0 version $VERSION\n"; print "Reads one or more sysinfo configuration file and\nallows user to edit the values\n\n"; print "$0 --verbose --file=/full/path/to/input -output=/full/path/to/sysinfo-client.yaml\n"; print " --verbose - may be entered more than one time to increase verbosity\n"; print " --file - may be entered multiple times and may contain a comma delimited group of files\n"; print " --output - file which will be written to\n\n"; print " --test - test the config file and report errors\n"; print " --dryrun - do not save result\n"; print " --quiet - do not ask any questions, automatically check, repair and write to output\n"; print " --help - display this help screen\n\n"; print "All parameters are optional\n"; print "Will search common locations for sysinfo-client.yaml and, if found, append this to the end\n"; print "of the input file list.\n"; print "If no --output is passed, will write to the last --file passed or the file which was found\n"; print "in the search\n"; print "All parameters accept the short flag, ie -v, -f, -o and -h\n"; exit; } my $confFileName; my $outputFile; my $verbose; my $help; my $version; my $test = 0; my $dryRun = 0; my $quiet = 0; # handle any command line parameters that may have been passed in # verbose is incremental, so for example, -vv would give more info than -v # there can be multiple files passed, and an entry can have a comma # separated list. The files will be processed in order, with the last # one passed in being the one that overrides everything. GetOptions ( "verbose|v+" => \$verbose, # verbosity level, 0-9 'file|f=s' => \$confFileName, # file name to use 'output|o=s' => \$outputFile, # file to save to 'test|t' => \$test, # test the config file 'dryrun|n' => \$dryRun, # do not save result 'quiet|q' => \$quiet, # do not ask any questions 'help|h' => \$help ) or die "Error parsing command line\n"; if ( $help ) { &help() ; exit; } # look for the standard configuration file in the standard place unless ( $confFileName ) { ( $confDir, $sysinfo3 ) = &findConf( $sysinfo3 ); $outputFile = $confDir . '/' . $sysinfo3 unless $outputFile; $confFileName = $confDir . "/" . $sysinfo3 if ( $confDir ); } print "Loading defaults from existing config\n"; $config = &makeConfig( $outputFile, $confFileName ); my $selection; while ( ! $quiet && ( $selection = &displayEditScreen( $config ) ) ne 'd' ) { &editSelection( $selection ); } #die Dumper($config) . "\n"; my $testResults = &testConfig($config); print "Error found in configuration file, manually run\n$0\n" if ( $testResults ne 'Ok' ); print $testResults if $test || $testResults ne 'Ok'; if ( $quiet || &yesno( "Ready to write configuration to $outputFile, ok?" ) ) { print "Config File written to $outputFile\n"; &writeConfig( $outputFile, &showConf( $config ) ) unless $dryRun; } #use Data::Dumper; #print Dumper( $config ); die; #&doTransports( $$config{'transports'} ); 1;