There are two pair of classes here. users implements a login class for PHP. usersDataSourceMysqli implements the data access (ie, data back end) usersPermissions extends users by adding logical permissions usersPermissionsDataSourceMysqli extends usersDataSourceMysqli This is a Users Login class for PHP, designed to be a self contained system to handle user login and administration. It is also designed to be programmatically modifiable by the programmer, ie adding new columns is fairly simple. Examples are in the examples directory. UsersTest.php is a basic setup which automatically detects if the table exists and, if not, creates it UsersTestExtended.php is an example of adding a new column to our table, giving the user some limitations on what they can access in our app. UsersInitDB.php creates and initializes the table structure for UsersTestExtended.php as an example of using it in an installer. scripts containing the words Permissions are for the userPermissions class. documentation contains users.class.txt and usersPermissions.class.txt which are the sources from our dokuwiki site documentation also contains the directory phpDocumentor which is phpdoc output documenting the classes involved in HTML format (load the index.html file in your browser).