The following tasks should be performed after any major changes to the
code. They verify the correct functionality.

Do all of the following with the "normal" database, then do the same
after adding a new field.

 1. Delete the table(s)
 2. Have the code create the table(s)
 3. Attempt to log in with incorrect username
 4. Attempt to log in with incorrect password
 5. Log in
 6. Edit your username and password
 7. Log out, then log in with new password
 8. Create a new user who is not an admin
 9. Log out, log in as new user
10. change your password, verify correct fields showing
11. Log out, log in as admin user
12. Create new user with admin privileges
13. Disable user from step 8
14. Log out
15. Attempt login as user from step 13, verify failure
16. Log in as user from step 12
17. Edit default user
18. Log out, log in as default user