#! /usr/bin/env perl # getDriveInfo # # Script to get information on drives for all Unix systems. It will retrieve # manufacturing information, SMART information and, with software RAID or # ZFS file systems, membership. # # Also looks for a file, /etc/drive_bays to determine which physical bay a # drive is installed in (tab separated, first line header's 'bay' and 'serial' # followed by the data). # # generates a tab separated table of all values retrieved # # Copyright (c) 2024, Daily Data, Inc. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF # THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # v0.1 RWR 20240708 # Added ability to read tab separated list of bays and serial numbers # in /etc/drive_bays to populate the physical bay's a drive is in. Format # (\t means "tab"): # bay\tserial # 0\tserial number of drive 0 # 1\tserial number of drive in bay 1 # bay can be any string, so in one case we use 'internal' as the bay number use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my $TESTING = 0; my $driveDefinitions; # hashref is global that everything will put info into my $ignoreDriveTypes = { # a list of fake drive "types" that we just ignore. 'VBOX HARDDISK' => 1, # virtualbox 'CTLDISK' => 1, # iSCSI drive }; # check for commands we want to run, so some of the must be on the # system my $commands = { 'smartctl' => '', 'lsblk' => '', 'geom' => '', 'zpool' => '', 'mdadm' => '', 'glabel' => '', }; # remove leading and trailing spaces from string sub trim { my $value = shift; $value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $value; return $value; } # cleanUp - passed a delimiter and a string, does the following (delimiter can be '') # chomps the string (removes trailing newlines) # removes all text BEFORE the delimiter, the delimiter, and any whitespace # thus, the string 'xxI Am x a weird string' with a newline will become # 'a weird string' with no newline # will also look for single and double quotes surrounding entire string and remove them # if they exist sub cleanUp { my ($delimiter, $text) = @_; chomp $text; if ( $delimiter && $text =~ m/[^$delimiter]*$delimiter\s*(.*)/ ) { $text = $1; } if ( $text =~ m/^'(.*)'$/ ) { $text = $1; } if ( $text =~ m/^"(.*)"$/ ) { $text = $1; } return $text; } # checks if a command is valid on this system. If so, returns the full path to it # else, returns empty string. sub validCommandOnSystem { my $command = shift; $command = `which $command 2> /dev/null`; chomp $command; return -x $command ? $command : ''; } # returns the operation system, all lower case sub getOperatingSystem { return lc &cleanUp('', qx(uname -s)); } # acquires information using lsblk (Linux), if it is available # uses global %driveDefinitions to store the results sub lsblk { eval ( 'use JSON qw( decode_json );' ); if ( $@ ) { warn "Could not load JSON library\n"; return; } my $output; if ( $TESTING ) { $output = `cat lsblk`; } else { $output = qx'lsblk -bdJO 2>/dev/null'; # older versions do not have the O option, so we'll run it without $output = qx'lsblk -bdJ 2>/dev/null' if $?; } my $drives = decode_json( join( '', $output ) ); $drives = $drives->{'blockdevices'}; while ( my $thisDrive = shift @{$drives} ) { if ( $thisDrive->{'type'} eq 'disk' ) { my $key = '/dev/' . $thisDrive->{'name'}; $driveDefinitions->{$key}->{'capacity'} = $thisDrive->{'size'}; $driveDefinitions->{$key}->{'model'} = defined $thisDrive->{'model'} ? $thisDrive->{'model'} : ''; $driveDefinitions->{$key}->{'serial'} = defined( $thisDrive->{'serial'} ) ? $thisDrive->{'serial'} : '' ; $driveDefinitions->{$key}->{'sector'} = ''; } } } # Acquires disk information if it available (FreeBSD) # uses global %driveDefinitions to store the results sub geom { my %disks; my @data = `geom disk list`; my %conversion = ( 'ident' => 'serial', 'descr' => 'model', 'Mediasize' => 'capacity', 'Sectorsize' => 'sector' ); my $currentDisk = ''; for ( my $i = 0; $i < @data; $i++ ) { if ( $data[$i] =~ m/^Geom name:\s+(.*)/ ) { $currentDisk = &fixDisk($1); } elsif ( $data[$i] =~ m/^\s+([^:]+):\s+(.*)/ ) { $driveDefinitions->{$currentDisk}->{$conversion{$1}} = $2 if $conversion{$1}; } } return 1; } # determines what to call to get drive definitions sub getDriveDefinitions { if ( $commands->{'lsblk'} ) { # must be a Linux system &lsblk(); } elsif ( $commands->{'geom'} ) { # FreeBSD &geom(); } else { die "Could not locate lsblk or geom to get list of disks, aborting\n"; } return 1; } # Actual call to smartctl sub getSmartInformationReport { my ($drive, $type) = @_; $type = '' if ( $type =~ m/scsi/ ); my @report = `smartctl -j -a $drive $type`; chomp @report; my %reportHash; for ( my $i = 0; $i < @report; $i++ ) { if ( $report[$i] =~ m/^(.*):(.*)$/ ) { $reportHash{$1} = trim($2); } } return \%reportHash; } # getSmartInformationReport sub getSmartInformation { my ( $drive,$type ) = @_; # my $report = &getSmartInformationReport( $drive, $type ); $type = $type eq 'scsi' ? '' : "-t $type"; my $report = &getJson( "smartctl -j $type -a $drive" ); #print Dumper( $report ); die; # this is what we look for in the smart report $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'make'} = defined( $report->{'model_name'} ) ? $report->{'model_name'} : ''; $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'model'} = defined( $report->{'model_family'} ) ? $report->{'model_family'} : ''; $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'serial'} = defined( $report->{'serial_number'} ) ? $report->{'serial_number'} : ''; $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'capacity'} = defined( $report->{'user_capacity'}->{'bytes'} ) ? $report->{'user_capacity'}->{'bytes'} : ''; $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'sector'} = defined( $report->{'logical_block_size'} ) ? $report->{'logical_block_size'} : ''; $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'rotation'} = defined( $report->{'rotation_rate'} ) ? $report->{'rotation_rate'} : ''; $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'reboots'} = defined( $report->{'power_cycle_count'} ) ? $report->{'power_cycle_count'} : ''; $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'temperature'} = defined( $report->{'temperature'}->{'current'} ) ? $report->{'temperature'}->{'current'} : ''; $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'form_factor'} = defined( $report->{'form_factor'}->{'name'} ) ? $report->{'form_factor'}->{'name'} : ''; $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'power_on_hours'} = defined( $report->{'power_on_time'}->{'hours'} ) ? $report->{'power_on_time'}->{'hours'} : ''; my $toCheck = { '241' => 'lba_write', '233' => 'wearout', '9' => 'hours_on', '12' => 'power_cycle' }; # make sure there are (blank) entries for everything foreach my $this ( keys %$toCheck ) { $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{$toCheck->{$this}} = ''; } # Now, fill in when we can find it foreach my $entry ( @{$report->{'ata_smart_attributes'}->{'table'}} ) { if ( defined( $toCheck->{$entry->{'id'}} ) ) { $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{$toCheck->{$entry->{'id'}} . '_raw' } = $entry->{'raw'}->{'value'}; $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{$toCheck->{$entry->{'id'}} } = $entry->{'value'}; } } return 1; my %keys = ( 'Rotation Rate' => { 'tag' => 'rotation', 'regex' => '(.*)' }, ); foreach my $key ( keys %keys ) { if ( defined( $report->{$key} ) && $report->{$key} =~ m/$keys{$key}->{'regex'}/ ) { $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{$keys{$key}->{'tag'}} = $1; } } return 1; } # reads a JSON command and decodes it sub getJson { my $command = shift; eval ( 'use JSON qw( decode_json );' ); if ( $@ ) { warn "Could not load JSON library when processing [$command]\n"; return; } my $output = qx/$command/; return decode_json( join( '', $output ) ); } sub getSmart { # by running scan, we get the type of drive which we are looking at #my %allDrives = map { $_ =~ '(^[a-z0-9/]+)\s+(.*)\#'; ($1,$2) } `smartctl --scan`; my $drives = getJson( 'smartctl -j --scan' ); $drives = $drives->{'devices'}; my %allDrives; foreach my $thisDrive ( @$drives ) { $allDrives{$thisDrive->{'name'} } = $thisDrive->{'type'} if $thisDrive->{'type'} ne 'atacam'; } # Add smart information to the definitions, foreach my $thisDrive ( sort keys %allDrives ) { $driveDefinitions->{$thisDrive}->{'type'} = $allDrives{$thisDrive}; &getSmartInformation( $thisDrive, $driveDefinitions->{$thisDrive}->{'type'} ); $driveDefinitions->{$thisDrive}->{'capacity'} =~ s/,//g; } return 1; } sub mdadm { my @mdstat; if ( $TESTING ) { @mdstat = `cat mdstat`; } else { @mdstat = `cat /proc/mdstat`; } for ( my $line = 0; $line < @mdstat; $line++ ) { if ( $mdstat[$line] =~ m/^(md\d+)[\s:]+active (raid\d+)\s(.*)$/ ) { # this is the definition of an MD my $md = $1; my $raidLevel = $2; my @drives = split( /\s/, $3 ); foreach my $currentDisk ( @drives ) { $currentDisk =~ m/^([a-z]+)(\d?)\[(\d+)\]/; my $disk = &fixDisk( $1 ); my $component = $3; $driveDefinitions->{$disk}->{'vdev_type'} = $raidLevel; $driveDefinitions->{$disk}->{'pool'} = $md; $driveDefinitions->{$disk}->{'component'} = $3; } } # if it is a RAID member } # for $line return 1; } # some BSD systems will have partitions labeled before they # are put into a zfs file system. This will build a translation # for them # returns 'label' => 'device' # 'gptid/c73b7eae-f242-11ed-b0df-ecf4bbdad680' => 'da0p1' sub glabel { my $labels; my @drives = `glabel status -s`; for ( my $i = 0; $i < @drives; $i++ ) { my @fields = split( /\s+/, $drives[$i] ); $labels->{$fields[0]} = '/dev/' . $fields[2]; } return $labels; } # ensure /dev/ in front of disk name sub fixDisk { my $disk = shift; my $partition = ''; if ( $disk =~ m|^(/dev/)?([a-z]{2}\d+)p(\d+)$| ) { # BSD style $disk = "/dev/$2"; $partition = $3; } elsif ( $disk =~ m|^(/dev/)?([a-z]{3})(\d+)$| ) { # linux style $disk = "/dev/$2"; $partition = $3; } $disk = '/dev/' . $disk unless $disk =~ m/\/dev\//; return $disk } sub zfs { # grab a list of all pools and associated drives my @zpool = `zpool status`; # grab label to drive information my $labels = &glabel(); my $i=0; while ( $i < @zpool ) { # bypass everything up to the pool: flag while ( $i < @zpool && $zpool[$i] !~ m/^\s*pool:\s*(\S+)/ ) { $i++; } last unless $i < @zpool; $zpool[$i] =~ m/^\s*pool:\s*(\S+)/; my $currentPool = $1; # bypass everything up to the headers while ( $i < @zpool && $zpool[$i] !~ m/^(\s+)NAME\s+STATE/ ) { $i++; } $zpool[$i] =~ m/^(\s+)NAME\s+STATE/; # the number of spaces preceding NAME is the number of spaces preceding the pool name my $poolNameIndent = $1; $i++; # The final loop will go through all the items which are in the pool configurations # and parse them out. my $currentComponent = ''; my $poolType = ''; my $poolTypeIndent = ''; my $poolDeviceIndent = ''; while ( $zpool[$i] =~ m/^$poolNameIndent(.*)/ ) { my $line = $1; if ( $line =~ m/^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/ ) { # this is a pool name $currentComponent = $1; } elsif ( ! $poolTypeIndent && $line =~ m/^(\s+)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/ ) { $poolTypeIndent = $1; $poolType = $2; } elsif ( $line =~ m/^$poolTypeIndent([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/ ) { $poolType = $1; } elsif ( ! $poolDeviceIndent && $line =~ m/^(\s+)([a-zA-Z0-9_\/-]+)/ ) { my $disk = &fixDisk( $labels->{$2} ? $labels->{$2} : $2 ); $poolDeviceIndent = $1; $driveDefinitions->{$disk}->{'vdev_type'} = $poolType; $driveDefinitions->{$disk}->{'pool'} = $currentPool; $driveDefinitions->{$disk}->{'component'} = $currentComponent; } elsif ( $line =~ m/^$poolDeviceIndent([a-zA-Z0-9_\/-]+)/ ) { my $disk = &fixDisk($labels->{$1} ? $labels->{$1} : $1); $driveDefinitions->{$disk}->{'vdev_type'} = $poolType; $driveDefinitions->{$disk}->{'pool'} = $currentPool; $driveDefinitions->{$disk}->{'component'} = $currentComponent; } $i++; } # while } # while return 1; } sub getUsage { foreach my $drive ( keys %$driveDefinitions ) { $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'vdev_type'} = ''; $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'pool'} = ''; $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'component'} = ''; } if ( $TESTING || $commands->{'mdadm'} ) { mdadm(); } elsif ( $commands->{'zpool'} ) { zfs(); } return 1; } # if /etc/drive_bays exists and is in proper format # include the location of each drive sub getDriveBays { my $driveBays = (); if ( -f '/etc/drive_bays' ) { open DATA, "</etc/drive_bays"; my $line = <DATA>; while ( my $line = <DATA> ) { chomp $line; next unless $line; my ($bay, $serial) = split( "\t", $line ); $driveBays->{$serial} = $bay; } } foreach my $drive ( keys %{$driveDefinitions} ) { $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'bay'} = defined( $driveBays->{$driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'serial'}} ) ? $driveBays->{$driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'serial'}} : ''; } return 1; } sub report { my @headers; my @report; for my $drive ( sort keys %$driveDefinitions ) { my @line; # don't print iSCSI definitions next if defined( $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'Transport protocol'} ) && $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'Transport protocol'} eq 'ISCSI'; #also, blow off our ignored types next if ( defined( $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'Model'} ) && defined( $ignoreDriveTypes->{ $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'Model'} } ) ); # remove comma's from capacity $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'Capacity'} =~ s/,//g if $driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{'Capacity'}; push @line, $drive; unless ( @headers ) { # for some reason, doing this the fast way (with keys) did not work. some of the keys were joined together # so, doing it this way. push @headers, 'drive'; foreach my $header ( sort keys %{$driveDefinitions->{$drive}} ) { $header =~ s/[^a-z0-9_]//gi; push @headers, $header; } #@headers = sort keys %{$driveDefinitions->{$drive}} unless @headers; #unshift @headers,'drive'; } foreach my $key ( sort keys %{$driveDefinitions->{$drive}} ) { push @line,$driveDefinitions->{$drive}->{$key}; } push @report, join( "\t", @line );; } unshift @report,join ("\t",@headers); return join( "\n", @report ) . "\n"; #return Dumper( $driveDefinitions );; } # check the commands for validity foreach my $command ( keys %$commands ) { $commands->{$command} = &validCommandOnSystem( $command ); } my $os = &getOperatingSystem(); # get the drives in the machine with minimal information &getDriveDefinitions( $driveDefinitions ); # figure out what the drives are used for, ie mdadm or zfs or something &getUsage( ); &getSmart(); &getDriveBays(); print &report( $driveDefinitions ); 1;