--- email: # From header on email reports from: root@example.com # who to send report to (one address/alias only) notify: tech@example.com # base subject line on e-mail subject: 'Server Sync Status' localMachine: # root of replication on the local server targetDataset: pool/backup # fully qualiifed path where encryption key should go encryptionKeyPath: /tmp/keyfile # if this file exists, will place us in maintenance mode maintenanceFlag: /tmp/maintenance # how long to wait for maintenance flag to show up waitTime: 300 remoteMachine: # list of datasets to back up from remote machine # key is name of dataset # value is location dataset: files-backup: storage/Backups iscsi-backup: storage/Backups nextcloud-backups: storage/Backups # IP or FQDN of remote machine ip: # where the encryption key is stored on remote machine encryptionKeyPath: /root/keyfilename # location of maintenance flag on remote machine maintenanceFlag: /root/maintenance