Subversion repository provided by Daily Data, Inc
All scripts are open source (generally BSD simplified license).
Most of these are in use at Daily Data, though some are very old
and out of date.
Feel free to download and use with no compensation. If you find
something that needs to be fixed, or if you fix something and
want it added, let us know. For some scripts, attribution
requested, but not required (check license).
Repositories may be downloaded using subversion or git.
Subversion command is
svn export http://svn.dailydata.net/svn/repo name
svn checkout http://svn.dailydata.net/svn/repo name
svn checkout http://svn.dailydata.net/svn/havirt/stable /opt/havirt
Most projects have a README or README.md file.
Powered by websvnphp. Visit websvnphp.github.io for more information
about WebSVN.
Back end is Apache Subversion.
Learn more about Apache Subversion at subversion.apache.org.