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rodolico |
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include_once( 'DBHierarchicalHash.class.php');
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simple extension of DBHierarchicalHash allowing a menu structure to be stored in a database.
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the structure for the database is simple:
8 |
create table menu (
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menu_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
10 |
parent_id int unsigned not null default 0,
11 |
caption varchar(20) not null,
12 |
url varchar(64),
13 |
primary key (menu_id)
14 |
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where caption is the string displayed on the menu, and url is the (possibly null) url
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to be called when the link is clicked by the user. The resulting line is something like:
17 |
<a href="url">caption</a>
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though this can be modified by changing $menuItemString and $menuHeaderString (see below)
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menu_id is a unique identifier for a single row, and parent_id points to the menu that it
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is a submenu of (0 indicates a root menu item)
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Note: I tried to avoid any constants in the class, so column names, menu_id data type, root
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menu indicator are all modifiable
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class DBMenu extends DBHierarchicalHash {
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protected $captionName = 'caption'; // column name for display string in database
29 |
protected $urlName = 'url'; // column name for URL field in database
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// string which is searched/replaced for a menu item that has a URL (<url> and <caption> are replaced)
31 |
protected $menuItemString = '<li class="menu_item_<level>"><a href="<url>"><caption></a></li>';
32 |
// string which is searched/replaced for a menu item that has no URL (<caption> is replaced)
33 |
protected $menuHeaderString = '<li class="menu_header_<level>"><caption></li>';
34 |
// string which is placed around <menublock>, ie this goes around a menu/submenu. <level> can be used to determine
35 |
// which level (zero based) we are in the menu (level = 0 is top menu)
36 |
protected $menuBlockString = '<ul class="menu"><menublock></ul>';
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// simply pass fields on to DBHierarchicalHash so it can load and parse the table
39 |
public function __construct ($tableName = 'menus', $idFieldName = 'id', $parentFieldName = 'parent_id' ) {
40 |
parent::__construct($tableName, $idFieldName, $parentFieldName );
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// simple setter/getter for the caption column name in table
44 |
public function captionColumnName ( $newValue = '' ) {
45 |
if ($newValue) {
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$this->captionName = $newValue;
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return $this->captionName;
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// simple setter/getter for url column name in table
52 |
public function urlColumnName ( $newValue = '' ) {
53 |
if ($newValue) {
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$this->urlName = $newValue;
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return $this->urlName;
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// simple setter/getter for menuItemString for output
60 |
public function menuItemString ( $newValue = '' ) {
61 |
if ($newValue) {
62 |
$this->menuItemString = $newValue;
63 |
64 |
return $this->menuItemString;
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// simple setter/getter for menuHeaderString for output
68 |
public function menuHeaderString ( $newValue = '' ) {
69 |
if ($newValue) {
70 |
$this->menuHeaderString = $newValue;
71 |
72 |
return $this->menuHeaderString;
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// simple setter/getter for menu block string for output
76 |
public function menuBlockString ( $newValue = '' ) {
77 |
if ($newValue) {
78 |
$this->menuBlockString = $newValue;
79 |
80 |
return $this->menuBlockString;
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// just an entry point to displayMenu, with root of inputRecords and level 0
84 |
function DBMenu2String ( $rootDir = '' ) {
85 |
return $this->htmlMenu( $this->inputRecords, 0, $rootDir );
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// function takes a menu level and creates an HTML Menu items from it. If a node has children, will
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// recursively call itself for each child node.
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private function htmlMenu ($menu, $level=0, $rootDir = '' ) {
91 |
$result = '';
92 |
foreach ($menu as $key => $value) { // process each array entry
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if ($value[$this->urlName]) { // this is a link, so it is a live menu option
94 |
$result .= insertValuesIntoQuery( $this->menuItemString, array( 'url' => $rootDir . $value[$this->urlName], 'caption' => $value[$this->captionName], 'level' => $level) );
95 |
} else { // not a link, so just create the text
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$result .= insertValuesIntoQuery( $this->menuHeaderString, array( 'caption' => $value[$this->captionName], 'level' => $level) );
97 |
98 |
if ( isset($value['children'])) { // if it has children, process them
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$result .= $this->htmlMenu($value['children'], $level+1, $rootDir);
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// place the block code around the menu, and return the result
103 |
return insertValuesIntoQuery( $this->menuBlockString, array( 'menublock' => $result, 'level' => $level ) );
104 |
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} // class DBMenu
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/* following block is for testing. comment out for production */
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rodolico |
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$menu = new DBHierarchicalHash ('_menu', '_menu_id');
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print_r( $menu );
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$menu = new DBMenu( 'menu', 'menu_id' );
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print $menu->DBMenu2String();
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print "Menu Structure:\n"; print_r($menu);
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rodolico |
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/* end of block for testing */
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