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SQL information for the root module of CAMP
3 |
Some conventions for these tables:
4 |
tablename_id - Primary key for table
5 |
added_date - Date the record was added
6 |
removed_date - Date record was removed/superceded
7 |
fk id - links into a separate table (ie, foreign key)
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
CREATE TABLE _system (
12 |
_system_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
13 |
group_name varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'used to group keys together',
14 |
key_name varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'key into this value',
15 |
theValue text null COMMENT 'the actual value of this entry',
16 |
added_date datetime not null COMMENT 'date record was added',
17 |
removed_date datetime default NULL COMMENT 'date record was closed',
18 |
PRIMARY KEY (_system_id )
19 |
) COMMENT='Basically a configuration file equivilent to a windows INI ';
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
attrib_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
24 |
name varchar(64) not null unique COMMENT 'the visible displayed name',
25 |
added_date datetime not null COMMENT 'date record was added',
26 |
removed_date datetime default NULL COMMENT 'date record was deleted/supserceded',
27 |
PRIMARY KEY (attrib_id)
28 |
) COMMENT='These are attributes that can be applied to a device';
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
client_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
34 |
name varchar(64) not null COMMENT 'the visible displayed name',
35 |
notes text COMMENT 'world visible notes on the client',
36 |
internal_notes text COMMENT 'These are internal notes visible only to us',
37 |
added_date datetime not null COMMENT 'date record was added',
38 |
removed_date datetime default NULL COMMENT 'date record was deleted/supserceded',
39 |
PRIMARY KEY (client_id)
40 |
) COMMENT='information on a particular client';
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
site_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
45 |
client_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL REFERENCES client(client_id),
46 |
name varchar(64) not null COMMENT 'the visible displayed name',
47 |
notes text COMMENT 'Just a place to record some notes',
48 |
added_date datetime not null COMMENT 'date record was added',
49 |
removed_date datetime default NULL COMMENT 'date record was deleted/supserceded',
50 |
PRIMARY KEY (site_id)
51 |
) COMMENT='information on a site which is tied to a client';
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
device_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
56 |
site_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL REFERENCES site(site_id),
57 |
device_type_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL REFERENCES device_type (device_type_id),
58 |
name varchar(255) not NULL COMMENT 'the visible displayed name',
59 |
notes text COMMENT 'Just a place to record some notes',
60 |
part_of int(10) unsigned default NULL COMMENT 'If this device is a part of a larger device this points to the larger device' REFERENCES device(device_id),
61 |
added_date datetime not null COMMENT 'date record was added',
62 |
removed_date datetime default NULL COMMENT 'date record was deleted/supserceded',
63 |
PRIMARY KEY (device_id)
64 |
) COMMENT='information on an individual device computer router print';
65 |
66 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS device_attrib;
67 |
CREATE TABLE device_attrib (
68 |
device_attrib_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
69 |
device_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL REFERENCES device(device_id),
70 |
attrib_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL REFERENCES attrib(attrib_id),
71 |
value text COMMENT 'The actual value of this attribute.',
72 |
added_date datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'date record was added',
73 |
removed_date datetime default NULL,
74 |
PRIMARY KEY (device_attrib_id)
75 |
) COMMENT='links devices and their attributes together';
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
CREATE TABLE device_type (
80 |
device_type_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
81 |
name varchar(64) not null COMMENT 'the visible displayed name',
82 |
show_as_system char(1) default 'Y',
83 |
added_date datetime not null COMMENT 'date record was added',
84 |
removed_date datetime default NULL COMMENT 'date record was deleted/supserceded',
85 |
PRIMARY KEY (device_type_id)
86 |
) COMMENT='simply a list of device types ie computer printer whatever';
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
login_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
91 |
email varchar(64) not null COMMENT 'email address used as login id',
92 |
pass char(32) default NULL COMMENT 'the encrypted password of the user',
93 |
where_clause text COMMENT 'clause that limits what a user can see',
94 |
added_date datetime not null COMMENT 'date record was added',
95 |
removed_date datetime default NULL COMMENT 'date record was closed',
96 |
PRIMARY KEY (login_id)
97 |
) COMMENT='table for logging into the the maintenance system';
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
menu_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
102 |
parent_id int unsigned null comment 'If this is a submenu the id of the parent' REFERENCES menu(menu_id),
103 |
caption varchar(20) not null comment 'The actual caption displayed',
104 |
url varchar(120) null comment 'the url of the page/script to call or null if this contains sub-options',
105 |
primary key (menu_id)
106 |
) comment 'We keep the entire menu structure here so modules can modify it';
107 |
108 |
drop table if exists report;
109 |
create table report (
110 |
report_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
111 |
name varchar(64) not null comment 'Display Name of Report',
112 |
query text not null comment 'Query to be executed',
113 |
parameters text comment 'All parameters used in above',
114 |
screen_report int unsigned default null comment 'Each screen can be assigned a bit and this will show up on a screen',
115 |
primary key (report_id)
116 |
) comment 'holds definition for report';
117 |
118 |
/* create some keys */
119 |
alter table attrib add index (name);
120 |
alter table attrib add index (added_date,removed_date);
121 |
122 |
alter table device add index (added_date,removed_date);
123 |
alter table device add index (part_of);
124 |
alter table device add index (removed_date);
125 |
alter table device add index (site_id);
126 |
alter table device add index (name);
127 |
alter table device add index (device_type_id);
128 |
129 |
alter table device_attrib add index (device_id);
130 |
alter table device_attrib add index (added_date,removed_date);
131 |
132 |
alter table site add index (client_id);
133 |
alter table site add index (removed_date);
134 |
135 |
alter table client add index (removed_date);
136 |
137 |
alter table login add index (email);
138 |
alter table login add index (removed_date);
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
/* a couple of baby reports */
143 |
insert into report( name, query, parameters ) values ('Current Clients','select name Client, notes Notes, internal_notes "Internal Notes", date(added_date) Added from current_client', null );
144 |
insert into report( name, query, parameters ) values ('Current Sites', 'select client.name Client, site.name Site, site.added_date "Site Added" from current_client client join current_site site using (client_id) order by client.name,site.name', null );
145 |
insert into report( name, query, parameters ) values ('Client Devices','select client.name,site.name,device.name
146 |
from current_client client join current_site site using (client_id)
147 |
join current_device device using (site_id)
148 |
where client.client_id = <client_id>','client_id++Client++select client_id,name from current_client order by name++select name from current_client where client_id = <value>');
149 |
150 |
insert into report( name, query, parameters, screen_report ) values ('Device Attributes','select attrib.name "Attribute",device_attrib.value "Value"
151 |
from device_attrib join attrib using (attrib_id)
152 |
where device_id = <device_id> and device_attrib.removed_date is null',
153 |
'device_id++Device++select device_id,name from device where removed_date is null++select name from device where device_id = <value>', 1);
154 |
155 |
156 |
/* base menu */
157 |
insert into menu( url,caption,parent_id) values ('/index.html','Home Page',null);
158 |
insert into menu( url,caption,parent_id) values ('/reports.html','Reports',null);
159 |
insert into menu( url,caption,parent_id) values ('/backup.html', 'Backup', null);
160 |
161 |
/* insert into menu( url,caption,parent_id) select 'reports.html','Generic Report Writer', menu_id from menu where caption = 'Reports'; */
162 |
163 |
/* Some convenience views that return only current entries (ie, removed_date is null) */
164 |
165 |
create or replace view current_client as select * from client where removed_date is null;
166 |
create or replace view current_site as select * from site where removed_date is null;
167 |
create or replace view current_device as select * from device where removed_date is null;
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168 |
create or replace view view_device_systems as select * from device where device_type_id in (select device_type_id from device_type where show_as_system = 'Y');
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/* A couple of additional convenience views */
172 |
create or replace view current_systems as select * from device where removed_date is null and device.device_type_id in (select device_type_id from device_type where show_as_system = 'Y');
173 |
create or replace view client_site as select concat( client.name, ' - ', ifnull(site.name,'None' )) name, client.client_id,site.site_id from client left outer join site using (client_id);
174 |
create or replace view client_systems as select device.device_id,concat(device.name, ' (', client_site.name, ')') 'Device' from device join client_site using (site_id) join device_type using (device_type_id) where device_type.show_as_system = 'Y';
175 |
176 |
/* just a way of making sure we can log in */
177 |
insert into login (email, pass, where_clause, added_date ) values ('admin', md5('pass') , 'ADMINISTRATOR', now() );
178 |
179 |
/* create some defaults for device_type */
180 |
insert into device_type ( name, show_as_system, added_date ) values ( 'Computer', 'Y', now() );
181 |
insert into device_type ( name, show_as_system, added_date ) values ( 'Virtual', 'Y', now() );
182 |
insert into device_type ( name, show_as_system, added_date ) values ( 'Router', 'Y', now() );
183 |
insert into device_type ( name, show_as_system, added_date ) values ( 'Switch', 'Y', now() );
184 |
insert into device_type ( name, show_as_system, added_date ) values ( 'Network Printer', 'Y', now() );
185 |
insert into device_type ( name, show_as_system, added_date ) values ( 'PCI Card', 'N', now() );
186 |
insert into device_type ( name, show_as_system, added_date ) values ( 'Periphial', 'N', now() );
187 |
188 |
/* create some defaults for attrib */
189 |
insert into attrib (name,added_date) values ( 'Manufacturer', now() );
190 |
insert into attrib (name,added_date) values ( 'Model', now() );
191 |
insert into attrib (name,added_date) values ( 'Serial Number', now() );
192 |