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rodolico |
1 |
2 |
Search licenses
3 |
Edit license
4 |
Add a license
5 |
Move a license
6 |
7 |
After each one, ensure they show up in the particular device.
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Walder, Five Star, niska and badger all have licenses assigned to them
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Add file to client, site and device (a file can only be in one of these)
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After each addition, verify they display in appropriate client/site/device
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From a client/site/file, remove a file. Verify it is no longer there
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Display a file by clicking on the name in the client/site/device. It should be downloaded or displayed depending on your browser
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Same, but this time edit a file. Two things:
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Edit without uploading a new file. File should stay the same (ID is the same), but values change
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Edit a file by uploading a new file. ID should change, meaning the old record was marked as removed
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HINT: You can look at a file even after it has been removed with if you know the file_id (ID in the column):
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replace 'http://develop/computer_asset_manager/' with whatever link you are using
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For devices, you should also see sections for sysinfo, maintenance and backup, if appropriate to the machine. Look at mickey.dailydata.net for an example.
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