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include_once( 'DBQuery.class.php' );
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class reads a database table and converts it to an Hierarchical hash (aka, parent/child).
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Table structure is assume to be:
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create table menu (
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id int unsigned not null,
10 |
parent_id int unsigned not null default 0,
11 |
other columns below
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where id is a unique identifier and parent_id is points to id in another row (zero indicating it is a top level)
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NOTE: column names may be changed. Also, while it is assumed id and parent_id are int's, it is quite likely it will
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work with other column types, including varchar
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Uses include any parent/child relationship, to an arbitrary depth. See class DBMenu for one example
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This class was written to be generic. The algorithm used attempts to not take advantage of any special language
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capabilities, and should be generic. However, various languages can optimize this capability by using capabilities unique
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to the language in question. For an example, see David North's PERL implementation which utilizes references to allow for
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a single pass to convert from an array to a Hierarchical structure. Taking advantage of this allows his script to run
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use no additional memory (this algorithm will double the amount of memory used for the initial array) and does in a single
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iterative pass what the recursive function copyChildren does.
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class DBHierarchicalHash {
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protected $tableName; // table name that data will be read from
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protected $keyField; // name of the primary id field in table
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protected $parentFieldName; // name of the field used to point to the parent of the current row
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protected $rootNodevalue; // the value (default 0) of the indicator that a row has no parent. THIS MUST NOT EXIST in the id column of the table
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protected $inputRecords; // storage for the records read in.
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public function __construct( $tableName, $keyField = 'id', $parentFieldName = 'parent_id', $rootNodeValue = 0 ) {
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// standard variable load
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$this->tableName = $tableName;
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$this->keyField = $keyField;
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$this->parentFieldName = $parentFieldName;
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$this->rootNodevalue = $rootNodeValue;
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// load the data from the database into memory
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// upon completion, will have data in a single hash of hashes (not hiearchy)
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// will also create an emtpy entry for "element 0"
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// find the children of each node
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// now that we know who all the children are, let's actually make them part of the structure
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$this->inputRecords = $this->copyChildren($this->inputRecords[$this->rootNodevalue]);
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// all we care about are the children of the root node, so simply assign that to inputRecords
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$this->inputRecords = $this->inputRecords['children'];
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} // function __construct
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Goes through each node and reverses the "who is my parent" to the parent's "who are my children"
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It does not populate the children; it simply creates an empty array for each child to be processed
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private function findChildren () {
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// following loop takes inputRecords and creates (empty) elements for each child
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foreach ($this->inputRecords as $key => $values) { // go through every node
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if ( isset ($this->inputRecords[$key][$this->parentFieldName]) ) { // if it has a parent
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// tell parent about itself
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$this->inputRecords[$values[$this->parentFieldName]]['children'][$key] = array();
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} // function findChildren
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simply returns inputRecords for processing by calling routine. This is the goal of this class, to create
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this structure from the database structure defined above
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public function toHash () {
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return $this->inputRecords;
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} // function toHash
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loads data from database. The column defined in $this->keyField will become the index into the hash, and all
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additional columns will simply be added to the array pointed by it.
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An additional entry in the table will be created with $this->rootNodeValue as its index, to allow root level
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items to have a parent.
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private function loadData ( ) {
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try {
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$inputRows = new DBQuery( "select * from $this->tableName" );
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} catch ( Exception $e ) {
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print '<pre>' . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . print_r( $inputRows ) . '</pre>';
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// $inputRows = $inputRows['data']; // we only care about the data
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$this->inputRecords = array(); // initialize inputRecords to empty
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// main loop, will read the query results in one row at a time
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foreach ( $inputRows->returnData as $thisRow ) {
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foreach ($thisRow as $key => $values) { // copy each value
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if ($key != $this->keyField) { // unless it is the key field
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// this is more complex as a parent of null might be used. Thus, we check for a null and, if
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// it is used, we set it to the rootNodeValue
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if ($key == $this->parentFieldName && ! $thisRow[$key] ) {
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$this->inputRecords[$thisRow[$this->keyField]][$key] = $this->rootNodevalue;
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} else {
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$this->inputRecords[$thisRow[$this->keyField]][$key] = $thisRow[$key];
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$this->inputRecords[$this->rootNodevalue] = array(); // create our empty root node
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} // function loadData
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# populates the hiearchy created in load
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# NOTE: if the current node also has children, it will recursively do those
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# main call is ©Children( rootNode )
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private function copyChildren($currentNode) {
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# for each child
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//print "Looking at: "; print_r($currentNode);
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if ( isset($currentNode['children']) ) {
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foreach ($currentNode['children'] as $key => $values) {
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# copy any children of this child table that may exist
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$this->inputRecords[$key] = $this->copyChildren( $this->inputRecords[$key] );
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# copy each value from the node to this sub-node
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foreach ($this->inputRecords[$key] as $child => $childValue) {
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if ($child != $this->parentFieldName ) {
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$currentNode['children'][$key][$child] = $childValue;
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return $currentNode;
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} // function copyChildren
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} // class DBHierarchicalHash
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