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rodolico |
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Directory contains some scripts that may be useful for getting attributes.
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A filter that takes the output of ipmitool sensor and gathers the power supply information from it. Information is output to STDOUT
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in a tab delimited string(s) (one per line). The first column is the name of the host, the second is an attribute name, and the
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last is the reading.
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Gather information on local machine and output it to a file
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ipmitool sensor | $0 > `hostname -f`.csv
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From command line, where you have ssh access to several machines with ipmitool on them, use the following to gather a directory
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of files containing the ipmitool sensor output, each file having the name of the remote machine and .sensors appended
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ssh server_name_or_alias 'hostname -f ; sudo -S ipmitool sensor' > aaee && FNAM=$(head -1 aaee) ; sed '1d' aaee > \$FNAM.sensors
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# With a directory full of `hostname -f`.sensors files,
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# parse all into one CSV for CAMP | Attributes | Bulk Load
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# parseSensors will automagically remove .sensors off of any hostname passed in
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( echo -e "device\tattribute\tvalue" ; for i in `ls *.sensors` ; do $0 --hostname=\$i < "\$i" ; done ) > powerCalcs.csv