1 |
rodolico |
1 |
2 |
3 |
define (PROCESS_SYSINFO_SCRIPT, '/home/rodolico/wip/dd_tools/web/computer_asset_manager/modules/sysinfo/cli/process_sysinfo');
4 |
5 |
function processAFile( $filename ) {
6 |
$output = PROCESS_SYSINFO_SCRIPT . " < $filename\n";
7 |
$output .= shell_exec(PROCESS_SYSINFO_SCRIPT . " < $filename");
8 |
return $output;
9 |
10 |
11 |
function processFileContents( ) {
12 |
$filename = tempnam('/tmp', 'sysinfo');
13 |
$fh = fopen( $filename, "w" );
14 |
fwrite( $fh, $_POST['filecontents'] );
15 |
fclose( $fh );
16 |
$output = processAFile( $filename );
17 |
unlink ($filename);
18 |
return $output;
19 |
20 |
21 |
function uploadFile() {
22 |
$filename = $_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'];
23 |
$output = "processing file $filename\n";
24 |
$output .= processAFile( $filename );
25 |
unlink ($filename);
26 |
return $output;
27 |
28 |
29 |
function UnknownEntries () {
30 |
$data = queryDatabaseExtended( 'select count(*) num from unknown_entry where processed_date is null');
31 |
return $data['data'][0]['num'];
32 |
33 |
34 |
function processUnknownClients() {
35 |
$new = array();
36 |
$aliases = array();
37 |
$result = array();
38 |
foreach ( $_POST as $parameter => $value ) {
39 |
// look for all new and alias entries
40 |
if ( preg_match('/new_(\d+)/', $parameter, $id ) ) {
41 |
if ($value) {
42 |
$new[] = $id[1];
43 |
44 |
} elseif ( preg_match('/alias_for_(\d+)/', $parameter, $id ) ) {
45 |
if ($value) {
46 |
$aliases[] = $id[1];
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
foreach ( $new as $entryID ) {
51 |
$sql = "insert into client(name, added_date) select client_name, report_date from unknown_entry where unknown_entry_id = $entryID";
52 |
$data = queryDatabaseExtended( $sql );
53 |
$result[] = $sql;
54 |
$sql = "insert into site(client_id,name,added_date) select " . $data['insert_id'] . ", 'Default', report_date from unknown_entry where unknown_entry_id = $entryID";
55 |
queryDatabaseExtended( $sql );
56 |
$result[] = $sql;
57 |
58 |
foreach ( $aliases as $entryID ) {
59 |
$client_id = $_POST["alias_for_$entryID"];
60 |
$sql = "insert into client_alias(client_id,alias,added_date) select $client_id, client_name,report_date from unknown_entry where unknown_entry_id = $entryID";
61 |
$result[] = $sql;
62 |
queryDatabaseExtended( $sql );
63 |
64 |
return implode( "\n", $result );
65 |
} // function processUnknownClients
66 |
67 |
function processUnknownDevices() {
68 |
$new = array();
69 |
$aliases = array();
70 |
$result = array();
71 |
foreach ( $_POST as $parameter => $value ) {
72 |
// look for all new and alias entries
73 |
if ( preg_match('/new_(\d+)/', $parameter, $id ) ) {
74 |
if ($value) {
75 |
$new[] = $id[1];
76 |
77 |
} elseif ( preg_match('/alias_for_(\d+)/', $parameter, $id ) ) {
78 |
if ($value) {
79 |
$aliases[] = $id[1];
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
$whoami = $_SESSION['login_id'];
84 |
foreach ( $new as $entryID ) {
85 |
$sql ="insert into device (site_id, name, device_type_id, added_date)
86 |
select site_id, device_name, device_type_id, report_date
87 |
from unknown_entry join
88 |
(select min(site_id) site_id, client.name client
89 |
from site join client using (client_id)
90 |
group by client.name
91 |
92 |
select min(site_id) site_id, alias client
93 |
from site join client_alias using (client_id)
94 |
group by alias) site
95 |
on unknown_entry.client_name = site.client,
96 |
(select device_type_id from device_type where name = 'Computer') device_type
97 |
where unknown_entry.unknown_entry_id = $entryID";
98 |
$data = queryDatabaseExtended( $sql );
99 |
$result[] = $sql;
100 |
if ($data['insert_id']) {
101 |
$sql = "update unknown_entry set processed_date = now(), processed_by = $whoami where unknown_entry_id = $entryID";
102 |
$result[] = $sql;
103 |
queryDatabaseExtended( $sql );
104 |
105 |
106 |
foreach ( $aliases as $entryID ) {
107 |
$device_id = $_POST["alias_for_$entryID"];
108 |
$sql = "insert into device_alias(device_id,alias,added_date) select $device_id, device_name,report_date from unknown_entry where unknown_entry_id = $entryID";
109 |
$result[] = $sql;
110 |
$data = queryDatabaseExtended( $sql );
111 |
if ($data['insert_id']) {
112 |
$sql = "update unknown_entry set processed_date = now(), processed_by = $whoami where unknown_entry_id = $entryID";
113 |
$result[] = $sql;
114 |
queryDatabaseExtended( $sql );
115 |
116 |
117 |
// ensure device_alias contains the device.name also (this can be changed by manual entry)
118 |
$sql = "insert into device_alias (device_id,alias,added_date)
119 |
select device_id,device.name, now()
120 |
from device join device_type using (device_type_id)
121 |
where device_type.show_as_system = 'Y'
122 |
and device_id in (select device_id from sysinfo_report)
123 |
and concat(device.device_id,device.name) not in (
124 |
select concat(device_id,device_alias.alias) from device_alias order by device_id
125 |
126 |
queryDatabaseExtended( $sql );
127 |
return implode( "\n", $result );
128 |
} // function processUnknownClients
129 |