101 |
rodolico |
1 |
#! /usr/bin/env perl
2 |
3 |
use strict;
4 |
use warnings;
5 |
132 |
rodolico |
6 |
# install.pl
7 |
8 |
# installer for perl script, in this case, sysinfo
9 |
10 |
# Revision history
11 |
12 |
# Version 1.1.7 20161010 RWR
13 |
# Added ability to validate required libraries are installed
14 |
15 |
# version 1.2 20170327 RWR
16 |
# did some major modifications to correctly work on BSD systems also
17 |
18 |
# version 2.0 20190330 RWR
19 |
# changed it so all configs are YAML
20 |
21 |
# version 3.0 20191105 RWR
22 |
# set up so all options are presented on initial screen
23 |
# user can choose options to edit
24 |
# rest of install is automatic
138 |
rodolico |
25 |
26 |
# version 3.1 20191112 RWR
27 |
# Added logging. Log file will be written to the install directory with
28 |
# the application name.log as the name (application name taken from installer_config.pl)
144 |
rodolico |
29 |
30 |
# version 3.1.1 20191117 RWR
31 |
# Added the ability to verify cpan is installed and configured on systems which need it
32 |
156 |
rodolico |
33 |
# version 3.1.2 20200215 RWR
34 |
# Adding version comparisons
101 |
rodolico |
35 |
132 |
rodolico |
36 |
# find our location and use it for searching for libraries
37 |
38 |
use FindBin;
39 |
use File::Spec;
203 |
rodolico |
40 |
# use libraries from the directory this script is in
132 |
rodolico |
41 |
use lib File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin);
203 |
rodolico |
42 |
# and its parent
43 |
use lib File::Spec->catdir( $FindBin::Bin . '/../' );
132 |
rodolico |
44 |
eval( 'use YAML::Tiny' );
45 |
46 |
101 |
rodolico |
47 |
my $sourceDir = File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin);
48 |
156 |
rodolico |
49 |
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
50 |
51 |
# define the version number
52 |
# see https://metacpan.org/pod/release/JPEACOCK/version-0.97/lib/version.pod
53 |
use version;
203 |
rodolico |
54 |
our $VERSION = version->declare("v3.002.001");
156 |
rodolico |
55 |
56 |
132 |
rodolico |
57 |
use Data::Dumper;
58 |
use File::Basename;
59 |
use Getopt::Long;
101 |
rodolico |
60 |
132 |
rodolico |
61 |
our %install;
62 |
our %operatingSystems;
63 |
our %libraries;
64 |
our %binaries;
206 |
rodolico |
65 |
# load the definitions from installer_config.pl
132 |
rodolico |
66 |
do "$sourceDir/installer_config.pl";
138 |
rodolico |
67 |
68 |
# set up log file
69 |
my $logFile = $install{'application name'};
70 |
$logFile =~ s/ /_/g;
71 |
$logFile = "$sourceDir/$logFile.log";
132 |
rodolico |
72 |
73 |
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); # allow -vd --os='debian'
74 |
my $dryRun = 0;
75 |
my $os;
76 |
my $help = 0;
77 |
my $version = 0;
206 |
rodolico |
78 |
my $quiet = 0;
79 |
my $inplace = 0;
132 |
rodolico |
80 |
81 |
my @messages; # stores any messages we want to show up at the end
82 |
my @feedback; # store feedback when we execute command line actions
83 |
84 |
my %configuration;
85 |
86 |
# simple display if --help is passed
87 |
sub help {
88 |
my $oses = join( ' ', keys %operatingSystems );
156 |
rodolico |
89 |
use File::Basename;
90 |
print basename($0) . " $VERSION\n";
132 |
rodolico |
91 |
print <<END
156 |
rodolico |
92 |
$0 [options]
93 |
94 |
--os - osname is one of [$oses]
95 |
--dryrun - do not actually do anything, just tell you what I'd do
96 |
--version - display version and exit
206 |
rodolico |
97 |
--quiet - Do not ask questions, just do stuff
98 |
--inplace - Do an inplace upgrade
99 |
100 |
For an inplace upgrade, it is assumed the source code has been
101 |
downloaded and installed into the correct directories already
132 |
rodolico |
102 |
101 |
rodolico |
103 |
104 |
138 |
rodolico |
105 |
144 |
rodolico |
106 |
107 |
# timeStamp
108 |
109 |
# return current system date as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
110 |
111 |
112 |
sub timeStamp {
113 |
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time);
114 |
return sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec;
115 |
116 |
117 |
sub yesno {
118 |
my ( $prompt, $default ) = @_;
119 |
$default = 'yes' unless $default;
120 |
my $answer = &getAnswer( $prompt, $default eq 'yes' ? ('yes','no' ) : ('no', 'yes') );
121 |
return lc( substr( $answer, 0, 1 ) ) eq 'y';
122 |
123 |
124 |
# prompt the user for a response, then allow them to enter it
125 |
# the first response is considered the default and is printed
126 |
# in all caps if more than one exists
127 |
# first answer is used if they simply press the Enter
128 |
# key. The response is returned all lower case if more than one
129 |
# exists.
130 |
# it is assumed
131 |
sub getAnswer {
132 |
my ( $prompt, @answers ) = @_;
133 |
$answers[0] = '' unless defined( $answers[0] );
134 |
my $default = $answers[0];
135 |
my $onlyOneAnswer = scalar( @answers ) == 1;
136 |
print $prompt . '[ ';
137 |
$answers[0] = uc $answers[0] unless $onlyOneAnswer;
138 |
print join( ' | ', @answers ) . ' ]: ';
139 |
my $thisAnswer = <>;
140 |
chomp $thisAnswer;
141 |
$thisAnswer = $default unless $thisAnswer;
142 |
return $thisAnswer;
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
138 |
rodolico |
147 |
# function to simply log things
148 |
# first parameter is the priority, if <= $logDef->{'log level'} will print
149 |
# all subsequent parameters assumed to be strings to sent to the log
150 |
# returns 0 on failure
151 |
# 1 on success
152 |
# 2 if priority > log level
153 |
# -1 if $logDef is unset
154 |
# currently, only logs to a file
155 |
156 |
sub logIt {
140 |
rodolico |
157 |
open LOG, ">>$logFile" or die "Could not append to $logFile: $!\n";
138 |
rodolico |
158 |
while ( my $t = shift ) {
159 |
print LOG &timeStamp() . "\t$t\n";
160 |
161 |
close LOG;
162 |
return 1;
163 |
101 |
rodolico |
164 |
138 |
rodolico |
165 |
132 |
rodolico |
166 |
# attempt to locate the operating system.
167 |
# if found, will set some defaults for it.
168 |
sub setUpOperatingSystemSpecific {
169 |
my ( $install, $operatingSystems, $os, $installDir ) = @_;
138 |
rodolico |
170 |
&logIt( 'Entering setUpOperatingSystemSpecific' );
171 |
&logIt( "They passed $os in as the \$os" );
132 |
rodolico |
172 |
if ( $os ) {
173 |
# We found the OS, set up some defaults
174 |
$$install{'os'} = $os;
138 |
rodolico |
175 |
&logIt( "Setting keys for operating system" );
132 |
rodolico |
176 |
# merge operatingSystems into install
177 |
foreach my $key ( keys %{$operatingSystems->{$os}} ) {
178 |
if ( $key eq 'files' ) {
179 |
$install->{'files'} = { %{$install->{'files'}}, %{$operatingSystems->{$os}->{'files'}} }
180 |
} else {
181 |
$install->{$key} = $operatingSystems->{ $os }->{$key};
182 |
183 |
} # if it is a known OS
184 |
} # if
185 |
return $os;
186 |
} # getOperatingSystem
187 |
188 |
# validates the libraries needed exist
189 |
# simply eval's each library. If it doesn't exist, creates a list of
190 |
# commands to be executed to install it, and displays missing libraries
191 |
# offering to install them if possible.
192 |
sub validateLibraries {
193 |
my ( $libraries, $os ) = @_;
138 |
rodolico |
194 |
&logIt( 'Entering validateLibraries' );
132 |
rodolico |
195 |
my %return;
196 |
foreach my $lib ( keys %$libraries ) {
138 |
rodolico |
197 |
&logIt( "Checking on library $lib" );
132 |
rodolico |
198 |
eval( "use $lib;" );
199 |
if ( $@ ) {
200 |
$return{ $lib } = $libraries->{$lib}->{$os} ? $libraries->{$lib}->{$os} : 'UNK';
201 |
202 |
203 |
return \%return;
204 |
} # validateLibraries
205 |
206 |
207 |
# check for any required binaries
208 |
sub validateBinaries {
209 |
my ( $binaries, $os ) = @_;
138 |
rodolico |
210 |
&logIt( 'Entering validateBinaries' );
132 |
rodolico |
211 |
my %return;
212 |
foreach my $bin ( keys %$binaries ) {
213 |
unless ( `which $bin` ) {
214 |
$return{$bin} = $binaries->{$bin}->{$os} ? $binaries->{$bin}->{$os} : 'UNK';
215 |
216 |
217 |
return \%return;
218 |
} # validateBinaries
219 |
220 |
# get some input from the user and decide how to install/upgrade/remove/whatever
221 |
sub getInstallActions {
222 |
my $install = shift;
138 |
rodolico |
223 |
&logIt( 'Entering getInstallActions' );
132 |
rodolico |
224 |
if ( -d $install->{'confdir'} ) {
225 |
$install->{'action'} = "upgrade";
226 |
} else {
227 |
$install->{'action'} = 'install';
228 |
229 |
$install->{'build config'} = 'Y';
230 |
$install->{'setup cron'} = 'Y';
101 |
rodolico |
231 |
232 |
132 |
rodolico |
233 |
# locate all items in $hash which have one of the $placeholder elements in it
234 |
# and replace, ie <binddir> is replaced with the actual binary directory
235 |
sub doPlaceholderSubstitution {
236 |
my ($hash, $placeholder) = @_;
138 |
rodolico |
237 |
&logIt( 'Entering doPlaceholderSubstitution' );
132 |
rodolico |
238 |
return if ref $hash ne 'HASH';
239 |
foreach my $key ( keys %$hash ) {
240 |
if ( ref( $$hash{$key} ) ) {
241 |
&doPlaceholderSubstitution( $$hash{$key}, $placeholder );
242 |
} else {
243 |
foreach my $place ( keys %$placeholder ) {
244 |
$$hash{$key} =~ s/$place/$$placeholder{$place}/;
245 |
} # foreach
246 |
} # if..else
247 |
} # foreach
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
# This will go through and first, see if anything is a directory, in
252 |
# which case, we'll create new entries for all files in there.
253 |
# then, it will do keyword substitution of <bindir> and <confdir>
254 |
# to populate the target.
255 |
# When this is done, each file should have a source and target that is
256 |
# a fully qualified path and filename
257 |
sub populateSourceDir {
258 |
my ( $install, $sourceDir ) = @_;
138 |
rodolico |
259 |
&logIt( 'Entering populateSourceDir' );
132 |
rodolico |
260 |
my %placeHolders =
261 |
262 |
'<bindir>' => $$install{'bindir'},
263 |
'<confdir>' => $$install{'confdir'},
264 |
'<default owner>' => $$install{'default owner'},
265 |
'<default group>' => $$install{'default group'},
266 |
'<default permission>' => $$install{'default permission'},
267 |
'<installdir>' => $sourceDir
268 |
101 |
rodolico |
269 |
132 |
rodolico |
270 |
my $allFiles = $$install{'files'};
101 |
rodolico |
271 |
132 |
rodolico |
272 |
# find all directory entries and load files in that directory into $$install{'files'}
273 |
foreach my $dir ( keys %$allFiles ) {
274 |
if ( defined( $$allFiles{$dir}{'type'} ) && $$allFiles{$dir}{'type'} eq 'directory' ) {
138 |
rodolico |
275 |
&logIt( "Found directory $dir" );
132 |
rodolico |
276 |
if ( opendir( my $dh, "$sourceDir/$dir" ) ) {
277 |
my @files = map{ $dir . '/' . $_ } grep { ! /^\./ && -f "$sourceDir/$dir/$_" } readdir( $dh );
138 |
rodolico |
278 |
&logIt( "\tFound files " . join( ' ', @files ) );
132 |
rodolico |
279 |
foreach my $file ( @files ) {
280 |
$$allFiles{ $file }{'type'} = 'file';
281 |
if ( $dir eq 'modules' ) {
282 |
$$allFiles{ $file }{'permission'} = ( $file =~ m/$$install{'modules'}/ ) ? '0700' : '0600';
283 |
} else {
284 |
$$allFiles{ $file }{'permission'} = $$allFiles{ $dir }{'permission'};
285 |
286 |
$$allFiles{ $file }{'owner'} = $$allFiles{ $dir }{'owner'};
287 |
$$allFiles{ $file }{'target'} = $$allFiles{ $dir }{'target'};
288 |
} # foreach
289 |
closedir $dh;
290 |
} # if opendir
291 |
} # if it is a directory
292 |
} # foreach
293 |
# find all files, and set the source directory, and add the filename to
294 |
# the target
295 |
foreach my $file ( keys %$allFiles ) {
296 |
$$allFiles{$file}{'source'} = "$sourceDir/$file";
297 |
$$allFiles{$file}{'target'} .= "/$file";
298 |
} # foreach
101 |
rodolico |
299 |
132 |
rodolico |
300 |
# finally, do place holder substitution. This recursively replaces all keys
301 |
# in %placeHolders with the values.
302 |
&doPlaceholderSubstitution( $install, \%placeHolders );
101 |
rodolico |
303 |
144 |
rodolico |
304 |
&logIt( "Exiting populateSourceDir with values\n" . Dumper( $install ) ) ;
101 |
rodolico |
305 |
132 |
rodolico |
306 |
return 1;
307 |
} # populateSourceDir
308 |
309 |
sub GetPermission {
310 |
my $install = shift;
138 |
rodolico |
311 |
&logIt( 'Entering GetPermission' );
132 |
rodolico |
312 |
print "Ready to install, please verify the following\n";
313 |
print "A. Operating System: " . $install->{'os'} . "\n";
314 |
print "B. Installation Type: " . $install->{'action'} . "\n";
315 |
print "C. Using Seed file: " . $install->{'configuration seed file'} . "\n" if -e $install->{'configuration seed file'};
316 |
print "D. Target Binary Directory: " . $install->{'bindir'} . "\n";
317 |
print "E. Target Configuration Directory: " . $install->{'confdir'} . "\n";
318 |
print "F. Automatic Running: " . ( $install->{'crontab'} ? $install->{'crontab'} : 'No' ) . "\n";
319 |
print "G. Install Missing Perl Libraries\n";
320 |
foreach my $task ( sort keys %{ $install->{'missing libraries'} } ) {
144 |
rodolico |
321 |
print "\t$task -> " . $install->{'missing libraries'}->{$task}->{'command'} . ' ' . $install->{'missing libraries'}->{$task}->{'parameter'} . "\n";
101 |
rodolico |
322 |
132 |
rodolico |
323 |
print "H. Install Missing Binaries\n";
324 |
foreach my $task ( sort keys %{ $install->{'missing binaries'} } ) {
144 |
rodolico |
325 |
print "\t$task -> " . $install->{'missing binaries'}->{$task}->{'command'} . ' ' . $install->{'missing binaries'}->{$task}->{'parameter'} . "\n";
132 |
rodolico |
326 |
327 |
return &yesno( "Do you want to proceed?" );
101 |
rodolico |
328 |
329 |
132 |
rodolico |
330 |
# note, this fails badly if you stick non-numerics in the version number
331 |
# simply create a "number" from the version which may have an arbitrary
332 |
# number of digits separated by a period, for example
333 |
# 1.2.5
334 |
# while there are digits, divide current calculation by 100, then add the last
335 |
# digit popped of. So, 1.2.5 would become
336 |
# 1 + 2/100 + 5/10000, or 1.0205
337 |
# and 1.25.16 would become 1.2516
338 |
339 |
# Will give invalid results if any set of digits is more than 99
340 |
sub dotVersion2Number {
341 |
my $dotVersion = shift;
342 |
343 |
my @t = split( '\.', $dotVersion );
344 |
#print "\n$dotVersion\n" . join( "\n", @t ) . "\n";
345 |
my $return = 0;
346 |
while ( @t ) {
347 |
$return /= 100;
348 |
$return += pop @t;
349 |
350 |
#print "$return\n";
351 |
return $return;
352 |
353 |
354 |
# there is a file named VERSIONS. We get the values out of the install
355 |
# directory and (if it exists) the target so we can decide what needs
356 |
# to be updated.
357 |
sub getVersions {
358 |
my $install = shift;
138 |
rodolico |
359 |
&logIt( 'Entering getVersions' );
132 |
rodolico |
360 |
my $currentVersionFile = $install->{'files'}->{'VERSION'}->{'target'};
361 |
my $newVersionFile = $install->{'files'}->{'VERSION'}->{'source'};
362 |
if ( open FILE,"<$currentVersionFile" ) {
363 |
while ( my $line = <FILE> ) {
364 |
chomp $line;
365 |
my ( $filename, $version, $checksum ) = split( "\t", $line );
366 |
$install{'files'}->{$filename}->{'installed version'} = $version ? $version : '';
156 |
rodolico |
367 |
$install{'files'}->{$filename}->{'installed checksum'} = $checksum ? $checksum : '';
132 |
rodolico |
368 |
369 |
close FILE;
370 |
371 |
if ( open FILE,"<$newVersionFile" ) {
372 |
while ( my $line = <FILE> ) {
373 |
chomp $line;
374 |
my ( $filename, $version, $checksum ) = split( "\t", $line );
375 |
$install->{'files'}->{$filename}->{'new version'} = $version ? $version : '';
156 |
rodolico |
376 |
$install->{'files'}->{$filename}->{'new checksum'} = $checksum ? $checksum : '';
132 |
rodolico |
377 |
378 |
close FILE;
379 |
380 |
foreach my $file ( keys %{$$install{'files'}} ) {
156 |
rodolico |
381 |
$install{'files'}->{$file}->{'installed version'} = '' unless defined $install->{'files'}->{$file}->{'installed version'};
382 |
$install{'files'}->{$file}->{'new version'} = '' unless defined $install->{'files'}->{$file}->{'new version'};
132 |
rodolico |
383 |
384 |
return 1;
385 |
} # getVersions
386 |
144 |
rodolico |
387 |
# checks if a directory exists and, if not, creates it
388 |
my %directories; # holds list of directories already created so no need to do an I/O
132 |
rodolico |
389 |
144 |
rodolico |
390 |
sub checkDirectoryExists {
391 |
my ( $filename,$mod,$owner ) = @_;
392 |
$mod = "0700" unless $mod;
393 |
$owner = "root:root" unless $owner;
394 |
&logIt( "Checking Directory for $filename with $mod and $owner" );
395 |
my ($fn, $dirname) = fileparse( $filename );
396 |
logIt( "\tParsing out $dirname and $filename" );
397 |
return '' if exists $directories{$dirname};
398 |
if ( -d $dirname ) {
399 |
$directories{$dirname} = 1;
400 |
return '';
401 |
402 |
if ( &runCommand( "mkdir -p $dirname", "chmod $mod $dirname", "chown $owner $dirname" ) ) {
403 |
$directories{$dirname} = 1;
404 |
405 |
return '';
406 |
407 |
408 |
# runs a system command. Also, if in testing mode, simply shows what
409 |
# would have been done.
410 |
sub runCommand {
411 |
while ( my $command = shift ) {
412 |
if ( $dryRun ) {
413 |
print "$command\n";
414 |
} else {
415 |
416 |
417 |
418 |
return 1;
419 |
} # runCommand
420 |
132 |
rodolico |
421 |
# this actually does the installation, except for the configuration
422 |
sub doInstall {
423 |
my $install = shift;
138 |
rodolico |
424 |
&logIt( 'Entering doInstall' );
132 |
rodolico |
425 |
my $fileList = $install->{'files'};
426 |
427 |
&checkDirectoryExists( $install->{'bindir'} . '/', $install->{'default permission'}, $install->{'default owner'} . ':' . $install->{'default group'} );
428 |
foreach my $file ( keys %$fileList ) {
429 |
next unless ( $fileList->{$file}->{'type'} && $fileList->{$file}->{'type'} eq 'file' );
430 |
156 |
rodolico |
431 |
# *********** Removed error checking to get this working; should reenable later
432 |
# if ( version->parse( $fileList->{$file}->{'installed version'} ) && version->parse( $fileList->{$file}->{'installed version'} ) < version->parse( $fileList->{$file}->{'new version'} ) ) {
433 |
# # we have a new version, so overwrite it
434 |
# } elsif ( $fileList->{$file}->{'installed checksum'} eq $fileList->{$file}->{'installed checksum'} ) { # has file been modified
435 |
# }
436 |
437 |
438 |
# next if $install->{'action'} eq 'upgrade' && ! defined( $fileList->{$file}->{'installed version'} )
439 |
# ||
440 |
# ( &dotVersion2Number( $fileList->{$file}->{'new version'} ) <= &dotVersion2Number($fileList->{$file}->{'installed version'} ) );
441 |
132 |
rodolico |
442 |
&checkDirectoryExists( $fileList->{$file}->{'target'}, $install->{'default permission'}, $install->{'default owner'} . ':' . $install->{'default group'} );
443 |
444 |
"cp $fileList->{$file}->{'source'} $fileList->{$file}->{'target'}",
445 |
"chmod $fileList->{$file}->{'permission'} $fileList->{$file}->{'target'}",
446 |
"chown $fileList->{$file}->{'owner'} $fileList->{$file}->{'target'}"
447 |
448 |
# if there is a post action, run it and store any return in @feedback
449 |
push @feedback, `$fileList->{$file}->{'post action'}` if defined $fileList->{$file}->{'post action'};
450 |
# if there is a message to be passed, store it in @messages
156 |
rodolico |
451 |
push @messages, $fileList->{$file}->{'message'} if defined $fileList->{$file}->{'message'};
132 |
rodolico |
452 |
} # foreach file
453 |
# set up crontab, if necessary
454 |
&runCommand( $install->{'crontab'} ) if defined ( $install->{'crontab'} );
455 |
return 1;
456 |
457 |
458 |
459 |
# installs binaries and libraries
460 |
sub installOSStuff {
461 |
my $install = shift;
144 |
rodolico |
462 |
my %commands;
132 |
rodolico |
463 |
my @actions = values( %{ $install->{'missing libraries'} } );
464 |
push @actions, values( %{ $install->{'missing binaries'} } );
465 |
foreach my $action ( @actions ) {
144 |
rodolico |
466 |
$commands{$action->{'command'}} .= ' ' . $action->{'parameter'};
467 |
#&logIt( $action );
468 |
#&runCommand( $action );
132 |
rodolico |
469 |
144 |
rodolico |
470 |
foreach my $command ( keys %commands ) {
471 |
print "Running command $command $commands{$command}\n";
472 |
`$command $commands{$command}`;
473 |
132 |
rodolico |
474 |
144 |
rodolico |
475 |
476 |
477 |
# validateCPAN
478 |
479 |
# some of the systems will need to run cpan to get some perl modules.
480 |
# this will go through each of them and see if command starts with cpan
481 |
# and, if so, will check that cpan is installed and configured for root.
482 |
483 |
# when cpan is installed, it requires one manual run as root from the cli
484 |
# to determine where to get the files. If that is not done, cpan can not
485 |
# be controlled by a program. We check to see if cpan is installed, then
486 |
# verify /root/.cpan has been created by the configuration tool
487 |
488 |
489 |
490 |
sub validateCPAN {
491 |
my $libraries = shift;
492 |
my $needCPAN = 0;
493 |
foreach my $app ( keys %$libraries ) {
494 |
if ( $libraries->{$app}->{'command'} =~ m/^cpan/ ) {
495 |
$needCPAN = 1;
496 |
497 |
498 |
499 |
return unless $needCPAN;
500 |
if ( `which cpan` ) {
501 |
die "****ERROR****\nWe need cpan, and it is installed, but not configured\nrun cpan as root one time to configure it\n" unless -d '/root/.cpan';
502 |
} else {
503 |
die 'In order to install on this OS, we need cpan, which should have been installed with perl.' .
504 |
" Can not continue until cpan is installed and configured\n";
505 |
506 |
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508 |
509 |
510 |
# Main Code #
511 |
512 |
513 |
# handle any command line parameters that may have been passed in
514 |
515 |
GetOptions (
516 |
"os|o=s" => \$os, # pass in the operating system
517 |
"dryrun|n" => \$dryRun, # do NOT actually do anything
518 |
'help|h' => \$help,
206 |
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519 |
'version|v' => \$version,
520 |
'quiet|q' => \$quiet,
521 |
'inplace|i' => \$inplace
132 |
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522 |
) or die "Error parsing command line\n";
523 |
524 |
if ( $help ) { &help() ; exit; }
156 |
rodolico |
525 |
if ( $version ) { use File::Basename; print basename($0) . " $VERSION\n"; exit; }
132 |
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526 |
156 |
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527 |
print "Logging to $logFile\n";
528 |
138 |
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529 |
&logIt( 'Beginning installation' );
530 |
132 |
rodolico |
531 |
$install{'os'} = &setUpOperatingSystemSpecific( \%install, \%operatingSystems, $os ? $os : `$sourceDir/determineOS`, $sourceDir );
138 |
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532 |
&logIt( "Operating System is $install{'os'}" );
533 |
132 |
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534 |
$install{'missing libraries'} = &validateLibraries( \%libraries, $install{'os'} );
144 |
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535 |
&logIt( "Missing Libraries\n" . Dumper( $install{'missing libraries'} ) );
138 |
rodolico |
536 |
132 |
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537 |
$install{'missing binaries'} = &validateBinaries( \%binaries, $install{'os'} );
144 |
rodolico |
538 |
&logIt( "Missing binaries\n" . Dumper( $install{'missing binaries'} ) );
138 |
rodolico |
539 |
144 |
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540 |
if ( $install{'missing libraries'} ) {
541 |
&validateCPAN( $install{'missing libraries'} );
542 |
543 |
132 |
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544 |
&getInstallActions( \%install );
144 |
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545 |
&logIt( "Completed getInstallActions\n" . Dumper( \%install ) );
138 |
rodolico |
546 |
206 |
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547 |
# put source files where they need to be unless we're doing inplace upgrade
548 |
&populateSourceDir( \%install, $sourceDir ) unless $inplace;
132 |
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549 |
206 |
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550 |
if ( $quiet || &GetPermission( \%install ) ) {
132 |
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551 |
&installOSStuff( \%install );
552 |
&getVersions( \%install ) unless $install{'action'} eq 'new';
553 |
&doInstall( \%install );
554 |
} else {
555 |
die "Please fix whatever needs to be done and try again\n";
138 |
rodolico |
556 |
&logIt( "User chose to kill process" );
132 |
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557 |
558 |
144 |
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559 |
&logIt( "Installation done, running \&postInstall if it exists" );
132 |
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560 |
206 |
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561 |
&postInstall( \%install, $quiet ) if defined( &postInstall );
144 |
rodolico |
562 |
563 |