12 |
rodolico |
1 |
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
2 |
3 |
my $TESTING = 1;
4 |
5 |
my %installationTypes = (
6 |
'ipfire' => {
7 |
'post process' => \&ipfire
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
my %installation = (
12 |
'Configuration Directory' => '/etc/camp',
13 |
'Modules Directory' => 'modules',
14 |
'Scripts Directory' => 'scripts',
15 |
'Executable Directory' => '/opt/camp'
16 |
17 |
18 |
my %configuration;
19 |
20 |
my %packageActions = (
21 |
'modules' => {
22 |
'type' => 'directory',
23 |
'target' => 'Modules Directory',
24 |
'owner' => 'root:root',
25 |
'dir perms' => '0755',
26 |
'file perms' => '0755'
27 |
28 |
'scripts' => {
29 |
'type' => 'directory',
30 |
'target' => 'Scripts Directory',
31 |
'owner' => 'root:root',
32 |
'dir perms' => '0755',
33 |
'file perms' => '0755'
34 |
35 |
'notes' => {
36 |
'type' => 'file',
37 |
'target' => 'Configuration Directory',
38 |
'owner' => 'root:root',
39 |
'dir perms' => '0755',
40 |
'file perms' => '0644'
41 |
42 |
'sysinfo_client' => {
43 |
'type' => 'file',
44 |
'target' => 'Executable Directory',
45 |
'owner' => 'root:root',
46 |
'dir perms' => '0755',
47 |
'file perms' => '0755',
48 |
'cron' => &findCron(),
49 |
'link' => '/usr/bin'
50 |
51 |
'install.pl' => {
52 |
'type' => 'file',
53 |
'target' => 'Configuration Directory',
54 |
'owner' => 'root:root',
55 |
'dir perms' => '0755',
56 |
'file perms' => '0755'
57 |
58 |
'sysinfo.conf.template' => {
59 |
'type' => 'file',
60 |
'target' => 'Configuration Directory',
61 |
'owner' => 'root:root',
62 |
'dir perms' => '0755',
63 |
'file perms' => '0644'
64 |
65 |
66 |
my $installationType;
67 |
my $cronLocation;
68 |
my $installMode;
69 |
70 |
# prompt the user for a response, then allow them to enter it
71 |
# the first response is considered the default and is printed
72 |
# in all caps if more than one exists
73 |
# first answer is used if they simply press the Enter
74 |
# key. The response is returned all lower case if more than one
75 |
# exists.
76 |
# it is assumed
77 |
sub getAnswer {
78 |
my ( $prompt, @answers ) = @_;
79 |
my $onlyOneAnswer = scalar( @answers ) == 1;
80 |
print $prompt . '[';
81 |
$answers[0] = uc $answers[0] unless $onlyOneAnswer;
82 |
print join( '/', @answers ) . ']: ';
83 |
$thisAnswer = <>;
84 |
chomp $thisAnswer;
85 |
$thisAnswer = $answers[0] unless $thisAnswer;
86 |
return $onlyOneAnswer ? lc $thisAnswer : $thisAnswer;
87 |
88 |
89 |
sub checkInstall {
90 |
my $installed = `which sysinfo-client`;
91 |
my $action;
92 |
chomp $installed;
93 |
my $oldconf = (-f '/etc/sysinfo/sysinfo.conf' ) ? '/etc/sysinfo/sysinfo.conf' : '';
94 |
if ( $installed ) {
95 |
$action = &getAnswer( 'Application appears to already be installed\nWhat do you want to do', ('configure','remove') );
96 |
} else {
97 |
my $useOldConf = &getAnswer( 'Doing a fresh install, and old sysinfo configuration exists, use it for defaults?',('y','n') ) if $oldconf;
98 |
$action = 'install';
99 |
$action .= ':' . $oldconf if $useOldConf eq 'y';
100 |
101 |
return $action;
102 |
103 |
104 |
# simply attempts to detect the operating system so we can do OS
105 |
# specific actions at the end.
106 |
sub getOperatingSystem {
107 |
my @OSTypes = ( 'ipfire','debian' );
108 |
my $OS = `uname -a`;
109 |
foreach $osType ( @OSTypes ) {
110 |
return $osType if $OS =~ m/$osType/i;
111 |
112 |
return '';
113 |
} # getOperatingSystem
114 |
115 |
# see if we can find a cron of some kind that will run the process
116 |
# daily
117 |
sub findCron {
118 |
while ( $location = shift ) {
119 |
return $location if -d $location;
120 |
121 |
return '';
122 |
123 |
124 |
sub customizeInstall {
125 |
my ( $installation, $cronLocation ) = @_;
126 |
# Allow user to customize the installation paths
127 |
foreach my $answer ( sort keys %$installation ) {
128 |
if ( $answer eq 'Modules Directory' or $answer eq 'Scripts Directory' ) {
129 |
$$installation{$answer} = $$installation{'Configuration Directory'} . '/' . $$installation{$answer};
130 |
131 |
$$installation{$answer} = &getAnswer( $answer, ( $$installation{$answer} ) );
132 |
133 |
$$cronLocation = &getAnswer( 'Link executable into which location', ( $$cronLocation ) );
134 |
135 |
136 |
sub makeDirectory {
137 |
my ( $directory, $owner, $permissions ) = @_;
138 |
return if -d $directory;
139 |
# make_path is very good and efficient, if File is installed, so we try it
140 |
eval { use File::Path 'make_path'; };
141 |
if ( $@ ) {
142 |
if ( $TESTING ) {
143 |
print "Using OS to create $directory\n";
144 |
print "mkdir -p $directory\n";
145 |
print "chown $owner $directory\n";
146 |
print "chmod $permissions $directory\n";
147 |
148 |
149 |
`mkdir -p $directory`;
150 |
`chown $owner $directory`;
151 |
`chmod $permissions $directory`;
152 |
die "Could not create directory [$directory]\n" unless -d $directory;
153 |
} else { # we could not load library, so do it via the OS
154 |
if ( $TESTING ) {
155 |
print "Using make_path to create $directory\n";
156 |
print "make_path( $directory, { mode => $permissions, owner=>$owner } )\n";
157 |
158 |
159 |
make_path( $directory, { mode => $permissions, owner=>$owner, error => \my $err } );
160 |
die "Could not create directory [$directory]\n" if @$err;
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
sub doInstall {
165 |
my ( $installation, $cronLocation, $packageActions ) = @_;
166 |
foreach my $item ( keys %$packageActions ) {
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
$$packageActions{$item}{'dir perms'}
171 |
172 |
my $targetDir = $$installation{$$packageActions{$item}{'target'}};
173 |
my $perms = $$packageActions{$item}{'file perms'};
174 |
my $owner = $$packageActions{$item}{'owner'};
175 |
$item .= '/*' if $$packageActions{$item}{'type'} eq 'directory';
176 |
if ( $TESTING ) {
177 |
print "mv $item $targetDir\n";
178 |
print "chmod $perms \"$targetDir/$item\"\n";
179 |
print "chown $owner \"$targetDir/$item\"\n";
180 |
# is this one supposed to be run as cron?
181 |
if ( $$packageActions{$item}{'cron'} && $cronLocation ) {
182 |
print "ln -s \"$targetDir/$item\" \"$cronLocation/$item\"\n";
183 |
184 |
} else {
185 |
`mv $item $targetDir`;
186 |
`chmod $perms "$targetDir/$item"`;
187 |
`chown $owner "$targetDir/$item"`;
188 |
# is this one supposed to be run as cron?
189 |
if ( $$packageActions{$item}{'cron'} && $cronLocation ) {
190 |
`ln -s "$targetDir/$item" "$cronLocation/$item"`;
191 |
192 |
if ( $$packageActions{$item}{'link'} ) {
193 |
my $linkTo = $$packageActions{$item}{'link'} . "/$item";
194 |
`ln -s "$targetDir/$item" "$linkTo"`;
195 |
196 |
197 |
} # foreach
198 |
199 |
200 |
sub readConfiguration {
201 |
my ( $configuration,$confFileName ) = @_;
202 |
203 |
204 |
sub ipFire {
205 |
my @BACKUP_DIRS = ('/opt/sysinfo', '/etc/sysinfo');
206 |
207 |
'cp -av opt /',
208 |
'cp -av etc /',
209 |
'ln -s /opt/sysinfo/sysinfo /etc/fcron.daily/sysinfo.cron'
210 |
211 |
# now, check for backup directories not in include.user
212 |
open BACKUP, '</var/ipfire/backup/include.user';
213 |
while ( $line = <BACKUP> ) {
214 |
chomp $line;
215 |
for (my $i = 0; $i < @BACKUP_DIRS; $i++ ) {
216 |
if ( $BACKUP_DIRS[$i] eq $line ) {
217 |
$BACKUP_DIRS[$i] = '';
218 |
219 |
} # if
220 |
}# for
221 |
} # while
222 |
close BACKUP;
223 |
224 |
# if any remain, append them to include.user
225 |
open BACKUP, '>>/var/ipfire/backup/include.user';
226 |
foreach my $backupDir ( @BACKUP_DIRS ) {
227 |
print BACKUP "$backupDir\n" if $backupDir;
228 |
229 |
close BACKUP;
230 |
231 |
# set all modules with ipfire in the name to run
232 |
opendir $moduleDir, $MODULES_DIR;
233 |
my @modules = grep { /ipfire/ } readdir $moduleDir;
234 |
closedir $moduleDir;
235 |
foreach my $module (@modules) {
236 |
`chmod 755 $MODULES_DIR/$module`;
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
# Main Program
242 |
243 |
244 |
$installMode = &checkInstall();
245 |
# if installationType or cronLocation not set, find them
246 |
$installationType = &getOperatingSystem() unless $installationType;
247 |
$cronLocation = &findCron( '/etc/cron.daily', '/etc/fcron.daily' ) unless $cronLocation;
248 |
# allow use to change installation paths
249 |
&customizeInstall( \%installation,\$cronLocation, \%packageActions );
250 |
251 |
print "Install mode is: $installMode\n";
252 |
print "Cron job will be run from: $cronLocation\n";
253 |
print "The operating system is: $installationType\n";
254 |
foreach my $answer ( sort keys %installation ) {
255 |
print "$answer = $installation{$answer}\n";
256 |
257 |
print 'Continue? [Y/n]: ';
258 |
$answer = <>;
259 |
chomp $answer;
260 |
$answer = $answer ? uc $answer : 'Y';
261 |
exit unless $answer eq 'Y';
262 |
print "Continuing the installation\n";
263 |
264 |
&doInstall( \%installation, $cronLocation, \%packageActions );
265 |
266 |