129 |
rodolico |
1 |
# perl
2 |
3 |
# https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/827da133-e0b1-4d09-85c2-56ed0b92774d
4 |
5 |
# simply exit if this is not Windows
6 |
7 |
$^O eq "MSWin32" || exit;
8 |
9 |
10 |
our $VERSION = '0.1';
11 |
12 |
use Win32::OLE('in');
13 |
use constant wbemFlagReturnImmediately => 0x10;
14 |
use constant wbemFlagForwardOnly => 0x20;
15 |
16 |
$computer = ".";
17 |
$objWMIService = Win32::OLE->GetObject
18 |
("winmgmts:\\\\$computer\\root\\CIMV2") or die "WMI connection failed.\n";
19 |
$colItems = $objWMIService->ExecQuery
20 |
("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem","WQL",wbemFlagReturnImmediately | wbemFlagForwardOnly);
21 |
22 |
foreach my $objItem (in $colItems)
23 |
24 |
print "Admin Password Status: $objItem->{AdminPasswordStatus}\n";
25 |
print "Automatic Reset Boot Option: $objItem->{AutomaticResetBootOption}\n";
26 |
print "Automatic Reset Capability: $objItem->{AutomaticResetCapability}\n";
27 |
print "Boot Option On Limit: $objItem->{BootOptionOnLimit}\n";
28 |
print "Boot Option On WatchDog: $objItem->{BootOptionOnWatchDog}\n";
29 |
print "Boot ROM Supported: $objItem->{BootROMSupported}\n";
30 |
print "Bootup State: $objItem->{BootupState}\n";
31 |
print "Caption: $objItem->{Caption}\n";
32 |
print "Chassis Bootup State: $objItem->{ChassisBootupState}\n";
33 |
print "Creation Class Name: $objItem->{CreationClassName}\n";
34 |
print "Current Time Zone: $objItem->{CurrentTimeZone}\n";
35 |
print "Daylight In Effect: $objItem->{DaylightInEffect}\n";
36 |
print "Description: $objItem->{Description}\n";
37 |
print "Domain: $objItem->{Domain}\n";
38 |
print "Domain Role: $objItem->{DomainRole}\n";
39 |
print "Enable Daylight Savings Time: $objItem->{EnableDaylightSavingsTime}\n";
40 |
print "Front Panel Reset Status: $objItem->{FrontPanelResetStatus}\n";
41 |
print "Infrared Supported: $objItem->{InfraredSupported}\n";
42 |
print "Initial Load Info: " . join(",", (in $objItem->{InitialLoadInfo})) . "\n";
43 |
print "Install Date: $objItem->{InstallDate}\n";
44 |
print "Keyboard Password Status: $objItem->{KeyboardPasswordStatus}\n";
45 |
print "Last Load Info: $objItem->{LastLoadInfo}\n";
46 |
print "Manufacturer: $objItem->{Manufacturer}\n";
47 |
print "Model: $objItem->{Model}\n";
48 |
print "Name: $objItem->{Name}\n";
49 |
print "Name Format: $objItem->{NameFormat}\n";
50 |
print "Network Server Mode Enabled: $objItem->{NetworkServerModeEnabled}\n";
51 |
print "Number Of Processors: $objItem->{NumberOfProcessors}\n";
52 |
print "OEM Logo Bitmap: " . join(",", (in $objItem->{OEMLogoBitmap})) . "\n";
53 |
print "OEM String Array: " . join(",", (in $objItem->{OEMStringArray})) . "\n";
54 |
print "Part Of Domain: $objItem->{PartOfDomain}\n";
55 |
print "Pause After Reset: $objItem->{PauseAfterReset}\n";
56 |
print "Power Management Capabilities: " . join(",", (in $objItem->{PowerManagementCapabilities})) . "\n";
57 |
print "Power Management Supported: $objItem->{PowerManagementSupported}\n";
58 |
print "PowerOn Password Status: $objItem->{PowerOnPasswordStatus}\n";
59 |
print "Power State: $objItem->{PowerState}\n";
60 |
print "Power Supply State: $objItem->{PowerSupplyState}\n";
61 |
print "Primary Owner Contact: $objItem->{PrimaryOwnerContact}\n";
62 |
print "Primary Owner Name: $objItem->{PrimaryOwnerName}\n";
63 |
print "Reset Capability: $objItem->{ResetCapability}\n";
64 |
print "Reset Count: $objItem->{ResetCount}\n";
65 |
print "Reset Limit: $objItem->{ResetLimit}\n";
66 |
print "Roles: " . join(",", (in $objItem->{Roles})) . "\n";
67 |
print "Status: $objItem->{Status}\n";
68 |
print "Support Contact Description: " . join(",", (in $objItem->{SupportContactDescription})) . "\n";
69 |
print "System Startup Delay: $objItem->{SystemStartupDelay}\n";
70 |
print "System Startup Options: " . join(",", (in $objItem->{SystemStartupOptions})) . "\n";
71 |
print "System Startup Setting: $objItem->{SystemStartupSetting}\n";
72 |
print "System Type: $objItem->{SystemType}\n";
73 |
print "Thermal State: $objItem->{ThermalState}\n";
74 |
print "Total Physical Memory: $objItem->{TotalPhysicalMemory}\n";
75 |
print "User Name: $objItem->{UserName}\n";
76 |
print "WakeUp Type: $objItem->{WakeUpType}\n";
77 |
print "Workgroup: $objItem->{Workgroup}\n";
78 |
print "\n";
79 |
80 |
81 |