36 |
rodolico |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
This is the basic column type. It is a simple string,
6 |
left justified on HTML display
7 |
<input type='text'> for form input
8 |
varchar for db storage
9 |
It is also used as the basis for all of the other column types
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
CSS Classes used
15 |
db_string display and input a string
16 |
db_field_name display table column header or td
17 |
db_textarea display and input textarea (td or <textarea>)
18 |
db_bool display and input true/false (radio)
19 |
db_date display and input date (text)
20 |
db_datetime display and input date and time (text)
21 |
db_int display and input integers
22 |
db_real display and input floating point numbers
23 |
db_password display and input password (password, display is a series of 8 asterisks)
24 |
db_file display and input file (type="file")
25 |
26 |
27 |
class DBColumn {
28 |
29 |
A column has
30 |
31 |
type (used to define how it is processed)
32 |
nullable (if it can be null or not)
33 |
default value (used if creating a row)
34 |
required (must have a non-null value entered)
35 |
readOnly (will be displayed as text in an input form)
36 |
width (size of the actual field)
37 |
38 |
public $columnName; // name in database
39 |
public $primaryKey; // true if this is a member of the primary key
40 |
public $displayName; // human readable name, uses $columnName if not defined
41 |
public $value; // in most cases, can hold the actual value (not type file or manyToMany)
42 |
public $required; // if false, may be set to null
43 |
public $default; // for not null columns, what value to use if it is null. Also displayed on creation of an insert new row screen
44 |
public $readOnly // if set, an input field will not be created for this column; it will be displayed instead.
45 |
public $width; // width of input field and/or html display
46 |
public $null; // true/false if it can be null (as opposed to empty)
47 |
48 |
49 |
display and data input are based upon these three display templates
50 |
These templates can be modified at runtime by the appropriate functions
51 |
Templates built in assume data will be displayed in a table
52 |
NOTE: these templates have class attributes which may be loaded via a css file to ease formatting
53 |
54 |
protected $HTMLHeaderTemplate = '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td>';
55 |
protected $HTMLValueTemplate = '<td class="db_string">~~value~~</td>';
56 |
protected $HTMLInputTemplate = '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="text" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_string"> value="~~value~~"</td>';
57 |
58 |
// Accepts a column name (required), and array of definitions, and a value (both optional)
59 |
public function __construct ( $columnName, $definition = '', $value='') {
60 |
$this->columnName = $columnName;
61 |
$this->value = $value;
62 |
$this->displayName = $definition['display name'];
63 |
$this->required = $definition['required'];
64 |
$this->default = $definition['default'];
65 |
$this->width = $definition['width'];
66 |
$this->readOnly = $definition['readonly'];
67 |
if ( $definition['default'] == 'null' or $definition['null_ok'] ) {
68 |
$this->null = true;
69 |
$this->default = '';
70 |
71 |
$this->primaryKey = ($definition['keyfield'] ? true : false);
72 |
} // function __construct
73 |
74 |
// following three functions simply allow user to set and get values for the different templates
75 |
public function valueTemplate( $newValue = '' ) {
76 |
$returnValue = $HTMLValueTemplate;
77 |
if ($newValue) {
78 |
$HTMLValueTemplate = $newValue;
79 |
80 |
return $returnValue;
81 |
82 |
public function headerTemplate( $newValue = '' ) {
83 |
$returnValue = $HTMLHeaderTemplate;
84 |
if ($newValue) {
85 |
$HTMLHeaderTemplate = $newValue;
86 |
87 |
return $returnValue;
88 |
89 |
public function valueTemplate( $newValue = '' ) {
90 |
$returnValue = $HTMLInputTemplate;
91 |
if ($newValue) {
92 |
$HTMLInputTemplate = $newValue;
93 |
94 |
return $returnValue;
95 |
96 |
97 |
/* function takes a string, and looks for the array names in $values, replacing occurrences of it with
98 |
99 |
private replaceTokens ( $string, $values ) {
100 |
foreach( $values as $token => $value ) {
101 |
$string = preg_replace("/$token/", $value, $string);
102 |
103 |
return $string;
104 |
105 |
106 |
/* function will return a display field based on template, with the value inside it */
107 |
public function displayHTML ($template = '') {
108 |
return replaceTokens($HTMLValueTemplate, array('~~value~~'=>$this->value));
109 |
} // function displayHTML
110 |
111 |
/* function will return a formatted header for column names of tables, etc... */
112 |
public function HTMLColumnName ($template = '') {
113 |
return replaceTokens($HTMLHeaderTemplate, array('~~display_name~~'=>($this->displayName ? $this->displayName : $this->columnName),
114 |
'~~column_name~~' => $this->columnName));
115 |
} // function HTMLColumnName
116 |
117 |
/* function will return an input field */
118 |
public function HTMLInputField ($template = '') {
119 |
return replaceTokens($HTMLInputTemplate, array( '~~display_name~~'=>($this->displayName ? $this->displayName : $this->columnName),
120 |
'~~column_name~~' => $this->columnName),
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
} // function HTMLInputField
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
/* ======================================================================================================================
129 |
class DBColumnBool
130 |
Used for multi row columns, ie HTML TextArea's and DB Text columns
131 |
132 |
class DBColumnText extends DBColumn {
133 |
protected $HTMLInputTemplate = '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td><textarea name="~~column_name~~" class="db_textarea">~~value~~</textarea>';
134 |
protected $HTMLValueTemplate = '<td class="db_textarea">~~value~~</td>';
135 |
protected $HTML = false; // if true, field contains HTML
136 |
} // class DBColumnText
137 |
138 |
/* ======================================================================================================================
139 |
class DBColumnBool
140 |
used for True/False, 1/0, etc...
141 |
html display T or F (can be overridden)
142 |
Input is a True/False drop down on form input
143 |
Stored in a char
144 |
145 |
class DBColumnBool extends DBColumn {
146 |
protected $HTMLInputTemplate = '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td><INPUT class="db_bool" type="radio" ~~checked~~ name="~~column_name~~"></td>';
147 |
protected $HTMLValueTemplate = '<td class="db_bool">~~value~~</td>';
148 |
149 |
/* function will return a display field based on template, with the value inside it */
150 |
public function displayHTML ($template = '') {
151 |
return replaceTokens($HTMLValueTemplate, array('~~value~~'=>($this->value ? 'true' : 'false')));
152 |
} // function displayHTML
153 |
154 |
public function HTMLInputField ($template = '') {
155 |
return replaceTokens($HTMLInputTemplate, array( '~~display_name~~'=>($this->displayName ? $this->displayName : $this->columnName),
156 |
'~~column_name~~' => $this->columnName),
157 |
'~~checked~~'=> ($this->value ? 'checked' : '' ) // puts a check mark in if the value is true
158 |
159 |
160 |
} // function HTMLInputField
161 |
} // class DBColumnBool
162 |
163 |
/* ======================================================================================================================
164 |
class DBColumnDate
165 |
holds a date only (ie, no time)
166 |
html display is yyyy-mm-dd (can be overridden)
167 |
input uses advanced library
168 |
stored in a date
169 |
170 |
class DBColumnDate extends DBColumn {
171 |
protected $HTMLValueTemplate = '<td class="db_date">~~value~~</td>';
172 |
protected $HTMLInputTemplate = '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="text" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_date"> value="~~value~~"</td>';
173 |
} // class DBColumnDate
174 |
175 |
/* ======================================================================================================================
176 |
class DBColumnDateTime
177 |
holds a date time stamp
178 |
html display is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (can be overridden)
179 |
input uses advanced library
180 |
stored in datetime
181 |
182 |
class DBColumnDateTime extends DBColumn {
183 |
protected $HTMLValueTemplate = '<td class="db_datetime">~~value~~</td>';
184 |
protected $HTMLInputTemplate = '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="text" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_datetime"> value="~~value~~"</td>';
185 |
} // class DBColumnDateTime
186 |
187 |
/* ======================================================================================================================
188 |
class DBColumnInt
189 |
holds an integer
190 |
html display is right justified
191 |
input verifies numerics only
192 |
stored in int (may be stored in int unsigned)
193 |
194 |
class DBColumnInt extends DBColumn {
195 |
protected $HTMLValueTemplate = '<td class="db_int">~~value~~</td>';
196 |
protected $HTMLInputTemplate = '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="text" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_int"> value="~~value~~"</td>';
197 |
public $range; // if defined, number must be within this range
198 |
public $signed = true; // if false, uses int unsigned
199 |
200 |
public function __constructor( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '') {
201 |
parent::__construct( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '' ); // first call base class
202 |
if ($definition['min']) {
203 |
$this->range['min'] = $definition['min'];
204 |
205 |
if ($definition['max']) {
206 |
$this->range['max'] = $definition['max'];
207 |
208 |
if ($definition['signed']) {
209 |
$this->signed = $definition['signed'];
210 |
211 |
} // function __constructor
212 |
213 |
} // class DBColumnInt
214 |
215 |
/* ======================================================================================================================
216 |
class DBColumnReal
217 |
holds a floating point number
218 |
html display is right justified
219 |
may be padded
220 |
input verfies floating point number
221 |
stored in float
222 |
223 |
class DBColumnReal extends DBColumnInt {
224 |
public $decimalPlaces;
225 |
protected $HTMLValueTemplate = '<td class="db_real">~~value~~</td>';
226 |
protected $HTMLInputTemplate = '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="text" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_real"> value="~~value~~"</td>';
227 |
228 |
public function __constructor( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '') {
229 |
parent::__construct( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '' ); // first call base class
230 |
$this->decimalPlaces = $definition['decimal places'];
231 |
} // function __constructor
232 |
233 |
} // class DBColumnReal
234 |
235 |
/* ======================================================================================================================
236 |
class DBColumnPassword
237 |
holds a hash of a password
238 |
HTML display is a series of 8 stars
239 |
html input is type='password'
240 |
stored in a char(32). This is the MD5 sum of the password
241 |
242 |
class DBColumnPassword extends DBColumn {
243 |
protected $HTMLValueTemplate = '<td class="db_password">********</td>';
244 |
protected $HTMLInputTemplate = '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="password" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_password"> value="~~value~~"</td>';
245 |
} // class DBColumnPassword
246 |
247 |
/* ======================================================================================================================
248 |
class DBColumnFile
249 |
holds file
250 |
html display is file name, click to download
251 |
input is type='file'
252 |
stored either in a blob, or in a varchar as the filename on disk
253 |
254 |
class DBColumnFile extends DBColumn {
255 |
public $viewable; // if true, can be displayed on screen, ie pictures
256 |
public $onDisk = true; // if false, this is a blob column which contains the file. If true, it is a varchar which contains the path
257 |
protected $HTMLValueTemplate = '<td class="db_file">~~value~~</td>';
258 |
protected $HTMLInputTemplate = '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="file" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_file"> value="~~value~~"</td>';
259 |
260 |
public function __constructor( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '') {
261 |
parent::__construct( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '' ); // first call base class
262 |
$this->viewable = $definition['viewable'];
263 |
} // function __constructor
264 |
265 |
} // class DBColumnFile
266 |
267 |
/* ======================================================================================================================
268 |
class DBColumnLookup
269 |
Holds a foreign key value
270 |
html display is target entry
271 |
input is a dropdown
272 |
stored as an int unsigned foreign key (tablename.primary key)
273 |
The display will be a drop down box which will be filled with display values from the foreign table
274 |
Basically, will generate the query
275 |
select $this->$remotePrimaryKey,$this->remoteDisplayField
276 |
from $this->remoteTableName
277 |
where $this->filter
278 |
sort by $this->sortOrder
279 |
280 |
281 |
'$this->filter' will only be used if it is non-null (otherwise, there will be no where clause)
282 |
'sort by $this->sortOrder' will only be used if $sortOrder is non-null (otherwise, there will be no sort by)
283 |
$remoteDisplayField must resolve to a single column in the query result, ie concat(field1, field2), not field1,field2
284 |
285 |
The <select> box will have the remote field highlighted that corresponds to $this->value
286 |
If $this->value is null and this is a nullable field, the special text "No Value" is added to the <select> box
287 |
If $this->value is null and this is not a nullable field, the first item in the drop down will be selected.
288 |
289 |
class DBColumnLookup extends DBColumn {
290 |
protected $remoteTableName; // the actual table name in the database that is used for lookups
291 |
protected $remotePrimaryKey; // column name in $remoteTableName that matches this columns value
292 |
protected $remoteDisplayField; // a string used in select statement to build a display
293 |
protected $filter; // if set, will generate an additional where clause (anded) to limit the display of fields
294 |
protected $sortOrder; // if set, will generate a sort by clause to determine display order
295 |
protected $HTMLValueTemplate = '<td class="db_file">********</td>';
296 |
protected $HTMLInputTemplate = '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><select name="~~column_name~~" class="db_file">~~value~~</select></td>';
297 |
298 |
public function __constructor( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '') {
299 |
parent::__construct( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '' ); // first call base class
300 |
$this->remoteTableName = $definition['table'];
301 |
$this->remotePrimaryKey = array($definition['keyfiled']);
302 |
$this->remoteDisplayField = $definition['display_field'];
303 |
$this->filter = $definition['filter'];
304 |
$this->sortOrder = $definition['sort by'];
305 |
} // function __constructor
306 |
307 |
308 |
/* function will return an input field */
309 |
public function HTMLInputField ($template = '') {
310 |
$dropDown = makeDropDown ( $this->remoteTableName,
311 |
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 |
316 |
return replaceTokens($HTMLInputTemplate, array( '~~display_name~~'=>($this->displayName ? $this->displayName : $this->columnName),
317 |
'~~column_name~~' => $this->columnName),
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
} // function HTMLInputField
322 |
323 |
// finds value in child table and simply displays it
324 |
public function displayHTML ($template = '') {
325 |
$display = getOneDBValue("select $this->remoteDisplayField from $this->remoteTableName where $this->remotePrimaryKey = $value");
326 |
return replaceTokens($HTMLValueTemplate, array('~~value~~'=>$display));
327 |
} // function displayHTML
328 |
329 |
} // class DBColumnLookup
330 |
331 |
/* ======================================================================================================================
332 |
class DBColumnManyToMany
333 |
simply indicates a one to many relationship
334 |
HTML display is a list of remote table values
335 |
input is a multi-select
336 |
stored as a secondary table with
337 |
one set of columns containing the primary key of this table
338 |
second set of column containing the primary key of a second table.
339 |
340 |
class DBColumnManyToMany extends DBColumn {
341 |
} // class DBColumnManyToMany
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
class DBRow {
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 |
A table is made up of columns
350 |
A table has relationships with other tables
351 |
A table has an array (possibly null) of columns that make up the primary key
352 |
A table has an array of columns displayed for choosing a row from a list
353 |
A table has a (possibly null) query to display the list. If null, will default to select *
354 |
355 |
class DBTable {
356 |
protected $tableName;
357 |
protected $columns;
358 |
public $displayName;
359 |
public $displayColumns;
360 |
public $displayQuery;
361 |
362 |
public function __construct( $tableName, $displayName = '', $displayColumns = '', $displayQuery = '', $columnDefinitionArray = '' ) {
363 |
$this->tableName = $tableName;
364 |
// if a display name is not passed in, use the table name
365 |
$this->displayName = ($displayName ? $displayName : $tableName );
366 |
// if a list of display columns is not passed in, use the column names from the column definition
367 |
$this->displayColumns = ($displayColumns ? $displayColumns : array_keys($columnDefinitionArray) );
368 |
// if a display query is not passwd in, just do a select *
369 |
$this->displayQuery = ($displayQuery ? $displayQuery : "select * from $this->tableName" );
370 |
// get the column definitions
371 |
$this->columns = columnDefinitionArrayToObject( $columnDefinitionArray );
372 |
} // function __construct
373 |
374 |
375 |
// Will create an array of DBColumns based upon the definition in $arr
376 |
// see information in separate file for definition of array
377 |
public function arrayToObject ( $arr ) {
378 |
379 |
foreach ( $arr as $columnName => $definitions ) {
380 |
switch ( $definitions['type'] ) {
381 |
case 'text' : $thisColumn = new DBColumnText($columnName, $definitions );
382 |
383 |
case 'date' : $thisColumn = new DBColumnDate($columnName, $definitions );
384 |
385 |
case 'datetime': $thisColumn = new DBColumnDateTime($columnName, $definitions );
386 |
387 |
case 'int' : $thisColumn = new DBColumnInt($columnName, $definitions );
388 |
389 |
case 'real' : $thisColumn = new DBColumnReal($columnName, $definitions );
390 |
391 |
case 'password': $thisColumn = new DBColumnPassword($columnName, $definitions );
392 |
393 |
case 'file' : $thisColumn = new DBColumnFile($columnName, $definitions );
394 |
395 |
case 'lookup' : $thisColumn = new DBColumnLookup($columnName, $definitions );
396 |
397 |
case 'multi' : $thisColumn = new DBColumnManyToMany($columnName, $definitions );
398 |
399 |
default : $thisColumn = new DBColumn( $columnName, $definitions );
400 |
} // switch
401 |
$this->columns[] = $thisColumn;
402 |
} // foreach
403 |
} // function arrayToObject
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 |
class DBDatabase {
409 |
protected $databaseName;
410 |
protected $tables;
411 |
protected $displayOptions;
412 |
413 |
public function __construct( $databaseName, $tableDefinitionArray = '', $displayOptions = '' ) {
414 |
$this->databaseName = $databaseName;
415 |
$this->displayOptions = $displayOptions;
416 |
foreach ( $tableDefinitionArray as $tableName => $definition ) {
417 |
$this->tables[] = new DBTable($tableName, $definition['display name'], $definition['display columns'], $definition['display query'], $definition['field info'] );
418 |
419 |
} // function __construct
420 |
} // class DBDatabase
421 |
422 |
423 |
424 |
425 |
426 |
427 |