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rodolico |
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Set of scripts designed to audit a Linux or Unix server, sending the results as a YAML file for additional processing
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Installation Instructions
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# target directory normally either /opt/sysinfo_client (Linux) or /usr/local/opt/sysinfo_client (BSD)
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svn co http://svn.dailydata.net/svn/camp_sysinfo_client_3 /your/target/directory/camp/sysinfo_client
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Resulting structure (default Linux install)
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/opt/camp/sysinfo_client - Primary script (sysinfo_client) and libraries
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/opt/camp/sysinfo_client/modules - scripts to be run to gather data
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/opt/camp/sysinfo_client/scripts - transports to send results to another machine
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/etc/camp/sysinfo_client - Configuration file(s)
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/etc/camp/sysinfo_client/modules - optional location for local scripts to be run to gather data
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/etc/camp/sysinfo_client/scripts - optional location for local scripts to transport results to master machine
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/etc/cron.daily/sysinfo_client - soft link to executable
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/etc/server_info - optional file to identify location, owner, etc... (see installer/server_info.sample)
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FreeBSD install moves /opt to /usr/local/opt, and /etc/ to /usr/local/etc with cron link going into /etc/periodic/daily
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opnSense is basic FreeBSD except cron done via config.d by placing an action file in /usr/local/opnsense/service/conf/actions.d
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When sysinfo_client is called
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load and verify the config file, creating a structure in memory (hash)
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run every script with the executable flag set in the modules/ directory
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run every script with the executable flag set in /etc/..../modules directory
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attempt each transport defined in config, from lowest priority to highest, until one succeeds
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Each module file should have one parameter with the location of library.pm (directory only, do not include library.pm)
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Modules must fail gracefully, identifying if they are not applicable to an existing machine (ie if a FreeBSD machine, don't try
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to run Linux specific commands)
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Modules return 0 or more tab delimited lines containing category, sub-category, key, value