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#! /usr/bin/env perl
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# archiveDirectories.pl
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# Author: R. W. Rodolico
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# Date: 20180603
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# Copyright: 2018, Vanduzen Enterprises, Dallas TX
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# Script designed to be run from a cron job, which checks if any directories
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# are ready to be archived. A directory is defined as a directory under
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# the root of $config{'local root dir'}.
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# If found, all directories are moved into the staging area and
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# an md5 checksum is calculated for the entire tree.
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# After all directories are moved, a second process looks in the staging
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# area and copies the files (using rsync for reliability) into the staging
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# area of $config{'target server'}. When a directory has been copied, a checksum is
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# calculated on the remote copy and compared to the checksum calculated
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# in the first stage and, if it passes, the directory is then moved to the
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# $config{'target final directory'}.
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# After the copy and move, the directory and its MD5 sum file are moved
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# to the $config{'local trash dir'} (which is cleaned on the next invocation of
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# the script).
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# Script does NOT handle the situation where directories are being moved
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# while the script is running, so the script should be run at a time
26 |
# when there is no other activity on the server.
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28 |
# Version: 1.0
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30 |
use warnings;
31 |
use strict;
32 |
use Cwd qw();
33 |
use File::Copy qw(move);
34 |
use File::Basename;
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35 |
use File::stat;
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my $DEBUG = 5;
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39 |
my %config;
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my @DirectoriesToMove;
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sub loadConfig {
44 |
use FindBin;
45 |
my $configFileName = "$FindBin::Bin/$FindBin::Script";
46 |
unless ( $configFileName =~ s/\.pl$/\.conf/ ) {
47 |
$configFileName .= '.conf';
48 |
49 |
50 |
if ( -e $configFileName ) {
51 |
my $configFileContents = &slurpFile( $configFileName );
52 |
eval( $configFileContents );
53 |
die "Error interpreting $configFileName: $@\n" if $@;
54 |
} else {
55 |
die "Could not locate config file $configFileName\n";
56 |
} # if..else
57 |
} #loadConfig
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59 |
# simply read the entire fiel into a string
60 |
sub slurpFile {
61 |
my $filename = shift;
62 |
return '' unless -e $filename;
63 |
open TEMP, "<$filename" or die "could not read $filename: $!\n";
64 |
my @contents = <TEMP>;
65 |
close TEMP;
66 |
return join( '', @contents );
67 |
68 |
69 |
# print a value to a file
70 |
sub writeData {
71 |
my $filename = shift;
72 |
open TEMP, ">$filename" or die "could not write to $filename: $!\n";
73 |
print TEMP join( '', @_ );
74 |
close TEMP;
75 |
76 |
77 |
# look in the directories to move directory and see if there is anything
78 |
# new in there. If so, check MD5 Sum file (create if necessary) and ensure
79 |
# we have waited long enough and the sums match
80 |
sub getDirectories {
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81 |
my $rootDir = shift;
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82 |
print "In getDirectories with dir of $rootDir\n" if $DEBUG;
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83 |
opendir( my $dh, $rootDir ) or die "Could not open directory $rootDir: $!\n";
84 |
my @dirs = grep { ! /^\./ && -d "$rootDir/$_" } readdir( $dh );
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85 |
closedir ( $dh );
86 |
print "Directories Found\n" . join( "\n", @dirs ) . "\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
87 |
my @dirsToMove;
88 |
foreach my $thisDir ( @dirs ) {
89 |
my $fullyQualified = "$rootDir/$thisDir";
90 |
my $md5 = calcMD5( $fullyQualified );
91 |
print "\tFound Dir $fullyQualified with MD5 of $md5\n" if $DEBUG > 2;
92 |
# let's look for the md5 checksum file and compare if it exist
93 |
my $md5Name = "$fullyQualified.$config{'md5 suffix'}";
94 |
if ( -e $md5Name ) {
95 |
# find out when it was last written to
96 |
my $lastModification = stat( $md5Name );
97 |
$lastModification = $$lastModification[9];
98 |
my $howOld = time - $lastModification;
99 |
print "\tFound existing MD5 file $md5Name written to at $lastModification, or $howOld seconds ago\n" if $DEBUG > 3;
100 |
# and blow it off if it is too recent
101 |
if ( $howOld < $config{'quiesent seconds'} ) {
102 |
print "\t\tBlowing it off because $howOld is less than $config{'quiesent seconds'}\n" if $DEBUG > 4;
103 |
104 |
105 |
my $oldMD5 = &slurpFile( $md5Name );
106 |
if ( $md5 eq $oldMD5 ) {
107 |
print "\t\tAdding, md5 not changed, $md5 same as $oldMD5\n" if $DEBUG > 4;
108 |
push @dirsToMove, $thisDir;
109 |
} else {
110 |
print "\t\tWaiting, md5 changed, $md5 and $oldMD5\n" if $DEBUG > 4;
111 |
# overwrite if the checksum has changed
112 |
&writeData( $md5Name, $md5 ) if $md5 ne &slurpFile( $md5Name );
113 |
114 |
} else { # doesn't exist, so create it
115 |
print "\t\tCreating MD5 File $md5Name with value $md5\n" if $DEBUG > 4;
116 |
&writeData( $md5Name, $md5 );
117 |
118 |
} # foreach
119 |
return @dirsToMove;
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122 |
# calculate the checksum of a directory by
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# 1. calculate checksum of each individual file in the entire tree
124 |
# 2. Grab the first column, which is the checksum
125 |
# 3. sort the result since Linux will not always return them in the same order
126 |
# 4. do a checksum of the checksums
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128 |
# This is highly unlikely to give the same answer if any file changes
129 |
# in the process of the copy
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sub calcMD5 {
131 |
my $directory = shift;
132 |
return -1 unless -d $directory;
133 |
my $md5 = `find '$directory' -type f -exec md5sum \\{\\} \\; | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1`;
134 |
chomp $md5;
135 |
return $md5;
136 |
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# moves directory to staging area and puts the md5 sum into a file
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# with the same name, but a .md5sum suffix
140 |
sub moveToStaging {
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141 |
my ( $directory, $fullPath, $staging ) = @_;
142 |
# and let's get the md5 file name also
143 |
my $md5File = $fullPath . ".$config{'md5 suffix'}";
144 |
mkdir $staging unless -d $staging;
145 |
return 'Directory already exists in staging' if -e "$staging/$directory";
146 |
move( $fullPath, "$staging/$directory" ) or die "Error moving $fullPath to $staging/$directory: $!\n";
147 |
move( $md5File, $staging ) or die "Error moving $md5File to $staging: $!\n";
148 |
return '';
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151 |
sub getCheckSum {
152 |
my $project = shift;
153 |
my $checkSumFile = $config{'local staging area'} . '/' . $project . '.' . $config{'md5 suffix'};
154 |
if ( -e $checkSumFile ) {
155 |
return &slurpFile( $checkSumFile );
156 |
157 |
return '';
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# verifies the directory is correct on the server by comparing the checksums
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# calculated locally and remote server. If valid, moves it into the final
162 |
# location on the remote server
163 |
sub validateTarget {
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164 |
my ( $remoteServer, $remoteStaging, $remoteTarget, $directory, $checksum ) = @_;
165 |
my $md5sum = `ssh $remoteServer "find '$remoteStaging/$directory' -type f -exec md5sum \\{\\} \\; | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1"`;
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166 |
chomp $md5sum;
167 |
if ( $checksum eq $md5sum ) {
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168 |
my $command = "ssh $remoteServer \"mv '$remoteStaging/$directory' '$remoteTarget'\"";
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169 |
if ( system( $command ) == 0 ) {
170 |
return 1;
171 |
} else {
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172 |
&logit( "Unable to move $directory to $remoteServer:$remoteTarget" );
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173 |
return 0;
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175 |
} else {
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176 |
&logit( "Invalid checksum moving directory $directory" );
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177 |
return 0;
178 |
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180 |
181 |
# simple little logger that records some information
182 |
sub logit {
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183 |
my $projectName = shift;
184 |
my $suffix = shift;
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185 |
my $logfile = $config{'local root dir'} . "/$projectName.$suffix";
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186 |
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
187 |
my $now = sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%-2d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec );
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188 |
open LOG, ">>$logfile" or die "could not write to $logfile: $!\n";
189 |
while ( my $message = shift ) {
190 |
print LOG "$now\t$message\n";
191 |
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close LOG;
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sub runRemoteCommand {
196 |
my $server = shift;
197 |
while ( my $command = shift ) {
198 |
my $output = qx/ssh $server '$command'/;
199 |
if ( my $error = $? & 127 ) {
200 |
return ( $output, $error );
201 |
202 |
203 |
return ('', 0);
204 |
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# simply remove everything from the trash directory
208 |
sub cleanTrash {
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209 |
my ( $trashDir, $age ) = @_;
210 |
`mkdir -p $trashDir` unless -d $trashDir;
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211 |
`rm -fR $trashDir/*`;
212 |
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sub copyToRemote {
215 |
my ( $path, $dirname, $remoteServer, $remotePath ) = @_;
216 |
# first, copy the file
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217 |
#print "rsync -a $path/$dirname $remoteServer:$remotePath > /tmp/lastrsync.log";
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219 |
qx"rsync -a $path/$dirname $remoteServer:$remotePath > /tmp/lastrsync.log";
220 |
return 'rsync failed with error :' . $? & 127 if $? & 127;
221 |
return '';
222 |
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# Main
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#use Data::Dumper;
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#print Dumper( \%config );
231 |
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233 |
unless ( -d $config{'local root dir'} ) {
234 |
`mkdir -p $config{'local root dir'}`;
235 |
`chmod 777 $config{'local root dir'}`;
236 |
237 |
# clean the trash if $config{ 'trash cleanup' } is non-zero
238 |
&cleanTrash( $config{'local trash dir'}, $config{ 'trash cleanup' } ) if $config{ 'trash cleanup' };
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239 |
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# Check if we have any directories which are ready to be moved.
241 |
@DirectoriesToMove = &getDirectories( $config{'local root dir'} );
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242 |
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243 |
print "Processing\n\t" . join( "\n\t", @DirectoriesToMove ) . "\n";
244 |
245 |
foreach my $directory ( @DirectoriesToMove ) {
246 |
my $fullPath = $config{'local root dir'} . "/$directory";
247 |
my $logFile = "$fullPath.$config{'log suffix'}";
248 |
my $errorFile = "$fullPath.$config{'error suffix'}";
249 |
print "Path for $directory is $fullPath\n\tLog File is $logFile\n\tError file is $errorFile\n" if $DEBUG > 3;
250 |
if ( -e $errorFile ) {
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251 |
&logit( $directory, $config{'log suffix'}, "Aborting because we have a pre-existing error" );
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252 |
print "\tAborting because we have a pre-existing error\n" if $DEBUG > 3;
253 |
254 |
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255 |
&logit( $directory, $config{'log suffix'}, "Processing $directory" );
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256 |
my $error = &moveToStaging( $directory, $fullPath, $config{'local staging area'} );
257 |
if ( ! $error ) {
258 |
print "\tMoved to $config{'local staging area'}\n" if $DEBUG > 3;
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259 |
&logit( $directory, $config{'log suffix'}, "Successfully moved to $config{'local staging area'}" );
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260 |
} else {
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261 |
&logit( $directory, $config{'log suffix'}, "Error, move aborted" );
262 |
&logit( $directory, $config{'error suffix'}, $error );
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263 |
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266 |
# done with that, now we need to see if there is anything in the staging area
267 |
# that needs to be sent to the remote server
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268 |
`mkdir -p $config{'local staging area'}` unless -d $config{'local staging area'};
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269 |
opendir( my $dh, $config{'local staging area'} ) or die "Could not read $config{'local staging area'}: $!\n";
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270 |
my @directories;
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# get all the .md5 files
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272 |
my @toMove = grep { /$config{'md5 suffix'}$/ } readdir( $dh );
273 |
my $targetPath = "$config{'target server'}:$config{'target staging area'}/";
274 |
print "Copying the following to $targetPath\n\t" . join ("\n\t", @toMove ) . "\n";
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275 |
# create the target directory on the server if it doesn't exist
276 |
&runRemoteCommand( $config{'target server'},
277 |
"[ ! -d $config{'target staging area'} ] && mkdir -p $config{'target staging area'}",
278 |
"[ ! -d $config{'target final directory'} ] && mkdir -p $config{'target final directory'}"
279 |
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# now, process each directory in turn
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283 |
foreach my $dirname ( @toMove ) {
284 |
print "Processing $dirname\n";
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285 |
my $error;
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286 |
$dirname =~ m/^(.*)\.$config{'md5 suffix'}$/;
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287 |
$dirname = $1;
288 |
$error = ©ToRemote( $config{'local staging area'}, $dirname, $config{'target server'}, $config{'target staging area'} );
289 |
if ( $error ) {
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290 |
&logit( $dirname, $config{'error suffix'}, $error );
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291 |
292 |
} else {
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293 |
&logit( $dirname, $config{'log suffix'}, "Copied to $config{'target server'}:$config{'target staging area'}" );
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my $md5sum = &getCheckSum( $dirname );
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297 |
next unless $md5sum;
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298 |
my $rsync = "rsync -av '$config{'local staging area'}/$dirname' $config{'target server'}:$config{'target staging area'}/ > /tmp/lastrsync.log";
299 |
&logit( $dirname, $config{'log suffix'}, $rsync );
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300 |
if ( system ( $rsync ) == 0 ) { # we succeeded
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301 |
if ( &validateTarget( $config{'target server'}, $config{'target staging area'}, $config{'target final directory'}, $dirname, $md5sum ) ) {
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302 |
`mkdir -p $config{'local trash dir'}` unless -d $config{'local trash dir'};
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303 |
move( "$config{'local staging area'}/$dirname", "$config{'local trash dir'}/$dirname" );
304 |
$dirname .= $config{'md5 suffix'};
305 |
move( "$config{'local staging area'}/$dirname", "$config{'local trash dir'}/$dirname" );
306 |
&logit( $dirname, $config{'log suffix'}, "Successfully moved directory $dirname to $config{'target server'}" );
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307 |
} else {
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308 |
&logit( $dirname, $config{'error suffix'}, "Unable to validate target for $dirname" );
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310 |
} else {
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311 |
&logit( $dirname, $config{'error suffix'}, "Unknown error attempting to rsync $dirname" );
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