1 |
rodolico |
1 |
connect camp2;
2 |
3 |
drop table if exists users;
4 |
create table users (
5 |
id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
6 |
username varchar(64) unique not null comment 'login user name',
7 |
password char(32) not null comment 'encrypted password',
8 |
group_id int unsigned references groups(id),
9 |
where_clause text comment 'appended to all queries used to limit the access the user has to records',
10 |
email varchar(64) comment 'email address so we can contact them',
11 |
notes text comment 'Any notes you want',
12 |
created datetime not null,
13 |
removed datetime default null comment 'Date removed',
14 |
primary key (id)
15 |
) comment 'logins to system';
16 |
17 |
18 |
drop table if exists groups;
19 |
create table groups (
20 |
id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
21 |
name varchar(100) unique not null comment 'name of this group',
22 |
created datetime not null,
23 |
modified datetime default null,
24 |
primary key (id)
25 |
) comment 'holds users groups for the ACL code';
26 |
27 |
drop table if exists user_group;
28 |
create table user_group (
29 |
user_id int unsigned not null references users(id),
30 |
group_id int unsigned not null references groups(id),
31 |
primary key (user_id,group_id)
32 |
) comment 'maps users to groups';
33 |
34 |
drop table if exists owners;
35 |
create table owners (
36 |
id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
37 |
name varchar(64) not null unique comment 'Name of owner',
38 |
notes text comment 'Any notes you want',
39 |
created datetime not null,
40 |
removed datetime default null comment 'Date removed',
41 |
primary key (id)
42 |
) comment 'holds owners information';
43 |
44 |
45 |
drop table if exists sites;
46 |
create table sites (
47 |
id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
48 |
name varchar(64) not null unique comment 'Name of site',
49 |
notes text comment 'Any notes you want',
50 |
created datetime not null,
51 |
removed datetime default null comment 'Date removed',
52 |
primary key (id)
53 |
) comment 'holds site information';
54 |
55 |
56 |
drop table if exists device_types;
57 |
create table device_types (
58 |
id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
59 |
name varchar(64) not null unique comment 'short name for display',
60 |
system tinyint(1) comment 'If true (1) this is a system. Set to 0 for printers etc...',
61 |
notes text comment 'Any notes you want',
62 |
created datetime not null,
63 |
removed datetime default null comment 'Date removed',
64 |
primary key (id)
65 |
) comment 'holds types of devices, such as computer, router, etc...';
66 |
67 |
drop table if exists attributes;
68 |
create table attributes (
69 |
id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
70 |
name varchar(64) not null unique comment 'short name for display',
71 |
notes text comment 'Any notes you want',
72 |
created datetime not null,
73 |
removed datetime default null comment 'Date removed',
74 |
primary key (id)
75 |
) comment 'lookup table of possible attributes to devices';
76 |
77 |
drop table if exists devices;
78 |
create table devices (
79 |
id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
80 |
serial_number varchar(64) null comment 'serial number of device',
81 |
name varchar(255) not null comment 'name of device',
82 |
parent_id int unsigned null references devices(id),
83 |
device_type_id int unsigned not null references device_types(id),
84 |
site_id int unsigned null references sites(id),
85 |
owner_id int unsigned not null references owners(id),
86 |
notes text comment 'Any notes you want',
87 |
created datetime not null,
88 |
removed datetime default null comment 'Date removed',
89 |
primary key (id)
90 |
) comment 'holds computers, cards that make them up, etc...';
91 |
92 |
drop table if exists device_aliases;
93 |
create table device_aliases (
94 |
id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
95 |
name varchar(64) not null unique comment 'short name for display',
96 |
device_id int unsigned not null references devices(id),
97 |
notes text comment 'Any notes you want',
98 |
created datetime not null,
99 |
removed datetime default null comment 'Date removed',
100 |
primary key (id)
101 |
102 |
) comment 'aliases for devices';
103 |
104 |
drop table if exists attributes_devices;
105 |
create table attributes_devices (
106 |
id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
107 |
device_id int unsigned not null references devices(id),
108 |
attributes_id int unsigned not null references attributes(id),
109 |
attribute_value text comment 'the actual value of the attribute in question',
110 |
created datetime not null,
111 |
removed datetime default null comment 'Date removed',
112 |
primary key (id)
113 |
) comment 'Each device can have multiple attributes and values';
114 |
115 |
drop table if exists files;
116 |
create table files (
117 |
id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
118 |
original_name varchar(64) not null comment 'original file name',
119 |
name_on_disk varchar(64) not null unique comment 'name of file on disk',
120 |
mime_type_id int unsigned default null references mime_types(id),
121 |
device_id int unsigned not null references devices(id),
122 |
site_id int unsigned null references sites(id),
123 |
owner_id int unsigned not null references owners(id),
124 |
created datetime not null,
125 |
removed datetime default null comment 'Date removed',
126 |
primary key (id)
127 |
) comment 'Files which can be associated with an owner site or device';
128 |
129 |
130 |
drop table if exists mime_types;
131 |
create table mime_types (
132 |
id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
133 |
name varchar(64) not null comment 'the web definition of the mime type',
134 |
embed tinyint(1) default 0 comment 'If true (1) can be viewed on web page',
135 |
extension varchar(5) comment 'standard file extension used for this MIME type',
136 |
primary key (id)
137 |
) comment 'just keeps a list of standard MIME types for use with filess';
138 |
139 |
drop table if exists menus;
140 |
create table menus (
141 |
id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment,
142 |
parent_id int(10) unsigned default null comment 'If this is a submenu the id of the parent',
143 |
caption varchar(20) not null comment 'The actual caption displayed',
144 |
url varchar(120) default null comment 'the url of the page/script to call or null if this contains sub-options',
145 |
primary key (id)
146 |
) comment='We keep the entire menu structure here so modules can modify';
147 |
148 |
drop table if exists menu_group;
149 |
create table menu_group (
150 |
menu_id int unsigned not null references menus(id),
151 |
group_id int unsigned not null references groups(id),
152 |
primary key (menu_id,group_id)
153 |
) comment 'gives a group access to a menu';