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#! /usr/bin/env perl
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# Script does an snmp walk through the ports of one or more network
4 |
# switch, gathering MAC addresses assigned to each port.
5 |
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# requires snmp running on this machine. Also uses YAML::Tiny perl module
7 |
# under debian and derivatives, use the following command to install
8 |
# apt-get -y install snmp libyaml-tiny-perl
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# It then does an snmp walk through the arp table of one or
11 |
# more routers to determine IP and DNS entries for the MAC address
12 |
13 |
# Information gathered is stored in persistent storage (a yaml formatted file
14 |
# in the same directory), then reloaded at the next start of the program.
15 |
# As new entries become available, they are added. A time stamp
16 |
# records the last time an entry was "seen"
17 |
18 |
# Data is stored in the hash %switchports with the following structure
19 |
# %switchports =
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20 |
# {switch} (from $config{'switches'} key)
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21 |
# {name} (scalar, from snmp)
22 |
# {location} (scalar, from snmp)
23 |
# {'ports'} (constant key for sub hash)
24 |
# {port number} (from snmp)
25 |
# {connection} (uniqe id from snmp, basically the MAC)
26 |
# {mac} (from snmp walk of switch)
27 |
# {ip} (from snmp walk of router)
28 |
# {hostname} (from reverse dns query)
29 |
# {lastseen} (last time this was active as unix timestamp)
30 |
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# 20190407 RWR
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# converted to use external config file in YAML format
33 |
# added the ability to ignore ports on the switches
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# 20190514 RWR
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# Added port aliases
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# 20190526 RWR
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# fixed mapSwitchCSV.pl to output in various delimited format (see README)
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use strict;
40 |
use warnings;
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41 |
use Data::Dumper; # only used for debugging
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42 |
use Socket; # for reverse dns entries
43 |
use YAML::Tiny; # apt-get libyaml-tiny-perl under debian
44 |
use File::Spec; # find location of script so we can put storage in same directory
45 |
use File::Basename;
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our $VERSION = '1.2';
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my %config;
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51 |
# where the script is located
52 |
my $scriptDir = dirname( File::Spec->rel2abs( __FILE__ ) );
53 |
# put the statefile in there
54 |
my $STATEFILE = $scriptDir . '/mapSwitches.yaml';
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55 |
my $CONFIGFILE = $scriptDir . '/mapSwitches.config.yaml';
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56 |
# main hash that holds the data we collect
57 |
my %switchports;
58 |
# some OIDS we need for the program
59 |
my $SWITCHPORTMIB = 'iso.';
60 |
my $SWITCHMACMIB = 'iso.';
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62 |
my $ROUTERIPMACMIB = 'iso.'; #'iso.';
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
sub makeMAC {
67 |
my $string = shift;
68 |
my @octets = split( '\.', $string );
69 |
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @octets; $i++ ) {
70 |
$octets[$i] = sprintf( "%02x", $octets[$i] );
71 |
72 |
return join( '', @octets );
73 |
74 |
75 |
sub updateValue {
76 |
my ( $oldValue, $newValue ) = @_;
77 |
$newValue = '' unless defined $newValue;
78 |
if ( $newValue ) {
79 |
$$oldValue = $newValue unless $newValue eq $$oldValue;
80 |
return 1;
81 |
82 |
return 0;
83 |
84 |
85 |
sub getOneSNMPValue {
86 |
my ( $oid, $community, $ip, $regex ) = @_;
87 |
my $line = `snmpwalk -v1 -c $community $ip $oid`;
88 |
$line =~ m/$regex/i;
89 |
return $1;
90 |
91 |
92 |
sub initialize {
93 |
my ( $hash, $name, @keys ) = @_;
94 |
foreach my $key ( @keys ) {
95 |
$hash->{$name}->{$key} = '' unless $hash->{$name}->{$key};
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
sub updateIP {
100 |
my ( $switchports, $ip, $mac ) = @_;
101 |
foreach my $switch ( keys %$switchports ) {
102 |
my $thisSwitch = $switchports->{$switch}->{'ports'};
103 |
foreach my $port ( keys %$thisSwitch ) {
104 |
my $thisPort = $thisSwitch->{$port};
105 |
foreach my $connection ( keys %$thisPort ) {
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# skip the alias information on a port
107 |
next if $connection eq 'alias';
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108 |
&initialize( $thisPort,$connection,'mac','ip','hostname','lastseen' );
109 |
if ( $switchports->{$switch}->{'ports'}->{$port}->{$connection}->{'mac'} eq $mac ) {
110 |
my $modified = &updateValue( \$switchports->{$switch}->{'ports'}->{$port}->{$connection}->{'ip'}, $ip );
111 |
$modified |= &updateValue( \$switchports->{$switch}->{'ports'}->{$port}->{$connection}->{'hostname'},gethostbyaddr( inet_aton( $ip ), AF_INET ));
112 |
$switchports->{$switch}->{'ports'}->{$port}->{$connection}->{'lastseen'} = time() if $modified;
113 |
114 |
} # if we found it
115 |
} # for connection
116 |
} # for port
117 |
} # for switch
118 |
} # updateIP
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sub getAliases {
121 |
my ($ip, $community, $MIB ) = @_;
122 |
my %return;
123 |
# get the aliases
124 |
my $values = `snmpwalk -v1 -c $community $ip $MIB`;
125 |
my @aliases = split( "\n", $values );
126 |
chomp @aliases;
127 |
foreach my $entry ( @aliases ) {
128 |
$entry =~ m/\.(\d+) = STRING: "?([^"]*)"?$/;
129 |
$return{$1} = $2;
130 |
131 |
return \%return;
132 |
133 |
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if ( -e $CONFIGFILE ) {
136 |
my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->read( $CONFIGFILE );
137 |
%config = %{ $yaml->[0] };
138 |
} else {
139 |
die "could not locate config file $CONFIGFILE\n";
140 |
141 |
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# read the saved state into memory if it exists
143 |
if ( -e $STATEFILE ) {
144 |
my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->read( $STATEFILE );
145 |
%switchports = %{ $yaml->[0] };
146 |
147 |
148 |
# first, get all of the MAC/Port assignments from the switches
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149 |
foreach my $switch ( keys %{$config{'switches'}} ) {
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150 |
&initialize( \%switchports, $switch, 'name','location' );
151 |
152 |
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153 |
&getOneSNMPValue( $DEVICENAMEMIB,$config{'switches'}{$switch}{'community'},$switch, '= STRING: "?([^"]*)"?' )
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154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
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158 |
&getOneSNMPValue( $DEVICELOCMIB,$config{'switches'}{$switch}{'community'},$switch, '= STRING: "?([^"]*)"?' )
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159 |
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# get the MAC addresses
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161 |
my $values = `snmpwalk -v1 -c $config{switches}{$switch}{'community'} $switch $SWITCHPORTMIB`;
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162 |
my @lines = split( "\n", $values );
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163 |
my $aliases = getAliases ( $switch, $config{switches}{$switch}{'community'}, $SWITCHIFNAMEMIB );
164 |
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foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
166 |
$line =~ m/$SWITCHPORTMIB\.([0-9.]+)\s=\sINTEGER:\s+(\d+)/;
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167 |
my $uuid = $1; # this is the ID string of this MAC; normally the MAC itself in decimal form
168 |
my $port = $2; # this is the port number
169 |
next unless $port; # skip port 0, or any port which has nothing
170 |
next if $config{'switches'}{$switch}{'portsToIgnore'} && grep( /^$port$/, @{$config{'switches'}{$switch}{'portsToIgnore'}} );
171 |
$switchports{$switch}{'ports'}{$port}{$uuid}{'mac'} = &makeMAC( $1 );
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172 |
$switchports{$switch}{'ports'}{$port}{'alias'} = $aliases->{$port} ? $aliases->{$port} : '';
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174 |
175 |
176 |
# die Dumper( \%switchports );
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178 |
179 |
# Now, try to match up the MAC address. Read the ARP table from the router(s)
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180 |
foreach my $router ( keys %{$config{'routers'}} ) {
181 |
my $values = `snmpwalk -v1 -c $config{routers}{$router}{community} $router $ROUTERIPMACMIB`;
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182 |
my @lines = split( "\n", $values );
183 |
foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
184 |
$line =~ m/$ROUTERIPMACMIB\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9.]+)\s=\sHex-STRING:\s([0-9a-z ]+)/i;
185 |
my $interface = $1;
186 |
my $ip = $2;
187 |
my $mac = lc $3;
188 |
$mac =~ s/ //g;
189 |
&updateIP( \%switchports, $ip, $mac );
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
#die Dumper( \%switchports );
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# save the state file for later, so we can find things which disappear from the network
196 |
my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->new( \%switchports );
197 |
$yaml->write( $STATEFILE );
198 |
199 |
#print Dumper( \%switchports );
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