10 |
rodolico |
1 |
#! /usr/bin/env perl
2 |
3 |
# script to process samba audit log, storing summary of information
4 |
# for future processing.
5 |
# will read $summaryFile into memory, if it exists, then scan
6 |
# $auditFile, adding new entries.
7 |
# will then write results back to $summaryFile (making a backup first)
8 |
# resulting file is a tab delimited text file, where each line begins
9 |
# with three standard fields; username, timestamp and IP.
10 |
# the remaining fields are actions based on %headers below (other actions
11 |
# are ignored).
12 |
13 |
# NOTE: timestamp is floor'd to the nearest day, ie int(timestamp/86400)*86400
14 |
# as we want to summarize a days activity.
15 |
16 |
use strict;
17 |
use warnings;
18 |
use Parse::Syslog;
19 |
# apt-get install libparse-syslog-perl
20 |
21 |
# path to Samba audit file
22 |
my $auditFile = '/var/log/samba/audit.log.1';
23 |
24 |
# path to our historical summary file
25 |
my $summaryFile = '/opt/sambaAudit/samba_audit.summary';
26 |
# hash to store all our activity
27 |
my %activity;
28 |
# hash containing the action headers we care about
29 |
my %headers = ( 'mkdir' => 1, 'pread' => 1, 'pwrite' => 1,'rmdir' => 1,'unlink' => 1 );
30 |
# number of seconds in a day, 86400. BREAKS on Daylight Savings Time
31 |
my $secondsInDay = 60*60*24;
32 |
33 |
# function loads the summary file into %activity
34 |
# also modified %headers, based on the headers it finds in the summary file
35 |
sub loadSummary {
36 |
open SUMMARY,"<$summaryFile" or return;
37 |
#print STDERR "Loading summary file\n";
38 |
# file exists, so read in the first line, which is the headers
39 |
my $line = <SUMMARY>;
40 |
chomp $line;
41 |
my @headers = split( "\t", $line );
42 |
# replace our preset ones with whatever headers we have here
43 |
%headers = map{ $_ => 1 } @headers;
44 |
# the following are not actions, so remove them from the headers
45 |
delete @headers{qw(user day ip)};
46 |
# read each line and create the activity.
47 |
# note that user, timestamp and IP are required to be in the first
48 |
# three columns
49 |
while ( $line = <SUMMARY> ) {
50 |
chomp $line;
51 |
my @data = split( "\t", $line );
52 |
for ( my $i = 3; $i < @headers; $i++ ) {
53 |
$activity{$data[0]}{$data[1]}{$data[2]}{$headers[$i]} = $data[$i];
54 |
55 |
56 |
close SUMMARY;
57 |
58 |
59 |
sub mailLog {
60 |
my $from = 'rodo@dailydata.net';
61 |
my $to = 'rodo@dailydata.net';
62 |
my $server = 'smtp.dailydata.net:587';
63 |
my $smtpuser = 'rodo@dailydata.net';
64 |
my $smtppass = 'naught/nice3';
65 |
`/opt/sendEmail/sendEmail.pl -f '$from' -t '$to' -u 'Samba Audit Log' -s 'smtp.dailydata.net:587' -a /opt/sambaAudit/samba_audit.summary -xu '$smtpuser' -xp '$smtppass' -l /tmp/sendemail.log -m 'Attached is the tab delimited file from the audit log'`;
66 |
67 |
68 |
# get our summary file into the access hash
69 |
70 |
71 |
# use Parse::Syslog to read in each line, mainly to get the timestamp
72 |
my $parser = Parse::Syslog->new( $auditFile );
73 |
while ( my $sl = $parser->next ) {
74 |
# remove the time from it; just date
75 |
my $timestamp = int( $sl->{'timestamp'} / $secondsInDay ) * $secondsInDay;
76 |
# text contains the information we care about
77 |
my @temp = split( '\|', $sl->{'text'} );
78 |
# and we only care about the first three of them, which are user, ip
79 |
# and the action they took
80 |
my ( $user, $ip, $action ) = @temp[0..2];
81 |
# update %activity if this is an action we track
82 |
$activity{$user}{$timestamp}{$ip}{$action}++ if $headers{$action};
83 |
84 |
85 |
# make a backup of the summary file, if it exists
86 |
unlink "$summaryFile~" if -e "$summaryFile~";
87 |
rename $summaryFile, "$summaryFile~" if -e $summaryFile;
88 |
# and overwrite it
89 |
open SUMMARY, ">$summaryFile" or die "Could not save summary file $summaryFile: $!\n";
90 |
my @line; # the line we'll build for output
91 |
# header line
92 |
print SUMMARY "user\tday\tip\t" . join( "\t", sort keys %headers ) . "\n";
93 |
# process each user
94 |
foreach my $user ( sort keys %activity ) {
95 |
push @line, $user;
96 |
my $timestamp = $activity{$user};
97 |
# process the date
98 |
foreach my $time ( sort keys %$timestamp ) {
99 |
push @line, $time;
100 |
my $ips = $$timestamp{$time};
101 |
# and the time
102 |
foreach my $ip ( sort keys %$ips ) {
103 |
push @line, $ip;
104 |
my $actions = $$ips{$ip};
105 |
# Finally, get the actions (all of them)
106 |
foreach my $action ( sort keys %headers ) {
107 |
push @line, $$actions{$action} ? $$actions{$action} : 0;
108 |
109 |
# finished with all the actions, so dump the line
110 |
print SUMMARY join( "\t", @line ) . "\n";
111 |
# and delete all the actions for a new IP
112 |
delete @line[2..$#line];
113 |
} # ip
114 |
# delete the IP also for a new timestamp
115 |
delete @line[1..$#line];
116 |
} # timestamp
117 |
# completely reset @line for a new user
118 |
@line = ();
119 |
} # user
120 |
close SUMMARY;
121 |
122 |
123 |
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