49 |
rodolico |
1 |
/* moving sysinfo summary from a report to a callable */
2 |
insert into _system( group_name,key_name,theValue,added_date ) values ( 'device view', 'SysInfo', 'callable.php:sysinfoView', now() );
3 |
update report set screen_report = null where name = 'Sysinfo Reports';
4 |
/* this is a cleanup, and should be in the main function. It creates a view which shows only devices which are systems */
5 |
create or replace view view_device_systems as select * from device where device_type_id in (select device_type_id from device_type where show_as_system = 'Y');
6 |
/* add maintenance report */
7 |
insert into _system( group_name,key_name,theValue,added_date ) values ( 'device view', 'Maintenance', 'callable.php:maintenanceView', now() );
8 |
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9 |
delete from report where name = 'New Report';
10 |
insert into report ( name, query, parameters ) values ('Backup History','select
11 |
backups_run.start_time Started,
12 |
backups_run.end_time Ended,
13 |
backups_run.version Version,
14 |
format(backups_run.files_count,0) Files,
15 |
format(backups_run.files_size/1024/1024,0) \'Size (M)\',
16 |
format(backups_run.transferred_count,0) Transfer,
17 |
format(backups_run.skipped,0) Skipped,
18 |
format(backups_run.files_deleted,0) Deleted,
19 |
format(backups_run.data_sent/1024/1024,2) \'MB Out\',
20 |
format(backups_run.data_received/1024/1024,2) \'MB In\',
21 |
backups_run.disk_used Disk
22 |
23 |
backups_run join backups using (backups_id)
24 |
25 |
backups.device_id = <device_id>
26 |
order by
27 |
backups_run.report_date desc
28 |
limit <count>','device_id++Device ID++++
29 |
count++Number of Reports++++');
30 |
31 |
insert into _system( group_name,key_name,theValue,added_date ) values ( 'device view', 'Backup', 'callable.php:backupView', now() );
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32 |
33 |
insert into _system values ( null, 'System', 'root path', '/home/rodolico/www/web/computer_asset_manager', now(), null );
34 |
insert into _system values ( null, 'System', 'root url', '/computer_asset_manager', now(), null );