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define(BUILD_DATE,'$Date: 2019-05-11 03:08:46 -0500 (Sat, 11 May 2019) $');
define(SVN_REV,'$Rev: 84 $' );
$MODULE_REPORTS = array('main device screen' => 1);
define ('SQL_GET_MODULES',
"select a.key_name 'module',
a.theValue 'script',
b.theValue 'path'
from _system a join _system b using ( key_name )
a.group_name = '<screen>'
and b.group_name = 'Modules'
and a.removed_date is null
and b.removed_date is null"
define ('SQL_SHOW_SITES',
"select concat('<a href=\"index.html?site_id=',site_id,'\">', Site,'</a>') 'Site',
count(*) 'Devices',
concat('<a href=\"edit.html?site_id=',site_id,'\">Edit</a>') Action
from view_client_site_device
where <whereClause>
group by site_id
order by view_client_site_device.Site"
"select concat('<a href=\"show_device.html?device_id=',device_id,'\">',Device,'</a>') 'Device',
Device_Type 'Type',
concat('<a href=\"edit.html?device_id=',device_id,'\">Edit</a>') Action
from view_client_site_device
where <whereClause>
order by view_client_site_device.Device_Type,view_client_site_device.Device"
"select max(concat('<a href=\"index.html?client_id=',client_id,'\">',Client,'</a>')) 'Client',
count(*) 'Sites',
concat('<a href=\"edit.html?client_id=',client_id,'\">Edit</a>') Action
from view_client_site_device
where <whereClause>
group by client_id
order by view_client_site_device.Client"
define ('SQL_SHOW_DEVICE', '
select device.device_id "ID",
concat(, \' - \', "Site", "Type", "Name",
device.serial "Serial",
device.notes "Notes",
device.restrictions "Restrictions", "Part Of",
date(device.added_date) "Added",
date(device.removed_date) "Removed"
from device join site on device.site_id = site.site_id
join client on site.client_id = client.client_id
join device_type on device.device_type_id = device_type.device_type_id
left outer join device as partof on partof.device_id = device.part_of
where device.device_id = <device_id>
$LOGIN_PAGE = $_SESSION['html root'] . '/login.html';
function verifyLogin( $username, $password ) {
$sql = "select login_id login_id, email, where_clause
from login
where email = " . makeSafeSQLValue($username) . '
and pass = md5(' . makeSafeSQLValue($password) . ")
and removed_date is null";
$info = queryDatabaseExtended( $sql );
if ( $info['count'] == 1 ) {
$info = $info['data'][0];
$_SESSION['login_id'] = ($info['login_id'] ? $info['login_id'] : -1);
$_SESSION['email'] = $info['email'];
$_SESSION['where_clause'] = $info['where_clause'];
$_SESSION['menu items'] = array_keys( sqlValuesToKeys( 'select menu_id from login_menu where login_id = ' . $_SESSION['login_id'] ) );
} else {
return false;
function setAuth ( $whereClause = 'true' ) {
return " ($whereClause) and " . ( $_SESSION['where_clause'] ? $_SESSION['where_clause'] : '1=0' );
function iAmAdministrator () {
return ($_SESSION['where_clause'] == '1=1');
function takes a screen name and looks it up in $MODULE_REPORTS to translate to a bit position.
It will then search the report table in the database to determine which reports need to be run, passing the values in the
$parameters array to the run command, can capturing the output.
function then returns the html output of the report(s) back to the calling program, which can then paste it into the current
The concept is that a particular screen may need some sub reports. For example, the display device screen in the Main module
will want to display the information about the device taken from the device_attrib table. To do this, a report is defined
using the query
from device_attrib join attrib using (attrib_id)
where device_id = <device_id> and device_attrib.removed_date is null
where <device_id> is replaced by the report class.
The calling routine would pass 'device_id' => '1' in the parameters array (if the current device had a device_id of 1) and this
routine would run the report and return the results.
This allows newer modules to add reports to existing screens simply by creating a report and setting up parameters correctly.
BY CONVENTION, the following parameters are passed, if applicable:
device_id - numeric ID of the device in question
device_name - ascii name of the device in question
site_id - numeric ID of the site in question
client_id - numeric ID of the client in question
added_date - value for added_date
removed_date - value for removed_date
Not all reports will use the above values, but if they are passed in to the parameters array, they will not cause problems with
the report
NOTE: the reports will still run in interactive mode. In the above query, it will ask for the device.
function screenReports ( $screenName, $parameters = array(), $showTitle = false ) {
$result = '';
if ($MODULE_REPORTS[$screenName]) {
$sql = 'select report_id from report where screen_report = ' . $MODULE_REPORTS[$screenName];
$reportIDs = sqlValuesToKeys ($sql);
// print "<pre>"; print_r( $parameters ); print "</pre>";
foreach ( $reportIDs as $thisReport => $data ) {
$report = new Report;
$report->loadFromDatabase ( $thisReport );
$result .= $report->run($parameters, '', $showTitle );
return $result;
if ($_SESSION['file system root']) { // this is only set if we have logged in
$InstalledModules = array();
// get module information
$data = queryDatabaseExtended( "select theValue from _system where removed_date is null and group_name = 'Modules'");
if ($data) {
foreach ($data['data'] as $row) {
$InstalledModules[] = $row['theValue'];
// note, we are only going to include the datagase.php. All other stuff is left to the individual modules
// $_SESSION['file system root'] is set in login.php, and is the path to the root of this application, so all else is relative
foreach ($InstalledModules as $directory) {
include_once( $_SESSION['file system root'] . "/$directory/database.php" );
* finds out if there is a callable script for this screen in the various modules.
* if so, will call the script and return the output
* index is an array of the form 'device_id' => $device_id
* call this as
* print callableOutput( 'device view', array( 'device_id' => $device_id );
function callableOutput( $screen, $index ) {
$result = '';
$sql = insertValuesIntoQuery(SQL_GET_MODULES,array( 'screen' => $screen ));
$modules = queryDatabaseExtended( $sql );
if ( $modules ) {
$modules = $modules['data'];
$parameters = $index;
/* $output = array();
$output = "$screen\n" . print_r( $index, true) . print_r( $modules, true ) . "\n$sql\n"
file_put_contents( '/home/rodolico/www/web/computer_asset_manager_v1/modules/file/queryout.sql', implode( "\n", $output) );
foreach ( $modules as $report ) {
$module = $report['module'];
list($library, $function ) = explode (':', $report['path'] . $report['script']);
//print "$library - $function<br />\n";
if ( file_exists( $library ) ) {
require_once "$library";
if ( is_callable( $function ) ) {
$content = call_user_func( $function, $parameters );
if ( $content )
$result .= "<div><h4>$module</h4>$content</div>\n";
return $result;
} // callableOutput