Subversion Repositories computer_asset_manager_v1


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#!  /usr/bin/perl -w

# part of the command line tools for process_sysinfo. Will take a list of one or more
# directories and read the message in. These directories are assumed to be reports, possibly
# with e-mail headers. Will then search for the key [report date] in the file and, if found,
# adds the file name (and date) to the list of files to be processed.
# when the files to be processed has been created, will call process_sysinfo with each file
# as input

# v2.0 20121003
# changed SYSINFO to an array, allowing different processors for different formats of files

my $TESTING = 0;
my $saveDir;
my @mailDir;
my $output = ''; # place to store any error messages
my $startTime = `date`;

my $VERSION = '2.0';

# standard find and load configuration file
sub loadConfigurationFile {
   my $configuration_file = shift;
   use File::Basename;
   use Cwd qw(realpath);
   my $filename  = realpath($0); # get my real path
   my $directories;
   my $suffix;
   print "$configuration_file\n" if $TESTING;
   $configuration_file = $filename unless $configuration_file;
   print "$configuration_file\n" if $TESTING;
   if ( $configuration_file !~ m/\// ) { # no path information
      ($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($filename,qr/\.[^.]*/); # break filename apart
      #print "No Path Given\n";
   } else {
      ($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($configuration_file,qr/\.[^.]*/); # break filename apart
      $configuration_file = '';
      #print "Path included\n";
   unless (-e $directories . ($configuration_file ? $configuration_file : $filename) . '.conf' ) {
      $lookingIn = $directories;
      while ($lookingIn) {
         $lookingIn =~ m/^(.*\/)[^\/]+\//;
         $lookingIn = $1;
         print "$lookingIn\n" if $TESTING;
         if (-e $lookingIn . ($configuration_file ? $configuration_file : $filename) . '.conf' ) {
            $directories = $lookingIn;
            $lookingIn = '';
   $configuration_file = $directories . ($configuration_file ? $configuration_file : $filename) . '.conf'; # add the .conf
#   print "$configuration_file\n";
#   die;
   open CONFFILE, "<$configuration_file" or die "Can not open configuration file $configuration_file";
   my $confFileContents = join( '', <CONFFILE> );
   close CONFFILE;
   return $confFileContents;

sub readFile {
   my $filename = shift;
   open DATAFILE,"<$filename" or return ''; # open the file
   my @contents = <DATAFILE>;
   close DATAFILE;
   #while (@contents and ($contents[0] !~ m/^[\[<]sysinfo/)) { # skip past any header stuff
   #   shift @contents; # just throw it away
   return join('',@contents);

sub getReportDate {
   my $filename = shift;
   my $date = '';
   my $format;
   my $version;
   if (my $contents = &readFile( $filename )) {
      if ($contents =~ m/^\[report date\](\d+)$/m) {
         $date = $1;
         $format = 'winconf';
         $contents =~ m/^\s*version\s*=\s*([0-9.]+)/;
         $version = $1;
#         print "Old Style Format\n";
      } elsif ($contents =~ m/<report>.*<date>(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2})<\/date>/s) {
         $date = $1;
         $date =~ s/[^0-9]//g;
         $format = 'xml';
         $contents =~ m/<version>([0-9.]+)<\/version>/;
         $version = $1;
#         print "XML Format $date\n";
      } elsif ($contents =~ m/^\s+date:\s+"(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})"$/m) {
         $date = $1;
         $date =~ s/[^0-9]//g;
         $format = 'yaml';
         $contents =~ m/^\s+version:\s+([0-9.]+)$/m;
         $version = $1;
#         print "YAML format\n";
   return ($date, $format, $version);

#print join "\n", @ARGV;
while (@ARGV) {
   push @mailDir, shift;
#@mailDir = @ARGV if @ARGV;

   # load the configuration file
   eval ( &loadConfigurationFile('process_sysinfo') );
   push @INC, $LIBRARIES;

#@@mailDir = @ARGV if @ARGV;

#print '[' . join("\n",@mailDir) . ']';
my @fileList;  # global that will hold the list of all files, formatted datetime\tfilename
while ( $directory = shift @mailDir ) { # while the user has passed in a directory to process
   #print "Processing $directory\n";
   opendir (DATADIR,$directory)  || die "can't opendir $directory: $!"; # read the directory
   while ( my $thisFile = readdir(DATADIR) ) { # for each file
      #print "Looking at $thisFile\n";
      next if $thisFile =~ m/^\./; # skip if it is a "dot" file
      #print "It is not a dot file\n";
      next unless -f "$directory/$thisFile";
      $thisFile = $directory . '/' . $thisFile; # ok, get fully qualified path/filename
      print "Checking $thisFile\n" if $TESTING;
      my ($date, $format, $version) = &getReportDate($thisFile);
      unless ( $date && $format && $version ) {
         print "Skipping file $thisFile\n";
      print "[$thisFile]\t[$date]\t[$format]\t[$version]\n" if $TESTING;
      push @fileList,"$date\t$thisFile\t$format\t$version"; # create an entry to be processed
} # while

#print join( "\n", sort @fileList ) . "\n";
#die "\n";

#qx(mysql -u root computer_asset_manager < ./create_table.sql);
my $fileCount = @fileList;
my $thisFileNumber = 0;
my $tempFile = '/tmp/process_sysinfo.log';
unlink $tempFile if -e $tempFile;
foreach my $thisFile ( sort @fileList ) {
   exit if $thisFileNumber >= 5 and $TESTING > 4;
   print "Processing file $thisFileNumber of $fileCount [$thisFile]\n" if $TESTING;
   my ($date,$filename,$format, $version) = split ("\t", $thisFile);
   if ( my $SYSINFO = $SYSINFO{$format} ) {
      if ( $TESTING ) {
         print "\tProcessing with $SYSINFO\n";
      open( SYSINFO, "|$SYSINFO >> $tempFile" ) or die "Could not open sysinfo at $SYSINFO\n";
      print SYSINFO &readFile($filename);
      close SYSINFO;
      if ( $? ) {# it worked
         &postProcess( $filename );
   } else {
      warn "Error, no SYSINFO entry for format [$format]\n";
   #my $messages = qx($SYSINFO < $filename);
   #$output .= $messages;
   #if ($messages !~ m/^ERROR:/) { # only post_process the file if no error occurred
   #   &postProcess( $filename );

my $endTime = `date`;
chomp $endTime;
chomp $startTime;
print "\nBegan Processing at $startTime\nFinished at $endTime\n$fileCount files processed";
open LOG, "<$tempFile" or die "Could not read Log File $tempFile: $!";
while (my $line = <LOG>) {
   print $line;
close LOG;
