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#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.1.5';
# find our location and use it for searching for libraries
use FindBin;
use File::Spec;
use lib File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin);
use sysinfoconf;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); # allow -vd --os='debian'
use Data::Dumper;
# $verbose can have the following values
# 0 - do everything
# 1 - Do everything except the install, display what would be done
# 2 - Be verbose to STDERR
# 3 - Be very verbose
my $verbose = 0; # if test mode, simply show what would be done
my $dryRun = 0;
my $os;
my $help = 0;
my $version = 0;
my $status; # exit status of the processes
my $sourceDir = File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin);
my $installType;
my %install = ( 'bindir' => '/opt/camp/sysinfo-client',
'confdir' => '/etc/camp/sysinfo-client',
'application name' => 'sysinfo client',
'configuration' => {
'configurator' => '<bindir>/',
'configuration file' => '<confdir>/sysinfo-client.conf',
'configuration seed file' => 'sysinfo-client.seed',
'permission' => '700',
'owner' => 'root',
'target' => '<confdir>'
'files' => {
'' => {
'type' => 'file',
'permission' => '700',
'owner' => 'root:root',
'target' => '<bindir>'
'sysinfo-client' => {
'type' => 'file',
'permission' => '700',
'owner' => 'root:root',
'target' => '<bindir>'
'' => {
'type' => 'file',
'permission' => '600',
'owner' => 'root:root',
'target' => '<bindir>'
'notes' => {
'type' => 'file',
'permission' => '600',
'owner' => 'root:root',
'target' => '<bindir>'
'sysinfo-client.conf.template' => {
'type' => 'file',
'permission' => '600',
'owner' => 'root:root',
'target' => '<bindir>'
'' => {
'type' => 'file',
'permission' => '700',
'owner' => 'root:root',
'target' => '<bindir>'
'' => {
'type' => 'file',
'permission' => '700',
'owner' => 'root:root',
'target' => '<bindir>'
'type' => 'file',
'permission' => '600',
'owner' => 'root:root',
'target' => '<bindir>'
'sysinfo-client.seed.example' => {
'type' => 'file',
'permission' => '600',
'owner' => 'root:root',
'target' => '<bindir>'
'VERSION' => {
'type' => 'file',
'permission' => '600',
'owner' => 'root:root',
'target' => '<bindir>'
'modules' => {
'type' => 'directory',
'permission' => '700',
'owner' => 'root:root',
'target' => '<bindir>',
'action' => 'chmod 700 *'
'scripts' => {
'type' => 'directory',
'permission' => '700',
'owner' => 'root:root',
'target' => '<bindir>',
'action' => 'chmod 700 *'
# hash to set up os specific rules
my %operatingSystems = (
'debian' => {
'bindir' => '/opt/camp/sysinfo-client',
'confdir' => '/etc/camp/sysinfo-client',
'crontab' => 'ln -s <bindir>/sysinfo-client /etc/cron.daily/sysinfo-client',
'modules' => '((dpkg)|(unix)|(ipmi)|(xen))',
'ipfire' => {
'bindir' => '/opt/camp/sysinfo-client',
'confdir' => '/etc/camp/sysinfo-client',
'crontab' => 'ln -s <bindir>sysinfo-client /etc/fcron.daily/sysinfo-client.fcron',
'modules' => '((ipfire)|(unix))',
# attempt to locate the operating system.
# if found, will set some defaults for it.
sub getOS {
my ( $install, $operatingSystems, $os ) = @_;
if ( ! $os ) { # we don't know, so we must try to figure it out
my $osString = `uname -a`;
foreach my $osType ( keys %$operatingSystems ) {
print "Checking if OS is $osType in $osString\n" if $verbose > 2;
next unless $osString =~ m/$osType/i;
print "Yes, it is $osType\n" if $verbose > 2;
# We found the OS, set up some defaults
$os = $osType;
} # foreach
if ( $os ) {
$$install{'os'} = $os;
print "Setting keys for operating system\n" if $verbose > 2;
foreach my $key ( keys $$operatingSystems{ $os } ) {
$$install{$key} = $operatingSystems{ $os }{$key};
} # if it is a known OS
} # if
return $os;
} # getOperatingSystem
# get some input from the user and decide how to install/upgrade/remove/whatever
sub getInstallActions {
my $install = shift;
if ( ! &yesno( "This looks like a $$install{'os'} machine, correct?" ) ) {
die "User Aborted\n" if &yesno( "If we continue, I will set this up like a $$install{'os'} system. Abort?" );
if ( -d $$install{'confdir'} ) {
$$install{'action'} = &getAnswer( "It looks like $$install{'application name'} is already installed, what do you want to do?",
( "upgrade","remove", "overwrite" )
} else {
if ( &yesno( "This looks like a fresh install, correct?" ) ) {
$$install{'action'} = 'install';
$$install{'preseed config'} = &yesno( "Preseed the configuration file?" );
} else {
die "Can not continue at this time: Do not understand your system\n";
$$install{'build config'} = &yesno( "Edit config file when done?" );
$$install{'setup cron'} = &yesno( "Set up for automatic running via crontab?" );
sub showWork {
my $install = shift;
print Dumper( \%install );
sub doPlaceholderSubstitution {
my ($hash, $placeholder) = @_;
return if ref $hash ne 'HASH';
foreach my $key ( keys %$hash ) {
if ( ref( $$hash{$key} ) ) {
&doPlaceholderSubstitution( $$hash{$key}, $placeholder );
} else {
foreach my $place ( keys %$placeholder ) {
$$hash{$key} =~ s/$place/$$placeholder{$place}/;
} # foreach
} # if..else
} # foreach
# This will go through and first, see if anything is a directory, in
# which case, we'll create new entries for all files in there.
# then, it will do keyword substitution of <bindir> and <confdir>
# to populate the target.
# When this is done, each file should have a source and target that is
# a fully qualified path and filename
sub populateSourceDir {
my ( $install, $sourceDir ) = @_;
my %placeHolders =
'<bindir>' => $$install{'bindir'},
'<confdir>' => $$install{'confdir'}
my $allFiles = $$install{'files'};
# find all directory entries and load files in that directory into $$install{'files'}
foreach my $dir ( keys %$allFiles ) {
if ( defined( $$allFiles{$dir}{'type'} ) && $$allFiles{$dir}{'type'} eq 'directory' ) {
print "Found directory $dir\n" if $verbose > 2;
if ( opendir( my $dh, "$sourceDir/$dir" ) ) {
my @files = map{ $dir . '/' . $_ } grep { ! /^\./ && -f "$sourceDir/$dir/$_" } readdir( $dh );
print "\tFound files " . join( ' ', @files ) . "\n" if $verbose > 2;
foreach my $file ( @files ) {
$$allFiles{ $file }{'type'} = 'file';
if ( $dir eq 'modules' ) {
$$allFiles{ $file }{'permission'} = ( $file =~ m/$$install{'modules'}/ ) ? '0700' : '0600';
} else {
$$allFiles{ $file }{'permission'} = $$allFiles{ $dir }{'permission'};
$$allFiles{ $file }{'owner'} = $$allFiles{ $dir }{'owner'};
$$allFiles{ $file }{'target'} = $$allFiles{ $dir }{'target'};
} # foreach
closedir $dh;
} # if opendir
} # if it is a directory
} # foreach
# find all files, and set the source directory, and add the filename to
# the target
foreach my $file ( keys %$allFiles ) {
$$allFiles{$file}{'source'} = "$sourceDir/$file";
$$allFiles{$file}{'target'} .= "/$file";
} # foreach
# finally, do place holder substitution. This recursively replaces all keys
# in %placeHolders with the values.
&doPlaceholderSubstitution( $install, \%placeHolders );
print Dumper( $install ) if $verbose > 2;
return 1;
} # populateSourceDir
# there is a file named VERSIONS. We get the values out of the install
# directory and (if it exists) the target so we can decide what needs
# to be updated.
sub getVersions {
my $install = shift;
my $currentVersionFile = $$install{'files'}{'VERSION'}{'target'};
my $newVersionFile = $$install{'files'}{'VERSION'}{'source'};
if ( open FILE,"<$currentVersionFile" ) {
while ( my $line = <FILE> ) {
chomp $line;
my ( $filename, $version, $checksum ) = split( "\t", $line );
$$install{'files'}{$filename}{'installed version'} = $version ? $version : '';
close FILE;
if ( open FILE,"<$newVersionFile" ) {
while ( my $line = <FILE> ) {
chomp $line;
my ( $filename, $version, $checksum ) = split( "\t", $line );
$$install{'files'}{$filename}{'new version'} = $version ? $version : '';
close FILE;
foreach my $file ( keys %{$$install{'files'}} ) {
$$install{'files'}{$file}{'installed version'} = -2 unless defined $$install{'files'}{$file}{'installed version'};
$$install{'files'}{$file}{'new version'} = -1 unless defined $$install{'files'}{$file}{'new version'};
return 1;
} # getVersions
# this actually does the installation, except for the configuration
sub doInstall {
my $install = shift;
my $fileList = $$install{'files'};
&checkDirectoryExists( $$install{'bindir'} . '/' );
foreach my $file ( keys %$fileList ) {
next unless ( $$fileList{$file}{'type'} && $$fileList{$file}{'type'} eq 'file' );
next if $$install{'action'} eq 'upgrade' && ! defined( $$fileList{$file}{'installed version'} )
( $$fileList{$file}{'new version'} eq $$fileList{$file}{'installed version'} );
&checkDirectoryExists( $$fileList{$file}{'target'} );
"cp $$fileList{$file}{'source'} $$fileList{$file}{'target'}",
"chmod $$fileList{$file}{'permission'} $$fileList{$file}{'target'}",
"chown $$fileList{$file}{'owner'} $$fileList{$file}{'target'}"
} # foreach file
return 1;
sub postInstall {
my $install = shift;
# set up crontab, if necessary
&runCommand( $$install{'crontab'} ) if defined ( $$install{'crontab'} );
# seed configuration, if needed
if ( $$install{'build config'} ) {
my %config;
my $seedFile = $$install{'configuration'}{'configuration seed file'};
my $confFile = $$install{'configuration'}{'configuration file'};
my $content;
my $clientName;
my $serialNumber;
my $hostname;
my @moduleDirs;
my @scriptDirs;
my $transports = {};
if ( -f $seedFile && &yesno( 'Add installation seed file? ' ) ) {
print "Loading seed file $seedFile\n";
open SEED, "<$seedFile" or die "Could not open $seedFile: $!\n";
$content = join( '', <SEED> );
close SEED;
# now, eval the information we just read.
# NOTE: we must turn off strict while doing this, and we die if something breaks.
no strict "vars"; eval( $content ); use strict "vars"; die "Error during eval: $@\n" if $@;
} # if preload seed file
if ( -f $confFile ) {
print "Loading configuration file $confFile\n";
open SEED, "<$confFile" or die "Could not open $confFile: $!\n";
$content = join( '', <SEED> );
close SEED;
# now, eval the information we just read.
# NOTE: we must turn off strict while doing this, and we die if something breaks.
no strict "vars"; eval( $content ); use strict "vars"; die "Error during eval: $@\n" if $@;
$config{'clientName'} = $clientName;
$config{'serialNumber'} = $serialNumber;
$config{'hostname'} = $hostname;
$config{'moduleDirs'} = [ @moduleDirs ];
$config{'scriptDirs'} = [ @scriptDirs ];
$config{'transports'} = $transports;
$content = &showConf( \%config );
print $content;
print &writeConfig( $$install{'configuration'}{'configuration file'} , $content ) . "\n"
if ( &yesno( "Write the above configuration to $$install{'configuration'}{'configuration file'}?" ) );
} # if we are building/merging configuration
sub help {
my $oses = join( ' ', keys %operatingSystems );
print <<END
$0 --verbose=x --os="osname" --dryrun --help --version
--os - osname is one of [$oses]
--dryrun - do not actually do anything, just tell you what I'd do
--verbose - x is 0 (normal) to 3 (horrible)
# Main Loop
# handle any command line parameters that may have been passed in
GetOptions (
"verbose|v=i" => \$verbose, # verbosity level, 0-9
"os|o=s" => \$os, # pass in the operating system
"dryrun|n" => \$dryRun, # do NOT actually do anything
'help|h' => \$help,
'version|V' => \$version
) or die "Error parsing command line\n";
if ( $help ) { &help() ; exit; }
if ( $version ) { print "$0 version $VERSION\n"; exit; }
&setDryRun( $dryRun ); # tell the library whether this is a dry run or not
# figure out if we know our operating system
$os = &getOS( \%install, \%operatingSystems, $os );
$installType = &getInstallActions( \%install );
# based on the defaults, flesh out the install hash
$status = &populateSourceDir( \%install, $sourceDir );
$status = &getVersions( \%install );
&showWork( \%install );
die unless &yesno( "Ready to run? Select No to abort." );
$status = &doInstall( \%install );
$status = &postInstall( \%install );
if ( ( -x $install{'configuration'}{'configurator'} ) && $install{'build config'} ) {
exec( $install{'configuration'}{'configurator'} );
} else {
print "Done, you should check the files in $install{'bindir'} and $install{'confdir'} before running\n";
print "If you need help configuring, the helper app at\n$install{'configuration'}{'configurator'}\ncan be used.\n";
# add uninstall, clean to
# clean will look for any file in bindir which is NOT in the list of available files and remove them
# if files already exist in install, preserve their permissions
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