Subversion Repositories computer_asset_manager_v1


Rev 35 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | Download | RSS feed


 * Requires php-pear and libyaml under Debian Wheezy
 * apt-get install php-pear php5-dev libyaml-dev libyaml-0-2 libyaml-0-2-dbg
 * pecl install yaml
 * echo '' >> /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
 * echo '' >> /etc/apache2/cli/php.ini
 * truncate table backups_run
 * alter table backups_run add skipped bigint(20),add file_name varchar(60),add notes text;
 * alter table backups_run modify end_time  datetime null, modify start_time datetime null;
 * alter table backups_run add added_date datetime not null;
 * Version 0.1.1 20160713 RWR
 * Fixed issue where report had no transfers. In that case, header lines
 * are terminated by two blank lines, not the constant 'sending incremental file
 * list'. Simply modified to terminate on an empty line OR the constant
 * Also set it up to only report on one file at a time, ie accept
 * only one parameter, and that is assumed to be a file name
 * Version 0.2.0 20160826 RWR
 * Fixed problem where file name has YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_servername_backup.log instead of
 *    YYYYMMDD_servername_backup.log (it now checks for both)
 * Start and end time now accepted as YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS

    * This will return error codes
    * 1 - Invalid Data File Name
    * 2 - Could not open the file
    * 3 - Duplicate Report
    * 4 - Server Not Found

require 'library.php';

$results = array();

function parseFile( $filename, $path, $maxLineLength = 4096 ) {
   $data = array ( 
                     'server_name' => '',
                     'report_date' => '',
                     'start_time' => '',
                     'version' => '',
                     'end_time' => '',
                     'files_count' => 0,
                     'files_size' => 0,
                     'transferred_count' => 0,
                     'transferred_size' => 0,
                     'files_deleted' => 0,
                     'skipped' => 0,
                     'data_sent' => 0,
                     'data_received' => 0,
                     'disk_used' => '',
                     'notes' => '',
   function cleanNumber( $number ) {
      return preg_replace("/[^0-9.]/", "", $number );

   $matches = array();


   $data['file_name'] = $filename;
   # get server name from the file name, which should be
   # date_time_servername.backup.log
   if ( preg_match( '/(\d+)_(\d+)_([a-z0-9_.-]+)\.backup\.log/', $filename, $matches ) ) {
      $data['report_date'] = $matches[1] . $matches[2];
      $data['server_name'] = $matches[3];
   } elseif ( preg_match( '/(\d+)_([a-z0-9_.-]+)\.backup\.log/', $filename, $matches ) ) {
   # datetime_servername.backup.log
      $data['report_date'] = $matches[1];
      $data['server_name'] = $matches[2];
   } else {
      # ensure only three parts returned
      $data['error'] = "1\tInvalid Data File Name";
      return $data;

   $log = fopen ( $path . '/' . $filename , 'rb' );
   if ( $log ) {
      // get through the header lines, ended by either a blank line
      // or the constant 'sending incremental file list'
      while (( $line = fgets( $log, $maxLineLength )) !== false ) {
         $line = rtrim( $line );
         if ( $line ) {
            if ( preg_match( '/^backup\s+v?([\d.]+)$/', $line, $matches ) ) {
               $data['version'] = $matches[1];
            // this line is the end of the header lines
            if ( preg_match( '/sending incremental file list/', $line, $matches ) ) {
         } else {
      // count line by line processing information. These are the actual lines
      // indicating files checked and how they were processed
      while (( $line = fgets( $log, $maxLineLength )) !== false ) {
         $line = rtrim($line);
         if ( $line ) {
            if ( ! preg_match( '~/$~', $line ) ) // count lines not ending in /, ie not directories
            if ( preg_match( '/^deleting /', $line ) ) // count number deleted
            if ( preg_match( '/^skipping /', $line ) )  // count number skipped
               $data['skipped']++ ;
         } else {
      $data['transferred_count'] -= $data['files_deleted'] + $data['skipped'];

      // we should have a stats summary at the end
      while (( $line = fgets( $log, $maxLineLength )) !== false ) {
         $data['notes'] .= $line; // everything here goes into notes
         if ( preg_match( '/Number of files:\s+([0-9,]+)/', $line, $matches ) ) {
            $data['files_count'] = cleanNumber($matches[1]);
         } elseif ( preg_match( '/Number of files transferred:\s+([0-9,]+)/', $line, $matches ) ) {
            $data['transferred_count'] = cleanNumber($matches[1]);
         } elseif ( preg_match( '/Total file size:\s+([0-9,]+) bytes/', $line, $matches )  ) {
            $data['files_size'] = cleanNumber($matches[1]);
         } elseif ( preg_match( '/Total transferred file size:\s+([0-9,]+) bytes/', $line, $matches )  ) {
            $data['transferred_size'] = cleanNumber($matches[1]);
         } elseif ( preg_match( '/Total bytes sent:\s+([0-9,]+)/', $line, $matches )  ) {
            $data['data_sent'] = cleanNumber($matches[1]);
         } elseif ( preg_match( '/Total bytes received:\s+([0-9,]+)/', $line, $matches )  ) {
            $data['data_received'] = cleanNumber($matches[1]);
         } elseif ( preg_match( '/Backup Version\s+v?([\d.]+)/', $line, $matches )  ) {
         // this is the end of the rsync stats summary, and the
            // beginning of the rsbackup summary
            $data['version'] = $matches[1];
      // process rsbackup summary
      while (( $line = fgets( $log, $maxLineLength )) !== false ) {
         $data['notes'] .= $line;
         if ( preg_match( '/^Begin\s+([\d_]+)/', $line, $matches )   ) {
            $data['start_time'] = str_replace( '_', '', $matches[1] );
         } elseif ( preg_match( '/Complete\s+([\d_]+)/', $line, $matches )   ) {
            $data['end_time'] = str_replace( '_', '', $matches[1] );
         } elseif ( preg_match( '/^Status:/', $line, $matches )   ) {
      // the rest of it just goes into notes
      while (( $line = fgets( $log, $maxLineLength )) !== false ) {
         $data['notes'] .= $line;
      fclose ( $log );
   } else {
      $data['error'] = "2\tCould not open file name $filename for read";
   return $data;


function recordMessage( $message ) {
   global $results;
   $results[] = $message;

 * checks for a duplicate report, ie one that has already been run.q
 * if this computer has a report already for this date/time
function checkDuplicate( $backups_id, $report_date) {
   $sql = "select count(*) from backups_run where backups_id = $backups_id and report_date = $report_date";
   $count = getOneDBValue( $sql );
   return $count ? "3\tDuplicate Report for $backups_id on $report_date" : null;
} // recordReport

function findServer( $name ) {
   $sql = "select distinct( device_id ) from (select device_id from device where name = '$name' union select device_id from device_alias where alias = '$name') a";
   $device_id = getOneDBValue( $sql );
   if ( ! isset( $device_id ) ) {
      recordMessage( "Could not locate device $name, not processing record" );
      return null;
   $sql = "select backups_id from backups where device_id = $device_id";
   $backups_id = getOneDBValue( $sql );
   if ( isset( $backups_id ) ) {
      return $backups_id;
   } else {
      recordMessage( "Adding server $name to backups" );
      $sql = "insert into backups ( device_id,backups_server_id,notes ) values ( $device_id, 1, 'Automatically Added' )";
      $results = queryDatabaseExtended( $sql );
      return $results['insert_id'];

 * Creates an entry in the backups_run table
function recordReport( $report ) {
   $keys = array();
   $values = array();
   foreach ( $report as $keyfield => $value ) {
      if ( $keyfield == 'server_name' ) {
         $keys[] = 'backups_id';
         $device_id = findServer( $value );
         if ( isset( $device_id ) ) {
            $values[] = $device_id;
            $duplicate = checkDuplicate( $device_id, $report['report_date'] );
            if ( $duplicate )
               return $report['file_name'] . "\t$duplicate";
         } else {
            return $report['file_name'] . "\t4\tServer not found";
      } else {
         $keys[] = $keyfield;
         $values[] = makeSafeSQLValue( $value );
   $keys[] = 'added_date'; $values[] = 'now()';
   $sql = 'insert into backups_run (' . implode( ',', $keys ) . ') values (' . implode( ',', $values ) . ')';
   // if we made it this far, we are ok, so just add the report id
   $result = queryDatabaseExtended( $sql );
   return $report['file_name'] . "\t0\tok";
} // recordReport

 * we don't know where the configuration file will be, so we have a list
 * below (searchPaths) to look for it. It will load the first one it 
 * finds, then exit. THUS, you could have multiple configuration files
 * but only the first one in the list will be used

$confFileName = "rsbackupRead.conf.yaml";
$searchPaths = array( '/etc/camp', '/opt/camp', '/opt/camp/rsbackup', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], getcwd() );
$configuration = array();
foreach ( $searchPaths as $path ) {
   if ( file_exists( "$path/$confFileName" ) ) {
      $configuration = yaml_parse_file( "$path/$confFileName" );
      break; // exit out of the loop; we don't try to load it more than once
   } // if
} // foreach

mysql_connect( $configuration['database']['databaseServer'], $configuration['database']['databaseUsername'], $configuration['database']['databasePassword'] ) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db( $configuration['database']['database'] ) or die(mysql_error());

$filename = $argv[1];
$report = parseFile( $filename, $configuration['datapath'] . '/' . $configuration['unprocessed_path'] );
# print_r( $report ); print "\n";

if ( isset( $report['error'] ) ) { // we had an error processing the report
   $result[] = "$filename\t" . $report['error']; 
} else {
   $result[] = recordReport( $report );

print implode( "\n", $result );
