Subversion Repositories computer_asset_manager_v1


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#! /usr/bin/perl -w

# Version 0.9 20160713 RWR
# Added ability to have individual owners receive a summary report
# Version 1.0 20191020 RWR
# Major change to query used for report. Instead of start time of backup,
# report will look for date report was added to CAMP. This keeps reports
# of backups which take extra time from showing up AFTER they are complete.
# For example, if a backup starts on a Tuesday and takes 36 hours to complete
# it will be reported as missing on Wed, but will be correctly reported as
# completed on Thu.

use DBI;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
#use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use YAML::XS;

my $VERSION = '1.0';
my $MY_DIRECTORY = abs_path(dirname(__FILE__) );
my $message; # the message to send
# query to find all reports in last 24 hours. Assumes the script
# runs at the same time each day
my $query = qq|select 
                  backups.responsible_party 'mailto',
                  backups_run.backups_run_id 'ID',
                  device.device_id 'Device ID',
                  backups_run.start_time 'Start Time',
                  timediff( backups_run.end_time,backups_run.start_time ) 'Run Time',
                  backups_run.transferred_count 'Files',
                  round(backups_run.transferred_size/1024/1024,2) 'Size (M)',
                  backups_run.files_deleted 'Deleted',
                  backups_run.skipped 'Skipped',
                  round( backups_run.data_sent/1024/1024,2) 'Traffic (M)'
                  join backups using (backups_id)
                  join device using (device_id)
                  backups_run.added_date > date_sub( now(), interval 24 hour)
               order by Source

# Find number of backups in the past 24 hours.                  
my $count = qq/select count(*) 'Count' 
               from backups_run 
                  backups_run.start_time > date_sub( now(), interval 24 hour)/;

# looks for backups which did NOT happen in last 24 hours, but did
# happen in last 7 days, ie backups that did not make it.
my $missing = qq/select 
                  device.device_id ID,
                     select distinct( backups_id ) 
                        (datediff( now(),added_date) < 7 ) 
                  ) last_five
                  left join
                        distinct( backups_id ) 
                        backups_run.added_date > date_sub( now(), interval 24 hour)
                  ) today using (backups_id)
                     backups using (backups_id)
                     device using (device_id)
                  today.backups_id is null

# following are used to find the configuration file
my $confFileName = "rsbackupRead.conf.yaml";
my @searchPaths = ( '/etc/camp', '/opt/camp', '/opt/camp/sysinfo', $MY_DIRECTORY );

sub loadConfig {
   my ( $confFileName, @searchPaths ) = @_;
   my $configuration;
   for ( $i = 0; $i < @searchPaths; $i++ ) {
      $filename = $searchPaths[$i] . '/' . $confFileName;
      if ( -e $filename ) {
         #print "Found $filename\n";
         open CONF, "<$filename" or warn "Could not read $filename: $!\n";
         $configuration = Load( join( '', <CONF> ) );
         close CONF;
         last; # exit out of the loop; we don't try to load it more than once
      } # if
   } # foreach
   return $configuration;
} # sub loadConfig

sub sendReport {
   my ($parameters,$report) = @_;
   my %CLIParams ;
   $CLIParams{'-f'}  = qq/$$parameters{'mailFrom'}/    if $$parameters{'mailFrom'};
   $CLIParams{'-t'}  = qq/$$parameters{'mailTo'}/      if $$parameters{'mailTo'};
   $CLIParams{'-u'}  = qq/$$parameters{'mailSubject'}/ if $$parameters{'mailSubject'};
   $CLIParams{'-s'}  = qq/$$parameters{'mailServer'}/  if $$parameters{'mailServer'};
   $CLIParams{'-xu'} = qq/$$parameters{'smtpUser'}/    if $$parameters{'smtpUser'};
   $CLIParams{'-xp'} = qq/$$parameters{'smtpPass'}/    if $$parameters{'smtpPass'};
   $CLIParams{'-cc'} = qq/$$parameters{'mailCC'}/      if $$parameters{'mailCC'};
   $CLIParams{'-bcc'}= qq/$$parameters{'mailBCC'}/     if $$parameters{'mailBCC'};
   $CLIParams{'-l'}  = qq/$$parameters{'logFile'}/     if $$parameters{'logFile'};
   $CLIParams{'-a'}  = qq/$$parameters{'attachment'}/  if $$parameters{'attachment'};
   $CLIParams{'-o tls='} = qq/$$parameters{'tls'}/     if $$parameters{'tls'};
   $commandLine = qq/$$parameters{'emailScript'}/;
   die "Could not find executable $commandLine in sendEmailScript\n" unless -x $commandLine;
   $commandLine .= ' -q'; # make it act quietly
   foreach my $key ( keys %CLIParams ) {
      # depending on whether the key ends in an = or not, we will or will not use a space
      # between the key and the parameter
      $commandLine .= $key =~ m/=$/ ? " $key'$CLIParams{$key}'" : " $key '$CLIParams{$key}'";
   $commandLine .= ' ' . $$parameters{'otherCLParams'} if $$parameters{'otherCLParams'};
   open SENDMAIL, "|$commandLine" or die "Could not open [$commandLine]: $!\n";
   print SENDMAIL $report;
   close SENDMAIL;
} # sendReport

sub sendViaSendmail {
   my ( $parameters, $report ) = @_;
   my @header;
   push @header, 'To: ' . qq/$$parameters{'mailTo'}/;
   push @header, 'From: ' . qq/$$parameters{'mailFrom'}/;
   push @header, 'Subject: ' . qq/$$parameters{'mailSubject'}/;
   $report = join( "\n", @header ) . "\n\n" . $report . "\n.\n";
   open SENDMAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail $$parameters{mailTo}" or die "could not open sendmail: $!\n";
   print SENDMAIL $report;
   close SENDMAIL;

sub individualReport {
   my $data = shift;
   my @report;
   for my $key ( 'Device ID', 'Run Time', 'Files', 'Size (M)', 'Deleted', 'Skipped', 'Traffic (M)' ) {
      push @report, "$key: " . $$data{$key} unless $key eq 'mailto';
   return join( "\n", @report );

# Main Program

# Read anything passed on STDIN to prepend to e-mail
while ( my $line = <> ) {
   $message .= $line;

my $configuration = &loadConfig( $confFileName, @searchPaths );
die "Could not find configuration file $confFileName in " . join( ', ', @searchPaths) . "\n" unless $configuration;

my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:database=' . $$configuration{'database'}{'database'} . ';host=' . $$configuration{'database'}{'databaseServer'},
                                              $$configuration{'database'}{'databasePassword'} )
                                                       || die "Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr";

#my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:' . $$configuration{'database'}{'database'},
#                       $$configuration{'database'}{'databaseUsername'}, 
#                       $$configuration{'database'}{'databasePassword'} )
#         || die "Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr";

my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $count );
my $results = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
$message .= "$results->{Count} reports in last 24 hours\n";

$results = $dbh->selectall_hashref( $missing, 'ID' );
if ( %$results ) {
   $message .= '='x40 . "\nWARNING, no backup reports for the following machines\n" . '='x40 . "\n";
   foreach my $device ( keys %$results ) {
      $message .= sprintf( "%6d\t%s\n", $device, $results->{$device}->{name} );
   $message .= '='x40 . "\n\n";

# we're going to reuse the mail configuration for the individual reports
# if any, so let's save the mailTo and mailSubject
my $saveMailTo = $$configuration{'sendReport'}->{'mailTo'};
my $saveSubject = $$configuration{'sendReport'}->{'mailSubject'};

$results = $dbh->selectall_hashref( $query, 'ID' );
$message .= 'Device  Device Name                               Files Size (M) Delete   Skip     xfer  Start Time           Run Time' . "\n" . '='x40 . "\n";
# following sorts the results by the name ('source'} field
foreach my $id ( sort { $results->{$a}->{'Source'} cmp $results->{$b}->{'Source'} } keys %$results ) {
   $message .= sprintf( "%7u %-40s %6u %8.2f %6u %6u %8.2f %20s %9s\n",
                  $results->{$id}->{'Device ID'} , 
                  $results->{$id}->{'Source'} , 
                  $results->{$id}->{'Files'} ,
                  $results->{$id}->{'Size (M)'} ,
                  $results->{$id}->{'Deleted'} ,
                  $results->{$id}->{'Skipped'} ,
                  $results->{$id}->{'Traffic (M)'},
                  $results->{$id}->{'Start Time'},
                  $results->{$id}->{'Run Time'}
   if ( $results->{$id}->{'mailto'} ) {
      $$configuration{'sendReport'}->{'mailTo'} = $results->{$id}->{'mailto'};
      $$configuration{'sendReport'}->{'mailSubject'} = 'Backup Report for ' . $results->{$id}->{'Source'};
      if ( $$configuration{'sendReport'}{'emailScript'} ) {
         &sendReport( $$configuration{'sendReport'}, &individualReport( $results->{$id} ) );
      } else {
         &sendViaSendmail( $$configuration{'sendReport'}, &individualReport( $results->{$id} ) );

# reset mailTo and MailSubject to original values
$$configuration{'sendReport'}->{'mailTo'} = $saveMailTo;
$$configuration{'sendReport'}->{'mailSubject'} = $saveSubject;

#print $message;
if ( $$configuration{'sendReport'}{'emailScript'} ) {
   &sendReport( $$configuration{'sendReport'}, $message );
} else {
   &sendViaSendmail( $$configuration{'sendReport'}, $message );