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function documentsView( $parameters ) {
if ( isset( $parameters['device_id'] ) ) {
$where = "owner_type = 'd' and owner_id = $parameters[device_id]";
$join = 'join device on (device.device_id = document.owner_id)';
} elseif ( isset( $parameters['site_id'] ) ) {
$where = "owner_type = 's' and owner_id = $parameters[site_id]";
$join = 'join site on (site.site_id = document.owner_id)';
} elseif ( isset( $parameters['client_id'] ) ) {
$where = "owner_type = 'c' and owner_id = $parameters[client_id]";
$join = 'join client on (client.client_id = document.owner_id)';
} else {
return null;
$nameField = queryHTMLLink( 'modules/documents/display.php?document_id=', 'document.document_id', '' );
//concat( '<a href=\"', document.document_id, '\"', 'target=\"_blank\">',, '</a>')
$query = "select
document.document_id 'ID',\n
$nameField 'Name',
document.description 'Description',
document_mime_type.mime_type 'MIME',
document.added_date 'Added'
from document
left outer join document_mime_type using (document_mime_type_id)
order by, document.added_date";
file_put_contents( '/home/rodolico/www/web/computer_asset_manager_v1/modules/documents/queryout.sql', $query );
//print '<pre>' . print_r($query) . '</pre>';
return queryToTable( $query );
// put it into some kind of table. NOTE: description should be on mouseover
return null;
function queryHTMLLink ( $url, $hrefLink, $hrefDisplay ) {
return "concat( '<a href=\"', '$url', $hrefLink, '\"', 'target=\"_blank\">', $hrefDisplay, '</a>')";