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include_once( './database.php' );
* function designed to handle input from a form. If the input is
* unset, will retrun the $default value.
* Otherwise, will filter the value based on $filter
* Some common filters are:
* FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL - email addresses
* FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT - floating point numbers
function cleanInput ( $value, $default = '', $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT ) {
// unset or empty values just get the default
if ( ! isset( $value ) || strlen( trim( $value ) ) == 0 ) return $default;
return filter_var( trim( $value ), $filter );
* function will attempt to make a constant ($value) safe for SQL depending on the type.
* if $value is empty, $default is returned, as will happen if any of the
* conversions (date, datetime, etc...) fail.
* First, it will pass it through get_magic_quotes_gpc,
* then will run through mysql_real_escape_string
* For strings, will encapsulate in quotes
* Dates will attempt a conversion, then change to YYYY-MM-DD and encapsulate in quotes
* DateTime will perform the same, but change to YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
* Integer and Floats are passed through builtins intval and floatval
* Boolean only checks the first character, a '0', 'f' and 'n' denoting false
* all else denoting true. The result is converted based on the variable
* $falsetrue, with the first char denoting false and the second denoting true
function makeSafeSQLConstant ( $value, $type='S', $default='null', $falsetrue='10' ) {
// return $default on undefined or empty values
if ( ! isset( $value ) ) return $default;
if (strlen($value) == 0) return $default;
// print "Processing $value as $type with default $default<br>\n";
switch ( strtolower( $type ) ) {
case 'string' :
case 's' :
if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
$value = stripslashes($value);
$value = mysql_real_escape_string( $value );
$value = strlen( $value ) > 0 ? "'$value'" : $default;
case 'date' :
case 'd' :
if ( $value != 'null' ) {
$result = strtotime( $value );
$value = ( $result === false ) ? $default : "'" . Date( 'Y-m-d', $result) . "'";
case 'datetime':
case 'timestamp':
case 'dt':
if ( $value != 'null' ) {
$result = strtotime( $value );
$value = ( $result === false ) ? $default : "'" . Date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $result) . "'";
case 'integer':
case 'i' :
$value = intval( $value );
case 'float':
case 'f' :
$value = floatval( $value );
case 'bool':
case 'boolean':
case 'b' : // note, because of the way strpos works, you can not
// simply set $value based on the output; you MUST do
// as below; specifically check for false, then set the result
$value = strpos( '0fn', strtolower(substr( $value, 0, 1 )) ) === false ? 0 : 1;
$value = substr( $falsetrue, $value, 0, 1 );
} // switch
return $value;
function lPad( $string, $count, $padChar = '0' ) {
while ( strlen( $string) < $count ) {
$string = '0' . $string;
return $string;
function makeFileName ( $name, $device_id, $client_id, $site_id ) {
// we are getting an index. There is a small chance we could end up with duplicates, but since the file
// name will not consist solely of the index, it should not cause a collision.
$thisIndex = getOneDBValue( "select theValue from _system where group_name= 'Documents' and key_name = 'last index'" );
doSQL( "update _system set theValue = '$thisIndex' where group_name= 'Documents' and key_name = 'last index'" );
$thisIndex = lPad( $thisIndex, 6 );
// start building the file name
$nameOnDisk = $thisIndex . '-';
if ( $device_id ) {
$nameOnDisk .= 'd-';
$nameOnDisk .= getOneDBValue( "select name from device where device_id = $device_id" );
} elseif ( $site_id ) {
$nameOnDisk .= 's-';
$nameOnDisk .= getOneDBValue( "select name from site where site_id = $site_id" );
} elseif ( $client_id ) {
$nameOnDisk .= 'c-';
$nameOnDisk .= getOneDBValue( "select name from client where client_id = $client_id" );
} else {
return array( 'valid' => false, 'message' => 'Error: not able to find client/site/device info' );
// add the extension
$nameOnDisk .= '.' . pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// and calculate the relative path to be added to the Documents root path value
$nameOnDisk = getRelativePath( $nameOnDisk ) . $nameOnDisk;
return array( 'valid' => true, 'filename' => $nameOnDisk );
} // function saveFile
* take the first digits of a file name (which is the index) and turn
* them into a path, by breaking them into two character directories.
* Thus, 123456-someFileName.something becomes
* 12/34/123456-someFileName.something
* however, this only returns the path part, so it will return
* 12/34/
function getRelativePath ( $filename ) {
// the first part of the file name is the index, which is used to
// calculate the path, so we'll throw away everything else.
$filename = explode( '-', $filename )[0];
while ( strlen( $filename ) > 2 ) {
$path .= substr( $filename, 0, 2 ) . '/';
$filename = substr( $filename, 2 );
return $path;
* prepends two directory entries stored in _system table to
* $filename
function getAbsolutePath ( $filename ) {
$path = $_SESSION['file system root']
. '/' . getOneDBValue( "select theValue from _system where group_name = 'Documents' and key_name = 'root path'" )
. '/' . $filename;
return $path;
* returns the URL path to a file
function getURLPath ( $filename ) {
$path = $_SESSION['html root']
. '/' . getOneDBValue( "select theValue from _system where group_name = 'Documents' and key_name = 'root path'" )
. '/' . $filename;
return $path;
function makePath ( $filename ) {
$path = pathinfo( $filename, PATHINFO_DIRNAME );
return is_dir( $path ) ? true : mkdir( $path, 0777, true );
* Tries to find $value as a mime type
* if $value is non-zero numeric, looks it up in the table as mime_type_id
* if a string, checks for mime_type
* if still not found, looks for extension
* returns index into document_mime_type, or 0 if not found
function check_mime_type ( $value ) {
if ( is_string( $value ) ) {
$value = makeSafeSQLConstant( $value );
// check if they passed in a mime type
$id = getOneDBValue( "select document_mime_type_id from document_mime_type where mime_type = $value" );
if ( $id ) return $id;
// well, no, so check if they passed in an extension
return getOneDBValue( "select document_mime_type_id from document_mime_type where extension = $value" );
return null;
function addDocument ( $nameOnDisk, $device_id, $client_id, $site_id, $mime_type, $name, $description ) {
if ( $device_id ) {
$owner_type = 'd';
$owner_id = $device_id;
} elseif ( $site_id ) {
$owner_type = 's';
$owner_id = $site_id;
} elseif ( $client_id ) {
$owner_type = 'c';
$owner_id = $client_id;
if ( ! isset( $mime_type ) ) {
$extension = pathinfo( $nameOnDisk, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$mime_type = getOneDBValue( "select mime_type from document_mime_type where extension = '$extension'" );
} // if we need to find the mime_type
$nameOnDisk = makeSafeSQLConstant( $nameOnDisk );
$description = makeSafeSQLConstant( $description );
$mime_type = makeSafeSQLConstant( $mime_type );
$owner_type = makeSafeSQLConstant( $owner_type );
$name = makeSafeSQLConstant( $name );
$document_mime_type_id = getOneDBValue( "select document_mime_type_id from document_mime_type where mime_type = $mime_type" );
if ( ! $document_mime_type_id ) $document_mime_type_id = 'null';
$query = "insert into document ( name,owner_type,owner_id,description, document_mime_type_id, name_on_disk, added_date )
values ( $name, $owner_type, $owner_id, $description, $document_mime_type_id, $nameOnDisk, now() )";
$result = queryDatabaseExtended( $query );
return isset( $result['insert_id'] ) ? $result['insert_id'] : null;