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include_once( '../../header.php' );
include_once( './functions.php' );
include_once( '../../header.php' );
include_once( 'csvImporter.php' );
/* import CSV, processing one line at a time
* CSV may be delimited by anything defined in CsvImporter with auto-detect
* returns table with results, suitable for embedding in div
function processFile ( $filename, $delimiter, $encapsulation = '"', $escape = '\\', $deviceNotFoundIsNull = false) {
$return = '';
$fileInfo = new CsvImporter( $filename, true, $delimiter, $enclosure, $escape );
* load the information in a hash list, similar to
* client1
* machine1
* product1
* product2
* machine2
* productx
* client2
* ...
while ( $line = $fileInfo->get(1) ) {
foreach ( $line as $index => $values ) {
$import[$values['client']][$values['device']][$values['license_product']] = $values['license'];
// process each client/machine/license in turn, displaying results in table
$return .= "<table border='1'><tr></tr><th>Status</th><th>Client</th><th>ID</th><th>Machine</th><th>ID</th><th>Product</th><th>ID</th><th>License</th></tr>\n&quo
foreach ( $import as $client => $data ) {
// find client_id
$client_id = getValue ( 'client', 'client_id', 'name', $client );
if ( $client_id === '' ) { // can't find client, so big error
$return .= "<tr><td><b>Error</b></td><td colspan='7'>Could not find client ID for $client</td></tr>";
// find machine_id
foreach ( $data as $machine => $info ) {
if ( $machine === '' ) { // can't find machine
$machine_id = '';
} else {
$machine_id = getValue( 'device', 'device_id', 'name', $machine );
// if we can't find it and they don't want to continue
if ( $machine_id === '' and ! $deviceNotFoundIsNull ) {
$return .= "<td><b>Error</b></td><td>$client</td><td>$client_id</td>";
$return .= "<td colspan='5'>Could not find machine ID for $machine</td></tr>";
continue; //ignor
// now, locate each license_product_id and update the license information
// if product does not exist, add it
// thus, spelling counts or you'll get dup entries in license_product table
foreach ( $info as $product => $license ) {
# look for product name, but don't update it if it doesn't exist
$product_id = getValue( 'license_product', 'license_product_id', 'name', $product, false );
* Some software (like Belarc) show product names as publiser - product name, ie
* Microsoft - Office 2017
* So, we'll look to see if this is the case here.
* NOTE: we are only checking if this key is publisher - product and, if so checking for product
* however, if it is listed in database as publisher - product and we are just product, it
* will still result in dups.
if ( ! $product_id ) {
if ( strpos( $product, ' - ' ) !== false ) {
$product_id = getValue( 'license_product', 'license_product_id', 'name', substr( $product, strpos( $product, ' - ' ) + 3 ), false );
// if we still haven't found it, just add the bloody thing.
if ( ! $product_id )
$product_id = getValue( 'license_product', 'license_product_id', 'name', $product, true );
$action = updateLicense( $client_id, $machine_id, $product_id, $license );
$return .= "<tr>\n";
$return .= "<td>$action</td><td>$client</td><td>$client_id</td>";
$return .= "<td>$machine</td><td>$machine_id</td>";
$return .= "<td>$product</td><td>$product_id</td><td>$license</td>\n";
$return .= "</tr>\n";
} // for each machine
} // for each client
$return .= "</table>\n";
return $return;
} // function processFile
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "" >
<html xmlns="">
<title>Computer Asset Management Program - MODULE NAME - PAGE NAME</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../camp.css">
<?php include_once('../../menu.php'); ?>
<div id="content">
if ( isset( $_POST["submit"] ) ) {
$filename = tempnam( '/tmp', 'blk' );
if ( move_uploaded_file( $_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"], $filename ) ) {
print "<p>Loading Data</p>\n";
print processFile( $filename , $_REQUEST['delimiter'], $_REQUEST['encapsulation'], $_REQUEST['escape'], $_REQUEST['notfoundisnull'] );
} else {
print "<p>Error: move_uploaded_file failed to move to $filename</p>";
//unlink( $filename );
} else {
<p align\'center'>Upload a CSV file to be bulk imported into the license table</p>
<p><b>Warning:</b> no error checking is done, ensure your file meets the proper specifications. The fields may be separated by</p>
<p>The first line should be a header, containing the following in any order. All other fields will be ignored</p>
<p><b>Warning!</b> Client, Machine and Product name must be exactly as already stored.</p>
<p>License is case sensitive</p>
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<table border='1'>
<td>Set Machine to Null if not found</td>
<td> <input type="checkbox" name="notfoundisnull" value="notfoundisnull"></td>
<td>Select CSV to upload</td>
<td><input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload"></td>
<td>Field Delimiters</td>
<select name='delimiter' id='delimiter'>
<option value='auto' selected>Auto Detect</option>
<option value='tab'>Tab</option>
<option value=','>Comma (,)</option>
<option value=';'>Semicolon (;)</option>
<option value='|'>Pipe (|)</option>
<option value=':'>Colon (:)</option>
<select name='encapsulation' id='encapsulation'>
<option value='auto' selected>Auto Detect</option>
<option value=''>None</option>
<option value='"'>Double Quotes (")</option>
<option value="'">Single Quotes (')</option>
<option value='~'>Tilde (~)</option>
<td>Escape Char</td>
<select name='escape' id='escape'>
<option value='' selected>None</option>
<option value='\'>Backslash (\)</option>
<td colspan='2' align='center'><input type="submit" value="Upload CSV" name="submit"></td>
<p>It is generally safe to leave Encapsulation and Escape at their defaults</p>
<?php } ?>