Subversion Repositories computer_asset_manager_v1


Rev 42 | Blame | Last modification | View Log | Download | RSS feed

   include_once( '../../header.php' ); 

include_once( '../../header.php' ); 
include_once( 'csvImporter.php' );

 * select $column from $table where $match = '$value'
 * if $add is true, will add row if it does not exist.
 * returns $column from the result (or '' if it does not exist)
 * Used mainly to get an index from a table with matching value

function getValue ( $table, $column, $match, $value, $add = false ) {
   $return = getOneDBValue( "select $column from $table where $match = '$value'" );
   if ( $return === null ) {
      if ( $add ) {
         $return = doSQL( "insert into $table ( $match ) values ( '$value' )" );
         return $return['insert_id'];
      } else {
         $return = '';
   return $return;

 * Adds/updates license in license table
 * if already licensed for this machine, returns 'Already Set'
 * if license exists and is for a different machine
 *    mark it as removed
 *    adds key to new machine
 *    returns "Assigned"
 * Othewise, Adds key and assigns to machine
 * returns "Added"
 * NOTE: $device_id may be null which indicates license owned by client but unassigned
function updateLicense ( $client_id, $device_id, $license_product_id, $license ) {
   // see if the entry already exists
   $results = queryDatabaseExtended( "select license_id,client_id,device_id from license where license_product_id = $license_product_id and license = '$license' and removed_date is null" );
   //print "<pre>"; print_r( $results ); print "</pre>"; die;
   $db_license_id = $results['data'][0]['license_id'];
   $db_client_id = $results['data'][0]['client_id'];
   $db_device_id = $results['data'][0]['device_id'];
   $db_license_product_id = $results['data'][0]['license_product_id'];
   if ( ! $results ) { # this was not found, so just add it
      if ( $device_id === '' ) $device_id = 'null';
      doSQL( "insert into license (client_id,device_id,license_product_id,license, added_date) values ( $client_id, $device_id, $license_product_id, '$license', now() )" );
      return "Added";
   if ( $client_id == $db_client_id && $device_id == $db_device_id ) { // already done, so just leave alone
      return "Already Set";
   if ( ! $db_device_id ) { # key was not assigned before, so just assign it
      doSQL( "update license set device_id = $db_device_id,added_date = now() where license_id = $db_license_id" );
      return "Assigned";
   // at this point, there is already an entry, but it is for a different machine, so we need to update it, ie remove the old, add the new
   doSQL( "update license set removed_date = now() where license_id = $db_license_id" );
   doSQL( "insert into license (client_id,device_id,license_product_id,license, added_date) values ( $client_id, $device_id, $license_product_id, '$license', now() )" );
   return "Reassigned";

/* import CSV, processing one line at a time
 * CSV may be delimited by anything defined in CsvImporter with auto-detect
 * returns table with results, suitable for embedding in div

   function processFile ( $filename ) {
      $return = '';
      $fileInfo = new CsvImporter( $filename, true );
      while ( $line = $fileInfo->get(1) ) {
         foreach ( $line as $index => $values ) {
            $import[$values['client']][$values['device']][$values['license_product']] = $values['license'];

      // process each line in turn, displaying results in table
      $return = "<table border='1'><tr></tr><th>Client</th><th>ID</th><th>Machine</th><th>ID</th><th>Product</th><th>ID</th><th>License</th></tr>\n";
      foreach ( $import as $client => $data ) {
         // find client_id
         $client_id = getValue ( 'client', 'client_id', 'name', $client );
         if ( $client_id === '' ) {
            $return .= "<tr><td><b>Error</b></td><td colspan='7'>Could not find client ID for $client</td></tr>";
         // find machine_id
         foreach ( $data as $machine => $info ) {
            if ( $machine === '' ) {
               $machine_id = '';
            } else {
               $machine_id = getValue( 'device', 'device_id', 'name', $machine );
               if ( $machine_id === '' ) {
                  $return .= "<td><b>Error</b></td><td>$client</td><td>$client_id</td>";
                  $return .= "<td colspan='5'>Could not find machine ID for $machine</td></tr>";
            // now, locate each license_product_id and update the license information
            // if product does not exist, add it
            // thus, spelling counts or you'll get dup entries in license_product table
            foreach ( $info as $product => $license ) {
               $product_id = getValue( 'license_product', 'license_product_id', 'name', $product, true );
               $action = updateLicense( $client_id, $machine_id, $product_id, $license );
               $return .= "<tr>\n";
               $return .= "<td>$action</td><td>$client</td><td>$client_id</td>";
               $return .= "<td>$machine</td><td>$machine_id</td>";
               $return .= "<td>$product</td><td>$product_id</td><td>$license</td>\n";
               $return .= "</tr>\n";
         } // for each machine
      } // for each client
      $return .= "</table>\n";
      return $return;
   } // function processFile

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "" >

<html xmlns="">
      <title>Computer Asset Management Program - MODULE NAME - PAGE NAME</title>
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../camp.css">
      <?php include_once('../../menu.php'); ?>
      <div id="content">
         if ( $_REQUEST['fileToUpload'] ) {
            print processFile( $_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"] );
         } else {
      <p>Upload a CSV file to be bulk imported into the license table</p>
      <p><b>Warning:</b> no error checking is done, ensure your file meets the proper specifications</p>
      <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
          Select CSV to upload:
          <input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload">
          <input type="submit" value="Upload CSV" name="submit">
      <?php } ?>