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* This is the callable library for the license module.
* routines are assumed to be called from other modules, returning
* HTML data.
* All routines will receive one array containing the parameters to
* be used. Parameters may be
* client_id - A client_id to be used for queries
* device_id - A device_id to be used for queries
* site_id - A site_id to be used for queries
* htmlDirectory - the HTML path to the module
function sysinfoView ( $parameters ) {
// this is an array containing the columns we will display in the
// query. The query will be generated as
// select $key '$value', $key '$value
if ( isset( $parameters['device_id'] ) ) {
$query =
min(concat(date(report_date),' (v', version, ')' )) 'First Sysinfo Report',
max(concat(date(report_date),' (v', version, ')' )) 'Latest Sysinfo Report'
from sysinfo_report
where device_id = $parameters[device_id]";
return queryToTable( $query );