Subversion Repositories computer_asset_manager_v1


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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

# v0.8.1 20160218 RWR
# removed print statement to STDOUT (just commented it out)
# v0.8.2 20160407 RWR
# Added checking for missing sysinfo reports
# if a report is not shown in current day, but has been seen in the 
# past five days, an entry is made on the report

use DBI;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
#use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use YAML::XS;

my $VERSION = '0.8.1';
my $MY_DIRECTORY = abs_path(dirname(__FILE__) );
my $query = qq/select DOM0, DOMU
   device hyper join device virt
   join device_type on (virt.device_type_id = device_type.device_type_id)
   device_type.show_as_system = "Y"
   and hyper.device_id = virt.part_of 
   and hyper.removed_date is null 
   and virt.removed_date is null
order by,;

# following are used to find the configuration file
my $confFileName = "sysinfoRead.conf.yaml";
my @searchPaths = ( '/etc/camp', '/opt/camp', '/opt/camp/sysinfo', $MY_DIRECTORY );

sub loadConfig {
   my ( $confFileName, @searchPaths ) = @_;
   my $configuration;
   for ( my $i = 0; $i < @searchPaths; $i++ ) {
      my $filename = $searchPaths[$i] . '/' . $confFileName;
      if ( -e $filename ) {
         #print "Found $filename\n";
         open CONF, "<$filename" or warn "Could not read $filename: $!\n";
         $configuration = Load( join( '', <CONF> ) );
         close CONF;
         last; # exit out of the loop; we don't try to load it more than once
      } # if
   } # foreach
   return $configuration;
} # sub loadConfig

my $configuration = &loadConfig( $confFileName, @searchPaths );
die "Could not find configuration file $confFileName in " . join( ', ', @searchPaths) . "\n" unless $configuration;

my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:' . $$configuration{'database'}{'database'},
                       $$configuration{'database'}{'databasePassword'} )
         || die "Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr";

my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query );

open REPORT, ">$$configuration{'domuOutput'}" or die "Could not open $$configuration{'domuOutput'} for DOMU Report: $!\n";
print REPORT "DOM0\tDOMU\n";
while ( my $row =  $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
   print REPORT $row->{"DOM0"} . "\t" . $row->{"DOMU"} . "\n";
close REPORT;
`chown www-data:www-data $$configuration{"domuOutput"}`;