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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use IO::Interactive qw(is_interactive interactive busy);
use YAML::XS;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
#use Data::Dumper;
my $CRON= ! is_interactive(); # determine if we are in interactive shell
# control the flow of the program. $CHECKMAIL is pretty clear.
# if $PROCESS is false and $MOVEFILES is true, the files will be moved
# but not processed (ie, they were processed some other way)
my $CHECKMAIL=1; #controls whether we will check the mail or not
my $PROCESS=1; # controls whether we will process the files
my $MOVEFILES=1; # controls whether we will move the files successfully processed
my $MY_DIRECTORY; # will hold the directory of the script
my $DATADIR; # will hold the reports directory
my $UNPROCESSED; # will hold the location for unprocessed reports
my $MAXTOPROCESS = 10000;
my %filesProcessed;
# following are used to find the configuration file
my $confFileName = "sysinfoRead.conf.yaml";
my @searchPaths = ( '/etc/camp', '/opt/camp', '/opt/camp/sysinfo', getcwd() );
sub loadConfig {
my ( $confFileName, @searchPaths ) = @_;
my $configuration;
for ( $i = 0; $i < @searchPaths; $i++ ) {
$filename = $searchPaths[$i] . '/' . $confFileName;
if ( -e $filename ) {
#print "Found $filename\n";
open CONF, "<$filename" or warn "Could not read $filename: $!\n";
$configuration = Load( join( '', <CONF> ) );
last; # exit out of the loop; we don't try to load it more than once
} # if
} # foreach
return $configuration;
} # sub loadConfig
sub sendReport {
my ($parameters,$report) = @_;
my %CLIParams ;
$CLIParams{'-f'} = qq/$$parameters{'mailFrom'}/ if $$parameters{'mailFrom'};
$CLIParams{'-t'} = qq/$$parameters{'mailTo'}/ if $$parameters{'mailTo'};
$CLIParams{'-u'} = qq/$$parameters{'mailSubject'}/ if $$parameters{'mailSubject'};
$CLIParams{'-s'} = qq/$$parameters{'mailServer'}/ if $$parameters{'mailServer'};
$CLIParams{'-xu'} = qq/$$parameters{'smtpUser'}/ if $$parameters{'smtpUser'};
$CLIParams{'-xp'} = qq/$$parameters{'smtpPass'}/ if $$parameters{'smtpPass'};
$CLIParams{'-cc'} = qq/$$parameters{'mailCC'}/ if $$parameters{'mailCC'};
$CLIParams{'-bcc'}= qq/$$parameters{'mailBCC'}/ if $$parameters{'mailBCC'};
$CLIParams{'-l'} = qq/$$parameters{'logFile'}/ if $$parameters{'logFile'};
$CLIParams{'-a'} = qq/$$parameters{'attachment'}/ if $$parameters{'attachment'};
$CLIParams{'-o tls='} = qq/$$parameters{'tls'}/ if $$parameters{'tls'};
$commandLine = qq/$$parameters{'emailScript'}/;
die "Could not find executable $commandLine in sendEmailScript\n" unless -x $commandLine;
$commandLine .= ' -q'; # make it act quietly
foreach my $key ( keys %CLIParams ) {
# depending on whether the key ends in an = or not, we will or will not use a space
# between the key and the parameter
$commandLine .= $key =~ m/=$/ ? " $key'$CLIParams{$key}'" : " $key '$CLIParams{$key}'";
$commandLine .= ' ' . $$parameters{'otherCLParams'} if $$parameters{'otherCLParams'};
open SENDMAIL, "|$commandLine" or die "Could not open [$commandLine]: $!\n";
print SENDMAIL $report;
} # sendReport
# assumes parse_sysinfo.php returns one of the following codes
# 0 - Processed Normally
# 1 - could not process file (not xml, yaml or ini)
# 2 - Invalid report, does not have one or more of report date, client name or computer name
# 3 - Invalid Report, invalid machine name
# 4 - Duplicate Report
# 5 - Valid report, but no entry for client and/or machine in database
# 6 - Valid report, but waiting for client and/or machine to be added in database
sub storeFile {
use File::Basename;
my $file = shift;
my $targetDirectory = shift;
unless ( $targetDirectory ) {
my ($name,$path) = fileparse($file);
my ( $date,$time,$client,$server,$serial) = split( '_', $name );
my ( $year, $month, $day ) = split( '-', $date );
$targetDirectory = "/$year/$month";
$targetDirectory = "$DATADIR/$targetDirectory";
`mkdir -p '$targetDirectory'` unless -d $targetDirectory;
`mv '$file' '$targetDirectory'`;
# get our configuration set up first
my $config = &loadConfig( $confFileName, @searchPaths );
die "Could not find configuration file $confFileName\n" unless $config;
$DATADIR = $$config{'datapath'};
$UNPROCESSED=$DATADIR . '/' . $$config{'unprocessed_path'};
use File::Basename;
$MY_DIRECTORY = abs_path(dirname(__FILE__) );
$getMailScript = "$MY_DIRECTORY/" . $$config{'getMailScript'};
$processMailScript = "$MY_DIRECTORY/" . $$config{'processMailScript'};
die "Could not find the getMailScript [$getMailScript] in $MY_DIRECTORY\n" unless -e $getMailScript;
die "Could not find the processMailScript [$processMailScript] in $MY_DIRECTORY\n" unless -e $processMailScript;
# fetch all messages pending from e-mail accounts
`php $getMailScript` if $CHECKMAIL;
# get a list of all messages waiting to be processed
opendir ( my $dh, $UNPROCESSED ) or die "Could not open $UNPROCESSED for read: $!";
@files = map{ "$UNPROCESSED\/$_" } sort grep { ! /^\./ && -f "$UNPROCESSED/$_" } readdir( $dh );
closedir $dh;
my $count = 0;
foreach my $thisFile ( sort @files ) {
if ( $PROCESS ) {
$results .= `php $processMailScript <'$thisFile'`;
if ( $? == -1 ) {
$exitCode = -1;
die "Parsing failed: $!\n";
} else {
$exitCode = $? >> 8;
} else {
$results .= "Not processing file $thisFile";
$exitCode = 0;
if ( $exitCode == 0 ) {
$filesProcessed{ 'valid' }++;
&storeFile( $thisFile ) if $MOVEFILES;
} elsif ( $exitCode == 1 ) {
$filesProcessed{ 'Invalid Format' }++;
&storeFile( $thisFile, 'InvalidFormat' ) if $MOVEFILES;
} elsif ( $exitCode == 2 || $exitCode == 3 ) {
$filesProcessed{ 'Invalid Report' }++;
&storeFile( $thisFile, 'InvalidReport' ) if $MOVEFILES;
} elsif ( $exitCode == 4 ) {
$filesProcessed{ 'Duplicate Report' }++;
&storeFile( $thisFile, 'DuplicateReport' ) if $MOVEFILES;
} elsif ( $exitCode != 5 && $exitCode != 6 ) { ## not any other of our valid exit codes
die "parse_sysinfo.php returned an unknown exit code $exitCode for $thisFile\n";
} else {
# at this point, we only have reports waiting for manual CAMP
# updates, so just leave them where they are
$filesProcessed{ 'Waiting CAMP Updates' }++;
last if ++$count >= $MAXTOPROCESS;
print STDERR "\r$count" unless $CRON;
my $emailString;
print "\n" unless $CRON;
$count= 0;
foreach my $key ( sort keys %filesProcessed ) {
$count += $filesProcessed{$key};
$emailString .= "$filesProcessed{$key}\t$key\n";
$emailString .= "$count\tTotal Files Processed\n";
$emailString .= "--------------------------------\n\n";
$emailString .= $results;
&sendReport( $$config{'sendReport'}, $emailString );