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* getSysinfoMail.php
* Author: R. W. Rodolico
* Copyright: 20151002, Daily Data, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>
* Read messages from mail server. If they are YAML or XML sysinfo reports
* save them to local drive, then remove them from mail server.
* Files will be named with the following values, separated by underscores
* report date (YYYY-MM-DD)
* report time (HH:MM:SS) (CONTAINS COLONS)
* client name (MAY CONTAIN SPACES)
* device name
* serial number (default to 00000 if it is not in the report)
* Requires php5-imap
* apt-get install php5-imap
* Good information taken from
$VERSION = '1.0';
$MAXDOWNLOAD = 5000; // maximum number of e-mails to download at one time
$CLI = isset( $_SERVER["TERM"]); // only set if we are not in a cron job
require "sysinfoRead.php.conf";
function OpenMailbox ( $username, $password, $server, $ssl = true, $port=null, $mailbox = 'INBOX' ) {
if ( $port == null )
if ( $ssl ) $port = 993; else $port = 143;
$server = gethostbyname( $server );
$serverString = "$server:$port/imap";
if ( $ssl ) $serverString .= '/ssl';
$serverString .= '/novalidate-cert';
$serverString = '{' . $serverString . '}' . $mailbox;
$server = imap_open( $serverString, $username, $password );
return array($server, $serverString);
function getContents ($mail, $n ) {
$body = '';
$st = imap_fetchstructure($mail, $n);
if (!empty($st->parts)) {
for ($i = 0, $j = count($st->parts); $i < $j; $i++) {
$part = $st->parts[$i];
if ($part->subtype == 'PLAIN') {
$body = imap_fetchbody($mail, $n, $i+1);
} else {
$body = imap_body($mail, $n);
return getBody( $body );
function getBody ( $body ) {
global $bodyContents;
foreach ( $bodyContents as $key => $regexes ) {
$pattern = $regexes['startTag'] . '.*' . $regexes['endTag'];
if ( preg_match( "/$pattern/ms", $body, $matches ) )
return array( $key, $matches[0] );
return array( false, '' );
function makeFileName ( $data, $type ) {
global $outpath;
// we will create filename as yyyy-mm-dd_HH:mm:ss_client_hostname_serial
$date = empty( $data['report']['date'] ) ? '' : strtotime( $data['report']['date'] ); // store in Unix timestamp
$date = strftime( '%F_%T', $date ); // save a copy of the date in SQL format
// add client name
$client = empty( $data['report']['client'] ) ? '' : $data['report']['client'];
// add hostname
$hostname = empty ( $data['system']['hostname'] ) ? '' : $data['system']['hostname'];
// add serial number if it exists, otherwise use '00000' (5 0's)
$serial = empty ( $data['system']['serial'] ) ? '00000' : $data['system']['serial'];
return ( $date && $client && $hostname && $serial ) ? "$outpath/$date" . '_' . $client . '_' . $hostname . '_' . "$serial.$type" : false;
function saveFile( $filename, $contents, $timestamp ) {
$bytesWritten = file_put_contents( $filename, $contents );
if ( $bytesWritten ) {
if ( ! touch( $filename, $timestamp ) ) logError( "could not set timestamp of $filename to $timestamp" );
return $bytesWritten;
function logError ( $message ) {
global $logFile;
error_log( "$message\n", 3, $logFile );
* Begin Main Program
// ensure the path we want to write to exists
if ( ! is_dir( $outpath ) ) {
if ( ! mkdir( $outpath, 0777, true ) ) {
die( "Could not create path $outpath\n" );
$listMailboxes = isset( $argv[1] ) ; // anything passed on cli results in a list of mailboxes instead of the job
foreach ( $servers as $thisServer ) {
if ($MAXDOWNLOAD <= 0 ) break;
if ( ! $thisServer['enabled'] ) continue; // ignore anything that is not enabled
print "Working on " . $thisServer['servername'] . "\n";
$messagesToDelete = array(); // trap the UID's of messages to delete, more accurate than using message number
print "Opening " . $thisServer['servername'] . "\n";
// open the mail server connection. NOTE: the $connectString is used in other functions, so we need to preserve it
list( $server, $connectString ) = OpenMailbox( $thisServer['username'],
$thisServer['servername'] ,
$listMailboxes ? '' : $thisServer['mailbox']
print "Success with $connectString\n";
if ( $listMailboxes ) {
$list = imap_list($server, $connectString, "*");
print_r( $list ); print "\n";
$count = 0;
if ( $server ) {
$folderCount = imap_num_msg( $server );
for ( $num = 1; ($num <= $folderCount) && $MAXDOWNLOAD; $num++ ) {
list( $type,$body ) = getContents( $server, $num );
if ( ! $type ) {
logError( "Unknown File Type" );
if ( ! ($data = $bodyContents[$type]['eval']($body) ) ) {
logError( "Unable to parse file" );
if ( !( $filename = makeFileName( $data, $type ) ) ) {
logError( "unable to create a file name" );
if ( !( $bytesWritten = saveFile( $filename, $body, strtotime( $data['report']['date'] ) ) ) ) {
logError( "unable to save file $filename" );
$messagesToDelete[] = imap_uid( $server, $num );
if ( $CLI ) print '.'; // only do this if interactive session
} // for
if ( $thisServer['deleteProcessed'] ) {
foreach ( $messagesToDelete as $uid ) {
imap_delete( $server, $uid, FT_UID ) or logError( "Can't delete [$uid]: imap_last_error()" );
imap_expunge( $server );
} // if delete
imap_close( $server );
} else {
print "Could not open server " . $thisServer['servername'] . "\n";
} // if..else
print "\nProcessed $count messages\n\n";
} // outer for