Subversion Repositories computer_asset_manager_v1


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 * This file is just an easy way to create the YAML configuration file.
 * You, as a PHP programmer, are probably more familiar with PHP than 
 * YAML, so create an array, $configuration, below, then run this
 * script (ie, php sysinfoRead.conf-creator.php). A properly formatted
 * YAML configuration stream will be sent to STDOUT, where you can
 * capture it.
 * OF COURSE, you can definitely hand code the YAML. It is actually much
 * simpler than doing the PHP, but not if you're familiar with PHP
 * and not so good with YAML.
 * Requires php-pear and libyaml under Debian Wheezy
 * apt-get install php-pear php5-dev libyaml-dev libyaml-0-2 libyaml-0-2-dbg
 * pecl install yaml
 * echo '' >> /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
 * echo '' >> /etc/apache2/cli/php.ini

   I use a nowdoc to define this large block of code which evaluates an ini file.  
   nowdoc's don't really work in an array, or at least I have not been able
   to figure out the syntax, so I use the following to get the code into the variable
   $eval_ini, then put that into the $configuration array.
   Also, nowdoc's are pretty sloppy looking, so another reason to do it here :)
$eval_ini = <<<'END'
$data = array();
preg_match( '/\[report date\](.*)[\r\n]/', $body, $_date );
preg_match( '/\[client name\](.*)[\r\n]/', $body, $_client );
preg_match( '/\[hostname\](.*)[\r\n]/', $body, $_host );
$data['report']['date'] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $_date[1]);
$data['report']['client'] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $_client[1]);
$data['system']['hostname'] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $_host[1]);
return $data;
// end of the nowdoc, now on to the regular stuff 

// Configuration file for getSysinfoMail.php, parse_sysinfo.php and other files
$configuration = array( 
      // set this to where the files parsed from mail should be placed.
      // note, outpath will be removed in the future. It should be 'datapath/unprocessed_path'
      // until that is done.
      // in the future, datapath will define a root, then everything will be a subdirectory
      // of that; unprocessed, duplicate, and all processed files
      // processed files will be in datapath/YYYY/MM/filename
      'outpath' => '/path/to/unprocessed/email', // this should be 'datapath/unprocessed_path'
      'logFile' => '/path/to/log/file/errors.log', // full path to an error file
      'datapath' => '/path/to/root/of/reports', // the root of all files
      'unprocessed_path' => 'unprocessed', // subdirectory of datapath
      'getMailScript' => 'getSysinfoMail.php', // name of the mail getter script
      'processMailScript' => 'parse_sysinfo.php', // name of the report parser
      'reportScript' => '', // name of the report script

      // server connection information
      // you can check multiple servers, accounts and mailboxes (folders)
      // only two are listed here, but it can be from one to however many you want
      'servers' => array( 
                        array ( 
                           'servername'      => 'smtp.server.or.ip', 
                           'port'            => 143,
                           'ssl'             => false,
                           'mailbox'         => '',
                           'username'        => 'username',
                           'password'        => 'password',
                           'deleteProcessed' => false,  // true will delete once they are downloaded
                           'enabled'         => false   // false means this entry will be ignored
                        array ( 
                           'servername'      => 'smtp.server.or.ip', 
                           'port'            => 143,
                           'ssl'             => false,
                           'mailbox'         => '',
                           'username'        => 'username',
                           'password'        => 'password',
                           'deleteProcessed' => false,  // true will delete once they are downloaded
                           'enabled'         => false   // false means this entry will be ignored
      // your database connection information
      'database' => array(
         'databaseServer' => 'localhost',
         'databaseUsername' => 'dbuser',
         'databasePassword' => 'dbpass',
         'database' => 'dbname',
      // you really need for this to work, as I've really written this around that
      // see README.txt. This sends the report at the end of the processing. You can comment out
      // the call to in or rewrite the former.
      'sendReport' => array(
         'mailTo'=> 'who@gets.mail',
         'mailServer' => '',
         'mailSubject' => 'Sysinfo Report',
         'mailFrom' => '',
         'logFile' => '/tmp/mail.log',
         'tls' => "'auto'",
         'smtpUser' => '', // for authenticated SMTP
         'smtpPass' => 'password',      // for authenticated SMTP

      // You really should not modify the following unless you know what you are doing

      // these are regex's that define what we want to capture. Everything between startKey and endKey, inclusive
      // we then process it with eval, which is an anonymous function accepting one paramter (body) and returning
      // the array represented by the associated data definition
      'bodyContents' => array( 
                      'xml'  => array( 
                            'startTag' => '\<sysinfo', 
                            'endTag' => '\<\/sysinfo[^>]*\>', 
                            // see
                            'eval' => 'return(json_decode(json_encode((array)simplexml_load_string($body)),1));',
                      'yaml' => array( 
                            'startTag' => '\-\-\-',
                            'endTag' => '\.\.\.',
                            'eval' => 'return( yaml_parse( $body, 0 ) );',
                      'ini'  => array( # this is an older format which we don't support, so we'll just write it out
                            'startTag' => '\[sysinfo version\]', 
                            'endTag' => '',
                            'eval' => $eval_ini,

   // here is where we actually generate the YAML
   print yaml_emit( $configuration );
