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* script: upload_sysinfo_report.php
* author: Rod Rodolico
* date: 2016-04-03
* use: Accept a CAMP sysinfo 3 report from client machine and
* place it in a file for later processing
* Description:
* Contents of report are upload to this script in the report GET variable
* Other variables required are client, report date and hostname.
* Serial number is not required.
* A file name is built (an sanitized) from the report_date, client
* hostname and serial number, and the four values are separated by an
* underscore. The .yaml suffix is a constant in this version.
* The file is then saved to STORAGE_PATH (must be writeable by web
* server).
* If it all succeeds, the original report content (ONLY, not the other
* parameters) is returned. If it does not succeed, and error messsage
* is returned.
* NOTE: all values are required except for serial number
* Example Usage:
* http://url?report_date=2016-04-01 13:11:04&client=My Client Name& is the time for all good men
* Obviously, all values must be URL encoded
* You should create the path manually. For example, assuming you are
* storing it in ~/camp/sysinfo_reports, the following should be run
* as root
* mkdir -p ~camp/sysinfo_reports/http
* chown camp:www-data ~camp/sysinfo_reports/http
* chmod 775 ~camp/sysinfo_reports/http
define ( 'VERSION', '1.0' );
define ( 'BUILD_DATE', '2016-04-03' );
define ( 'STORAGE_PATH', '/home/camp/sysinfo_reports/unprocessed' );
define ( 'TESTING', false );
function sanitize_filename ( $filename, $allowed = 'a-zA-Z0-9-', $special_chars = '_', $replace_char = '-', $removeDups = true ) {
$filename = str_replace( $allowed . $special_chars,$replace_char, $filename );
if ( $removeDups )
$filename = preg_replace( "/($replace_char)+/", $replace_char, $filename );
return $filename;
$date = $_REQUEST['report_date'];
$client = $_REQUEST['client'];
$hostname = $_REQUEST['hostname'];
$serial = isset( $_REQUEST['serialnumber'] ) ? $_REQUEST['serialnumber'] : '';
$report = $_FILES['report'];
/* test data
$client = 'Roome Land Surveying';
$hostname = 'router.roome.local';
$date = '"2016-03-31 01:25:04"';
$serial = 'dd-app-040';
$report = 'A Report';
// some of the dates actually have quotes around them, so we remove those
// here.
$date = preg_replace( '/(")/', '', $date );
// make sure we can parse it
$date = strtotime( $date );
if ( empty( $date ) ) { // we couldn't parse the date
// grab the original
$date = $_REQUEST['report_date'];
print "Unable to parse date [$date]";
// set it to empty so we won't do any work.
$date = '';
// file_put_contents( STORAGE_PATH . '/report.log', print_r( $report, true ) );
if ( empty( $date ) or empty( $client ) or empty( $hostname ) or empty( $report ) ) {
print( "You must pass a date, client, hostname and report. The values read were\n<br />" );
print "Date=[$date]\n<br />Client=[$client]\n<br />Hostname=[$hostname]\n<br />";
print "Report is\n<br /><pre>";
print_r( $report );
print "</pre>\n";
} else { // we have the requireds
if ( empty( $serial ) ) $serial = '';
/* Figure out a file name for it */
$filename = STORAGE_PATH . '/' .
implode( '_',
array( date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date ),
$serial ) ) ) .
if ( move_uploaded_file( $report['tmp_name'], $filename ) ) {
touch ( $filename, $date );
chmod ($filename, 0666 );
print( $report['size'] );
} else {
print( "Could not save file [$filename]" );