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    <title> Manual</title>
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Quanta Plus">
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    <p> is a utility designed to take the modified output of a mysqldump file and create a hash suitable for inclusion in the administrative functions of library.php 
    <p> is run as <strong> <em>sqlFileName</em></strong> with output going to stdout. The resulting output can be considered a starting point for creating a database definition hash for the admin functions of library.php 
       If no filename is passed on the command line, reads stdin, so can be used as a filter. 
    </h3> [-s] [-f<em>filename</em>] 
       Will read <em>filename</em>, an SQL create file, and process it. STDIN is used if <em>filename</em> is not defined. Will send processed file to STDOUT. 
       If <em>-s</em> flag is used, will process as a secondary file, ie one that will be included in a primary file that defines the database structure statically. Bascially, without the <em>-s</em>, will create a full definition, defining various constants, defining $DATABASE_DEFINITION as a global, then populating it with constants 
       If <em>-s</em> is defined, it will define each table as an entry to be concated to the already defined variable. 
         All char and varchar fields labeled string; boolean fields must be found and manually corrected 
         all other field types passed through to the resulting hash; you must manually determine the correct field type 
         Integers will acquire the size of whatever mySQL reports on a dump 
        <em>Do not use commas or parentheses in comments</em>
       Information Created 
        <em>comment</em> is inserted as a PHP comment for both fields and tables 
         Table Information 
           Table Names are plugged into <em>display name</em>
          <em>display query</em> and <em>display fields</em> contain all fields in table 
          <em>key field</em> populated if only one primary key defined in table 
         Column Information 
           Column Names are plugged into <em>display name</em>
           If column defined with <em>references</em>, will build a <em>lookup</em> definitoin 
           Will honor <em>default</em>
          <em>primary key</em> and <em>auto_increment</em> set <em>read only</em> to true 
          <em>not null</em> causes <em>read only</em> flag to be set 
           column width definition used to populate <em>width</em> parameter 
       Suggested Use 
       It has been found useful to follow these steps to create the correct hash 
        <em>mysqldump --no-defaults --allow-keywords --no-data --skip-add-drop-table <strong>tablename</strong> | ./ > database.php</em>
         Include <em>database.php</em> in your primary php script, before library.php is loaded 
         Edit <em>database.php</em> to clean up any problems 
       How it works 
       Knowing how the program works is useful for knowing why things happen the way they do, and troubleshootin any problems 
         Read entire input file into an array 
         Filter out comments 
         Remove all newlines from array 
         Join Array with null string, then break it apart on semi-colons. Note, the resulting array contains one database definition per row at this time 
         remove all entries that do not start with <em>create table</em>
         for each row in array 
           remove all back ticks 
           remove all duplicate spaces and all spaces before commas 
           find the table name (m/create table ([a-z0-9_]+)) and remember it 
           Remove everything outside the major parentheses (ie, have only the column definitions left). This is actually done in one step with retrieving the table name 
           Retrieve all Primary Key and Unique Key entries, save the Primary Key. Throw the matched lines away 
           Split the remainder of the previous steps into an array on comma's. We should now only have column information 
           For each column definition 
          <li>If <em>references</em> defined, set as lookup, othewise, do the following</li>
             determine if it is a primary key 
             determine if it is nullable 
             determine if it has a default 
             if it is auto-increment, set it as read only 
             make a guess as to its type (ie, char and varchar go into string). If we don't understand the type, just set the type to the database column type 
           Merge all of the information from the previous steps into one string 
         Merge all of the row information (ie, the tables) into one string 
         <strong>If not run with the <em>-s</em> parameter</strong>, put the variable definition hash delimters around the string. prepend some constants for placeholders 
         Print the whole thing out with the php wrappers around it 