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#! /usr/bin/perl -w

#    archiveIMAP: moves old messages from one IMAP account to another
#    maintaining hierarchy.
#    see for additional information
#    Copyright (C) 2014  R. W. Rodolico
#    version 1.0, 20140818
#       Initial Release
#    version 1.0.1 20140819
#        Removed dependancy on Email::Simple
#        Allowed 'separator' as an element in either source or target
#    version 2.0.0 20190817 RWR
#        Major revision.
#           Config is now YAML
#           Default section which will fill in the blanks for anything not filled in on an account, so creating a lot of accounts
#              with common values is easier to set up an maintain
#           Target folder is configurable on a per account basis, using tags <folder>, <year>, <month> (called hierachy)
#    version 2.1.0 20190822 RWR
#           Added sleeptime parameter to target which makes process sleep a number of seconds between each mail transfer
#              We use HiRes, so this can be a decimal number (ie, 0.5 for half a second).
#    version 2.2.0 20220512 RWR
#           Added ability to utilized Dovecot admin account, which can process any account using an admin user. No knowledge of
#           client credentials needed. See
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
#    for required libraries
#    apt -y install libnet-imap-simple-ssl-perl libyaml-tiny-perl libhash-merge-simple-perl libclone-perl libdate-manip-perl libemail-simple-perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::IMAP::Simple; # libnet-imap-simple-ssl-perl
use POSIX; # to get floor and ceil
use YAML::Tiny; # apt-get libyaml-tiny-perl under debian
use Clone 'clone'; # libclone-perl
use Hash::Merge::Simple qw/ merge clone_merge /; # libhash-merge-simple-perl
use Date::Manip; # libdate-manip-perl
use Email::Simple; # libemail-simple-perl
use Date::Parse;
use Time::HiRes;

use Data::Dumper;

# globals
my $CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'archiveIMAP.yaml';

# the default values for everything. These are overridden
# by default values in the conf file (.yaml) or by individual
# accounts entries.
my $config = {
   'default' => {
      # if set, most log stuff is sent to this file
      'logfile' => '',
      # defines the amount of crap which ends up in the logfile
      'loglevel' => 4,
      # where the mail is going to
      'target' => {
                  # these have no defaults. They should be in the configuration file
                  # 'password' => 'password',
                  # 'username' => 'username',
                  # hierarchy can be any combination of <path>, <month> and <year>
                  'hierarchy' => '<path>',
                  # default target server
                  'server' => 'localhost',
                  # amount of time to sleep between messages, in seconds (float)
                  'sleeptime' => 0.5,
      # where the mail is coming from
      'source' => {
                  # these have no defaults. They should be in the configuration file
                  # 'password' => 'password',
                  # 'username' => 'username',
                  # Anything older than this is archived
                  # number of days unless followed by 'M' or 'Y', in which case it is
                  # multiplied by the number of days in a year (365.2425) or days in a month (30.5)
                  # may be a float, ie 1.25Y is the same as 15M
                  'age' => '1Y',
                  # if set to 1, any folders emptied out will be deleted EXCEPT system folders
                  'deleteEmptyFolders' => 0,
                  # default source server
                  'server' => 'localhost',
                  # these folders are considered system folders and never deleted, case insensitive
                  'system' => [
                                 'Sent Items',
                  # these folders are ignored, ie not processed at all. Case insensitive
                  'ignore' => [
                                 'Deleted Messages',
                                 'Junk E-mail',
                  # if 1, after successful copy to target, remove from source
                  'deleteOnSuccess' => 0
      # if 1, does a dry run showing what would have happened
      'testing' => 0,
      # if 0, will not be processed
      'enabled' => 1,

# prints to a log file, if defined. Otherwise, prints to STDOUT
sub logit {
   my $priority = shift;
   return unless $priority <= $config->{'default'}->{'loglevel'};
   if ( $config->{'default'}->{'logfile'} ) {
      open( my $logfile, '>>', $config->{'default'}->{'logfile'} ) || die "Could not write to $config->{default}->{logfile}: $!\n";
      while ( my $message = shift ) {
         print $logfile "$message\n";
      close( $logfile );
   } else {
      print STDOUT join( "\n", @_ ) . "\n";
} # logit

# find where the script is actually located as cfg should be there
sub getScriptLocation {
   use strict;
   use File::Spec::Functions qw(rel2abs);
   use File::Basename;
   return dirname(rel2abs($0));

# Read the configuration file from current location 
# and return it as a string
sub readConfig {
   my $scriptLocation = &getScriptLocation();
   if ( -e "$scriptLocation/$CONFIG_FILE_NAME" ) {
      my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->read( "$scriptLocation/$CONFIG_FILE_NAME" );
      # use clone_merge to merge conf file into $config
      # overwrites anything in $config if it exists in the config file
      $config = clone_merge( $config, $yaml->[0] );
      return 1;
   return 0;

# merges default into current account, overwriting anything not defined in account with
# value from default EXCEPT arrays labeled in @tags, which will be merged together.
sub fixupAccount {
   my ( $default, $account ) = @_;

   # these arrays, part of source, will be appended together instead of being overwritten
   my @tags = ( 'ignore', 'system' );
   # merge the tags in question. NOTE: they can only be in source
   foreach my $tag ( @tags) {
      if ( $default->{'source'}->{$tag} && $account->{'source'}->{$tag} ) {
         my @j = ( @{$default->{'source'}->{$tag}}, @{$account->{'source'}->{$tag}} );
         $account->{'source'}->{$tag} = \@j;
   # now, merge account and default, with account taking precedence.
   return  clone_merge(  $default, $account );
   #my $c = clone_merge(  $default, $account );
   #return $c;

# Open an IMAP connection
sub openIMAPConnection {
   my ( $server, $username, $password ) = @_;
   my $imap = Net::IMAP::Simple->new( $server ) ||
    die "Unable to connect to IMAP: $Net::IMAP::Simple::errstr\n";
   # Log on
   if(!$imap->login( $username, $password )){
     die "Login failed: " . $imap->errstr . "\n";
   return $imap;

# returns a string in proper format for RFC which is $age days ago
# $age is a float, possibly followed by a single character modifier
sub getDate {
   my $age = shift;
   # allow modifier to age which contains 'Y' (years) or 'M' (months)
   # Simply set multiplier to the correct value, then multiply the value
   $age = lc( $age );
   if ( $age =~ m/([0-9.]+)([a-z])/ ) {
      # ~0 is the maximum integer which can be stored. Shifting right one gives max unsigned integer
      my $multiplier = ($2 eq 'y' ? 365.2425 : ( $2 eq 'm' ? 30.5 : ~0 >> 1) );
      $age = floor( $1 * $multiplier);
   my @months = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
   my @now = localtime(time - 24 * 60 * 60 * $age);
   $now[4] = @months[$now[4]];
   $now[5] += 1900;
   my $date = sprintf( "%d-%s-%d", $now[3],$now[4],$now[5] ) ; # '1-Jan-2014';
   return $date;

# calculateTargetFolder
# we are passed the target and the message
# pattern is carot (^) separated and may contain
# special placeholders <path>, <year>, <month>
# anything else is inserted directly
sub calculateTargetFolder {
   my ( $message, $source, $target ) = @_;
   # we may be sorting by date
   my $email = Email::Simple->new( join( '', @$message ) );
   my $msgDate = $email->header('Date');
   my @t = strptime( $msgDate );
   my $month = $t[4]+1;
   $month = '0' . $month if $month < 10;
   my $year = $t[5]+1900;
   # also, may need the source hierarchy
   my $sourceFolder = join ( $target->{'separator'}, @{ $source->{'source folder list'} } );
   # now, build the path on the new machine
   my $targetPattern = join( $target->{'separator'}, @{ $target->{'hierachy pattern'} } );
   $targetPattern =~ s/<path>/$sourceFolder/gi;
   $targetPattern =~ s/<month>/$month/gi;
   $targetPattern =~ s/<year>/$year/gi;
   # return the string we created, separated by
   # the delimiters for the target
   return $targetPattern;

# If folder has messages that match the criteria, move them to target
# creates the target folder if necessary
sub processFolder {
   my ( $source, $target, $folder, $TESTING ) = @_;
   &logit( 1, '', "=== Processing $folder" );
   my $sourceAccount = $source->{'connection'};
   my $targetAccount = $target->{'connection'};
   my $numMessages = 0;
   $sourceAccount->expunge_mailbox( $folder ); # clean it up so we don't copy deleted messages
   $sourceAccount->select( $folder ) or die "Could not connect to folder $folder\n"; # move into the correct folder for the source
   my @ids = $sourceAccount->search_sent_before( $source->{'before date'} ); # use sent_before to get the sent date from message
   return 0 unless @ids; # we have nothing to copy, so exit
   &logit( 3, "Found " . scalar( @ids ) . " messages to process" );
   # make life easier by precalculating some paths as array pointers
   my @sourceFolders = split( '\\' . $source->{'separator'}, $folder );
   my @pattern = split '\\^', $target->{'hierarchy'};
   $source->{'source folder list'} = \@sourceFolders;
   $target->{'hierachy pattern'} = \@pattern;

   # process each message to be done
   while ( my $id = shift ( @ids ) ) {
      # get the flags
      my @flags = $sourceAccount->msg_flags( $id );
      # get the message
      my $message = $sourceAccount->get( $id ) or warn "Error getting message ID $id: $sourceAccount->errstr\n";
      # calculate where we are going to move this to
      my $targetFolder = &calculateTargetFolder( $message, $source, $target );
      if ( $TESTING ) {
         &logit( 0, "Would have " . ( $source->{'deleteOnSuccess'} ? 'moved' : 'copied' )  . " message to $targetFolder" );
      if ( $target->{'connection'}->select( $targetFolder ) || &makeFolder( $target->{'connection'}, $targetFolder, $target->{'separator'} ) ) {
         if ( $target->{'connection'}->put( $targetFolder, $message, @flags ) ) {
            $source->{'connection'}->delete( $id ) if ( $source->{'deleteOnSuccess'} ) ;
            Time::HiRes::sleep( $target->{'sleeptime'} ) if $target->{'sleeptime'};
         } else {
            die "Could not write to target, aborting\n$targetFolder->{'connection'}->errstr\n";
      } else {
         warn "\t\t$targetFolder not found in target and could not create it\n";

   return $numMessages;


# Get a list of all folders to be processed
# currently, it just weeds out items in the ignore list
sub getFolders {
   my ($imap, $ignore, $separator) = @_;
   $separator = '\\' . $separator;
   # build a regex that will be used to filter the input
   # assuming Trash, Drafts and Junk are in the ignore list
   # and a period is the separator, the generated regex is
   # (^|(\.))((Trash)|(Drafts)|(Junk))((\.)|$)
   # which basically says ignore those folders, but not substrings of them
   # ie, Junk02 would not be filtered but Junk would
   my $ignoreRegex = "(^|($separator))((" . join( ")\|(", @$ignore ) . "))(($separator)|\$)";
   # read all mailboxes and filter them with above regex into @boxes
   my @boxes = grep{ ! /$ignoreRegex/i } $imap->mailboxes;
   return \@boxes;

# make a folder on the IMAP account. The folder is assumed to be the
# fully qualified path with the correct delimiters
sub makeFolder {
   my ($imap, $folder, $delimiter) = @_;

   &logit( 3,  "\n\t\tCreating folder $folder" );
   # you must create the parent folder before creating the children
   my $escapedDelimiter = '\\' . $delimiter;
   my @folders = split( $escapedDelimiter, $folder );
   $folder = '';
   # take them from the left and, if they don't exist, create it
   while ( my $subdir = shift @folders ) {
      $folder .= $delimiter if $folder;
      $folder .= $subdir;
      next if $imap->select( $folder ); # already created, so look deeper in hierachy
      &logit( 1, "\n\t\t\tCreating subfolder $folder" );
      $imap->create_mailbox( $folder ) || warn $imap->errstr();
      $imap->folder_subscribe( $folder ) || die $imap->errstr();
      unless ( $imap->select( $folder ) ) { # verify it was created
         warn "Unable to create $folder on target account\n";
         return 0;
      } # unless
   } # while
   return $folder;
# Delete an IMAP folder
sub deleteAFolder {
   my ($source, $folder, $TESTING ) = @_;
   my $sourceAccount = $source->{'connection'};
   my $separator = $source->{'separator'};
   return 1 if $folder eq 'INBOX'; # do NOT mess with INBOX
   return 2 if $sourceAccount->select($folder) > 0; # do not mess with it if it still has messages in it
   return 3 if $sourceAccount->mailboxes( $folder . $separator . '*' ); # do not mess with it if it has subfolders
   return 4 if $source->{'system folders'}->{lc $folder}; # do not mess with system folders
   &logit( 1, "\n\t\tDeleting empty folder $folder" . ( $TESTING ? ' Dry Run' : '' ) );
   return 0 if $TESTING;
   # select something other than the folder to be deleted
   $sourceAccount->select( 'INBOX' );
   if ( $sourceAccount->folder_unsubscribe($folder) ) {
      if ( $sourceAccount->delete_mailbox( $folder ) ) {
         return 0;
      } else {
         warn "Error trying to delete mailbox $folder: " . $sourceAccount->errstr . "\n";
   } else {
      warn "Error trying to unsubscribe from $folder: " . $sourceAccount->errstr . "\n";
   return 0;

# main process loop to handle one account
sub processAccount {
   my $account = shift;

   return 0 unless $account->{'enabled'}; # blow it off if it is not enabled
   my $TESTING = $account->{'testing'}; # create mini global if we should test this account

   &logit( 0, "========= Test Mode ========\n" ) if $TESTING;
   # open and log into both source and target, and get the separator used
   foreach my $acct ( 'target','source' ) {
      # check if we should use admin info instead of the actual account
      # If they do not set a password, but there is an admin account, set that up
      if ( ! $account->{$acct}->{'password'} && $account->{$acct}->{'adminUsername'} && $account->{$acct}->{'adminPassword'} ) {
         $account->{$acct}->{'username'} = $account->{$acct}->{'adminUsername'} . $account->{$acct}->{'adminSeparator'} . $account->{$acct}->{'username'};
         $account->{$acct}->{'password'} = $account->{$acct}->{'adminPassword'};
      $account->{$acct}->{'connection'} = &openIMAPConnection( $account->{$acct}->{'server'}, $account->{$acct}->{'username'}, $account->{$acct}->{'password'} );
      unless ( $account->{$acct}->{'connection'} ) {
         warn "Unable to open $acct for $account->{$acct}->{username}, aborting move: $!\n";
         return -1;
      $account->{$acct}->{'separator'} = $account->{$acct}->{'connection'}->separator unless $account->{$acct}->{'separator'};

   # just being set up for convenience and readability
   my $source = $account->{'source'};
   my $target = $account->{'target'};

   my %temp = map{ lc($_) => 1 } @{$source->{'system'}};
   $source->{'system folders'} = \%temp;

   $source->{'before date'} = &getDate( $source->{'age'} );
   &logit( 1, "\t" . ( $source->{'deleteOnSuccess'} ? 'Moving' : 'Copying' ) . " all messages before $source->{'before date'}" );

   # get a list of all folders to be processed on the source
   $source->{'folders'} = &getFolders( $source->{'connection'}, $source->{'ignore'}, $source->{'separator'} );

   if ( $TESTING ) {
      print Dumper( $source );
      print "Source above, press enter to continue: "; my $j = <STDIN>;
      print Dumper( $target );
      print "Target above, Press enter to continue: "; $j = <STDIN>;

   my $folderList = $source->{'folders'};
   my $count = 0; # count the number of messages processed
   my $processedCount = 0; # count the number of folders processed
   foreach my $folder ( @$folderList ) {
      my $messages;
      $messages = &processFolder( $source, $target, $folder, $TESTING ); #, $date, $$source{'separator'}, $$target{'separator'}, $deleteOnSuccess );

      $TESTING ? print "Would expunge $folder\n" : $source->{'connection'}->expunge_mailbox( $folder );
      # delete folder if empty and client has requested it.
      if ( $account->{'source'}->{'deleteEmptyFolders'} ) {
         my $returnCode = &deleteAFolder( $source, $folder, $TESTING );
         &logit( 3, "Return code from deleteAFolder is $returnCode" );
      &logit( 1,  "$messages processed" ); 
      $count += $messages;
      # next line used only for testing. Dies after 5 folders on first account
      last if $processedCount > 5 and $TESTING;

   return $count;

#                   Main                                              #

# read and evaluate configuration file
&readConfig() || die "could not load config file\n";

#print Dumper( $config ); die;
foreach my $account ( keys %{$config->{'accounts'}} ) {
    $config->{'accounts'}->{$account} = &fixupAccount( $config->{'default'}, $config->{'accounts'}->{$account} );

#print Dumper( $config ) ; die;

# just a place to gather some stats
my %processed;
$processed{'Accounts'} = 0;
$processed{'Messages'} = 0;

# grab only the accounts for simplicity
my $accounts = $config->{'accounts'};

#die Dumper( $accounts );

# now, process each in turn
foreach my $account ( keys %$accounts ) {
   # talk to user
   &logit( 1,  "Processing account $account" );
   # do the account. This is the main worker bee
   $accounts->{$account}->{'processed'} = &processAccount( $accounts->{$account} );
   &logit( 1,  "Done, $accounts->{$account}->{'processed'} messages copied" );
   $processed{'Messages'} += $accounts->{$account}->{'processed'};
   # free up space we allocated since we stored a bunch of stuff in there, and we don't need it anymore
   $accounts->{$account} = undef; 
} # foreach loop

&logit( 1, "$processed{Accounts} accounts processed, $processed{Messages} messages" );
