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package Mail::IMAPClient;

# $Id:,v 20001010.20 2003/06/13 18:30:55 dkernen Exp $

$Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION = '2.2.9';
$Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION = '2.2.9';   # do it twice to make sure it takes

use Socket();
use IO::Socket();
use IO::Socket::SSL();
use IO::Select();
use IO::File();
use Carp qw(carp);
#use Data::Dumper;
use Errno qw/EAGAIN/;

#print "Found Fcntl in $INC{''}\n";

use constant Unconnected => 0;

use constant Connected         => 1;            # connected; not logged in

use constant Authenticated => 2;                # logged in; no mailbox selected

use constant Selected => 3;                     # mailbox selected

use constant INDEX => 0;                        # Array index for output line number

use constant TYPE => 1;                         # Array index for line type 
                                                #    (either OUTPUT, INPUT, or LITERAL)

use constant DATA => 2;                         # Array index for output line data

use constant NonFolderArg => 1;                 # Value to pass to Massage to 
                                                # indicate non-folder argument

my %SEARCH_KEYS = map { ( $_ => 1 ) } qw/

sub _debug {
        my $self = shift;
        return unless $self->Debug;
        my $fh = $self->{Debug_fh} || \*STDERR; 
        print $fh @_;

sub MaxTempErrors {
        my $self = shift;
        $_[0]->{Maxtemperrors} = $_[1] if defined($_[1]);
        return $_[0]->{Maxtemperrors};

# This function is used by the accessor methods
sub _do_accessor {
  my $datum = shift;

  if ( defined($_[1]) and $datum eq 'Fast_io' and ref($_[0]->{Socket})) {
    if ($_[1]) {                      # Passed the "True" flag
      my $fcntl = 0;
      eval { $fcntl=fcntl($_[0]->{Socket}, F_GETFL, 0) } ;
      if ($@) {
      $_[0]->{Fast_io} = 0;
      carp ref($_[0]) . " not using Fast_IO; not available on this platform"
        if ( ( $^W or $_[0]->Debug) and not $_[0]->{_fastio_warning_}++);
      } else {
      $_[0]->{Fast_io} = 1;
      $_[0]->{_fcntl} = $fcntl;
      my $newflags = $fcntl;
      $newflags |= O_NONBLOCK;
      fcntl($_[0]->{Socket}, F_SETFL, $newflags) ;
    } else {
      eval { fcntl($_[0]->{Socket}, F_SETFL, $_[0]->{_fcntl}) } 
                if exists $_[0]->{_fcntl};
      $_[0]->{Fast_io} = 0;
      delete $_[0]->{_fcntl} if exists $_[0]->{_fcntl};
  } elsif ( defined($_[1]) and $datum eq 'Socket' ) {
    # Get rid of fcntl settings for obsolete socket handles:
    delete $_[0]->{_fcntl} ;
    # Register this handle in a select vector:
    $_[0]->{_select} = IO::Select->new($_[1]) ;
  if (scalar(@_) > 1) {
    $@ = $_[1] if $datum eq 'LastError';
    chomp $@ if $datum eq 'LastError';
    return $_[0]->{$datum} = $_[1] ;
  } else {
    return $_[0]->{$datum};

# the following for loop sets up eponymous accessor methods for 
# the object's parameters:

 for my $datum (
                qw(     State Port Server Folder Fast_io Peek
                        User Password Socket Timeout Buffer
                        Debug LastError Count Uid Debug_fh Maxtemperrors
                        Authmechanism Authcallback Ranges
                        Readmethod Showcredentials
 ) {
        no strict 'refs';
        *$datum = sub { _do_accessor($datum, @_); };

 eval {
   require Digest::HMAC_MD5;
   require MIME::Base64;
 if ($@) {
   $Mail::IMAPClient::_CRAM_MD5_ERR =
     "Internal CRAM-MD5 implementation not available: $@";
   $Mail::IMAPClient::_CRAM_MD5_ERR =~ s/\n+$/\n/;

sub Wrap {      shift->Clear(@_);       }

# The following class method is for creating valid dates in appended msgs:

sub Rfc822_date {
my $class=      shift;
#Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 13:10:55 -0000#
my $date =      $class =~ /^\d+$/ ? $class : shift ;
my @date =      gmtime($date);
my @dow  =      qw{ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat };
my @mnt  =      qw{ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec};
return          sprintf(
                        "%s, %2.2d %s %4.4s %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d -%4.4d",
                        $date[8]) ;

# The following class method is for creating valid dates for use in IMAP search strings:

sub Rfc2060_date {
my $class=      shift;
# 11-Jan-2000
my $date =      $class =~ /^\d+$/ ? $class : shift ;
my @date =      gmtime($date);
my @mnt  =      qw{ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec};
return          sprintf(
                ) ;

# The following class method strips out <CR>'s so lines end with <LF> 
#       instead of <CR><LF>:

sub Strip_cr {
        my $class = shift;
        unless ( ref($_[0]) or scalar(@_) > 1 ) {
                (my $string = $_[0]) =~ s/\x0d\x0a/\x0a/gm;
                return $string;
        return wantarray ?      map { s/\x0d\x0a/\0a/gm ; $_ }  
                                (ref($_[0]) ? @{$_[0]}  : @_)           : 
                                [ map { s/\x0d\x0a/\x0a/gm ; $_ } 
                                  ref($_[0]) ? @{$_[0]} : @_ 
                                ] ;

# The following defines a special method to deal with the Clear parameter:

sub Clear {
        my $self = shift;
        defined(my $clear = shift) or return $self->{Clear}; 
        my $oldclear   = $self->{Clear};
        $self->{Clear} = $clear;

        my (@keys) = sort { $b <=> $a } keys %{$self->{"History"}}  ;

        for ( my $i = $clear; $i < @keys ; $i++ ) 
                { delete $self->{'History'}{$keys[$i]} }

        return $oldclear;

# read-only access to the transaction number:
sub Transaction { shift->Count };

# the constructor:
sub new {
        my $class       = shift;
        my $self        =       {
                LastError       => "", 
                Uid             => 1, 
                Count           => 0,
                Fast_io         => 1,
                "Clear"         => 5, 
        while (scalar(@_)) {
                $self->{ucfirst(lc($_[0]))} = $_[1]; shift, shift;
        bless $self, ref($class)||$class;


        $self->{Debug_fh} ||= \*STDERR;
        select((select($self->{Debug_fh}),$|++)[0]) ;
        $self->_debug("Using Mail::IMAPClient version $Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION " .
                "and perl version " . (defined $^V ? join(".",unpack("CCC",$^V)) : "") . 
                " ($])\n") if $self->Debug;
        $self->Maxtemperrors or $self->Maxtemperrors("unlimited") ;
        return $self->connect if $self->Server and !$self->Socket;
        return $self;

sub connect {
        my $self = shift;
                if      defined ($IO::Socket::INET::VERSION) 
                and     $IO::Socket::INET::VERSION eq '1.25' 
                and     !$self->Port;
        %$self = (%$self, @_);
        my $sock = ($self->Ssl ? IO::Socket::SSL->new : IO::Socket::INET->new);
        my $dp = ($self->Ssl ? 'imaps(993)' : 'imap(143)');
                PeerAddr => $self->Server               ,
                PeerPort => $self->Port||$dp            ,
                Proto    => 'tcp'                       ,
                Timeout  => $self->Timeout||0           ,
                Debug   => $self->Debug                 ,
        })                                              ;

        unless ( defined($sock) ) {
                $self->LastError( "Unable to connect to $self->{Server}: $!\n");        
                $@              = "Unable to connect to $self->{Server}: $!";   
                carp              "Unable to connect to $self->{Server}: $!" 
                                unless defined wantarray;       
                return undef;

        $sock->autoflush(1)                             ;
        my ($code, $output);
        $output = "";

        until ( $code ) {

                $output = $self->_read_line or return undef;
                for my $o (@$output) {
                        $self->_debug("Connect: Received this from readline: " . 
                                        join("/",@$o) . "\n");
                        $self->_record($self->Count,$o);        # $o is a ref
                      next unless $o->[TYPE] eq "OUTPUT";
                      ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+(OK|BAD|NO)/i  ;


        if ($code =~ /BYE|NO /) {
                return undef ;

        if ($self->User and $self->Password) {
                return $self->login ;
        } else {
                return $self;   

sub login {
        my $self = shift;
        return $self->authenticate($self->Authmechanism,$self->Authcallback) 
                if $self->{Authmechanism};

        my $id   = $self->User;
        my $has_quotes = $id =~ /^".*"$/ ? 1 : 0;
        #my $string =   "Login " . ( $has_quotes ? $id : qq("$id") ) . " " . 
        #               "{" . length($self->Password) . 
        #               "}\r\n".$self->Password."\r\n";
        my $string = "Login " . ( $has_quotes ? $id : qq("$id") ) . " " . $self->Password .  "\r\n";
                and $self->State(Authenticated);
        # $self->folders and $self->separator unless $self->NoAutoList;
        unless ( $self->IsAuthenticated) {
                my($carp)       =  $self->LastError;
                $carp           =~ s/^[\S]+ ([^\x0d\x0a]*)\x0d?\x0a/$1/;
                carp $carp unless defined wantarray;
                return undef;
        return $self;

sub separator {
        my $self = shift;
        my $target = shift ; 

        unless ( defined($target) ) {
                my $sep = "";
                #       separator is namespace's 1st thing's 1st thing's 2nd thing:
                eval {  $sep = $self->namespace->[0][0][1] }    ;
                return $sep if $sep;
        defined($target) or $target = "";
        $target ||= '""' ;

        # The fact that the response might end with {123} doesn't really matter here:

        unless (exists $self->{"$target${;}SEPARATOR"}) {
                my $list = (grep(/^\*\s+LIST\s+/,($self->list(undef,$target)||("NO")) ))[0] || 
                my $s = (split(/\s+/,$list))[3];
                defined($s) and $self->{"$target${;}SEPARATOR"} = 
                                ( $s eq 'NIL' ? 'NIL' : substr($s, 1,length($s)-2) );
        return $self->{$target,'SEPARATOR'};

sub sort {
    my $self = shift;
    my @hits;
    my @a = @_;
    $@ = "";
    $a[0] = "($a[0])" unless $a[0] =~ /^\(.*\)$/;      # wrap criteria in parens
    $self->_imap_command( ( $self->Uid ? "UID " : "" ) . "SORT ". join(' ',@a))
         or return wantarray ? @hits : \@hits ;
    my @results =  $self->History($self->Count);

    for my $r (@results) {
        chomp $r;
        $r =~ s/\r$//;
        $r =~ s/^\*\s+SORT\s+// or next;   
        push @hits, grep(/\d/,(split(/\s+/,$r)));
    return wantarray ? @hits : \@hits;     

sub list {
        my $self = shift;
        my ($reference, $target) = (shift, shift);
        $reference = "" unless defined($reference);
        $target = '*' unless defined($target);
        $target = '""' if $target eq "";
        $target           = $self->Massage($target) unless $target eq '*' or $target eq '""';
        my $string      =  qq(LIST "$reference" $target);
        $self->_imap_command($string)  or return undef;
        return wantarray ?      
                        $self->History($self->Count)                              : 
                        [ map { $_->[DATA] } @{$self->{'History'}{$self->Count}}] ;

sub lsub {
        my $self = shift;
        my ($reference, $target) = (shift, shift);
        $reference = "" unless defined($reference);
        $target = '*' unless defined($target);
        $target           = $self->Massage($target);
        my $string      =  qq(LSUB "$reference" $target);
        $self->_imap_command($string)  or return undef;
        return wantarray ?      $self->History($self->Count)            : 
                              [ map { $_->[DATA] } @{$self->{'History'}{$self->Count}}        ] ;

sub subscribed {
        my $self = shift;
        my $what = shift ;

        my @folders ;  

        my @list = $self->lsub(undef,( $what? "$what" . 
                $self->separator($what) . "*" : undef ) );
        push @list, $self->lsub(undef, $what) if $what and $self->exists($what) ;

        # my @list = map { $self->_debug("Pushing $_->[${\(DATA)}] \n"); $_->[DATA] } 
        #       @$output;

        my $m;

        for ($m = 0; $m < scalar(@list); $m++ ) {
                if ($list[$m] && $list[$m]  !~ /\x0d\x0a$/ ) {
                        $list[$m] .= $list[$m+1] ;
                        $list[$m+1] = "";       
                # $self->_debug("Subscribed: examining $list[$m]\n");

                push @folders, $1||$2 
                        if $list[$m] =~
                        /       ^\*\s+LSUB               # * LSUB
                                \s+\([^\)]*\)\s+         # (Flags)
                                (?:"[^"]*"|NIL)\s+       # "delimiter" or NIL
                                (?:"([^"]*)"|(.*))\x0d\x0a$  # Name or "Folder name"


        # for my $f (@folders) { $f =~ s/^\\FOLDER LITERAL:://;}
        my @clean = () ; my %memory = (); 
        foreach my $f (@folders) { push @clean, $f unless $memory{$f}++ }
        return wantarray ? @clean : \@clean ;

sub deleteacl {
        my $self = shift;
        my ($target, $user ) = @_;
        $target           = $self->Massage($target);
        $user             =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
        $user             =~ s/"/\\"/g;
        my $string      =  qq(DELETEACL $target "$user");
        $self->_imap_command($string)  or return undef;

        return wantarray ?      $self->History($self->Count)                            : 
                              [ map {$_->[DATA] } @{$self->{'History'}{$self->Count}}] ;

sub setacl {
        my $self = shift;
        my ($target, $user, $acl) = @_;
        $user = $self->User unless length($user);
        $target = $self->Folder unless length($target);
        $target           = $self->Massage($target);
        $user             =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
        $user             =~ s/"/\\"/g;
        $acl              =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
        $acl              =~ s/"/\\"/g;
        my $string      =  qq(SETACL $target "$user" "$acl");
        $self->_imap_command($string)  or return undef;
        return wantarray                        ?
                $self->History($self->Count)    :

sub getacl {
        my $self = shift;
        my ($target) = @_;
        $target = $self->Folder unless defined($target);
        my $mtarget           = $self->Massage($target);
        my $string      =  qq(GETACL $mtarget);
        $self->_imap_command($string)  or return undef;
        my @history = $self->History($self->Count);
        #$self->_debug("Getacl history: ".join("|",@history).">>>End of History<<<" ) ;
        my $perm = ""; 
        my $hash = {};
        for ( my $x = 0; $x < scalar(@history) ; $x++ ) {
                if ( $history[$x] =~ /^\* ACL/ ) {
                        $perm = $history[$x]=~ /^\* ACL $/      ? 
                                $history[++$x].$history[++$x]   : 

                        $perm =~ s/\s?\x0d\x0a$//;
                        piece:  until ( $perm =~ /\Q$target\E"?$/ or !$perm) {
                                #$self->_debug(qq(Piece: permline=$perm and " 
                                #       "pattern = /\Q$target\E"? \$/));
                                $perm =~ s/\s([^\s]+)\s?$// or last piece;
                                my($p) = $1;
                                $perm =~ s/\s([^\s]+)\s?$// or last piece;
                                my($u) = $1;
                                $hash->{$u} = $p;
                                $self->_debug("Permissions: $u => $p \n");
        return $hash;

sub listrights {
        my $self = shift;
        my ($target, $user) = @_;
        $user = $self->User unless defined($user);
        $target = $self->Folder unless defined($target);
        $target           = $self->Massage($target);
        $user             =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
        $user             =~ s/"/\\"/g;
        my $string      =  qq(LISTRIGHTS $target "$user");
        $self->_imap_command($string)  or return undef;
        my $resp = ( grep(/^\* LISTRIGHTS/, $self->History($self->Count) ) )[0];
        my @rights = split(/\s/,$resp); 
        shift @rights, shift @rights, shift @rights, shift @rights;
        my $rights = join("",@rights);
        $rights =~ s/"//g;      
        return wantarray ? split(//,$rights) : $rights ;

sub select {
        my $self = shift;
        my $target = shift ;  
        return undef unless defined($target);

        my $qqtarget = $self->Massage($target);

        my $string      =  qq/SELECT $qqtarget/;

        my $old = $self->Folder;

        if ($self->_imap_command($string) and $self->State(Selected)) {
                return $old||$self;
        } else { 
                return undef;

sub message_string {
        my $self = shift;
        my $msg  = shift;
        my $expected_size = $self->size($msg);
        return undef unless(defined $expected_size);    # unable to get size
        my $cmd  =      $self->has_capability('IMAP4REV1')                              ? 
                                "BODY" . ( $self->Peek ? '.PEEK[]' : '[]' )             : 
                                "RFC822" .  ( $self->Peek ? '.PEEK' : ''  )             ;

        $self->fetch($msg,$cmd) or return undef;
        my $string = "";

        foreach my $result  (@{$self->{"History"}{$self->Transaction}}) { 
              $string .= $result->[DATA] 
                if defined($result) and $self->_is_literal($result) ;
        # BUG? should probably return undef if length != expected
        if ( length($string) != $expected_size ) { 
                carp "${self}::message_string: " .
                        "expected $expected_size bytes but received " . 
                        if $self->Debug or $^W; 
        if ( length($string) > $expected_size ) 
        { $string = substr($string,0,$expected_size) }
        if ( length($string) < $expected_size ) {
                $self->LastError("${self}::message_string: expected ".
                        "$expected_size bytes but received " . 
                return undef;
        return $string;

sub bodypart_string {
        my($self, $msg, $partno, $bytes, $offset) = @_;

        unless ( $self->has_capability('IMAP4REV1') ) {
                                "Unable to get body part; server " . 
                                $self->Server . 
                                " does not support IMAP4REV1"
                return undef;
        my $cmd = "BODY" . ( $self->Peek ? ".PEEK[$partno]" : "[$partno]" )     ;
        $offset ||= 0 ;
        $cmd .= "<$offset.$bytes>" if $bytes;

        $self->fetch($msg,$cmd) or return undef;
        my $string = "";

        foreach my $result  (@{$self->{"History"}{$self->Transaction}}) { 
              $string .= $result->[DATA] 
                if defined($result) and $self->_is_literal($result) ;
        return $string;

sub message_to_file {
        my $self = shift;
        my $fh   = shift;
        my @msgs = @_;
        my $handle;

        if ( ref($fh) ) {
                $handle = $fh;
        } else { 
                $handle = IO::File->new(">>$fh");
                unless ( defined($handle)) {
                        $@ = "Unable to open $fh: $!";
                        $self->LastError("Unable to open $fh: $!\n");
                        carp $@ if $^W;
                        return undef;
                binmode $handle;        # For those of you who need something like this...

        my $clear = $self->Clear;
        my $cmd = $self->Peek ? 'BODY.PEEK[]' : 'BODY[]';
        $cmd = $self->Peek ? 'RFC822.PEEK' : 'RFC822' unless $self->imap4rev1;
        my $string = ( $self->Uid ? "UID " : "" ) . "FETCH " . join(",",@msgs) . " $cmd";

                if $self->Count >= $clear and $clear > 0;

        my $trans       = $self->Count($self->Count+1);

        $string         = "$trans $string" ;

        $self->_record($trans,[ 0, "INPUT", "$string\x0d\x0a"] );

        my $feedback = $self->_send_line("$string");

        unless ($feedback) {
                $self->LastError( "Error sending '$string' to IMAP: $!\n");
                $@ = "Error sending '$string' to IMAP: $!";
                return undef;

        my ($code, $output);
        $output = "";

        READ: until ( $code)  {
                $output = $self->_read_line($handle) or return undef; # avoid possible infinite loop
                for my $o (@$output) {
                        $self->_record($trans,$o);      # $o is a ref
                        # $self->_debug("Received from readline: ${\($o->[DATA])}<<END OF RESULT>>\n");
                        next unless $self->_is_output($o);
                        ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /^$trans (OK|BAD|NO)/mi ;
                        if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/im) {
                                return undef ;

        # $self->_debug("Command $string: returned $code\n");
        close $handle unless ref($fh);
        return $code =~ /^OK/im ? $self : undef ;


sub message_uid {
        my $self = shift;
        my $msg  = shift;
        my @uid = $self->fetch($msg,"UID");
        my $uid;
        while ( my $u = shift @uid and !$uid) {
                ($uid) = $u =~ /\(UID\s+(\d+)\s*\)\r?$/;
        return $uid;

sub original_migrate {
        my($self,$peer,$msgs,$folder) = @_;
        unless ( eval { $peer->IsConnected } ) {
                $self->LastError("Invalid or unconnected " .  ref($self). 
                                 " object used as target for migrate." );
                return undef;
        unless ($folder) {
                $folder = $self->Folder;
                $peer->exists($folder)          or 
                        $peer->create($folder)  or 
                                $self->LastError("Unable to created folder $folder on target mailbox: ".
                                        "$peer->LastError") and 
                                return undef 
                        ) ;
        if ( $msgs =~ /^all$/i ) { $msgs = $self->search("ALL") }
        foreach my $mid ( ref($msgs) ? @$msgs : $msgs ) {
                my $uid = $peer->append($folder,$self->message_string($mid));
                $self->LastError("Trouble appending to peer: " . $peer->LastError . "\n");

sub migrate {

        my($self,$peer,$msgs,$folder)   = @_;
        my($toSock,$fromSock)           = ( $peer->Socket, $self->Socket);
        my $bufferSize                  = $self->Buffer || 4096;
        my $fromBuffer                  = "";
        my $clear                       = $self->Clear;

        unless ( eval { $peer->IsConnected } ) {
                $self->LastError("Invalid or unconnected " . 
                        ref($self) . " object used as target for migrate. $@");
                return undef;

        unless ($folder) {
                $folder = $self->Folder         or
                        $self->LastError( "No folder selected on source mailbox.") 
                        and return undef;

                $peer->exists($folder)          or 
                        $peer->create($folder)  or 
                                  "Unable to create folder $folder on target mailbox: ".
                                  $peer->LastError . "\n"
                                ) and return undef 
                        ) ;
        $msgs or $msgs eq "0" or $msgs = "all";  
        if ( $msgs =~ /^all$/i ) { $msgs = $self->search("ALL") }
        my $range = $self->Range($msgs) ;
        $self->_debug("Migrating the following msgs from $folder: " . 
                " $range\n");
                # ( ref($msgs) ? join(", ",@$msgs) : $msgs) );

        #MIGMSG:        foreach my $mid ( ref($msgs) ? @$msgs : (split(/,\s*/,$msgs)) ) {#}
        MIGMSG: foreach my $mid ( $range->unfold ) {
                # Set up counters for size of msg and portion of msg remaining to
                # process:
                $self->_debug("Migrating message $mid in folder $folder\n") 
                        if $self->Debug;
                my $leftSoFar = my $size = $self->size($mid);

                # fetch internaldate and flags of original message:
                my $intDate = '"' . $self->internaldate($mid) . '"' ;
                my $flags   = "(" . join(" ",grep(!/\\Recent/i,$self->flags($mid)) ) . ")" ;
                $flags = "" if  $flags eq "()" ;

                # set up transaction numbers for from and to connections:
                my $trans       = $self->Count($self->Count+1);
                my $ptrans      = $peer->Count($peer->Count+1);

                # If msg size is less than buffersize then do whole msg in one 
                # transaction:
                if ( $size <= $bufferSize ) {
                        my $new_mid = $peer->append_string($peer->Massage($folder),
                                        $self->message_string($mid) ,$flags,
                                        $intDate) ;
                        $self->_debug("Copied message $mid in folder $folder to " . 
                                    $peer->User .
                                    '@' . $peer->Server . 
                                    ". New Message UID is $new_mid.\n" 
                        ) if $self->Debug;

                        $peer->_debug("Copied message $mid in folder $folder from " . 
                                $self->User .
                                '@' . $self->Server . ". New Message UID is $new_mid.\n" 
                        ) if $peer->Debug;

                        next MIGMSG;

                # otherwise break it up into digestible pieces:
                my ($cmd, $pattern);
                if ( $self->imap4rev1 ) {
                        # imap4rev1 supports FETCH BODY 
                        $cmd = $self->Peek ? 'BODY.PEEK[]' : 'BODY[]';
                        $pattern = sub {
                                #$self->_debug("Data fed to pattern: $_[0]<END>\n");
                                my($one) = $_[0] =~ /\(.*BODY\[\]<\d+> \{(\d+)\}/i ; # ;-)
                                        # or $self->_debug("Didn't match pattern\n") ; 
                                #$self->_debug("Returning from pattern: $1\n") if defined($1);
                                return $one ;
                        } ;
                } else {
                        # older imaps use (deprecated) FETCH RFC822:
                        $cmd = $self->Peek ? 'RFC822.PEEK' : 'RFC822' ;
                        $pattern = sub {
                                my($one) = shift =~ /\(RFC822\[\]<\d+> \{(\d+)\}/i; 
                                return $one ;

                # Now let's warn the peer that there's a message coming:

                my $pstring =   "$ptrans APPEND " . 
                                " " . 
                                ( $flags ? "$flags " : () ) . 
                                ( $intDate ? "$intDate " : () ) . 
                                "{" . $size . "}"  ;

                $self->_debug("About to issue APPEND command to peer " .
                        "for msg $mid\n")               if $self->Debug;

                my $feedback2 = $peer->_send_line( $pstring ) ;

                        "$pstring" ,
                ] ) ;
                unless ($feedback2) {
                   $self->LastError("Error sending '$pstring' to target IMAP: $!\n");
                   return undef;
                # Get the "+ Go ahead" response:
                my $code = 0;
                until ($code eq '+' or $code =~ /NO|BAD|OK/ ) {
                  my $readSoFar = 0 ;
                  $readSoFar += sysread($toSock,$fromBuffer,1,$readSoFar)||0
                        until $fromBuffer =~ /\x0d\x0a/;

                  #$peer->_debug("migrate: response from target server: " .
                  #     "$fromBuffer<END>\n")   if $peer->Debug;

                  ($code)= $fromBuffer =~ /^(\+)|^(?:\d+\s(?:BAD|NO))/ ;
                  $code ||=0;

                  $peer->_debug( "$folder: received $fromBuffer from server\n") 
                  if $peer->Debug;

                  # ... and log it in the history buffers
                        "Mail::IMAPClient migrating message $mid to $peer->User\@$peer->Server"
                  ] ) ;
                  ] ) ;

                unless ( $code eq '+'  ) {
                        $^W and warn "$@\n";
                        $self->Debug and $self->_debug("Error writing to target host: $@\n");
                        next MIGMSG;    
                # Here is where we start sticking in UID if that parameter
                # is turned on: 
                my $string = ( $self->Uid ? "UID " : "" ) . "FETCH $mid $cmd";

                # Clean up history buffer if necessary:
                        if $self->Count >= $clear and $clear > 0;

           # position will tell us how far from beginning of msg the
           # next IMAP FETCH should start (1st time start at offet zero):
           my $position = 0;
           #$self->_debug("There are $leftSoFar bytes left versus a buffer of $bufferSize bytes.\n");
           my $chunkCount = 0;
           while ( $leftSoFar > 0 ) {
                $self->_debug("Starting chunk " . ++$chunkCount . "\n");

                my $newstring         ="$trans $string<$position."  .
                                        ( $leftSoFar > $bufferSize ? $bufferSize : $leftSoFar ) . 
                                        ">" ;

                $self->_record($trans,[ 0, "INPUT", "$newstring\x0d\x0a"] );
                $self->_debug("Issuing migration command: $newstring\n" )
                        if $self->Debug;;

                my $feedback = $self->_send_line("$newstring");

                unless ($feedback) {
                   $self->LastError("Error sending '$newstring' to source IMAP: $!\n");
                   return undef;
                my $chunk = "";
                until ($chunk = $pattern->($fromBuffer) ) {
                   $fromBuffer = "" ;
                   until ( $fromBuffer=~/\x0d\x0a$/ ) {
                        sysread($fromSock,$fromBuffer,1,length($fromBuffer)) ; 
                        #$self->_debug("migrate chunk $chunkCount:" . 
                        #       "Read from source: $fromBuffer<END>\n");
                   $self->_record($trans,[ 0, "OUTPUT", "$fromBuffer"] ) ;

                   if ( $fromBuffer =~ /^$trans (?:NO|BAD)/ ) {
                        $self->LastError($fromBuffer) ;
                        next MIGMSG;

                   if ( $fromBuffer =~ /^$trans (?:OK)/ ) {
                        $self->LastError("Unexpected good return code " .
                                "from source host: " . $fromBuffer) ;
                        next MIGMSG;

                $fromBuffer = "";
                my $readSoFar = 0 ;
                $readSoFar += sysread($fromSock,$fromBuffer,$chunk-$readSoFar,$readSoFar)||0
                        until $readSoFar >= $chunk;
                #$self->_debug("migrateRead: chunk=$chunk readSoFar=$readSoFar " .
                #       "Buffer=$fromBuffer<END_OF_BUFFER\n") if $self->Debug;

                my $wroteSoFar  = 0;
                my $temperrs    = 0;
                my $optimize    = 0;

                until ( $wroteSoFar >= $chunk ) {
                 #$peer->_debug("Chunk $chunkCount: Next write will attempt to write " .
                 #      "this substring:\n" .
                 #      substr($fromBuffer,$wroteSoFar,$chunk-$wroteSoFar) .
                 #      "<END_OF_SUBSTRING>\n"

                 until ( $wroteSoFar >= $readSoFar ) {
                    my $ret = syswrite(
                                $chunk - $wroteSoFar, 
                                $wroteSoFar )||0 ;

                    $wroteSoFar += $ret;

                    if ($! == &EAGAIN ) {
                        if (    $self->{Maxtemperrors} !~ /^unlimited/i
                                and $temperrs++ > ($self->{Maxtemperrors}||10) 
                        ) {
                                $self->LastError("Persistent '${!}' errors\n");
                                $self->_debug("Persistent '${!}' errors\n");
                                return undef;
                        $optimize = 1;
                    } else {
                        # avoid infinite loops on syswrite error
                        return undef unless(defined $ret);       
                    # Optimization of wait time between syswrite calls
                    # only runs if syscalls run too fast and fill the 
                    # buffer causing "EAGAIN: Resource Temp. Unavail" errors. The
                    # premise is that $maxwrite will be approx. the same as 
                    # the smallest buffer between the sending and receiving side. 
                    # Waiting time between syscalls should ideally be exactly as 
                    # long as it takes the receiving side to empty that buffer, 
                    # minus a little bit to prevent it from
                    # emptying completely and wasting time in the select call.
                    if ($optimize) {
                        my $waittime = .02; 
                        $maxwrite = $ret if $maxwrite < $ret;
                        push( @last5writes, $ret );
                        shift( @last5writes ) if $#last5writes > 5;
                            my $bufferavail = 0;
                            $bufferavail += $_ for ( @last5writes );
                            $bufferavail /= ($#last5writes||1);
                            # Buffer is staying pretty full; 
                            # we should increase the wait period
                            # to reduce transmission overhead/number of packets sent
                            if ( $bufferavail < .4 * $maxwrite ) {
                                $waittime *= 1.3;

                            # Buffer is nearly or totally empty; 
                            # we're wasting time in select
                            # call that could be used to send data, 
                            # so reduce the wait period
                            } elsif ( $bufferavail > .9 * $maxwrite ) {
                                $waittime *= .5;
                        CORE::select(undef, undef, undef, $waittime);
                    if ( defined($ret) ) {
                        $temperrs = 0  ;
                    $peer->_debug("Chunk $chunkCount: " .
                        "Wrote $wroteSoFar bytes (out of $chunk)\n");
                $position += $readSoFar ;
                $leftSoFar -= $readSoFar;
                $fromBuffer = "";
                # Finish up reading the server response from the fetch cmd
                #       on the source system:
                my $code = 0;
                until ( $code)  {

                        # escape infinite loop if read_line never returns any data:

                        $self->_debug("Reading from source server; expecting " .
                                "') OK' type response\n") if $self->Debug;

                        $output = $self->_read_line or return undef; 
                        for my $o (@$output) {

                                $self->_record($trans,$o);      # $o is a ref

                                # $self->_debug("Received from readline: " .
                                # "${\($o->[DATA])}<<END OF RESULT>>\n");

                                next unless $self->_is_output($o);

                                ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /^$trans (OK|BAD|NO)/mi ;

                                if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/im) {
                                        return undef ;
                } # end scope for my $code
           # Now let's send a <CR><LF> to the peer to signal end of APPEND cmd:
            my $wroteSoFar = 0;
            $fromBuffer = "\x0d\x0a";
            $wroteSoFar += syswrite($toSock,$fromBuffer,2-$wroteSoFar,$wroteSoFar)||0 
                        until $wroteSoFar >= 2;

           # Finally, let's get the new message's UID from the peer:
           my $new_mid = "";
                my $code = 0;
                until ( $code)  {
                        # escape infinite loop if read_line never returns any data:
                        $peer->_debug("Reading from target: " .
                                "expecting new uid in response\n") if $peer->Debug;

                        $output = $peer->_read_line or next MIGMSG;

                        for my $o (@$output) {

                                $peer->_record($ptrans,$o);      # $o is a ref

                                # $peer->_debug("Received from readline: " .
                                # "${\($o->[DATA])}<<END OF RESULT>>\n");

                                next unless $peer->_is_output($o);

                                ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /^$ptrans (OK|BAD|NO)/mi ;
                                ($new_mid)= $o->[DATA] =~ /APPENDUID \d+ (\d+)/ if $code;
                                #$peer->_debug("Code line: " . $o->[DATA] . 
                                #       "\nCode=$code mid=$new_mid\n" ) if $code;

                                if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/im) {
                                        return undef ;
                        $new_mid||="unknown" ;
             } # end scope for my $code

             $self->_debug("Copied message $mid in folder $folder to " . $peer->User .
                            '@' . $peer->Server . ". New Message UID is $new_mid.\n" 
             ) if $self->Debug;

             $peer->_debug("Copied message $mid in folder $folder from " . $self->User .
                            '@' . $self->Server . ". New Message UID is $new_mid.\n" 
             ) if $peer->Debug;

          # ... and finish up reading the server response from the fetch cmd
          #     on the source system:
              # {
        #       my $code = 0;
        #       until ( $code)  {
        #               # escape infinite loop if read_line never returns any data:
        #               unless ($output = $self->_read_line ) {
        #                       $self->_debug($self->LastError) ;
        #                       next MIGMSG;
        #               }
        #               for my $o (@$output) {
#                               $self->_record($trans,$o);      # $o is a ref
#                               # $self->_debug("Received from readline: " .
#                               # "${\($o->[DATA])}<<END OF RESULT>>\n");
#                               next unless $self->_is_output($o);
#                               ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /^$trans (OK|BAD|NO)/mi ;
#                               if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/im) {
#                                       $self->State(Unconnected);
#                                       return undef ;
#                               }
#                       }
#               }
#               }
                # and clean up the I/O buffer:
                $fromBuffer = "";
        return $self;   

sub body_string {
        my $self = shift;
        my $msg  = shift;
        my $ref = $self->fetch($msg,"BODY" . ( $self->Peek ? ".PEEK" : "" ) . "[TEXT]");

        my $string = "";
        foreach my $result  (@{$ref})   { 
                $string .= $result->[DATA] if defined($result) and $self->_is_literal($result) ;
        return $string if $string;

        my $head = shift @$ref;
        $self->_debug("body_string: first shift = '$head'\n");

        until ( (! $head)  or $head =~ /(?:.*FETCH .*\(.*BODY\[TEXT\])|(?:^\d+ BAD )|(?:^\d NO )/i ) {
                $self->_debug("body_string: shifted '$head'\n");
                $head = shift(@$ref) ;
        unless ( scalar(@$ref) ) {
                        $self->LastError("Unable to parse server response from " . $self->LastIMAPCommand );
                        return undef ;
        my $popped ; $popped = pop @$ref until  
                                (       defined($popped) and 
                                        # (-:   Smile!
                                        $popped =~ /\)\x0d\x0a$/ 
                                )       or
                                        not grep(
                                                # (-:   Smile again!

        if      ($head =~ /BODY\[TEXT\]\s*$/i )     {       # Next line is a literal
                        $string .= shift @$ref while scalar(@$ref);
                        $self->_debug("String is now $string\n") if $self->Debug;

        return $string||undef;

sub examine {
        my $self = shift;
        my $target = shift ; return undef unless defined($target);
        $target = $self->Massage($target);
        my $string      =  qq/EXAMINE $target/;

        my $old = $self->Folder;

        if ($self->_imap_command($string) and $self->State(Selected)) {
                return $old||$self;
        } else { 
                return undef;

sub idle {
        my $self = shift;
        my $good = '+';
        my $count = $self->Count +1;
        return $self->_imap_command("IDLE",$good) ? $count : undef;

sub done {
        my $self        = shift;

        my $count       = shift||$self->Count;

        my $clear = "";
        $clear = $self->Clear;

                if $self->Count >= $clear and $clear > 0;

        my $string = "DONE\x0d\x0a";
        $self->_record($count,[ $self->_next_index($count), "INPUT", "$string\x0d\x0a"] );

        my $feedback = $self->_send_line("$string",1);

        unless ($feedback) {
                $self->LastError( "Error sending '$string' to IMAP: $!\n");
                return undef;

        my ($code, $output);    
        $output = "";

        until ( $code and $code =~ /(OK|BAD|NO)/m ) {

                $output = $self->_read_line or return undef;    
                for my $o (@$output) { 
                        $self->_record($count,$o);      # $o is a ref
                        next unless $self->_is_output($o);
                        ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /^(?:$count) (OK|BAD|NO)/m  ;
                      if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/) {
        return $code =~ /^OK/ ? @{$self->Results} : undef ;


sub tag_and_run {
        my $self = shift;
        my $string = shift;
        my $good = shift;
        return @{$self->Results};
# _{name} methods are undocumented and meant to be private.

# _imap_command runs a command, inserting the correct tag
# and <CR><LF> and whatnot.
# When updating _imap_command, remember to examine the run method, too, since it is very similar.

sub _imap_command {
        my $self        = shift;
        my $string      = shift         or return undef;
        my $good        = shift         || 'GOOD';

        my $qgood = quotemeta($good);

        my $clear = "";
        $clear = $self->Clear;

                if $self->Count >= $clear and $clear > 0;

        my $count       = $self->Count($self->Count+1);

        $string         = "$count $string" ;

        $self->_record($count,[ 0, "INPUT", "$string\x0d\x0a"] );

        my $feedback = $self->_send_line("$string");

        unless ($feedback) {
                $self->LastError( "Error sending '$string' to IMAP: $!\n");
                $@ = "Error sending '$string' to IMAP: $!";
                carp "Error sending '$string' to IMAP: $!" if $^W;
                return undef;

        my ($code, $output);    
        $output = "";

        READ: until ( $code)  {
                # escape infinite loop if read_line never returns any data:
                $output = $self->_read_line or return undef; 

                for my $o (@$output) { 
                        $self->_record($count,$o);      # $o is a ref
                      # $self->_debug("Received from readline: ${\($o->[DATA])}<<END OF RESULT>>\n");
                        next unless $self->_is_output($o);
                        if ( $good eq '+' ) {
                                $o->[DATA] =~ /^$count (OK|BAD|NO|$qgood)|^($qgood)/mi ;
                                $code = $1||$2 ;
                        } else {
                                ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /^$count (OK|BAD|NO|$qgood)/mi ;
                      if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/im) {
                                return undef ;
        # $self->_debug("Command $string: returned $code\n");
        return $code =~ /^OK|$qgood/im ? $self : undef ;


sub run {
        my $self        = shift;
        my $string      = shift         or return undef;
        my $good        = shift         || 'GOOD';
        my $count       = $self->Count($self->Count+1);
        my($tag)        = $string =~ /^(\S+) /  ;

        unless ($tag) {
                $self->LastError("Invalid string passed to run method; no tag found.\n");

        my $qgood = quotemeta($good);

        my $clear = "";
        $clear = $self->Clear;

                if $self->Count >= $clear and $clear > 0;

        $self->_record($count,[ $self->_next_index($count), "INPUT", "$string"] );

        my $feedback = $self->_send_line("$string",1);

        unless ($feedback) {
                $self->LastError( "Error sending '$string' to IMAP: $!\n");
                return undef;

        my ($code, $output);    
        $output = "";

        until ( $code =~ /(OK|BAD|NO|$qgood)/m ) {

                $output = $self->_read_line or return undef;    
                for my $o (@$output) { 
                        $self->_record($count,$o);      # $o is a ref
                        next unless $self->_is_output($o);
                        if ( $good eq '+' ) {
                           $o->[DATA] =~ /^(?:$tag|\*) (OK|BAD|NO|$qgood)|(^$qgood)/m  ;
                           $code = $1||$2;
                        } else {
                                ($code) = 
                                   $o->[DATA] =~ /^(?:$tag|\*) (OK|BAD|NO|$qgood)/m  ;
                      if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/) {
        $self->{'History'}{$tag} = $self->{"History"}{$count} unless $tag eq $count;
        return $code =~ /^OK|$qgood/ ? @{$self->Results} : undef ;

#sub bodystruct {       # return bodystruct 

# _record saves the conversation into the History structure:
sub _record {

        my ($self,$count,$array) = ( shift, shift, shift);
        local($^W)= undef;

        #$self->_debug(sprintf("in _record: count is $count, values are %s/%s/%s and caller is " . 
        #       join(":",caller()) . "\n",@$array));
      if (    #       $array->[DATA] and 
              $array->[DATA] =~ /^\d+ LOGIN/i and
                ! $self->Showcredentials
      ) { 

              $array->[DATA] =~ s/LOGIN.*/LOGIN XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX/i ;

        push @{$self->{"History"}{$count}}, $array;

      if ( $array->[DATA] =~ /^\d+\s+(BAD|NO)\s/im ) {
              $self->LastError("$array->[DATA]") ;
              $@ = $array->[DATA];
              carp "$array->[DATA]" if $^W ;
        return $self;

#_send_line writes to the socket:
sub _send_line {
        my($self,$string,$suppress) = (shift, shift, shift);

        #$self->_debug("_send_line: Connection state = " . 
        #               $self->State . " and socket fh = " . 
        #               ($self->Socket||"undef") . "\n")
        #if $self->Debug;

        unless ($self->IsConnected and $self->Socket) {
                $self->LastError("NO Not connected.\n");
                carp "Not connected" if $^W;
                return undef;

        unless ($string =~ /\x0d\x0a$/ or $suppress ) {

                chomp $string;
                $string .= "\x0d" unless $string =~ /\x0d$/;    
                $string .= "\x0a" ;
        if ( 
                $string =~ /^[^\x0a{]*\{(\d+)\}\x0d\x0a/           # ;-}
        )       {
                my($p1,$p2,$len) ;
                if ( ($p1,$len)   = 
                        $string =~ /^([^\x0a{]*\{(\d+)\}\x0d\x0a)/ # } for vi
                        and  (
                                $len < 32766 ? 
                                ( ($p2) = $string =~ /
                                /x ) :

                                ( ($p2) = $string =~ /  ^[^\x0a{]*
                                   and length($p2) == $len  ) # }} for vi
                ) {
                        $self->_debug("Sending literal string " .
                                "in two parts: $p1\n\tthen: $p2\n");
                        $self->_send_line($p1) or return undef;
                        $output = $self->_read_line or return undef;
                        foreach my $o (@$output) {
                                # $o is already an array ref:
                              ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /(^\+|NO|BAD)/i;
                              if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/) {
                                        close $fh;
                                        return undef ;
                              } elsif ( $o->[DATA]=~ /^\d+\s+(NO|BAD)/i ) {
                                        close $fh;
                                        return undef;
                        if ( $code eq '+' )     { $string = $p2; } 
                        else                    { return undef ; }
        if ($self->Debug) {
                my $dstring = $string;
                if ( $dstring =~ m[\d+\s+Login\s+]i) {
                        $dstring =~ 
                        ('X' x length($self->{Password}))eg;
                _debug $self, "Sending: $dstring\n" if $self->Debug;
        my $total = 0;
        my $temperrs = 0;
        my $optimize = 0;
        my $maxwrite = 0;
        my $waittime = .02;
        my @last5writes = (1);
        $string = $self->Prewritemethod->($self,$string) if $self->Prewritemethod;
        _debug $self, "Sending: $string\n" if $self->Debug and $self->Prewritemethod;

        until ($total >= length($string)) {
                my $ret = 0;
                $ret =  syswrite(       
                if ($! == &EAGAIN ) {
                        if (    $self->{Maxtemperrors} !~ /^unlimited/i
                                and $temperrs++ > ($self->{Maxtemperrors}||10) 
                        ) {
                                $self->LastError("Persistent '${!}' errors\n");
                                $self->_debug("Persistent '${!}' errors\n");
                                return undef;
                        $optimize = 1;
                } else {
                        # avoid infinite loops on syswrite error
                        return undef unless(defined $ret);       
                # Optimization of wait time between syswrite calls
                # only runs if syscalls run too fast and fill the 
                # buffer causing "EAGAIN: Resource Temp. Unavail" errors. The
                # premise is that $maxwrite will be approx. the same as 
                # the smallest buffer between the sending and receiving side. 
                # Waiting time between syscalls should ideally be exactly as 
                # long as it takes the receiving side to empty that buffer, 
                # minus a little bit to prevent it from
                # emptying completely and wasting time in the select call.
                if ($optimize) {
                    $maxwrite = $ret if $maxwrite < $ret;
                    push( @last5writes, $ret );
                    shift( @last5writes ) if $#last5writes > 5;
                    my $bufferavail = 0;
                    $bufferavail += $_ for ( @last5writes );
                    $bufferavail /= $#last5writes;
                    # Buffer is staying pretty full; 
                    # we should increase the wait period
                    # to reduce transmission overhead/number of packets sent
                    if ( $bufferavail < .4 * $maxwrite ) {
                        $waittime *= 1.3;

                    # Buffer is nearly or totally empty; 
                    # we're wasting time in select
                    # call that could be used to send data, 
                    # so reduce the wait period
                    } elsif ( $bufferavail > .9 * $maxwrite ) {
                        $waittime *= .5;
                    $self->_debug("Output buffer full; waiting $waittime seconds for relief\n");
                    CORE::select(undef, undef, undef, $waittime);
                if ( defined($ret) ) {
                        $temperrs = 0  ;
                        $total += $ret ;
        _debug $self,"Sent $total bytes\n" if $self->Debug;
        return $total;

# _read_line reads from the socket. It is called by:
#       append  append_file     authenticate    connect         _imap_command
# It is also re-implemented in:
#       message_to_file
# syntax: $output = $self->_readline( ( $literal_callback|undef ) , ( $output_callback|undef ) ) ;
#         Both input argument are optional, but if supplied must either be a filehandle, coderef, or undef.
#       Returned argument is a reference to an array of arrays, ie: 
#       $output = [ 
#                       [ $index, 'OUTPUT'|'LITERAL', $output_line ] ,
#                       [ $index, 'OUTPUT'|'LITERAL', $output_line ] ,
#                       ...     # etc,
#       ];

sub _read_line {
        my $self        = shift;        
        my $sh          = $self->Socket;
        my $literal_callback    = shift;
        my $output_callback = shift;
        unless ($self->IsConnected and $self->Socket) {
                $self->LastError("NO Not connected.\n");
                carp "Not connected" if $^W;
                return undef;

        my $iBuffer     = ""; 
        my $oBuffer     = [];
        my $count       = 0;
        my $index       = $self->_next_index($self->Transaction);
        my $rvec        = my $ready = my $errors = 0; 
        my $timeout     = $self->Timeout;

        my $readlen     = 1;
        my $fast_io     = $self->Fast_io;       # Remember setting to reduce future method calls

        if ( $fast_io ) {
                # set fcntl if necessary:
                exists $self->{_fcntl} or $self->Fast_io($fast_io);
                $readlen = $self->{Buffer}||4096;
        until ( 
                # there's stuff in output buffer:
                scalar(@$oBuffer)       and                     

                # the last thing there has cr-lf:
                $oBuffer->[-1][DATA] =~ /\x0d\x0a$/  and     

                # that thing is an output line:
                $oBuffer->[-1][TYPE]    eq "OUTPUT"  and     

                # and the input buffer has been MT'ed:
                $iBuffer                eq ""           

        ) {
              my $transno = $self->Transaction;  # used below in several places
                if ($timeout) {
                        vec($rvec, fileno($self->Socket), 1) = 1;
                        my @ready = $self->{_select}->can_read($timeout) ;
                        unless ( @ready ) {
                                $self->LastError("Tag $transno: " .
                                        "Timeout after $timeout seconds " .
                                        "waiting for data from server\n");      
                                        [       $self->_next_index($transno),
                                                "$transno * NO Timeout after ".
                                                "$timeout seconds " .
                                                "during read from " .
                                        "Timeout after $timeout seconds " .
                                        "during read from server\x0d\x0a"
                                return undef;
                local($^W) = undef;     # Now quiet down warnings

                # read "$readlen" bytes (or less):
              # need to check return code from $self->_sysread 
              # in case other end has shut down!!!
              my $ret = $self->_sysread( $sh, \$iBuffer, $readlen, length($iBuffer)) ;
              # $self->_debug("Read so far: $iBuffer<<END>>\n");
              if($timeout and ! defined($ret)) { # Blocking read error...
                  my $msg = "Error while reading data from server: $!\x0d\x0a";
                                 [ $self->_next_index($transno),
                                   "ERROR", "$transno * NO $msg "
                  $@ = "$msg";
                  return undef;
              elsif(defined($ret) and $ret == 0) {    # Caught EOF...
                  my $msg="Socket closed while reading data from server.\x0d\x0a";
                                 [ $self->_next_index($transno),
                                   "ERROR", "$transno * NO $msg "
                  $@ = "$msg";
                  return undef;
              # successfully wrote to other end, keep going...
              $count += $ret if defined($ret);
                LINES: while ( $iBuffer =~ s/^(.*?\x0d?\x0a)// ) {
                   my $current_line = $1;

                   # $self->_debug("BUFFER: pulled from buffer: <BEGIN>${current_line}<END>\n" .
                   #    "and left with buffer contents of: <BEGIN>${iBuffer}<END>\n");

                   LITERAL: if ($current_line =~ s/\{(\d+)\}\x0d\x0a$//) {
                        # This part handles IMAP "Literals", 
                        # which according to rfc2060 look something like this:
                        # [tag]|* BLAH BLAH {nnn}\r\n
                        # [nnn bytes of literally transmitted stuff]
                        # [part of line that follows literal data]\r\n

                        # Set $len to be length of impending literal:
                        my $len = $1 ;
                        $self->_debug("LITERAL: received literal in line ".
                                "$current_line of length $len; ".
                                "attempting to ".
                                "retrieve from the " . length($iBuffer) . 
                                " bytes in: $iBuffer<END_OF_iBuffer>\n");

                        # Xfer up to $len bytes from front of $iBuffer to $litstring: 
                        my $litstring = substr($iBuffer, 0, $len);
                        $iBuffer = substr($iBuffer, length($litstring), 
                                        length($iBuffer) - length($litstring) ) ;

                        # Figure out what's left to read (i.e. what part of 
                        # literal wasn't in buffer):
                        my $remainder_count = $len - length($litstring);
                        my $callback_value = "";

                        if ( defined($literal_callback) )       {       
                                if      ( $literal_callback =~ /GLOB/)  {       
                                        print $literal_callback $litstring ;
                                        $litstring = "";
                                } elsif ($literal_callback =~ /CODE/ ) {
                                        # Don't do a thing

                                } else  {
                                                ref($literal_callback) . 
                                                " is an invalid callback type; " .
                                                "must be a filehandle or coderef\n"

                        if ($remainder_count > 0 and $timeout) {
                                # If we're doing timeouts then here we set up select 
                                # and wait for data from the the IMAP socket.
                                vec($rvec, fileno($self->Socket), 1) = 1;
                                unless ( CORE::select( $ready = $rvec, 
                                                        $errors = $rvec, 
                                ) {     
                                        # Select failed; that means bad news. 
                                        # Better tell someone.
                                        $self->LastError("Tag " . $transno . 
                                                ": Timeout waiting for literal data " .
                                                "from server\n");       
                                        carp "Tag " . $transno . 
                                                ": Timeout waiting for literal data " .
                                                "from server\n"
                                                if $self->Debug or $^W; 
                                        return undef;
                        fcntl($sh, F_SETFL, $self->{_fcntl}) 
                                if $fast_io and defined($self->{_fcntl});
                        while ( $remainder_count > 0 ) {           # As long as not done,
                                $self->_debug("Still need $remainder_count to " .
                                        "complete literal string\n");
                                my $ret = $self->_sysread(         # bytes read
                                                $sh,               # IMAP handle 
                                                \$litstring,       # place to read into
                                                $remainder_count,  # bytes left to read
                                                length($litstring) # offset to read into
                                ) ;
                                $self->_debug("Received ret=$ret and buffer = " .
                                "\n$litstring<END>\nwhile processing LITERAL\n");
                                if ( $timeout and !defined($ret)) { # possible timeout
                                        $self->_record($transno, [ 
                                                "$transno * NO Error reading data " .
                                                "from server: $!\n"
                                        return undef;
                                } elsif ( $ret == 0 and eof($sh) ) {
                                        $self->_record($transno, [ 
                                                "$transno * ".
                                                "BYE Server unexpectedly " .
                                                "closed connection: $!\n"       
                                        return undef;
                                # decrement remaining bytes by amt read:
                                $remainder_count -= $ret;          

                                if ( length($litstring) > $len ) {
                                    # copy the extra struff into the iBuffer:
                                    $iBuffer = substr(
                                        length($litstring) - $len 
                                    $litstring = substr($litstring, 0, $len) ;

                                if ( defined($literal_callback) ) {
                                        if ( $literal_callback =~ /GLOB/ ) {
                                                print $literal_callback $litstring;
                                                $litstring = "";

                                if defined($litstring) and 
                                $literal_callback =~ /CODE/;

                        $self->Fast_io($fast_io) if $fast_io;

                # Now let's make sure there are no IMAP server output lines 
                # (i.e. [tag|*] BAD|NO|OK Text) embedded in the literal string
                # (There shouldn't be but I've seen it done!), but only if
                # EnableServerResponseInLiteral is set to true

                        my $embedded_output = 0;
                        my $lastline = ( split(/\x0d?\x0a/,$litstring))[-1] 
                                if $litstring;

                        if (    $self->EnableServerResponseInLiteral and
                                $lastline and 
                                $lastline =~ /^(?:\*|(\d+))\s(BAD|NO|OK)/i 
                        ) {
                          $litstring =~ s/\Q$lastline\E\x0d?\x0a//;

                          $self->_debug("Got server output mixed in " .
                                        "with literal: $lastline\n"
                          )     if $self->Debug;

                        # Finally, we need to stuff the literal onto the 
                        # end of the oBuffer:
                        push @$oBuffer, [ $index++, "OUTPUT" , $current_line],
                                        [ $index++, "LITERAL", $litstring   ];
                        push @$oBuffer, [ $index++, "OUTPUT",  $lastline    ] 
                                        if $embedded_output;

                  } else { 
                        push @$oBuffer, [ $index++, "OUTPUT" , $current_line ]; 
                #$self->_debug("iBuffer is now: $iBuffer<<END OF BUFFER>>\n");
        #       _debug $self, "Buffer is now $buffer\n";
      _debug $self, "Read: " . join("",map {$_->[DATA]} @$oBuffer) ."\n" 
                if $self->Debug;
        return scalar(@$oBuffer) ? $oBuffer : undef ;

sub _sysread {
        my $self = shift @_;
        if ( exists $self->{Readmethod} )  {
                return $self->Readmethod->($self,@_) ;
        } else {
                my($handle,$buffer,$count,$offset) = @_;
                return sysread( $handle, $$buffer, $count, $offset);

=begin obsolete

sub old_read_line {
        my $self        = shift;        
        my $sh          = $self->Socket;
        my $literal_callback    = shift;
        my $output_callback = shift;
        unless ($self->IsConnected and $self->Socket) {
                $self->LastError("NO Not connected.\n");
                carp "Not connected" if $^W;
                return undef;

        my $iBuffer     = ""; 
        my $oBuffer     = [];
        my $count       = 0;
        my $index       = $self->_next_index($self->Transaction);
        my $rvec        = my $ready = my $errors = 0; 
        my $timeout     = $self->Timeout;

        my $readlen     = 1;
        my $fast_io     = $self->Fast_io;       # Remember setting to reduce future method calls

        if ( $fast_io ) {
                # set fcntl if necessary:
                exists $self->{_fcntl} or $self->Fast_io($fast_io);
                $readlen = $self->{Buffer}||4096;
        until ( 
                # there's stuff in output buffer:
                scalar(@$oBuffer)       and                     

                # the last thing there has cr-lf:
                $oBuffer->[-1][DATA] =~ /\x0d\x0a$/  and     

                # that thing is an output line:
                $oBuffer->[-1][TYPE]    eq "OUTPUT"  and     

                # and the input buffer has been MT'ed:
                $iBuffer                eq ""           

        ) {
              my $transno = $self->Transaction;  # used below in several places
                if ($timeout) {
                        vec($rvec, fileno($self->Socket), 1) = 1;
                        my @ready = $self->{_select}->can_read($timeout) ;
                        unless ( @ready ) {
                                $self->LastError("Tag $transno: " .
                                        "Timeout after $timeout seconds " .
                                        "waiting for data from server\n");      
                                        [       $self->_next_index($transno),
                                                "$transno * NO Timeout after ".
                                                "$timeout seconds " .
                                                "during read from " .
                                        "Timeout after $timeout seconds " .
                                        "during read from server\x0d\x0a"
                                return undef;
                local($^W) = undef;     # Now quiet down warnings

                # read "$readlen" bytes (or less):
              # need to check return code from sysread in case other end has shut down!!!
              my $ret = sysread( $sh, $iBuffer, $readlen, length($iBuffer)) ;
                # $self->_debug("Read so far: $iBuffer<<END>>\n");
              if($timeout and ! defined($ret)) { # Blocking read error...
                  my $msg = "Error while reading data from server: $!\x0d\x0a";
                                 [ $self->_next_index($transno),
                                   "ERROR", "$transno * NO $msg "
                  $@ = "$msg";
                  return undef;
              elsif(defined($ret) and $ret == 0) {    # Caught EOF...
                  my $msg="Socket closed while reading data from server.\x0d\x0a";
                                 [ $self->_next_index($transno),
                                   "ERROR", "$transno * NO $msg "
                  $@ = "$msg";
                  return undef;
              # successfully wrote to other end, keep going...
              $count += $ret if defined($ret);
                LINES: while ( $iBuffer =~ s/^(.*?\x0d?\x0a)// ) {
                   my $current_line = $1;

                   # $self->_debug("BUFFER: pulled from buffer: <BEGIN>${current_line}<END>\n" .
                   #    "and left with buffer contents of: <BEGIN>${iBuffer}<END>\n");

                   LITERAL: if ($current_line =~ s/\{(\d+)\}\x0d\x0a$//) {
                        # This part handles IMAP "Literals", which according to rfc2060 look something like this:
                        # [tag]|* BLAH BLAH {nnn}\r\n
                        # [nnn bytes of literally transmitted stuff]
                        # [part of line that follows literal data]\r\n

                        # Set $len to be length of impending literal:
                        my $len = $1 ;
                        $self->_debug("LITERAL: received literal in line $current_line of length $len; ".
                        "attempting to ".
                        "retrieve from the " . length($iBuffer) . " bytes in: $iBuffer<END_OF_iBuffer>\n");

                        # Transfer up to $len bytes from front of $iBuffer to $litstring: 
                        my $litstring = substr($iBuffer, 0, $len);
                        $iBuffer = substr($iBuffer, length($litstring), length($iBuffer) - length($litstring) ) ;

                        # Figure out what's left to read (i.e. what part of literal wasn't in buffer):
                        my $remainder_count = $len - length($litstring);
                        my $callback_value = "";

                        if ( defined($literal_callback) )       {       
                                if      ( $literal_callback =~ /GLOB/)  {       
                                        print $literal_callback $litstring ;
                                        $litstring = "";
                                } elsif ($literal_callback =~ /CODE/ ) {
                                        # Don't do a thing

                                } else  {
                                                ref($literal_callback) . 
                                                " is an invalid callback type; must be a filehandle or coderef"

                        if ($remainder_count > 0 and $timeout) {
                                # If we're doing timeouts then here we set up select and wait for data from the
                                # the IMAP socket.
                                vec($rvec, fileno($self->Socket), 1) = 1;
                                unless ( CORE::select( $ready = $rvec, 
                                                        $errors = $rvec, 
                                ) {     
                                        # Select failed; that means bad news. 
                                        # Better tell someone.
                                        $self->LastError("Tag " . $transno . 
                                                ": Timeout waiting for literal data " .
                                                "from server\n");       
                                        carp "Tag " . $transno . 
                                                ": Timeout waiting for literal data " .
                                                "from server\n"
                                                if $self->Debug or $^W; 
                                        return undef;
                        fcntl($sh, F_SETFL, $self->{_fcntl}) 
                                if $fast_io and defined($self->{_fcntl});
                        while ( $remainder_count > 0 ) {           # As long as not done,

                                my $ret = sysread(                 # bytes read
                                                $sh,               # IMAP handle 
                                                $litstring,        # place to read into
                                                $remainder_count,  # bytes left to read
                                                length($litstring) # offset to read into
                                ) ;
                                if ( $timeout and !defined($ret)) { # possible timeout
                                        $self->_record($transno, [ 
                                                "$transno * NO Error reading data " .
                                                "from server: $!\n"
                                        return undef;
                                } elsif ( $ret == 0 and eof($sh) ) {
                                        $self->_record($transno, [ 
                                                "$transno * ".
                                                "BYE Server unexpectedly " .
                                                "closed connection: $!\n"       
                                        return undef;
                                # decrement remaining bytes by amt read:
                                $remainder_count -= $ret;          

                                if ( defined($literal_callback) ) {
                                        if ( $literal_callback =~ /GLOB/ ) {
                                                print $literal_callback $litstring;
                                                $litstring = "";

                                if defined($litstring) and 
                                $literal_callback =~ /CODE/;

                        $self->Fast_io($fast_io) if $fast_io;

                # Now let's make sure there are no IMAP server output lines 
                # (i.e. [tag|*] BAD|NO|OK Text) embedded in the literal string
                # (There shouldn't be but I've seen it done!), but only if
                # EnableServerResponseInLiteral is set to true

                        my $embedded_output = 0;
                        my $lastline = ( split(/\x0d?\x0a/,$litstring))[-1] 
                                if $litstring;

                        if (    $self->EnableServerResponseInLiteral and
                                $lastline and 
                                $lastline =~ /^(?:\*|(\d+))\s(BAD|NO|OK)/i 
                        ) {
                          $litstring =~ s/\Q$lastline\E\x0d?\x0a//;

                          $self->_debug("Got server output mixed in " .
                                        "with literal: $lastline\n"
                          )     if $self->Debug;

                        # Finally, we need to stuff the literal onto the 
                        # end of the oBuffer:
                        push @$oBuffer, [ $index++, "OUTPUT" , $current_line],
                                        [ $index++, "LITERAL", $litstring   ];
                        push @$oBuffer, [ $index++, "OUTPUT",  $lastline    ] 
                                        if $embedded_output;

                  } else { 
                        push @$oBuffer, [ $index++, "OUTPUT" , $current_line ]; 
                #$self->_debug("iBuffer is now: $iBuffer<<END OF BUFFER>>\n");
        #       _debug $self, "Buffer is now $buffer\n";
      _debug $self, "Read: " . join("",map {$_->[DATA]} @$oBuffer) ."\n" 
                if $self->Debug;
        return scalar(@$oBuffer) ? $oBuffer : undef ;

=end obsolete


sub Report {
        my $self = shift;
#       $self->_debug( "Dumper: " . Data::Dumper::Dumper($self) . 
#                       "\nReporting on following keys: " . join(", ",keys %{$self->{'History'}}). "\n");
        return  map { 
                      map { $_->[DATA] } @{$self->{"History"}{$_}} 
        }               sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$self->{"History"}}

sub Results {
        my $self        = shift ;
        my $transaction = shift||$self->Count;
        return wantarray                                                        ? 
              map {$_->[DATA] }       @{$self->{"History"}{$transaction}}     : 
              [ map {$_->[DATA] }     @{$self->{"History"}{$transaction}} ]   ;

sub LastIMAPCommand {
      my @a = map { $_->[DATA] } @{$_[0]->{"History"}{$_[1]||$_[0]->Transaction}};
        return shift @a;

sub History {
      my @a = map { $_->[DATA] } @{$_[0]->{"History"}{$_[1]||$_[0]->Transaction}};
        shift @a;
        return wantarray ? @a : \@a ;


sub Escaped_results {
        my @a;
        foreach  my $line (@{$_[0]->{"History"}{$_[1]||$_[0]->Transaction}} ) {
                if (  defined($line) and $_[0]->_is_literal($line) ) { 
                        $line->[DATA] =~ s/([\\\(\)"\x0d\x0a])/\\$1/g ;
                        push @a, qq("$line->[DATA]");
                } else {
                        push @a, $line->[DATA] ;
        # $a[0] is the ALWAYS the command ; I make sure of that in _imap_command
        shift @a;       
        return wantarray ? @a : \@a ;

sub Unescape {
        shift @_ if $_[1];
        my $whatever = shift;
        $whatever =~ s/\\([\\\(\)"\x0d\x0a])/$1/g if defined $whatever;
        return $whatever;

sub logout {
        my $self = shift;
        my $string = "LOGOUT";
        $self->_imap_command($string) ; 
        $self->{Folders} = undef;
        $self->{_IMAP4REV1} = undef;
        eval {$self->Socket->close if defined($self->Socket)} ; 
        $self->{Socket} = undef;
        return $self;

sub folders {
        my $self = shift;
        my $what = shift ;
        return wantarray ?      @{$self->{Folders}} :
                if ref($self->{Folders}) and !$what;
        my @folders ;  
        my @list = $self->list(undef,( $what? "$what" . $self->separator($what) . "*" : undef ) );
        push @list, $self->list(undef, $what) if $what and $self->exists($what) ;
        # my @list = 
        # foreach (@list) { $self->_debug("Pushing $_\n"); }
        my $m;

        for ($m = 0; $m < scalar(@list); $m++ ) {
                # $self->_debug("Folders: examining $list[$m]\n");

                if ($list[$m] && $list[$m]  !~ /\x0d\x0a$/ ) {
                        $self->_debug("folders: concatenating $list[$m] and " . $list[$m+1] . "\n") ;
                        $list[$m] .= $list[$m+1] ;
                        $list[$m+1] = "";       
                        $list[$m] .= "\x0d\x0a" unless $list[$m] =~ /\x0d\x0a$/;

                push @folders, $1||$2 
                        if $list[$m] =~
                        /       ^\*\s+LIST               # * LIST
                                \s+\([^\)]*\)\s+         # (Flags)
                                (?:"[^"]*"|NIL)\s+       # "delimiter" or NIL
                                (?:"([^"]*)"|(.*))\x0d\x0a$  # Name or "Folder name"
                #$folders[-1] = '"' . $folders[-1] . '"' 
                #       if $1 and !$self->exists($folders[-1]) ;
                # $self->_debug("folders: line $list[$m]: 1=$1 and 2=$2\n");

        # for my $f (@folders) { $f =~ s/^\\FOLDER LITERAL:://;}
        my @clean = (); my %memory = ();
        foreach my $f (@folders) { push @clean, $f unless $memory{$f}++ }
        $self->{Folders} = \@clean unless $what;

        return wantarray ? @clean : \@clean ;

sub exists {
        my ($self,$what) = (shift,shift);
        return $self if $self->STATUS($self->Massage($what),"(MESSAGES)");
        return undef;

# Updated to handle embedded literal strings
sub get_bodystructure {
        my($self,$msg) = @_;
        unless ( eval {require Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure ; 1 } ) {
                $self->LastError("Unable to use get_bodystructure: $@\n");
                return undef;
        my @out = $self->fetch($msg,"BODYSTRUCTURE");
        my $bs = "";
        my $output = grep(      
                /BODYSTRUCTURE \(/i,  @out       # Wee! ;-)
        if ( $output =~ /\r\n$/ ) {
                eval { $bs = Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure->new( $output )};  
        } else {
                $self->_debug("get_bodystructure: reassembling original response\n");
                my $start = 0;
                foreach my $o (@{$self->{"History"}{$self->Transaction}}) {
                        next unless $self->_is_output_or_literal($o);
                        $self->_debug("o->[DATA] is ".$o->[DATA]."\n");
                        next unless $start or 
                                $o->[DATA] =~ /BODYSTRUCTURE \(/i and ++$start;   # Hi, vi! ;-)
                        if ( length($output) and $self->_is_literal($o) ) {
                                my $data = $o->[DATA];
                                $data =~ s/"/\\"/g;
                                $data =~ s/\(/\\\(/g;
                                $data =~ s/\)/\\\)/g;
                                $output .= '"'.$data.'"';
                        } else {
                                $output .= $o->[DATA] ;
                        $self->_debug("get_bodystructure: reassembled output=$output<END>\n");
                eval { $bs = Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure->new( $output )};  
        $self->_debug("get_bodystructure: msg $msg returns this ref: ". 
                ( $bs ? " $bs" : " UNDEF" ) 
        return $bs;

# Updated to handle embedded literal strings 
sub get_envelope {
        my($self,$msg) = @_;
        unless ( eval {require Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure ; 1 } ) {
                $self->LastError("Unable to use get_envelope: $@\n");
                return undef;
        my @out = $self->fetch($msg,"ENVELOPE");
        my $bs = "";
        my $output = grep(      
                /ENVELOPE \(/i,  @out    # Wee! ;-)
        if ( $output =~ /\r\n$/ ) {
                eval { 
                 $bs = Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Envelope->new($output)
        } else {
                $self->_debug("get_envelope: " .
                        "reassembling original response\n");
                my $start = 0;
                foreach my $o (@{$self->{"History"}{$self->Transaction}}) {
                        next unless $self->_is_output_or_literal($o);
                        $self->_debug("o->[DATA] is ".$o->[DATA]."\n");
                        next unless $start or 
                                $o->[DATA] =~ /ENVELOPE \(/i and ++$start;
                                # Hi, vi! ;-)
                        if ( length($output) and $self->_is_literal($o) ) {
                                my $data = $o->[DATA];
                                $data =~ s/"/\\"/g;
                                $data =~ s/\(/\\\(/g;
                                $data =~ s/\)/\\\)/g;
                                $output .= '"'.$data.'"';
                        } else {
                                $output .= $o->[DATA] ;
                        $self->_debug("get_envelope: " .
                                "reassembled output=$output<END>\n");
                eval { 
        $self->_debug("get_envelope: msg $msg returns this ref: ". 
                ( $bs ? " $bs" : " UNDEF" ) 
        return $bs;

=begin obsolete

sub old_get_envelope {
        my($self,$msg) = @_;
        unless ( eval {require Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure ; 1 } ) {
                $self->LastError("Unable to use get_envelope: $@\n");
                return undef;
        my $bs = "";
        my @out = $self->fetch($msg,"ENVELOPE");
        my $output = grep(      
                /ENVELOPE \(/i,  @out    # Wee! ;-)
        if ( $output =~ /\r\n$/ ) {
                eval { $bs = Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Envelope->new( $output )};  
        } else {
                $self->_debug("get_envelope: reassembling original response\n");
                my $start = 0;
                foreach my $o (@{$self->{"History"}{$self->Transaction}}) {
                        next unless $self->_is_output_or_literal($o);
                        $self->_debug("o->[DATA] is ".$o->[DATA]."\n");
                        next unless $start or 
                                $o->[DATA] =~ /ENVELOPE \(/i and ++$start;        # Hi, vi! ;-)
                        if ( length($output) and $self->_is_literal($o) ) {
                                my $data = $o->[DATA];
                                $data =~ s/"/\\"/g;
                                $data =~ s/\(/\\\(/g;
                                $data =~ s/\)/\\\)/g;
                                $output .= '"'.$data.'"';
                        } else {
                                $output .= $o->[DATA] ;
                $self->_debug("get_envelope: reassembled output=$output<END>\n");
                eval { $bs = Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure->new( $output )};  
        $self->_debug("get_envelope: msg $msg returns this ref: ". 
                ( $bs ? " $bs" : " UNDEF" ) 
        return $bs;

=end obsolete


sub fetch {

        my $self = shift;
        my $what = shift||"ALL";
        #ref($what) and $what = join(",",@$what);       
        if ( $what eq 'ALL' ) {
                $what = $self->Range($self->messages );
        } elsif (ref($what) or $what =~ /^[,:\d]+\w*$/)  {
                $what = $self->Range($what);    
        $self->_imap_command( ( $self->Uid ? "UID " : "" ) .
                                "FETCH $what" . ( @_ ? " " . join(" ",@_) : '' )
        )                                               or return undef;
        return wantarray ?      $self->History($self->Count)    : 
                              [ map { $_->[DATA] } @{$self->{'History'}{$self->Count}} ];


sub fetch_hash {
        my $self = shift;
        my $hash = ref($_[-1]) ? pop @_ : {};
        my @words = @_;
        for (@words) { 
                s/([\( ])FAST([\) ])/${1}FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822\.SIZE$2/i  ;
                s/([\( ])FULL([\) ])/${1}FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822\.SIZE ENVELOPE BODY$2/i  ;
        my $msgref = scalar($self->messages);
        my $output = scalar($self->fetch($msgref,"(" . join(" ",@_) . ")")) 
        ; #     unless grep(/\b(?:FAST|FULL)\b/i,@words);
        my $x;
        for ($x = 0;  $x <= $#$output ; $x++) {
                my $entry = {};
                my $l = $output->[$x];
                if ($self->Uid) {       
                        my($uid) = $l =~ /\((?:.* )?UID (\d+).*\)/i;
                        next unless $uid;
                        if ( exists $hash->{$uid} ) {
                                $entry = $hash->{$uid} ;
                        } else {
                                $hash->{$uid} ||= $entry;
                } else {
                        my($mid) = $l =~ /^\* (\d+) FETCH/i;
                        next unless $mid;
                        if ( exists $hash->{$mid} ) {
                                $entry = $hash->{$mid} ;
                        } else {
                                $hash->{$mid} ||= $entry;
                foreach my $w (@words) {
                   if ( $l =~ /\Q$w\E\s*$/i ) {
                        $entry->{$w} = $output->[$x+1];
                        $entry->{$w} =~ s/(?:\x0a?\x0d)+$//g;
                        chomp $entry->{$w};
                   } else {
                        $l =~ /\(           # open paren followed by ... 
                                (?:.*\s)?   # ...optional stuff and a space
                                \Q$w\E\s    # escaped fetch field<sp>
                                (?:"        # then: a dbl-quote
                                  (\\.|   # then bslashed anychar(s) or ...
                                   [^"]+)   # ... nonquote char(s)
                                "|          # then closing quote; or ...
                                \(          # open paren
                                  (\\.|     # then bslashed anychar or ...
                                   [^\)]+)  # ... non-close-paren char
                                \)|         # then closing paren; or ...
                                (\S+))      # unquoted string
                                (?:\s.*)?   # possibly followed by space-stuff
                                \)          # close paren
        return wantarray ? %$hash : $hash;

        my $self = shift;
        return undef if $Mail::IMAPClient::AUTOLOAD =~ /DESTROY$/;
        delete $self->{Folders}  ;
        my $autoload = $Mail::IMAPClient::AUTOLOAD;
        $autoload =~ s/.*:://;
        if (    
                and     $autoload =~ /^[a-z]+$/
                and     $autoload !~ 
                                /^      (?:
                                                store    |
                                                copy     |
                                                create   |
                                                delete   |
                                                close    |
        ) {
                carp    "$autoload is all lower-case. " .
                        "May conflict with future methods. " .
                        "Change method name to be mixed case or all upper case to ensure " .
                        "upward compatability"
        if (scalar(@_)) {
                my @a = @_;
                if (    
                        $autoload =~ 
                ) {
                        $a[-1] = $self->Massage($a[-1]) ;
                } elsif (       
                        $autoload =~ 
                ) {
                        $a[0] = $self->Massage($a[0]) ;
                } elsif (
                        $autoload =~ /^(?:store|copy)$/i
                ) {
                        $autoload = "UID $autoload"
                                if $self->Uid;
                } elsif (
                        $autoload =~ /^(?:expunge)$/i and defined($_[0])
                ) {
                        my $old;
                        if ( $_[0] ne $self->Folder ) {
                                $old = $self->Folder; $self->select($_[0]); 
                        my $succ = $self->_imap_command(qq/$autoload/) ;
                        return undef unless $succ;
                        return wantarray ?      $self->History($self->Count)    : 
                                              map {$_->[DATA]}@{$self->{'History'}{$self->Count}}     ;
                $self->_debug("Autoloading: $autoload " . ( @a ? join(" ",@a):"" ) ."\n" )
                        if $self->Debug;
                return undef 
                        unless $self->_imap_command(
                                qq/$autoload/ .  ( @a ? " " . join(" ",@a) : "" )
                        )  ;
        } else {
                $self->Folder(undef) if $autoload =~ /^(?:close)/i ; 
                $self->_imap_command(qq/$autoload/) or return undef;
        return wantarray ?      $self->History($self->Count)    : 
                              [map {$_->[DATA] } @{$self->{'History'}{$self->Count}}] ;


sub rename {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($from, $to) = @_;
    if ($from =~ /^"(.*)"$/) {
        $from = $1 unless $self->exists($from);
        $from =~ s/"/\\"/g;
    if ($to =~ /^"(.*)"$/) {
        $to = $1 unless $self->exists($from) and $from =~ /^".*"$/;
        $to =~ s/"/\\"/g;
    $self->_imap_command(qq(RENAME "$from" "$to")) or return undef;
    return $self;

sub status {

        my $self = shift;
        my $box = shift ;  
        return undef unless defined($box);
        $box = $self->Massage($box);
        my @pieces = @_;
        $self->_imap_command("STATUS $box (". (join(" ",@_)||'MESSAGES'). ")") or return undef;
        return wantarray ?      $self->History($self->Count)    : 


# Can take a list of messages now.
# If a single message, returns array or ref to array of flags
# If a ref to array of messages, returns a ref to hash of msgid => flag arr
# See parse_headers for more information
# 2000-03-22 Adrian Smith (

sub flags {
        my $self = shift;
        my $msgspec = shift;
        my $flagset = {};
        my $msg;
        my $u_f = $self->Uid;

        # Determine if set of messages or just one
        if (ref($msgspec) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                $msg = $self->Range($msgspec) ;
        } elsif ( !ref($msgspec) )      {
                $msg = $msgspec;
                if ( scalar(@_) ) {
                        $msgspec = $self->Range($msg) ;
                        $msgspec += $_ for (@_);
                        $msg = $msgspec;
        } elsif ( ref($msgspec) =~ /MessageSet/ ) {
                if ( scalar(@_) ) {
                        $msgspec += $_ for @_;
        } else {
                $self->LastError("Invalid argument passed to fetch.\n");
                return undef;

        # Send command
        unless ( $self->fetch($msg,"FLAGS") ) {
                return undef;

        # Parse results, setting entry in result hash for each line
        foreach my $resultline ($self->Results) {
                $self->_debug("flags: line = '$resultline'\n") ;
                if (    $resultline =~ 
                        /\*\s+(\d+)\s+FETCH\s+  # * nnn FETCH 
                         \(                     # open-paren
                         (?:\s?UID\s(\d+)\s?)?  # optional: UID nnn <space>
                         FLAGS\s?\((.*)\)\s?    # FLAGS (\Flag1 \Flag2) <space>
                         (?:\s?UID\s(\d+))?     # optional: UID nnn
                         \)                     # close-paren
                ) {
                        { local($^W=0);
                         $self->_debug("flags: line = '$resultline' " .
                           "and 1,2,3,4 = $1,$2,$3,$4\n") 
                         if $self->Debug;
                        my $mailid = $u_f ? ( $2||$4) : $1;
                        my $flagsString = $3 ;
                        my @flags = map { s/\s+$//; $_ } split(/\s+/, $flagsString);
                        $flagset->{$mailid} = \@flags;

        # Did the guy want just one response? Return it if so
        unless (ref($msgspec) ) {
                my $flagsref = $flagset->{$msgspec};
                return wantarray ? @$flagsref : $flagsref;

        # Or did he want a hash from msgid to flag array?
        return $flagset;

# parse_headers modified to allow second param to also be a
# reference to a list of numbers. If this is a case, the headers
# are read from all the specified messages, and a reference to
# an hash of mail numbers to references to hashes, are returned.
# I found, with a mailbox of 300 messages, this was
# *significantly* faster against our mailserver (< 1 second
# vs. 20 seconds)
# 2000-03-22 Adrian Smith (

sub parse_headers {
        my($self,$msgspec,@fields) = @_;
        my(%fieldmap) = map { ( lc($_),$_ )  } @fields;
        my $msg; my $string; my $field;

        # Make $msg a comma separated list, of messages we want
        if (ref($msgspec) eq 'ARRAY') {
                #$msg = join(',', @$msgspec);
                $msg = $self->Range($msgspec);
        } else {
                $msg = $msgspec;

        if ($fields[0]  =~      /^[Aa][Ll]{2}$/         ) { 

                $string =       "$msg body" . 
                # use ".peek" if Peek parameter is a) defined and true, 
                #       or b) undefined, but not if it's defined and untrue:

                (       defined($self->Peek)            ? 
                        ( $self->Peek ? ".peek" : "" )  : 
                ) .  "[header]"                         ; 

        } else {
                $string =       "$msg body" .
                # use ".peek" if Peek parameter is a) defined and true, or 
                # b) undefined, but not if it's defined and untrue:

                ( defined($self->Peek)                  ? 
                        ( $self->Peek ? ".peek" : "" )  : 
                ) .  "[header.fields (" . join(" ",@fields)     . ')]' ;

        my @raw=$self->fetch(   $string ) or return undef;

        my $headers = {};       # hash from message ids to header hash
        my $h = 0;              # reference to hash of current msgid, or 0 between msgs
        for my $header (map { split(/(?:\x0d\x0a)/,$_) } @raw) {
                local($^W) = undef;
                if ( $header =~ /^\*\s+\d+\s+FETCH\s+\(.*BODY\[HEADER(?:\]|\.FIELDS)/i) {
                        if ($self->Uid) {
                                if ( my($msgid) = $header =~ /UID\s+(\d+)/ ) {
                                        $h = {};
                                        $headers->{$msgid} = $h;
                                } else {
                                        $h = {};
                        } else {
                                if ( my($msgid) = $header =~ /^\*\s+(\d+)/ ) {
                                        #start of new message header:
                                        $h = {};
                                        $headers->{$msgid} = $h;
                next if $header =~ /^\s+$/;

                # ( for vi
                if ($header =~ /^\)/) {           # end of this message
                        $h = 0;                   # set to be between messages
                # check for '<optional_white_space>UID<white_space><UID_number><optional_white_space>)'
                # when parsing headers by UID.
                if ($self->Uid and my($msgid) = $header =~ /^\s*UID\s+(\d+)\s*\)/) {
                        $headers->{$msgid} = $h;        # store in results against this message
                        $h = 0;                         # set to be between messages

                if ($h != 0) {                    # do we expect this to be a header?
                        my $hdr = $header;
                        chomp $hdr;
                        $hdr =~ s/\r$//;   
                        if ($hdr =~ s/^(\S+):\s*//) { 
                                $field = exists $fieldmap{lc($1)} ? $fieldmap{lc($1)} : $1 ;
                                push @{$h->{$field}} , $hdr ;
                        } elsif ($hdr =~ s/^.*FETCH\s\(.*BODY\[HEADER\.FIELDS.*\)\]\s(\S+):\s*//) { 
                                $field = exists $fieldmap{lc($1)} ? $fieldmap{lc($1)} : $1 ;
                                push @{$h->{$field}} , $hdr ;
                        } elsif ( ref($h->{$field}) eq 'ARRAY') {
                                        $hdr =~ s/^\s+/ /;
                                        $h->{$field}[-1] .= $hdr ;
        my $candump = 0;
        if ($self->Debug) {
                eval {
                        require Data::Dumper;
                $candump++ unless $@;
        # if we asked for one message, just return its hash,
        # otherwise, return hash of numbers => header hash
        # if (ref($msgspec) eq 'ARRAY') {
        if (ref($msgspec) ) {
                #_debug $self,"Structure from parse_headers:\n", 
                #       Dumper($headers) 
                #       if $self->Debug;
                return $headers;
        } else {
                #_debug $self, "Structure from parse_headers:\n", 
                #       Dumper($headers->{$msgspec}) 
                #       if $self->Debug;
                return $headers->{$msgspec};

sub subject { return $_[0]->get_header($_[1],"Subject") }
sub date { return $_[0]->get_header($_[1],"Date") }
sub rfc822_header { get_header(@_) }

sub get_header {
        my($self , $msg, $header ) = @_;
        my $val = 0;
        eval { $val = $self->parse_headers($msg,$header)->{$header}[0] };
        return defined($val)? $val : undef;

sub recent_count {
        my ($self, $folder) = (shift, shift);

        $self->status($folder, 'RECENT') or return undef;

        chomp(my $r = ( grep { s/\*\s+STATUS\s+.*\(RECENT\s+(\d+)\s*\)/$1/ }

        $r =~ s/\D//g;

        return $r;

sub message_count {
        my ($self, $folder) = (shift, shift);
        $folder ||= $self->Folder;
        $self->status($folder, 'MESSAGES') or return undef;
        foreach my $result  (@{$self->{"History"}{$self->Transaction}}) {
              return $1 if $result->[DATA] =~ /\(MESSAGES\s+(\d+)\s*\)/ ;

        return undef;


for my $datum (
                qw(     recent seen
                        unseen messages
) {
        no strict 'refs';
        *$datum = sub {
                my $self = shift;
                #my @hits;

                #my $hits = $self->search($datum eq "messages" ? "ALL" : "$datum")
                #        or return undef;
                #print "Received $hits from search and array context flag is ",
                #       wantarry,"\n";
                #if ( scalar(@$hits) ) {
                #       return wantarray ? @$hits : $hits ;
                return $self->search($datum eq "messages" ? "ALL" : "$datum") ;

for my $datum (
                qw(     sentbefore      sentsince       senton
                        since           before          on
) {
        no strict 'refs';
        *$datum = sub {

                my($self,$time) = (shift,shift);

                my @hits; my $imapdate;
                my @mnt  =      qw{ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec};

                if ( $time =~ /\d\d-\D\D\D-\d\d\d\d/ ) {
                        $imapdate = $time;
                } elsif ( $time =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
                        my @ltime = localtime($time);
                        $imapdate = sprintf(    "%2.2d-%s-%4.4d", 
                                                $ltime[3], $mnt[$ltime[4]], $ltime[5] + 1900);
                } else {
                        $self->LastError("Invalid date format supplied to '$datum' method.");
                        return undef;
                $self->_imap_command( ($self->Uid ? "UID " : "") . "SEARCH $datum $imapdate")
                        or return undef;
                my @results =  $self->History($self->Count)     ;

                for my $r (@results) {

                       chomp $r;
                       $r =~ s/\r$//;
                       $r =~ s/^\*\s+SEARCH\s+//i or next;
                       push @hits, grep(/\d/,(split(/\s+/,$r)));
                        _debug $self, "Hits are now: ",join(',',@hits),"\n" if $self->Debug;

                return wantarray ? @hits : \@hits;

sub or {

        my $self = shift ;
        my @what = @_; 
        my @hits;

        if ( scalar(@what) < 2 ) {
                $self->LastError("Invalid number of arguments passed to or method.\n");
                return undef;

        my $or = "OR " . $self->Massage(shift @what);
        $or .= " " . $self->Massage(shift @what);

        for my $w ( @what ) {
                my $w = $self->Massage($w) ;
                $or = "OR " . $or . " " . $w ;

        $self->_imap_command( ($self->Uid ? "UID " : "") . "SEARCH $or")
                or return undef;
        my @results =  $self->History($self->Count)     ;

        for my $r (@results) {

               chomp $r;
               $r =~ s/\r$//;
               $r =~ s/^\*\s+SEARCH\s+//i or next;
               push @hits, grep(/\d/,(split(/\s+/,$r)));
                _debug $self, "Hits are now: ",join(',',@hits),"\n" 
                                if $self->Debug;

        return wantarray ? @hits : \@hits;

#sub Strip_cr {
#       my $self = shift;

#       my $in = $_[0]||$self ;

#       $in =~ s/\r//g  ;

#       return $in;

sub disconnect { $_[0]->logout }

sub search {

        my $self = shift;
        my @hits;
        my @a = @_;
        $@ = "";
        # massage?
        $a[-1] = $self->Massage($a[-1],1) 
                if scalar(@a) > 1 and !exists($SEARCH_KEYS{uc($a[-1])}); 
        $self->_imap_command( ( $self->Uid ? "UID " : "" ) . "SEARCH ". join(' ',@a)) 
                         or return undef;
        my $results =  $self->History($self->Count) ;

        for my $r (@$results) {
        #$self->_debug("Considering the search result line: $r");                       
               chomp $r;
               $r =~ s/\r\n?/ /g;
               $r =~ s/^\*\s+SEARCH\s+(?=.*\d.*)// or next;
               my @h = grep(/^\d+$/,(split(/\s+/,$r)));
               push @hits, @h if scalar(@h) ; # and grep(/\d/,@h) );


        $self->{LastError}="Search completed successfully but found no matching messages\n"
                unless scalar(@hits);

        if ( wantarray ) {
                return @hits;
        } else {
                if ($self->Ranges) {
                        #print STDERR "Fetch: Returning range\n";
                        return scalar(@hits) ? $self->Range(\@hits) : undef;
                } else {
                        #print STDERR "Fetch: Returning ref\n";
                        return scalar(@hits) ? \@hits : undef;

sub thread {
        # returns a Thread data structure
        # $imap->thread($algorythm, $charset, @search_args);
        my $self = shift;

        my $algorythm     = shift;
           $algorythm   ||= $self->has_capability("THREAD=REFERENCES") ? "REFERENCES" : "ORDEREDSUBJECT";
        my $charset       = shift;
           $charset     ||= "UTF-8";

        my @a = @_;

        $a[0]||="ALL" ;
        my @hits;
        # massage?

        $a[-1] = $self->Massage($a[-1],1) 
                if scalar(@a) > 1 and !exists($SEARCH_KEYS{uc($a[-1])}); 
        $self->_imap_command( ( $self->Uid ? "UID " : "" ) . 
                                "THREAD $algorythm $charset " . 
                                join(' ',@a)
        ) or return undef;
        my $results =  $self->History($self->Count) ;

        my $thread = "";
        for my $r (@$results) {
                #$self->_debug("Considering the search result line: $r");                       
                chomp $r;
                $r =~ s/\r\n?/ /g;
                if ( $r =~ /^\*\s+THREAD\s+/ ) {
                        eval { require "Mail/IMAPClient/" }
                                or ( $self->LastError($@), return undef);
                        my $parser = Mail::IMAPClient::Thread->new();
                        $thread = $parser->start($r) ;
                } else {
                #while ( $r =~ /(\([^\)]*\))/ ) { 
                #       push @hits, [ split(/ /,$1) ] ;

        $self->{LastError}="Thread search completed successfully but found no matching messages\n"
                unless ref($thread);
        return $thread ||undef;

        if ( wantarray ) {

                return @hits;
        } else {
                return scalar(@hits) ? \@hits : undef;

sub delete_message {

        my $self = shift;
        my $count = 0;
        my @msgs = ();
        for my $arg (@_) {
                if (ref($arg) eq 'ARRAY') {
                        push @msgs, @{$arg};
                } else {
                        push @msgs, split(/\,/,$arg);

        $self->store(join(',',@msgs),'+FLAGS.SILENT','(\Deleted)') and $count = scalar(@msgs);

        return $count;

sub restore_message {

        my $self = shift;
        my @msgs = ();
        for my $arg (@_) {
                if (ref($arg) eq 'ARRAY') {
                        push @msgs, @{$arg};
                } else {
                        push @msgs, split(/\,/,$arg);

        $self->store(join(',',@msgs),'-FLAGS','(\Deleted)') ;
        my $count = grep(
                                ^\*                     # Start with an asterisk
                                \s\d+                   # then a space then a number
                                \sFETCH                 # then a space then the string 'FETCH'
                                \s\(                    # then a space then an open paren :-) 
                                .*                      # plus optional anything
                                FLAGS                   # then the string "FLAGS"
                                .*                      # plus anything else
                                (?!\\Deleted)           # but never "\Deleted"

        return $count;

sub uidvalidity {

        my $self = shift; my $folder = shift;

        my $vline = (grep(/UIDVALIDITY/i, $self->status($folder, "UIDVALIDITY")))[0];

        my($validity) = $vline =~ /\(UIDVALIDITY\s+([^\)]+)/;

        return $validity;

# 3 status folder (uidnext)
# * STATUS folder (UIDNEXT 290)

sub uidnext {

        my $self = shift; my $folder = $self->Massage(shift);

        my $line = (grep(/UIDNEXT/i, $self->status($folder, "UIDNEXT")))[0];

        my($uidnext) = $line =~ /\(UIDNEXT\s+([^\)]+)/;

        return $uidnext;

sub capability {

        my $self = shift;

        $self->_imap_command('CAPABILITY') or return undef;

        my @caps = ref($self->{CAPABILITY})             ? 
                        keys %{$self->{CAPABILITY}}     : 
                        map { split } 
                                grep (s/^\*\s+CAPABILITY\s+//, 

        unless ( exists $self->{CAPABILITY} ) { 
                for (@caps) { 
                        $self->{CAPABILITY}{uc($_)}++ ;
                        if (/=/) {
                                my($k,$v)=split(/=/,$_) ;
                                $self->{uc($k)} = uc($v) ;

        return wantarray ? @caps : \@caps;

sub has_capability {
        my $self = shift;
        return $self->{CAPABILITY}{uc($_[0])};

sub imap4rev1 {
        my $self = shift;
        return exists($self->{_IMAP4REV1}) ?  
                $self->{_IMAP4REV1} : 
                $self->{_IMAP4REV1} = $self->has_capability(IMAP4REV1) ;

sub namespace {
        # Returns a (reference to a?) nested list as follows:
        # [ 
        #  [
        #   [ $user_prefix,  $user_delim  ] (,[$user_prefix2  ,$user_delim  ], [etc,etc] ),
        #  ],
        #  [
        #   [ $shared_prefix,$shared_delim] (,[$shared_prefix2,$shared_delim], [etc,etc] ),
        #  ],
        #  [
        #   [$public_prefix, $public_delim] (,[$public_prefix2,$public_delim], [etc,etc] ),
        #  ],
        # ] ;
        my $self = shift;
        unless ( $self->has_capability("NAMESPACE") ) {
                        my $error = $self->Count . " NO NAMESPACE not supported by " . $self->Server ;
                        $self->LastError("$error\n") ;
                        $self->_debug("$error\n") ;
                        $@ = $error;
                        carp "$@" if $^W;
                        return undef;
        my $namespace = (map({ /^\* NAMESPACE (.*)/ ? $1 : () } @{$self->_imap_command("NAMESPACE")->Results}))[0] ;
        $namespace =~ s/\x0d?\x0a$//;
        my($personal,$shared,$public) = $namespace =~ m#
        my @ns = ();
        $self->_debug("NAMESPACE: pers=$personal, shared=$shared, pub=$public\n");
        push @ns, map {
                $_ =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/;
                my @pieces = m#\(([^\)]*)\)#g;
                $self->_debug("NAMESPACE pieces: " . join(", ",@pieces) . "\n");
                my $ref = [];
                foreach my $atom (@pieces) {
                        push @$ref, [ $atom =~ m#"([^"]*)"\s*#g ] ;
                $_ =~ /^NIL$/i ? undef : $ref;
        } ( $personal, $shared, $public) ;
        return wantarray ? @ns : \@ns;

# Contributed by jwm3
sub internaldate {
        my $self = shift;
        my $msg  = shift;
        $self->_imap_command( ( $self->Uid ? "UID " : "" ) . "FETCH $msg INTERNALDATE") or return undef;
        my $internalDate = join("", $self->History($self->Count));
        $internalDate =~ s/^.*INTERNALDATE "//si;
        $internalDate =~ s/\".*$//s;
        return $internalDate;

sub is_parent {
        my ($self, $folder) = (shift, shift);
        # $self->_debug("Checking parentage ".( $folder ? "for folder $folder" : "" )."\n");
        my $list = $self->list(undef, $folder)||"NO NO BAD BAD";
        my $line = '';

        for (my $m = 0; $m < scalar(@$list); $m++ ) {
                #$self->_debug("Judging whether or not $list->[$m] is fit for parenthood\n");
                return undef 
                  if $list->[$m] =~ /NoInferior/i;       # let's not beat around the bush!

                if ($list->[$m]  =~ s/(\{\d+\})\x0d\x0a$// ) {
                        $list->[$m] .= $list->[$m+1];
                        $list->[$m+1] = "";

                $line = $list->[$m]
                        if $list->[$m] =~
                        /       ^\*\s+LIST              # * LIST
                                \s+\([^\)]*\)\s+            # (Flags)
                                "[^"]*"\s+              # "delimiter"
                                (?:"([^"]*)"|(.*))\x0d\x0a$  # Name or "Folder name"
        if ( $line eq "" ) {
                $self->_debug("Warning: separator method found no correct o/p in:\n\t" .
        my($f) = $line =~ /^\*\s+LIST\s+\(([^\)]*)\s*\)/ if $line;
        return  1 if $f =~ /HasChildren/i ;
        return 0 if $f =~ /HasNoChildren/i ;
        unless ( $f =~ /\\/) {          # no flags at all unless there's a backslash
                my $sep = $self->separator($folder);
                return 1 if scalar(grep /^${folder}${sep}/, $self->folders);
                return 0;

sub selectable {my($s,$f)=@_;return grep(/NoSelect/i,$s->list("",$f))?0:1;}

sub append_string {

        my $self = shift;
        my $folder = $self->Massage(shift);

        my $text = shift;
        $text =~ s/\x0d?\x0a/\x0d\x0a/g;
        my($flags,$date) = (shift,shift);

        if (defined($flags)) {
                $flags =~ s/^\s+//g;
                $flags =~ s/\s+$//g;

        if (defined($date)) {
                $date =~ s/^\s+//g;
                $date =~ s/\s+$//g;

        $flags = "($flags)"  if $flags and $flags !~ /^\(.*\)$/ ;
        $date  = qq/"$date"/ if $date  and $date  !~ /^"/       ;

        my $clear = $self->Clear;

                if $self->Count >= $clear and $clear > 0;

        my $count       = $self->Count($self->Count+1);

        my $string =      "$count APPEND $folder "        . 
                        ( $flags ? "$flags " : ""       ) . 
                        ( $date ? "$date " : ""         ) . 
                        "{" . length($text)  . "}\x0d\x0a" ;

        $self->_record($count,[ $self->_next_index($count), "INPUT", "$string\x0d\x0a" ] );

        # Step 1: Send the append command.

        my $feedback = $self->_send_line("$string");

        unless ($feedback) {
                $self->LastError("Error sending '$string' to IMAP: $!\n");
                return undef;

        my ($code, $output) = ("","");  
        # Step 2: Get the "+ go ahead" response
        until ( $code ) {
                $output = $self->_read_line or return undef;    
                foreach my $o (@$output) { 

                        $self->_record($count,$o);      # $o is already an array ref
                        next unless $self->_is_output($o);

                      ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /(^\+|^\d*\s*NO|^\d*\s*BAD)/i ;

                      if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/i) {
                              $self->LastError("Error trying to append string: " . 
                                                $o->[DATA]. "; Disconnected.\n");
                              $self->_debug("Error trying to append string: " . $o->[DATA]. 
                                        "; Disconnected.\n");
                              carp("Error trying to append string: " . $o->[DATA] ."; Disconnected") if $^W;

                      } elsif ( $o->[DATA] =~ /^\d*\s*(NO|BAD)/i ) { # i and / transposed!!!
                              $self->LastError("Error trying to append string: " . $o->[DATA]  . "\n");
                              $self->_debug("Error trying to append string: " . $o->[DATA] . "\n");
                              carp("Error trying to append string: " . $o->[DATA]) if $^W;
                                return undef;
        $self->_record($count,[ $self->_next_index($count), "INPUT", "$text\x0d\x0a" ] );

        # Step 3: Send the actual text of the message:
        $feedback = $self->_send_line("$text\x0d\x0a");

        unless ($feedback) {
                $self->LastError("Error sending append msg text to IMAP: $!\n");
                return undef;
        $code = undef;                  # clear out code

        # Step 4: Figure out the results:
        until ($code) {
                $output = $self->_read_line or return undef;
              $self->_debug("Append results: " . map({ $_->[DATA] } @$output) . "\n" )
                        if $self->Debug;
                foreach my $o (@$output) {
                        $self->_record($count,$o); # $o is already an array ref

                      ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /^(?:$count|\*) (OK|NO|BAD)/im  ;
                      if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/im) {
                              $self->LastError("Error trying to append: " . $o->[DATA] . "\n");
                              $self->_debug("Error trying to append: " . $o->[DATA] . "\n");
                              carp("Error trying to append: " . $o->[DATA] ) if $^W;
                        if ($code and $code !~ /^OK/im) {
                              $self->LastError("Error trying to append: " . $o->[DATA] . "\n");
                              $self->_debug("Error trying to append: " . $o->[DATA] . "\n");
                              carp("Error trying to append: " . $o->[DATA] ) if $^W;
                                return undef;

      my($uid) = join("",map { $_->[TYPE] eq "OUTPUT" ? $_->[DATA] : () } @$output ) =~ m#\s+(\d+)\]#;

        return defined($uid) ? $uid : $self;
sub append {

        my $self = shift;
        # now that we're passing thru to append_string we won't massage here
        # my $folder = $self->Massage(shift); 
        my $folder = shift;

        my $text = join("\x0d\x0a",@_);
        $text =~ s/\x0d?\x0a/\x0d\x0a/g;
        return $self->append_string($folder,$text);

sub append_file {

        my $self        = shift;
        my $folder      = $self->Massage(shift);
        my $file        = shift; 
        my $control     = shift || undef;
        my $count       = $self->Count($self->Count+1);

        unless ( -f $file ) {
                $self->LastError("File $file not found.\n");
                return undef;

        my $fh = IO::File->new($file) ;

        unless ($fh) {
                $self->LastError("Unable to open $file: $!\n");
                $@ = "Unable to open $file: $!" ;
                carp "unable to open $file: $!" if $^W;
                return undef;

        my $bare_nl_count = scalar grep { /^\x0a$|[^\x0d]\x0a$/} <$fh>;

        my $clear = $self->Clear;

                if $self->Count >= $clear and $clear > 0;

        my $length = ( -s $file ) + $bare_nl_count;

        my $string = "$count APPEND $folder {" . $length  . "}\x0d\x0a" ;

        $self->_record($count,[ $self->_next_index($count), "INPUT", "$string" ] );

        my $feedback = $self->_send_line("$string");

        unless ($feedback) {
                $self->LastError("Error sending '$string' to IMAP: $!\n");
                close $fh;
                return undef;

        my ($code, $output) = ("","");  
        until ( $code ) {
                $output = $self->_read_line or close $fh, return undef; 
                foreach my $o (@$output) {
                        $self->_record($count,$o);              # $o is already an array ref
                      ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /(^\+|^\d+\sNO|^\d+\sBAD)/i; 
                      if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/) {
                              carp $o->[DATA] if $^W;
                                close $fh;
                                return undef ;
                      } elsif ( $o->[DATA]=~ /^\d+\s+(NO|BAD)/i ) {
                              carp $o->[DATA] if $^W;
                                close $fh;
                                return undef;
        {       # Narrow scope
                # Slurp up headers: later we'll make this more efficient I guess
                local $/ = "\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a"; 
                my $text = <$fh>;
                $text =~ s/\x0d?\x0a/\x0d\x0a/g;
                $self->_record($count,[ $self->_next_index($count), "INPUT", "{From file $file}" ] ) ;
                $feedback = $self->_send_line($text);

                unless ($feedback) {
                        $self->LastError("Error sending append msg text to IMAP: $!\n");
                        close $fh;
                        return undef;
                _debug $self, "control points to $$control\n" if ref($control) and $self->Debug;
                $/ =    ref($control) ?  "\x0a" : $control ? $control :         "\x0a"; 
                while (defined($text = <$fh>)) {
                        $text =~ s/\x0d?\x0a/\x0d\x0a/g;
                        $self->_record( $count,
                                        [ $self->_next_index($count), "INPUT", "{from $file}\x0d\x0a" ] 
                        $feedback = $self->_send_line($text,1);

                        unless ($feedback) {
                                $self->LastError("Error sending append msg text to IMAP: $!\n");
                                close $fh;
                                return undef;
                $feedback = $self->_send_line("\x0d\x0a");

                unless ($feedback) {
                        $self->LastError("Error sending append msg text to IMAP: $!\n");
                        close $fh;
                        return undef;

        # Now for the crucial test: Did the append work or not?
        ($code, $output) = ("","");     

        my $uid = undef;        
        until ( $code ) {
                $output = $self->_read_line or return undef;    
                foreach my $o (@$output) {
                        $self->_record($count,$o);              # $o is already an array ref
                      $self->_debug("append_file: Deciding if " . $o->[DATA] . " has the code.\n") 
                                if $self->Debug;
                      ($code) = $o->[DATA]  =~ /^\d+\s(NO|BAD|OK)/i; 
                        # try to grab new msg's uid from o/p
                      $o->[DATA]  =~ m#UID\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\]# and $uid = $1; 
                      if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/) {
                              carp $o->[DATA] if $^W;
                                close $fh;
                                return undef ;
                      } elsif ( $o->[DATA]=~ /^\d+\s+(NO|BAD)/i ) {
                              carp $o->[DATA] if $^W;
                                close $fh;
                                return undef;
        close $fh;

        if ($code !~ /^OK/i) {
                return undef;

        return defined($uid) ? $uid : $self;

sub authenticate {

        my $self        = shift;
        my $scheme      = shift;
        my $response    = shift;
        $scheme   ||= $self->Authmechanism;
        $response ||= $self->Authcallback;
        my $clear = $self->Clear;

                if $self->Count >= $clear and $clear > 0;

        my $count       = $self->Count($self->Count+1);

        my $string = "$count AUTHENTICATE $scheme";

        $self->_record($count,[ $self->_next_index($self->Transaction), 
                                "INPUT", "$string\x0d\x0a"] );

        my $feedback = $self->_send_line("$string");

        unless ($feedback) {
                $self->LastError("Error sending '$string' to IMAP: $!\n");
                return undef;

        my ($code, $output);    
        until ($code) {
                $output = $self->_read_line or return undef;    
                foreach my $o (@$output) {
                        $self->_record($count,$o);      # $o is a ref
                        ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /^\+(.*)$/ ;
                        if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/) {
                                return undef ;
        return undef if $code =~ /^BAD|^NO/ ;

        if ('CRAM-MD5' eq $scheme && ! $response) {
          if ($Mail::IMAPClient::_CRAM_MD5_ERR) {
            carp $Mail::IMAPClient::_CRAM_MD5_ERR if $^W;
          } else {
            $response = \&_cram_md5;

        $feedback = $self->_send_line($response->($code, $self));

        unless ($feedback) {
                $self->LastError("Error sending append msg text to IMAP: $!\n");
                return undef;

        $code = "";     # clear code
        until ($code) {
                $output = $self->_read_line or return undef;
                foreach my $o (@$output) {
                        $self->_record($count,$o);      # $o is a ref
                        if ( ($code) = $o->[DATA] =~ /^\+ (.*)$/ ) {
                                $feedback = $self->_send_line($response->($code,$self));
                                unless ($feedback) {
                                        $self->LastError("Error sending append msg text to IMAP: $!\n");
                                        return undef;
                                $code = "" ;            # Clear code; we're still not finished
                        } else {
                                $o->[DATA] =~ /^$count (OK|NO|BAD)/ and $code = $1;
                                if ($o->[DATA] =~ /^\*\s+BYE/) {
                                        return undef ;

        $code =~ /^OK/ and $self->State(Authenticated) ;
        return $code =~ /^OK/ ? $self : undef ;


# UIDPLUS response from a copy: [COPYUID (uidvalidity) (origuid) (newuid)]
sub copy {

        my($self, $target, @msgs) = @_;

        $target = $self->Massage($target);
        if ( $self->Ranges ) {
                @msgs = ($self->Range(@msgs));
        } else {
                @msgs   = sort { $a <=> $b } map { ref($_)? @$_ : split(',',$_) } @msgs;

          (     $self->Uid ? "UID " : "" ) . 
                "COPY " . 
                ( $self->Ranges ? $self->Range(@msgs) : 
                join(',',map { ref($_)? @$_ : $_ } @msgs)) . 
                " $target"
        )                       or return undef         ;
        my @results =  $self->History($self->Count)     ;
        my @uids;

        for my $r (@results) {
               chomp $r;
               $r =~ s/\r$//;
               $r =~ s/^.*\[COPYUID\s+\d+\s+[\d:,]+\s+([\d:,]+)\].*/$1/ or next;
               push @uids, ( $r =~ /(\d+):(\d+)/ ? $1 ... $2 : split(/,/,$r) ) ;


        return scalar(@uids) ? join(",",@uids) : $self;

sub move {

        my($self, $target, @msgs) = @_;

        $self->create($target) and $self->subscribe($target) 
                unless $self->exists($target);
        my $uids = $self->copy($target, map { ref($_) =~ /ARRAY/ ? @{$_} : $_ } @msgs) 
                or return undef;

        $self->delete_message(@msgs) or carp $self->LastError;
        return $uids;

sub set_flag {
        my($self, $flag, @msgs) = @_;
        if ( ref($msgs[0]) =~ /ARRAY/ ) { @msgs = @{$msgs[0]} };
        $flag =~ /^\\/ or $flag = "\\" . $flag 
                if $flag =~ /^(Answered|Flagged|Deleted|Seen|Draft)$/i;
        if ( $self->Ranges ) {
                $self->store( $self->Range(@msgs), "+FLAGS.SILENT (" . $flag . ")" );
        } else {
                $self->store( join(",",@msgs), "+FLAGS.SILENT (" . $flag . ")" );

sub see {
        my($self, @msgs) = @_;
        if ( ref($msgs[0]) =~ /ARRAY/ ) { @msgs = @{$msgs[0]} };
        $self->set_flag('\\Seen', @msgs);

sub mark {
        my($self, @msgs) = @_;
        if ( ref($msgs[0]) =~ /ARRAY/ ) { @msgs = @{$msgs[0]} };
        $self->set_flag('\\Flagged', @msgs);

sub unmark {
        my($self, @msgs) = @_;
        if ( ref($msgs[0]) =~ /ARRAY/ ) { @msgs = @{$msgs[0]} };
        $self->unset_flag('\\Flagged', @msgs);

sub unset_flag {
        my($self, $flag, @msgs) = @_;
        if ( ref($msgs[0]) =~ /ARRAY/ ) { @msgs = @{$msgs[0]} };
        $flag =~ /^\\/ or $flag = "\\" . $flag 
                if $flag =~ /^(Answered|Flagged|Deleted|Seen|Draft)$/i;
        $self->store( join(",",@msgs), "-FLAGS.SILENT (" . $flag . ")" );

sub deny_seeing {
        my($self, @msgs) = @_;
        if ( ref($msgs[0]) =~ /ARRAY/ ) { @msgs = @{$msgs[0]} };
        $self->unset_flag('\\Seen', @msgs);

sub size {

        my ($self,$msg) = @_;
        # return undef unless fetch is successful
        my @data = $self->fetch($msg,"(RFC822.SIZE)");
        return undef unless defined($data[0]);
        my($size) = grep(/RFC822\.SIZE/,@data);

        $size =~ /RFC822\.SIZE\s+(\d+)/;
        return $1;

sub getquotaroot {
        my $self = shift;
        my $what = shift;
        $what = ( $what ? $self->Massage($what) : "INBOX" ) ;
        $self->_imap_command("getquotaroot $what") or return undef;
        return $self->Results;

sub getquota {
        my $self = shift;
        my $what = shift;
        $what = ( $what ? $self->Massage($what) : "user/$self->{User}" ) ;
        $self->_imap_command("getquota $what") or return undef;
        return $self->Results;

sub quota       {
        my $self = shift;
        my ($what) = shift||"INBOX";
        $self->_imap_command("getquota $what")||$self->getquotaroot("$what");
        return (        map { s/.*STORAGE\s+\d+\s+(\d+).*\n$/$1/ ? $_ : () } $self->Results
        )[0] ;

sub quota_usage         {
        my $self = shift;
        my ($what) = shift||"INBOX";
        $self->_imap_command("getquota $what")||$self->getquotaroot("$what");
        return (        map { s/.*STORAGE\s+(\d+)\s+\d+.*\n$/$1/ ? $_ : () } $self->Results
        )[0] ;
sub Quote {
        my($class,$arg) = @_;
        return $class->Massage($arg,NonFolderArg);

sub Massage {
        my $self= shift;
        my $arg = shift;
        my $notFolder = shift;
        return unless $arg;
        my $escaped_arg = $arg; $escaped_arg =~ s/"/\\"/g;
        $arg    = substr($arg,1,length($arg)-2) if $arg =~ /^".*"$/
                and ! ( $notFolder or $self->STATUS(qq("$escaped_arg"),"(MESSAGES)"));

        if ($arg =~ /["\\]/) {
                $arg = "{" . length($arg) . "}\x0d\x0a$arg" ;
        } elsif ($arg =~ /\s|[{}()]/) {
                $arg = qq("${arg}") unless $arg =~ /^"/;

        return $arg;

sub unseen_count {

        my ($self, $folder) = (shift, shift);
        $folder ||= $self->Folder;
        $self->status($folder, 'UNSEEN') or return undef;

        chomp(  my $r = ( grep 
                          { s/\*\s+STATUS\s+.*\(UNSEEN\s+(\d+)\s*\)/$1/ }

        $r =~ s/\D//g;
        return $r;

# Status Routines:

sub Status            { $_[0]->State                           ;       }
sub IsUnconnected     { ($_[0]->State == Unconnected)  ? 1 : 0 ;       }
sub IsConnected       { ($_[0]->State >= Connected)    ? 1 : 0 ;       }
sub IsAuthenticated   { ($_[0]->State >= Authenticated)? 1 : 0 ;       }
sub IsSelected        { ($_[0]->State == Selected)     ? 1 : 0 ;       }               

# The following private methods all work on an output line array.
# _data returns the data portion of an output array:
sub _data {   defined $_[1] and ref $_[1] and defined $_[1]->[TYPE] or return undef; $_[1]->[DATA]; }

# _index returns the index portion of an output array:
sub _index {  defined $_[1] and ref $_[1] and defined $_[1]->[TYPE] or return undef; $_[1]->[INDEX]; }

# _type returns the type portion of an output array:
sub _type {  defined $_[1] and ref $_[1] and defined $_[1]->[TYPE] or return undef; $_[1]->[TYPE]; }

# _is_literal returns true if this is a literal:
sub _is_literal { defined $_[1] and ref $_[1] and defined $_[1]->[TYPE] and $_[1]->[TYPE] eq "LITERAL" };

# _is_output_or_literal returns true if this is an 
#       output line (or the literal part of one):
sub _is_output_or_literal { 
              defined $_[1] and ref $_[1] and defined $_[1]->[TYPE] and 
                        ($_[1]->[TYPE] eq "OUTPUT" || $_[1]->[TYPE] eq "LITERAL") 

# _is_output returns true if this is an output line:
sub _is_output { defined $_[1] and ref $_[1] and defined $_[1]->[TYPE] and $_[1]->[TYPE] eq "OUTPUT" };

# _is_input returns true if this is an input line:
sub _is_input { defined $_[1] and ref $_[1] and defined $_[1]->[TYPE] and $_[1]->[TYPE] eq "INPUT" };

# _next_index returns next_index for a transaction; may legitimately return 0 when successful.
sub _next_index { 
      defined(scalar(@{$_[0]->{'History'}{$_[1]||$_[0]->Transaction}}))       ? 
                scalar(@{$_[0]->{'History'}{$_[1]||$_[0]->Transaction}})                : 0 

sub _cram_md5 {
  my ($code, $client) = @_;
  my $hmac = Digest::HMAC_MD5::hmac_md5_hex(MIME::Base64::decode($code),
  return MIME::Base64::encode($client->User() . " $hmac");

sub Range {
        require "Mail/IMAPClient/";
        my $self = shift;
        my $targ = $_[0];
        #print "Arg is ",ref($targ),"\n";
        if (@_ == 1 and ref($targ) =~ /Mail::IMAPClient::MessageSet/ ) {
                return $targ;
        my $range = Mail::IMAPClient::MessageSet->new(@_);
        #print "Returning $range :",ref($range)," == $range\n";
        return $range;

my $not_void = 1;