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#!/usr/bin/env perl
package sysinfosetup;
our $VERSION = '1.0.0';
use warnings;
use strict;
use Exporter;
our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
our @EXPORT = qw(
our $DEBUG = 0;
our $logFile = '/tmp/sysinfo.log';
our $dryRun = 0;
#&logIt( "Operating System is $install{'os'}" );
sub runCommand {
my $command = shift;
if ( $command =~ m/cd (.*)/ ) { # cd is not a command but a built in, so we can not just execute it
chdir $1;
print "In directory `pwd`" if $DEBUG;
return 1;
} else { # just a command, so run it
print "Running [$command]\n" if $DEBUG;
return 1 if $dryRun;
system $command;
if ($? == -1) {
die "failed to execute $command: $!\n";
} elsif ($? & 127) {
die sprintf( "[%s] died with signal %d\n", $command, ($? & 127) );
} else {
die sprintf( "%s returned %d\n", $command, $? >> 8 ) if $? >> 8;
return 1;
sub slurp {
my $file = shift;
open my $fh, '<', $file or die;
local $/ = undef;
my $cont = <$fh>;
close $fh;
return $cont;
# function to simply log things
# first parameter is the priority, if <= $logDef->{'log level'} will print
# all subsequent parameters assumed to be strings to sent to the log
# returns 0 on failure
# 1 on success
# 2 if priority > log level
# -1 if $logDef is unset
# currently, only logs to a file
sub logIt {
open LOG, ">>$logFile" or die "Could not append to $logFile: $!\n";
while ( my $t = shift ) {
print LOG &timeStamp() . "\t$t\n";
close LOG;
return 1;
# timeStamp
# return current system date as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
sub timeStamp {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time);
return sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec;
sub yesno {
my ( $prompt, $default ) = @_;
$default = 'yes' unless $default;
my $answer = &getAnswer( $prompt, $default eq 'yes' ? ('yes','no' ) : ('no', 'yes') );
return lc( substr( $answer, 0, 1 ) ) eq 'y';
# prompt the user for a response, then allow them to enter it
# the first response is considered the default and is printed
# in all caps if more than one exists
# first answer is used if they simply press the Enter
# key. The response is returned all lower case if more than one
# exists.
# it is assumed
sub getAnswer {
my ( $prompt, @answers ) = @_;
$answers[0] = '' unless defined( $answers[0] );
my $default = $answers[0];
my $onlyOneAnswer = scalar( @answers ) == 1;
print $prompt . '[ ';
$answers[0] = uc $answers[0] unless $onlyOneAnswer;
print join( ' | ', @answers ) . ' ]: ';
my $thisAnswer = <>;
chomp $thisAnswer;
$thisAnswer = $default unless $thisAnswer;
return $thisAnswer;