Subversion Repositories camp_sysinfo_client_3


Rev 201 | Blame | Last modification | View Log | Download | RSS feed

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# v1.2.0 20161022 RWR
# moved makeConfig here so it is usable by install and configure
# v1.3.0 20190108 RWR
# added UUID and set defaults for config file
# v1.4.0 20190204 RWR
# added autoconvert from v1.2 configuration file to v1.3
# using dumper to set configuration file
# version 2.0 20190330 RWR
# changed it so all configs are YAML
# version 2.1 20191101 RWR
# changed --name-- tag to name
# version 2.2 20191105 RWR
# fixed where dmidecode missing caused exception
# version 2.2.1 20191112 RWR
# added timeStamp
# version 2.3.0 20220609 RWR
# moved loadConfigurationFile and timeStamp here

package sysinfoconf;

our $VERSION = '2.3.0';
use warnings;
use strict;  

#use Data::Dumper;
use YAML::Tiny;
use File::Basename;

use Exporter;

our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
our @EXPORT = qw( $clientName $serialNumber $hostname 
                  $transports $sysinfo3 $binDir $moduleDir
                  $scriptDir $confDir $binName $confName $configurationFile
                  @confFileSearchPath  @moduleDirs @scriptDirs
                  &showConf &transportsToConfig &getAnswer &yesno  
                  &writeConfig &processParameters $TESTING
                  &setDryRun &enableModules &makeConfig &findConf &timeStamp
                  &loadConfigurationFile &logIt &findFile

our $TESTING = 0;
our $dryRun;
our $clientName = '';
our $serialNumber = '';
our $hostname = '';

# paths to search for configuration file
my @confFileSearchPath = ( '.', '/etc/camp/sysinfo-client', '/etc/camp', '/usr/local/etc/camp/sysinfo-client' );

my $configurationFile = 'sysinfo-client.yaml'; # name of the configuration file

my @installDirs = ( '/opt/camp/sysinfo-client', '/usr/local/opt/camp/sysinfo-client' );
my @confDirs =    ( '/etc/camp/sysinfo-client', '/usr/local/etc/camp/sysinfo-client' );

our @moduleDirs = ( '/opt/camp/sysinfo-client/modules', '/etc/camp/sysinfo-client/modules' );
our @scriptDirs = ( '/opt/camp/sysinfo-client/scripts', '/etc/camp/sysinfo-client/scripts' );
our $transports = {}; # holds transportation mechanisms

our $sysinfo3 = 'sysinfo-client.yaml';

our $binDir = '/opt/camp/sysinfo-client';
our $moduleDir = $binDir . '/modules';
our $scriptDir = $binDir . '/scripts';
our $confDir = '/etc/camp/sysinfo-client';

our $binName = 'sysinfo-client';
our $confName = 'sysinfo-client.yaml';

sub setDryRun {
   $dryRun = shift;

our %sendTypes = ( 
                  'SendEmail' =>    { 'sendScript' => 'sendEmailScript',
                                      'keys' => 
                  'HTTP Upload' =>  { 'sendScript' => 'upload_http',
                                      'keys' => 
                                        'key for report',
                                        'key for date',
                                        'key for hostname',
                                        'key for client',
                                        'key for serial number'
                  'Save Local' =>   { 'sendScript' => 'save_local',
                                      'keys' =>
                                         'output directory'

# timeStamp
# return current system date as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
sub timeStamp {
   my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time);
   return sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec;

sub enableModules {
   my $moduleDir = shift;
   my %modules;
   if ( opendir( my $dh, "$moduleDir" ) ) {
      %modules = map{ $_ => { 'enabled' => -x "$moduleDir/$_" } } 
                 grep { ! /^\./ } 
                 readdir $dh;
      closedir( $dh );
      foreach my $filename ( keys %modules ) {
         if ( open FILE,"<$moduleDir/$_" ) {
            my @descript = grep{ /^# Description: (.*)/ } <FILE>;
            close FILE;
            chomp @descript;
            $modules{$filename}{'description'} = $descript[0];
         } # if
      } # foreach
   } # if
} # enableModules

sub showConf {
   my $configuration = shift;
   $configuration = Dump($configuration);
   return $configuration;

sub transportsToConfig {
   my $transports = shift;
   my $config;
   foreach my $priority ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$transports ) {
      my $name = $$transports{ $priority }{'name'};
      $config .= "# Tranport $name at priority $priority\n";
      my $thisOne = $$transports{ $priority };
      foreach my $key ( sort keys %$thisOne ) {
         $config .= "\$\$transports{$priority}{'$key'} = '$$thisOne{$key}';\n";
      } # foreach
   } # foreach
   return $config;
} # transportsToConfig

# read the configuration file passed in and return a reference to it
# to the calling routine
sub readConfig {
   my $filename = shift;
   my $config;
   return $config unless -e $filename;
   if ( open CONF,"<$filename" ) {
      my $contents = join( '', <CONF> );
      close CONF;
      # now, look to see what kind of file this is.
      if ( $contents =~ m/^---(\s*#.*)?$/m ) {
         print "Reading $filename as YAML\n";
         #print "Contents are:\n\n=====================$contents\n=====================\n";
         # this is a yaml file
         #$contents = YAML::Tiny->read( $config );
         # try to load the contents into $config, and warn if there is a problem.
         eval( $config = Load( $contents ) ); warn $@ if $@;
      } elsif ( $contents =~ m/\$clientName/ ) {
         # this is old style
         print "Reading $filename as old school file\n";
         my $clientName = '';
         my $serialNumber = '';
         my $hostname = '';
         my @moduleDirs;
         my @scriptDirs;
         my $UUID = '';
         my $transports;
         # now, eval the information we just read.
         # NOTE: we must turn off strict while doing this, and we die if something breaks.
         no strict "vars";
         eval( $contents );
         use strict "vars";
         die "Error during eval: $@\n" if $@;
         $config->{'clientName'} = $clientName if $clientName;
         $config->{'serialNumber'} = $serialNumber if $serialNumber;
         $config->{'UUID'} = $UUID unless $config->{'UUID'};
         $config->{'hostname'} = $hostname if $hostname;
         $config->{'moduleDirs'} = [ @moduleDirs ] if @moduleDirs;
         $config->{'scriptDirs'} = [ @scriptDirs ] if @scriptDirs;
         $config->{'transports'} = $transports if $transports;
         foreach my $trans ( keys %{$config->{'transports'}} ) {
            if ( exists ( $config->{'transports'}->{$trans}->{'-name-'} ) ) {
               $config->{'transports'}->{$trans}->{'name'} = $config->{'transports'}->{$trans}->{'-name-'};
               delete( $config->{'transports'}->{$trans}->{'-name-'} );
   } else {
         warn "Could not read config file $filename, skipped: $!\n";
   return $config;

sub makeConfig {
   my @configFileNames = @_;
   my %config;

   foreach my $config ( @configFileNames ) {
      my $thisConfig = &readConfig( $config ) if $config && -e $config;
      # add the new config to %config, overwriting any existing keys which are duplicated
      @config{keys %$thisConfig} = values %$thisConfig;
   # now, ensure the correct values are loaded in some areas
   unless ( $config{'hostname'} ) {
      $hostname = `hostname -f`;
      chomp $hostname;
      $config{'hostname'} = $hostname;
   unless ( $config{'serialNumber'} ) {
      $serialNumber = `dmidecode -t 1 | grep 'Serial Number' | cut -d':' -f2` if `which dmidecode`;
      chomp $serialNumber;
      $serialNumber =~ s/\s//gi;
      $config{'serialNumber'} = $serialNumber;
   unless ( $config{'UUID'} ) {
      my $UUID = `which dmidecode` ?  `dmidecode -t 1 | grep -i uuid | cut -d':' -f2` : '';
      $UUID =~ s/\s//gi;
      $config{'UUID'} = $UUID;

   # ensure we have the default SaveLocal transport defined
   unless ( defined $config{'transports'}{'99'} ) {
      $config{'transports'}{'99'} = {
                         'name'=> 'SaveLocal',
                         'output directory' => '/tmp',
                         'sendScript' => 'save_local'

   return \%config;

# prompt the user for a response, then allow them to enter it
# the first response is considered the default and is printed
# in all caps if more than one exists
# first answer is used if they simply press the Enter
# key. The response is returned all lower case if more than one
# exists.
# it is assumed 
sub getAnswer {
   my ( $prompt, @answers ) = @_;
   $answers[0] = '' unless defined( $answers[0] );
   my $default = $answers[0];
   my $onlyOneAnswer = scalar( @answers ) == 1;
   print $prompt . '[ ';
   $answers[0] = uc $answers[0] unless $onlyOneAnswer;
   print join( ' | ', @answers ) . ' ]: ';
   my $thisAnswer = <>;
   chomp $thisAnswer;
   $thisAnswer = $default unless $thisAnswer;
   return $thisAnswer;

sub yesno {
   my ( $prompt, $default ) = @_;
   $default = 'yes' unless $default;
   my $answer = &getAnswer( $prompt, $default eq 'yes' ? ('yes','no' ) : ('no', 'yes') );
   return lc( substr( $answer, 0, 1 ) ) eq 'y';

sub writeConfig {
   use File::Temp qw / tempfile /;
   my ( $filename,$content ) = @_;
   if ( $filename ) { # they sent us a filename
      my $path;
      ($filename, $path ) = fileparse( $filename );
      `mkdir -p $path` unless -d $path;
      $filename = $path . '/' . $filename;
      `cp $filename $filename.bak` if ( -e $filename );
      unless ( $dryRun ) {
         open CONF,">$filename" or die "Could not write to $filename: $!\n";
         print CONF $content;
         close CONF;
         `chmod 600 $filename`;
   } else { # no path provided, so just create a temp file
      # we will create a temporary file and return the name
      # it is the calling programs responsiblity to remove the file
      my $fh;
      ($fh,$filename) = tempfile( UNLINK => 0 );
      print $fh $content;
      close $fh
   return $filename;

sub processParameters {
   while ( my $parameter = shift ) {
      if ( $parameter eq '-v' ) {
         print "$VERSION\n";
   } # while

sub findConf {
   my $confName = shift;
   for ( my $i = 0; $i < @confDirs; $i++ ) {
      if ( -d $confDirs[ $i ] ) {
         return ( $confDirs[$i],  $confName );
   return ( '', $confName );

# findFile( $filename, @directories )
# Locates a file by searching sequentially in one or more
# directories, returning the first one found
# Returns '' if not found

sub findFile {
   my ( $filename, $directories ) = @_;
   &logIt( 3, "Looking for $filename in findFile" );
   for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar( @{$directories} ); $i++ ) {
      my $confFile = $$directories[$i] . '/' . $filename;
      &logIt( 4, "Looking for $filename in $confFile" );
      return $confFile if ( -f $confFile );
   return '';

# loadConfigurationFile($confFile)
# Loads configuration file defined by $configurationFile, and dies if not available
# This is a YAML file containing serialized contents of 
# Parameters:
#    $$fileName - name of file to look for (reference)
#    @searchPath - array of paths to find $filename

sub loadConfigurationFile {   
   my ( $fileName, @searchPath ) = @_;
   $$fileName = $configurationFile unless $$fileName;
   @searchPath = @confFileSearchPath unless @searchPath;
   &logIt( 2, "Looking for config file $$fileName in " . join( ', ', @searchPath ) );
   my $confFile;
   if ( $confFile = &findFile( $$fileName, \@searchPath ) ) {
      &logIt( 3, "Opening configuration from $confFile" );
      my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->read( $confFile );
      &logIt( 4, "Configuration file contents\n$yaml" );
      $$fileName = $confFile;
      return $yaml->[0];
   die "Can not find $fileName in any of " . join( "\n\t", @searchPath ) . "\n";

# function to simply log things
# first parameter is the priority, if <= $logDef->{'log level'} will print
# all subsequent parameters assumed to be strings to sent to the log
# returns 0 on failure
#         1 on success
#         2 if priority > log level
#        -1 if $logDef is unset
# currently, only logs to a file
sub logIt {
   my $priority = shift;

   # turn off variable checking so it doesn't blow up on lack of %configuration file
   no strict 'vars';
   return -1 unless exists $configuration{'logging'};
   return 2 unless $priority <= $configuration{'logging'}{'log level'};
   if ( $configuration{'logging'}{'log type'} eq 'cache' ) {
      push @{ $configuration{'logging'}{'cache'} }, @_;
   } elsif ( defined( $configuration{'logging'}{'cache'} ) ) {
      unshift @_, @{ $configuration{'logging'}{'cache'} };
      delete $configuration{'logging'}{'cache'};
   if ( $configuration{'logging'}{'log type'} eq 'file' ) {
      if ( open LOG, '>>' . $configuration{'logging'}{'log path'} ) {
         while ( my $t = shift ) {
            print LOG &timeStamp() . "\t$t\n";
         close LOG;
   } elsif ( $configuration{'logging'}{'log type'} eq 'syslog' ) {
      use Sys::Syslog;                        # all except setlogsock()
      use Sys::Syslog qw(:standard :macros);  # standard functions & macros

      my $syslogName = 'sysinfo-client';
      my $logopt = 'nofatal';
      my $facility = 'LOG_LOCAL0';
      my $priority = 'LOG_NOTICE';

      openlog( $syslogName, $logopt, $facility);
      syslog($priority, '%s', @_ );
   } else {
      warn "Log type $configuration{'logging'} incorrectly configured\n";
      return 0;
   return 1;
