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/* database.class.php
   Author: R. W. Rodolico (rodo at
   GNU Public License
   Encapsulates a database, specifically targeting allowing a database and HTML forms to interact
   Main function is to allow editing of databases simply by defining the database structure in a variable
   This code was written in procedural form in my library.php, but the decision to "objectify" it was made
   for ease of maintenance in the future. For example, I had thought to define columns that would be editable
   in an HTML widget, or special needs column types such as columns with special content (ie, one application
   we have stores PHP in a text column, and another stores menus and reports in two tables with very weird
   storage requirements). By simply adding extensions to the basic DBColumn class, these special purpose 
   uses can be rapidly created.
   A database object may be created manually, or may be created as an array of information

require "library.php"; // uses many functions from the library, though the database functions are being pulled out

   This is the basic column type. It is a simple string, 
      left justified on HTML display
      <input type='text'> for form input
      varchar for db storage
   It is also used as the basis for all of the other column types

   CSS Classes used
   db_string      display and input a string
   db_field_name  display table column header or td
   db_textarea    display and input textarea (td or <textarea>)
   db_bool        display and input true/false (radio)
   db_date        display and input date (text)
   db_datetime    display and input date and time (text)
   db_int         display and input integers
   db_real        display and input floating point numbers
   db_password    display and input password (password, display is a series of 8 asterisks)
   db_file        display and input file (type="file")

class DBColumn {
      A column has
         type (used to define how it is processed)
         nullable (if it can be null or not)
         default value (used if creating a row)
         required (must have a non-null value entered)
         readOnly (will be displayed as text in an input form)
         width (size of the actual field)
   public      $columnName;   // name in database
   public      $primaryKey;   // true if this is a member of the primary key
   public      $displayName;  // human readable name, uses $columnName if not defined
   public      $value;        // in most cases, can hold the actual value (not type file or manyToMany)
   public      $required;     // if false, may be set to null
   public      $default;      // for not null columns, what value to use if it is null. Also displayed on creation of an insert new row screen
   public      $readOnly;     // if set, an input field will not be created for this column; it will be displayed instead.
   public      $width;        // width of input field and/or html display
   public      $nullable;     // true/false if it can be null (as opposed to empty)
      display and data input are based upon these three display templates
      These templates can be modified at runtime by the appropriate functions
      Templates built in assume data will be displayed in a table
      NOTE: these templates have class attributes which may be loaded via a css file to ease formatting
   protected   $HTMLHeaderTemplate = '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td>';
   protected   $HTMLValueTemplate =  '<td class="db_string">~~value~~</td>';
   protected   $HTMLInputTemplate =  '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="text" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_string"> value="~~value~~"</td>';
   // Accepts a column name (required), and array of definitions, and a value (both optional)
   public function __construct ( $columnName, $definition = '', $value='') {
      $this->columnName = $columnName;
      $this->value = $value;
      $this->displayName = $definition['display name'];
      $this->required = $definition['required'];
      $this->default = $definition['default'];
      $this->width = $definition['width'];
      $this->readOnly = $definition['readonly'];
      if ( $definition['default'] == 'null' or $definition['null_ok'] ) {
         $this->null = true;
         $this->default = '';
      $this->primaryKey = ($definition['keyfield'] ? true : false);
   } // function __construct
   // following three functions simply allow user to set and get values for the different templates
   public function valueTemplate( $newValue = '' ) {
      $returnValue = $HTMLValueTemplate;
      if ($newValue) {
         $HTMLValueTemplate = $newValue;
      return $returnValue;
   public function headerTemplate( $newValue = '' ) {
      $returnValue = $HTMLHeaderTemplate;
      if ($newValue) {
         $HTMLHeaderTemplate = $newValue;
      return $returnValue;
   public function inputTemplate( $newValue = '' ) {
      $returnValue = $HTMLInputTemplate;
      if ($newValue) {
         $HTMLInputTemplate = $newValue;
      return $returnValue;
      function takes a string, and looks for the array names in $values, replacing occurrences of it with 
   private function replaceTokens ( $string, $values ) {
      foreach( $values as $token => $value ) {
         $string = preg_replace("/$token/", $value, $string);
      return $string;
   function makeSafeSQLValue ( $value = '' ) {
      if ($value) {
         $this->value = $value;
      if (strlen($this->value)) {   // it actually has a value
         if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            $this->value = stripslashes($this->value);
         $this->value = mysql_real_escape_string( $this->value );
         $this->value = "'" . $this->value . "'";  // put the quotes around it
      } else {
         $this->value = ($this->nullable ? 'null' : "''");
      return $this->value;
   /* function will return a display field based on template, with the value inside it */
   public function displayHTML ($template = '') {
      return replaceTokens($HTMLValueTemplate, array('~~value~~'=>$this->value));
   } // function displayHTML
   /* function will return a formatted header for column names of tables, etc... */
   public function HTMLColumnName ($template = '') {
      return replaceTokens($HTMLHeaderTemplate, array('~~display_name~~'=>($this->displayName ? $this->displayName : $this->columnName), 
                                                      '~~column_name~~' => $this->columnName));
   } // function HTMLColumnName
   /* function will return an input field */
   public function HTMLInputField ($template = '') {
      return replaceTokens($HTMLInputTemplate, array( '~~display_name~~'=>($this->displayName ? $this->displayName : $this->columnName), 
                                                      '~~column_name~~' => $this->columnName,
   } // function HTMLInputField

/* ======================================================================================================================
   class DBColumnBool
   Used for multi row columns, ie HTML TextArea's and DB Text columns 
class DBColumnText extends DBColumn {
   protected   $HTMLInputTemplate =  '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td><textarea name="~~column_name~~" class="db_textarea">~~value~~</textarea>';
   protected   $HTMLValueTemplate =  '<td class="db_textarea">~~value~~</td>';
   public      $HTML = false;       // if true, field contains HTML
} // class DBColumnText

/* ======================================================================================================================
   class DBColumnBool
   used for True/False, 1/0, etc...
      html display T or F (can be overridden)
      Input is a True/False drop down on form input
      Stored in a char
class DBColumnBool extends DBColumn {
   protected   $HTMLInputTemplate =  '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td><INPUT class="db_bool" type="radio" ~~checked~~ name="~~column_name~~"></td>';
   protected   $HTMLValueTemplate =  '<td class="db_bool">~~value~~</td>';
   public      $falseValues;  // array containing the values considered as the keys. If '' is included, an empty string is considered false also
   /* function will return a display field based on template, with the value inside it */
   public function displayHTML ($template = '') {
      return replaceTokens($HTMLValueTemplate, array('~~value~~'=>($this->value ? 'true' : 'false')));
   } // function displayHTML
   public function HTMLInputField ($template = '') {
      return replaceTokens($HTMLInputTemplate, array( '~~display_name~~'=>($this->displayName ? $this->displayName : $this->columnName), 
                                                      '~~column_name~~' => $this->columnName,
                                                      '~~checked~~'=> ($this->value ? 'checked' : '' ) // puts a check mark in if the value is true
   } // function HTMLInputField
   public function __construct ( $columnName, $definition = '', $value='') {
      parent::__construct( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '' );     // first call base class
      $this->falseValues = $definitions['null values'] ? $definitions['null values'] : array ( 'f' => 1, 'F' => 1, 'n' => 1, 'N' => 1, '0' => 1, '' => 1 );
   } // function __construct
   public function makeSafeSQLValue ( $value = '' ) {
      // definition of values which will be interpreted as false
      if ($value) {
         $this->value = ($value == 'null' ? '' : $value);
      if ($this->value) {
         $this->value = $this->falseValues[$this->value] ? '0' : '1';
      } else {
         $this->value = ($this->nullable ? 'null' : "'0'");
      return $this->value;
   } // function makeSafeSQLValue
} // class DBColumnBool

/* ======================================================================================================================
   class DBColumnDate
   holds a date only (ie, no time)
      html display is yyyy-mm-dd (can be overridden)
      input uses advanced library
      stored in a date
class DBColumnDate extends DBColumn {
   protected   $HTMLValueTemplate =  '<td class="db_date">~~value~~</td>';
   protected   $HTMLInputTemplate =  '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="text" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_date"> value="~~value~~"</td>';

   function makeSafeSQLValue ( $value = '' ) {
      if ($value) {
         $this->value = ($value == 'null' ? '' : $value);
      if ( $result = strtotime( $value ) ) {
         $this->value = "'" . Date( 'Y-m-d', $result) . "'";
      } else {
         $this->value = ($this->nullable ? 'null' : "'0000-00-00'");
      return $this->value;

} // class DBColumnDate

/* ======================================================================================================================
   class DBColumnDateTime
   holds a date time stamp
      html display is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (can be overridden)
      input uses advanced library
      stored in datetime
class DBColumnDateTime extends DBColumn {
   protected   $HTMLValueTemplate =  '<td class="db_datetime">~~value~~</td>';
   protected   $HTMLInputTemplate =  '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="text" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_datetime"> value="~~value~~"</td>';

   function makeSafeSQLValue ( $value = '' ) {
      if ($value) {
         $this->value = ($value == 'null' ? '' : $value);
      if ( $result = strtotime( $this->value ) ) {
         $this->value = "'" . Date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $result) . "'";
      } else {
         $this->value = ($this->nullable ? 'null' : "'0000-00-00 00:00:00'");
      return $this->value;

} // class DBColumnDateTime

/* ======================================================================================================================
   class DBColumnInt
   holds an integer
      html display is right justified
      input verifies numerics only
      stored in int (may be stored in int unsigned)
class DBColumnInt extends DBColumn {
   protected   $HTMLValueTemplate =  '<td class="db_int">~~value~~</td>';
   protected   $HTMLInputTemplate =  '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="text" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_int"> value="~~value~~"</td>';
   public      $range;                 // if defined, number must be within this range
   public      $signed = true;        // if false, uses int unsigned
   public function __constructor( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '') {
      parent::__construct( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '' );     // first call base class
      if ($definition['min']) {
         $this->range['min'] = $definition['min'];
      if ($definition['max']) {
         $this->range['max'] = $definition['max'];
      if ($definition['signed']) {
         $this->signed = $definition['signed'];
   } // function __constructor
   function makeSafeSQLValue ( $value = '' ) { // simply remove all non-numerics
      if ($value) {
         $this->value = $value = 'null' ? '' : $value;
      $this->value = preg_replace( '/[^0-9]/', '', $this->value );
      if ( ! strlen($this->value) ) {
         $this->value = $this->nullable ? 'null' : '0';
      return $this->value;

} // class DBColumnInt 

/* ======================================================================================================================
   class DBColumnReal
   holds a floating point number
      html display is right justified
      may be padded
      input verfies floating point number
      stored in float
class DBColumnReal extends DBColumnInt {
   public      $decimalPlaces;
   protected   $HTMLValueTemplate =  '<td class="db_real">~~value~~</td>';
   protected   $HTMLInputTemplate =  '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="text" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_real"> value="~~value~~"</td>';

   public function __constructor( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '') {
      parent::__construct( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '' );     // first call base class
      $this->decimalPlaces = $definition['decimal places'];
   } // function __constructor

   function makeSafeSQLValue ( $value = '' ) { // same as int version, but allows periods
      if ($value) {
         $this->value = $value = 'null' ? '' : $value;
      $this->value = preg_replace( '/[^0-9.]/', '', $this->value );
      if ( ! strlen($this->value) ) {
         $this->value = $this->nullable ? 'null' : '0';
      return $this->value;

} // class DBColumnReal

/* ======================================================================================================================
   class DBColumnPassword
   holds a hash of a password
      HTML display is a series of 8 stars
      html input is type='password'
      stored in a char(32). This is the MD5 sum of the password
class DBColumnPassword extends DBColumn {
   protected   $HTMLValueTemplate =  '<td class="db_password">********</td>';
   protected   $HTMLInputTemplate =  '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="password" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_password"> value="~~value~~"</td>';

   function makeSafeSQLValue ( $value = '' ) {
      parent::__makeSafeSQLValue( $value ); // first, process as a string
      $this->value = 'MD5(' . $this->value . ')'; // then, set it to call the MD5 function MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle. MS SQL-Server does not have this function

} // class DBColumnPassword

/* ======================================================================================================================
   class DBColumnFile
   holds file
      html display is file name, click to download
      input is type='file'
      stored either in a blob, or in a varchar as the filename on disk
class DBColumnFile extends DBColumn {
   public      $viewable; // if true, can be displayed on screen, ie pictures
   public      $onDisk = true;   // if false, this is a blob column which contains the file. If true, it is a varchar which contains the path
   protected   $HTMLValueTemplate =  '<td class="db_file">~~value~~</td>';
   protected   $HTMLInputTemplate =  '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><input type="file" name="~~column_name~~" class="db_file"> value="~~value~~"</td>';
   public function __constructor( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '') {
      parent::__construct( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '' );     // first call base class
      $this->viewable = $definition['viewable'];
   } // function __constructor

} // class DBColumnFile

/* ======================================================================================================================
   class DBColumnLookup
   Holds a foreign key value
      html display is target entry
      input is a dropdown
      stored as an int unsigned foreign key (tablename.primary key)
  The display will be a drop down box which will be filled with display values from the foreign table
  Basically, will generate the query
   select $this->$remotePrimaryKey,$this->remoteDisplayField 
   from $this->remoteTableName 
   where $this->filter
   sort by $this->sortOrder
   '$this->filter' will only be used if it is non-null (otherwise, there will be no where clause)
   'sort by $this->sortOrder' will only be used if $sortOrder is non-null (otherwise, there will be no sort by)
   $remoteDisplayField must resolve to a single column in the query result, ie concat(field1, field2), not field1,field2
  The <select> box will have the remote field highlighted that corresponds to $this->value
  If $this->value is null and this is a nullable field, the special text "No Value" is added to the <select> box
  If $this->value is null and this is not a nullable field, the first item in the drop down will be selected.
class DBColumnLookup extends DBColumn {
   protected   $remoteTableName;    // the actual table name in the database that is used for lookups
   protected   $remotePrimaryKey;   // column name in $remoteTableName that matches this columns value
   protected   $remoteDisplayField; // a string used in select statement to build a display
   protected   $filter;             // if set, will generate an additional where clause (anded) to limit the display of fields
   protected   $sortOrder;          // if set, will generate a sort by clause to determine display order
   protected   $HTMLValueTemplate =  '<td class="db_file">********</td>';
   protected   $HTMLInputTemplate =  '<td class="db_field_name">~~display_name~~</td><td ><select name="~~column_name~~" class="db_file">~~value~~</select></td>';

   public function __constructor( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '') {
      parent::__construct( $columnName, $definitions = '', $value = '' );     // first call base class
      $this->remoteTableName = $definition['table'];
      $this->remotePrimaryKey = array($definition['keyfiled']);
      $this->remoteDisplayField = $definition['display_field'];
      $this->filter = $definition['filter'];
      $this->sortOrder = $definition['sort by'];
   } // function __constructor

   /* function will return an input field */
   public function HTMLInputField ($template = '') {
      $dropDown = makeDropDown ( $this->remoteTableName, 
      return replaceTokens($HTMLInputTemplate, array( '~~display_name~~'=>($this->displayName ? $this->displayName : $this->columnName), 
                                                      '~~column_name~~' => $this->columnName,
   } // function HTMLInputField

   // finds value in child table and simply displays it
   public function displayHTML ($template = '') {
      $display = getOneDBValue("select $this->remoteDisplayField from $this->remoteTableName where $this->remotePrimaryKey = $value");
      return replaceTokens($HTMLValueTemplate, array('~~value~~'=>$display));
   } // function displayHTML

} // class DBColumnLookup

/* ======================================================================================================================
   class DBColumnManyToMany
   simply indicates a one to many relationship
      HTML display is a list of remote table values
      input is a multi-select
      stored as a secondary table with 
         one set of columns containing the primary key of this table
         second set of column containing the primary key of a second table.
class DBColumnManyToMany extends DBColumn {
} // class DBColumnManyToMany

   This is the basics of a record. Made up of columns, it is designed to hold, create and edit
   a single record of a table
class DBRecord {
   protected $table;
   // The first value is of type DBTable. The primary key columns should be populated
   public function __construct( $table ) {
      if ( $table instanceof DBTable ) { // check to ensure they have passed in a standard table object
         $this->table = $table;
      } else {
         throw new Exception ('DBRecord->__construct: first parameter must by of type DBTable (database.class.php)');
      } // if..else
   } // function __construct
   public function loadFromDatabase ( $keyValues = '' ) {
      /* foreach ( $keyValues as $columnName => $value ) {
         $this->table->columns[$columnName] = $value;
      } */
      $info = queryDatabaseExtended( $this->table->getOneRowQuery( ) );
      //print_r( $info['data'] );
      if ( $info['count'] == 1 ) {
         foreach ($info['data'][0] as $thisColumn => $thisValue ) {
            $this->table->columns[$thisColumn]->value = $thisValue;
      } else {
         throw new Exception ('DBRecord->loadFromDatabase returned ' . $info['count'] . ' rows, expected 1' );
   } // loadFromDatabase
} // class DBRecord

   A table is made up of columns
   A table has relationships with other tables
   A table has an array (possibly null) of columns that make up the primary key
   A table has an array of columns displayed for choosing a row from a list
   A table has a (possibly null) query to display the list. If null, will default to select *
class DBTable {
   public    $tableName;
   public    $columns;
   public    $displayName;
   public    $displayColumns;
   public    $displayQuery;

   public function __construct( $tableName, $displayName = '', $displayColumns = '', $displayQuery = '', $columnDefinitionArray = '' ) {
      $this->tableName = $tableName;
      // if a display name is not passed in, use the table name
      $this->displayName = ($displayName ? $displayName : $tableName );
      // if a list of display columns is not passed in, use the column names from the column definition
      $this->displayColumns = ($displayColumns ? $displayColumns : array_keys($columnDefinitionArray) );
      // if a display query is not passwd in, just do a select *
      $this->displayQuery = ($displayQuery ? $displayQuery : "select * from $this->tableName" );
      // get the column definitions
      $this->columnDefinitionsArrayToObject( $columnDefinitionArray );
   } // function __construct
   // Will create an array of DBColumns based upon the definition in $arr
   // see information in separate file for definition of array
   public function columnDefinitionsArrayToObject ( $arr ) {

      foreach ( $arr as $columnName => $definitions ) {
         switch ( $definitions['type'] ) {
            case 'text'    : $thisColumn = new DBColumnText($columnName, $definitions );
            case 'date'    : $thisColumn = new DBColumnDate($columnName, $definitions );
            case 'datetime': $thisColumn = new DBColumnDateTime($columnName, $definitions );
            case 'int'     : $thisColumn = new DBColumnInt($columnName, $definitions );
            case 'real'    : $thisColumn = new DBColumnReal($columnName, $definitions );
            case 'password': $thisColumn = new DBColumnPassword($columnName, $definitions );
            case 'file'    : $thisColumn = new DBColumnFile($columnName, $definitions );
            case 'lookup'  : $thisColumn = new DBColumnLookup($columnName, $definitions );
            case 'multi'   : $thisColumn = new DBColumnManyToMany($columnName, $definitions );
            default        : $thisColumn = new DBColumn( $columnName, $definitions );
         } // switch
         $this->columns[$thisColumn->columnName] = $thisColumn;
      } // foreach
   } // function arrayToObject
   // parameter keyfields must be an array, with indexes being the key field column names and the values being the values to look for
   public function getOneRowQuery ( ) {
      $select = array();
      $keys = array();
      foreach ( $this->columns as $field ) {
         print_r( $field );
         $select[] = $field->columnName;
         if ( $field->primaryKey ) {
            $keys[] = "$field->columnName = ". makeSafeSQLValue( $field->value );
         } // if
      } // foreach
      return 'select ' . implode(',', $select ) . " from $this->tableName where " . implode( ' and ', $keys );
   } // function getOneRowQuery


class DBDatabase {
   public $databaseName;
   public $tables;
   public $displayOptions;

   public function __construct( $databaseName, $tableDefinitionArray = '',  $displayOptions = '' ) {
      $this->databaseName = $databaseName;
      $this->displayOptions = $displayOptions;
      foreach ( $tableDefinitionArray as $tableName => $definition ) {
         $this->tables[$tableName] = new DBTable($tableName, $definition['display name'], $definition['display columns'], $definition['display query'], $definition['field info'] );
   } // function __construct
} // class DBDatabase
