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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
sub getWhois {
my $domain = shift;
my @results;
my $filename = "cache/$domain.whois";
if ( -e $filename ) {
print STDERR "Looking up $domain from cache\n";
open WHOIS,"<$filename" or die "Could not read $filename: $!";
@results = <WHOIS>;
close WHOIS;
} else {
@results = `whois $domain`;
print STDERR "Retrieving $domain from whois\n";
open WHOIS,">$filename" or die "Could not write to $filename: $!";
print WHOIS @results;
close WHOIS;
return @results;
sub checkDomain {
my $domain = shift;
my @results = getWhois( $domain );
my $good = 0;
while ( ! $good and ($line = shift @results)) {
$good = 1 if ($line =~ m/ns.dailydata/i)
print "$domain\t" . ($good ? 'ok' : 'BAD') . "\n";
#open DOMAINS, '<domainlist' or die "Could not open domainlist: $!";
my $i = 0;
while ( my $domain = <> ) {
chomp $domain;
next unless $domain;
&checkDomain( $domain );
#close DOMAINS;