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   Copyright 2006
   Daily Data, Inc.
   All rights reserved
   Name: $Id: contact_us_lib.php,v 1.7 2006/11/30 03:58:26 rodolico Exp $
      Set of library script for contact_us.php

   $Date: 2006/11/30 03:58:26 $
   $Revision: 1.7 $
   Revision History:
      $Log: contact_us_lib.php,v $
      Revision 1.7  2006/11/30 03:58:26  rodolico
      Beginning work on connection to payment center. Still needs a little work


define (VERSION, '1.1');

function verifyForm( $fields ) {
   $fieldCount = 0;
   $valid = true;
   foreach ( $fields as $field => $value ) { // scan each field for required
      $fieldCount += strlen($_POST[$value['varname']]); // ensure at least one field has a value
      if ($value['required'] === true && strlen( $_POST[$value['varname']] ) == 0 ) {
         $valid = false;
      } // if
   } // foreach
   return ($fieldCount > 0 && $valid);

function sendMessage( $categories, $fields ) {
   $values = getCategoryInfo(escapeshellcmd($_POST['category']), $categories, $fields );
   $subject = $values[0] or DEFAULT_SUBJECT;
   $to_email = $values[1] or DEFAULT_EMAIL;
   $message = str_repeat('-', 40) . "\n";
   foreach ($fields as $field => $value ) { // look through the outer array, determining sort order
      $message .= $value['title'] . ' -- ';
      if ( $value['type'] == 'textarea' ) { $message .= "\n";}
      $message .= $_POST[$value['varname']] . "\n" . str_repeat("-", 40) . "\n";
   $from = escapeshellcmd($_POST['email']) or DEFAULT_FROM;
   //$message = "To: $to_email\nFrom: $from\nSubject: $subject\n" . $message;
   //print "<pre>$message</pre>\n";
   return mail ( $to_email, $subject, $message, "From: $from" );

   function makeSafeSQLValue ( $value, $type='S' ) {
      if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
           $value = stripslashes($value);
      $value = mysql_real_escape_string( $value );
      if (($type == 'S') and strlen($value)  > 0) { // put quotes around strings
         $value = "'" . $value . "'";
      } elseif (strlen($value) == 0) { // and substitue null for empty values otherwise;
         $value = 'null';
      return $value;

   function storeMessage ( $categories, $fields ) {
      mysql_connect("localhost", DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD) or die(mysql_error());
      mysql_select_db(DATABASE) or die(mysql_error());
      $fieldnames = array();
      $formValues = array();
      foreach ($fields as $field => $value ) { // look through the outer array, determining sort order
         $fieldnames[] =  $value['varname'];
         $formValues[] .= makeSafeSQLValue($_POST[$value['varname']]);
      $sql = 'insert into ' . DB_TABLE . ' (' .  implode(',', $fieldnames) . ') values (' . implode(',', $formValues) . ')';
      mysql_query($sql) or die ('MYSQL ERROR #'.mysql_errno().' : <small>' . mysql_error(). "</small><br><VAR>$sql</VAR>");
   } // function storeMessage

function makeForm ($form, $maxDisplayWidth ) {
   $result = '';
   foreach ($form as $field => $value ) { // look through the outer array, determining sort order
      $result .= '<tr><td>' . $value['title'];
      if ($value['required'] == 1) {
         $result .= ' *';
      $result .= '</td><td>';
      if ( $value['type'] == 'textarea' ) {
         $result .= "<textarea name='" . $value['varname'] . "' ";
         $result .= "cols='" . ( $value['columns'] ? $value['columns'] : $maxDisplayWidth ) . "' ";
         $result .= "rows='" . ( $value['rows'] ? $value['rows'] : 10 ) . "' ";
         $result .= "class='" . ( $value['class'] ? $value['class'] : 'text-area' ) . "'";
         $result .= '>' . $_POST[$value['varname']] . '</textarea>';
      } else {
         $result .= "<input type='text' name='";
         $result .= $value['varname'] . "' ";
         if ($value['max length']) {
            $result .= "maxlength='" . $value['max length'] . "' ";
            $result .= "size='" . ($value['size'] ? $value['size'] : min($value['max length'], $maxDisplayWidth) ) . "' ";
         } else {
            $result .= "size='" . ($value['size'] ? $value['size'] :  $maxDisplayWidth ) . "' ";
         $result .= "class='" . ( $value['class'] ? $value['class'] : 'text-field' ) . "'";
         $result .= "value='". $_POST[$value['varname']] . "'>";
      } // else
      $result .= "</td></tr>\n";
   } // foreach
   return $result;
} // makeForm

function getCategoryInfo( $categoryCode, $categories ) {
   return array(
                strlen($categories[$categoryCode]['subject']) ? $categories[$categoryCode]['subject'] : $categories[$categoryCode]['title'],
} // getCategoryInfo

function getAvailableCategoryList( $categories ) {
   $returnValue = '';
  foreach ($categories as $field => $value ) { // look through the outer array, determining sort order
      $returnValue .= "<option value=$field>" . $value['title'] . '</option>' . "\n";
   return $returnValue;


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