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#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
#use experimental "switch";
# requires File::Slurp.
# In Debian derivatives
# apt install libfile-slurp-perl
# apt install libxml-libxml-perl libyaml-tiny-perl
use FindBin;
use File::Spec;
# use libraries from the directory this script is in
use lib File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin);
use Data::Dumper;
use YAML::Tiny;
# global variables
my $scriptDir = $FindBin::RealBin;
my $scriptName = $FindBin::Script;
my $confDir = "$scriptDir/conf";
my $dbDir = "$scriptDir/var";
my $nodeDBName = "$dbDir/node.yaml";
my $domainDBName = "$dbDir/domains.yaml";
my $nodePopulationDBName = "$dbDir/node_population.yaml";
# these contain the values from the databases
# loaded on demand
my $nodeDB;
my $virtDB;
my $nodePopulations;
my $dryRun = 1;
my $DEBUG = 0;
sub help {
print "$0 command [argument]\n";
print "where command is one of\n";
print "\tnode update [node] [node]... # update a given node (or ALL)\n";
print "\tnode list # display tab delimited list of node specs\n";
print "\tnode scan # find domains on all nodes\n ";
print "\tdomain update ALL|RUNNING|[domain] [domain]... # update domains\n";
print "\tdomain list ALL|RUNNING|[domain] [domain]... # display tab delimited list of domain specs\n";
print "\tcluster status # report of memory and vcpu status on all nodes\n";
sub readDB {
my ($filename) = @_;
my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->new( {} );
if ( -f $filename ) {
$yaml = YAML::Tiny->read( $filename );
return $yaml->[0];
sub writeDB {
my ($filename,$data) = @_;
my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->new( $data );
$yaml->write( $filename );
sub loadVirtDB {
return if $virtDB;
$virtDB = &readDB( $domainDBName );
sub loadNodePopulations {
return if $nodePopulations;
$nodePopulations = &readDB( $nodePopulationDBName );
sub loadNodeDB {
return if $nodeDB;
$nodeDB = &readDB( $nodeDBName );
sub domain {
my $action = lc shift;
my $return = '';
@_ = keys( %$virtDB ) if ( $_[0] && $_[0] eq 'ALL' );
if ( $_[0] && $_[0] eq 'RUNNING' ) {
my @running;
foreach my $node ( keys %$nodePopulations ) {
push @running, keys %{ $nodePopulations->{$node}->{'running'} };
@_ = @running;
if ( $action eq 'update' ) { # download xml to var and update database
while ( my $virt = shift ) {
&parseDomain( $virt );
} # while
&writeDB( $domainDBName, $virtDB );
} elsif ( $action eq 'list' ) { # dump domain as a tab separated data file
my @return;
foreach my $node ( keys %$nodePopulations ) {
foreach my $virt (keys %{$nodePopulations->{$node}->{'running'}} ) {
push @return, &listDomain( $virt, $node );
$return = join( "\n", sort @return ) . "\n";;
return $return;;
} # sub domain
sub listDomain {
my ($virt,$node) = @_;
my @return;
push @return, $virt;
push @return, $node;
foreach my $column ( sort keys %{ $virtDB->{$virt} } ) {
push @return, $virtDB->{$virt}->{$column};
return join( "\t", @return);
# get the XML definition file of a running domain off of whatever
# node it is running on, and save it to disk
sub getVirtConfig {
my ($virt,$filename) = @_;
my $return;
print "In getVirtConfig looking for $virt with file $filename\n" if $DEBUG;
if ( -f $filename ) {
open XML, "<$filename" or die "Could not read from $filename: $!\n";
$return = join( '', <XML> );
close XML;
} else {
#die Dumper( $nodePopulations );
foreach my $node ( keys %$nodePopulations ) {
print "getVirtConfig Looking on $node for $virt\n";
if ( exists( $nodePopulations->{$node}->{'running'}->{$virt} ) ) { # we found it
print "Found $virt on node $node\n";
$return = `ssh $node 'virsh dumpxml $virt'`;
open XML,">$filename" or die "Could not write to $filename: $!\n";
print XML $return;
close XML;
} # if
} # foreach
} # if..else
return $return;
} # sub getVirtConfig
sub getXMLValue {
my ( $key, $string ) = @_;
my $start = "<$key";
my $end = "</$key>";
$string =~ m/$start([^>]*)>([^<]+)$end/;
return ($1,$2);
sub parseDomain {
my ($virt, $nodePopulations ) = @_;
my @keysToSave = ( 'uuid', 'memory', 'vcpu' );
my $filename = "$confDir/$virt.xml";
my $xml = &getVirtConfig( $virt, $filename );
my ($param,$value) = &getXMLValue( 'uuid', $xml );
$virtDB->{$virt}->{'uuid'} = $value;
($param,$value) = &getXMLValue( 'memory', $xml );
$virtDB->{$virt}->{'memory'} = $value;
($param,$value) = &getXMLValue( 'vcpu', $xml );
$virtDB->{$virt}->{'vcpu'} = $value;
$xml =~ m/type='vnc' port='(\d+)'/;
$virtDB->{$virt}->{'vnc'} = $1;
sub getDomainsOnNode {
my $node = shift;
my @nodeList = grep { /^\s*\d/ } `ssh $node 'virsh list'`;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @nodeList; $i++ ) {
if ( $nodeList[$i] =~ m/\s*\d+\s*([^ ]+)/ ) {
$nodeList[$i] = $1;
my %hash = map{ $_ => time } @nodeList;
return \%hash;
sub node {
my $action = lc shift;
my %conversion = (
'CPU frequency' => 'clock',
'CPU model' => 'cpu_model',
'CPU socket(s)' => 'cpu_socket',
'CPU(s)' => 'cpu_count',
'Core(s) per socket' => 'cpu_cores',
'Memory size' => 'memory',
'NUMA cell(s)' => 'numa_cells',
'Thread(s) per core' => 'threads_per_core'
print "In node, action is $action\n" if $DEBUG;
my $return = '';
if ( $action eq 'update' ) { # read information for nodes and update database
@_ = keys %$nodeDB if ( $_[0] eq 'ALL' );
while ( my $nodename = shift ) {
print "Updating $nodename\n" if $DEBUG;
$return = `ssh $nodename 'virsh nodeinfo'`;
print "Output of ssh $nodename 'virsh nodeinfo' is\n" . $return if $DEBUG;
my @nodeinfo = split( "\n", $return );
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @nodeinfo; $i++ ) {
my ($key, $value) = split( /:\s+/, $nodeinfo[$i] );
if ( $value =~ m/^(\d+)\s+[a-z]+$/i ) {
$value = $1;
$key = $conversion{$key} if exists( $conversion{$key} );
$nodeDB->{$nodename}->{$key} = $value;
} # for
} # while
print "nodeDB state after update\n" . Dumper( $nodeDB ) if $DEBUG;
&writeDB( $nodeDBName, $nodeDB );
} elsif ( $action eq 'list' ) { # dump database as a tab separated file with headers
my @return;
foreach my $node ( sort keys %$nodeDB ) {
@return[0] = "Node\t" . join( "\t", sort keys %{ $nodeDB->{$node} } ) unless @return;
my @line;
push @line, $node;
foreach my $column (sort keys %{ $nodeDB->{$node} }) {
push @line, $nodeDB->{$node}->{$column};
push @return, join( "\t", @line );
$return = join( "\n", @return ) . "\n";
} elsif ( $action eq 'scan' ) {
foreach my $node ( keys %$nodeDB ) {
$nodePopulations->{$node}->{'running'} = &getDomainsOnNode( $node );
$nodePopulations->{$node}->{'lastchecked'} = time;
&writeDB( $nodePopulationDBName,$nodePopulations );
} # if..elsif
return $return;
sub cluster {
my $action = lc shift;
my $return = '';
if ( $action eq 'status' ) {
print "Node\tThreads\tMemory\tDomains\tvcpu\tmem_used\n";
my $usedmem = 0;
my $usedcpu = 0;
my $availmem = 0;
my $availcpu = 0;
my $totalDomains = 0;
foreach my $node (sort keys %$nodeDB ) {
my $memory = 0;
my $vcpus = 0;
my $count = 0;
foreach my $domain ( keys %{ $nodePopulations->{$node}->{'running'} } ) {
$memory += $virtDB->{$domain}->{'memory'};
$vcpus += $virtDB->{$domain}->{'vcpu'};
$return .= "$node\t$nodeDB->{$node}->{cpu_count}\t$nodeDB->{$node}->{memory}\t$count\t$vcpus\t$memory\n";
$usedmem += $memory;
$usedcpu += $vcpus;
$totalDomains += $count;
$availmem += $nodeDB->{$node}->{memory};
$availcpu += $nodeDB->{$node}->{cpu_count};
} # outer for
$return .= "Total\t$availcpu\t$availmem\t$totalDomains\t$usedcpu\t$usedmem\n";
return $return;
#my $config = &readConf( $confFile );
my $command = shift; # the first one is the actual subsection
my $action = shift; # second is action to run
if ( $command eq 'node' ) {
print &node( $action, @ARGV );
} elsif ( $command eq 'domain' ) {
print &domain( $action, @ARGV );
} elsif ( $command eq 'cluster' ) {
print &cluster( $action, @ARGV );
} else {