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include_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/../include/functions.php');
global $configuration;
$error = '';
$message = array();
$configStuff = loadConfig();
$configuration = $configStuff['configuration'];
$configPath = $configStuff['path'];
unset( $configStuff );
$message[] = "Reading from $configPath";
include_once( 'users_table.php' );
if ( ! $configuration ) {
$configuration = array(
'database' => array(
'dbserver' => '',
'dbname' => 'camp2',
'dbusername' => 'camp2',
'dbpassword' => 'camp2'
'debug' => 0,
'session' => array(
'save_path'=> '/var/www/sessions',
'gc_maxlifetime'=> 57600,
'cookie_lifetime'=> 57600,
'cache_expire'=> 960,
'name'=> 'camp2'
'locations' => array (
'base_url' => parentURL( $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ),
'main_script' => 'index.php',
'config_dir' => '/var/www',
'include_dirs' => array (
'php_library_v2' => findFile( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 'DBQuery.class.php'), #'/var/www/php72/php_library_v2',
'php_users' => findFile( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 'UsersPermissions.class.php'), #'/var/www/php72/php_users',
'camp' => realpath( __DIR__ . '/../include' )
// fields for the Users class, adds where_clause, a TEXT object
// and super_admin, a boolean
$configuration['customUsersFields'] = $customFields;
} // if there was no configuration file
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['writeconf'] ) ) {
//print "Ready to update configuration";
$configuration = updateConfig( $configuration );
$message[] = writeConfig( $configuration['locations']['config_dir'] );
function parentURL( $url, $numRemove = 2 ) {
$parts = explode( '/', $url );
while ( $numRemove-- )
array_pop( $parts ); // get rid of last one
return implode( '/', $parts );
function updateConfig ( $configuration ) {
foreach ( $configuration as $key => $value ) {
//print "Updating $key<br />";
if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
$configuration[$key] = updateConfig( $value );
} elseif ( is_scalar( $value ) && isset( $_REQUEST[$key] ) ) {
$configuration[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key];
return $configuration;
function writeConfig( $path ) {
global $configuration;
$path .= "/camp2_config.yaml";
//print "Writing to $path<br />";
if (yaml_emit_file( $path, $configuration ) ) {
return "Configuration saved to $path";
} else {
return "Error saving configuration to $path, check permissions";
function findFile( $root, $filename ) {
$it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $root );
foreach ( new RecursiveIteratorIterator( $it ) as $file ) {
if ( preg_match( "^/$filename$^", $file ) ) {
return realpath( preg_replace( "^/$filename$^", '/', $file ) );;
<div class='install'>
<div class='messages'>
<pre><?php //print_r( $_REQUEST ); ?></pre>
<?php print implode( "<br />\n", $message ); ?>
<p><a href='installer.php'>Done with Configuration</a></p>
<h1>Build/Edit Configuration</h1>
<form method='post'>
<label>Database Name
<input type='text' name='dbname' value='<?php print $configuration['database']['dbname']; ?>'>
<label>Database Server
<input type='text' name='dbserver' value='<?php print $configuration['database']['dbserver']; ?>'>
<label>Database User
<input type='text' name='dbusername' value='<?php print $configuration['database']['dbusername']; ?>'>
<label>Database Password
<input type='text' name='dbpassword' value='<?php print $configuration['database']['dbpassword']; ?>'>
<h3>Session Control</h3>
<label>Session Path
<input type='text' name='save_path' value='<?php print $configuration['sessions']['save_path']; ?>'>
<input type='text' name='gc_maxlifetime' value='<?php print $configuration['sessions']['gc_maxlifetime']; ?>'>
<label>Cookie Lifetime (seconds)
<input type='text' name='cookie_lifetime' value='<?php print $configuration['sessions']['cookie_lifetime']; ?>'>
<label>Cache Expire (minutes)
<input type='text' name='cache_expire' value='<?php print $configuration['sessions']['cache_expire']; ?>'>
<label>Session Name
<input type='text' name='name' value='<?php print $configuration['sessions']['name']; ?>'>
<label>Base URL
<input type='text' name='baseurl' value='<?php print $configuration['locations']['base_url']; ?>'>
<label>Main Script Name
<input type='text' name='main_script' value='<?php print $configuration['locations']['main_script']; ?>'>
<label>Config Directory
<input type='text' name='config_dir' value='<?php print $configuration['locations']['config_dir']; ?>'>
<label>PHP Library v2
<input type='text' name='php_library_v2' value='<?php print $configuration['locations']['include_dirs']['php_library_v2']; ?>'>
<label>PHP Users
<input type='text' name='php_users' value='<?php print $configuration['locations']['include_dirs']['php_users']; ?>'>
<label>Debug Mode
<input type='checkbox' name='debug' <?php if ( $configuration['debug'] ) print 'checked'; ?>>
<input type='submit' name='writeconf' value='Save'>
<?php //print_r( $configuration ); ?>